WebNovelTuct Side67.39%

Chapter 22

Friday, September 7th, 2012

"So…" Isaak drawled as he sat in the passenger's seat of West's car.

"So…?" the latter repeated.

The two were on their way to the eldest Kuttner sibling's birthday party, which, unbeknownst to him, was located at Humberston, a rival college to Isaak's chosen school, Anninberg. It really helped for their father to be as famous as he was. Money could mend temporary bridges, it seemed.

"How slumped are you planning to get tonight?"

"You mean like drunk?" West scoffed. "Not the slightest bit tipsy, man."

"What!?" Isaak gaped incredulously. "A child of Friedrich Kuttner IV has yet to have his first taste of alcohol? If I haven't seen a bigger waste of privilege."

"That's more Justin's avenue than mine."

"And he hasn't peer-pressured you into it, yet? Then he's not being a very good successor in my opinion."

"Shut up, dude," the younger Kuttner chuckled.

Frankly, West thought Justin should cut back on filling Isaak's shoes. And that includes the smoking, too.

"Okay, how about there," Isaak pointed toward West's crotch.

The younger boy blinked. "What?"

His brother smirked suggestively. "You know. Has Westford Little seen any action lately? Or, at all?"

"I mean… yeah."

He's gotten offer after offer from girls in school, but with the sudden appearance of a certain someone, his interest levels have been waning as of late. He knew Kaspar and Justin were taking the opportunity to perfect their skills in bed, though Finn was on in the backseat with West as well.

"Like what?" Isaak grinned, curious.

West blew out a breath. "Maybe a pair of lips or two."

And that was about three months ago.

"Oh, shit! Really? I'd figured your win would get you a lot more than that. It did for me. You're probably just not looking."

"I just… I-"

"Don't tell me you're waiting 'til marriage," Isaak's face went serious before his dirty smile broke through. "Nah, you wouldn't have gotten a blowjob if you were. What's the problem, bro? You're famous around here. You should have bedded your entire class by now."

"Gross. I'm not like that. I just… I'm interested in… someone."

"Ooh! A crush? Who's the lucky girl? Does she know?"

If only it was a she.

"I think they do, but… they're playing hard to get."

"Ah! I see," the older male reached over and patted his younger sibling on the shoulder. "Don't worry. Listen to me, bro. You're a popular guy. Chasing their tail will only up the score on their reputation card. I say go cold for like… two weeks. See if they're still interested then."

"Is that what you did?" West eyed him suspiciously.

"Hell yeah! I'm sure you've heard me with several girls at a time back at home. College girls are a bit more difficult, though. Most of their focus is on their studies," those last three words came out nasally, most likely mocking Vanessa.

"Which is what you should be doing, man. You don't need a repeat of senior year."

His hand went to his little brother's blond hair and ruffled it. "You don't need to worry about me, lil' bro. I know how to be careful. You, though, need to let loose and have some fun. And it's my birthday party, so that's an order."

West huffed in amusement. "Sure."

"I'll have someone track you," Isaak warned playfully.

"You better not, creep."

"Humberston!? We're at fuckin' Humberston!?"

Those were Isaak's first words when they arrived at the school's football stadium. There was a parking space reserved just for West's car. Vanessa and Ophelia had gone with their parents to lessen the amount of booked spots.

"Yeah," West gazed at him carefully. "I hope that isn't an issue. I know you talked about-"

Relief hit instantly when his older brother smirked devilishly. "Are you kidding!? This is fucking awesome, bro! Totally gonna trash this place up, and with everybody watching, too. And I won't get in trouble for a single thing!"

"Don't go overboard, birthday boy!" West lightheartedly elbowed Isaak's stomach, who returned it and moved on ahead.

"I prefer birthday man!"

Isaak's arrival was announced to what looked like thousands upon thousands of people. It seemed as if everybody came for the Superbowl. It was decorated like a party, banners with Isaak's face and age on them, numerous tables of food and drinks, and even a corner at the away endzone where the children could play. On their way to the podium at the other end of the field, West spotted Theresa watching over Ophelia, Justin's twin sisters, Gia, and the kids from the children's group home.

Good. Someone he trusted. He made a mental note to offer to take her place if she got tired.

In the middle of the arena was a slightly bigger platform, where a microphone, a drumset, and several huge speakers sat, waiting to be utilized. The sight sent tingles down West's spine. He was finally going to see him sing once more. And this time with the largest audience this party could muster.

A few feet above them all, Isaak haughtily sat on a throne of silver, his family, the Dedekinds, and his friends beside him, as the entire stadium sang happy birthday. It sounded like an entire country of screaming cats, but it didn't slow down the process at all. His dad came through, having his famous basketball friends tag along to meet and chat with Isaak. That was when the crowd really flocked toward him, eager to get pictures with celebrities, too.

Jonathan Hielscher. Claus Basinger. Hans Tillich.

Just a few of the well-known names in Friedrich's social circle that have come out tonight for their friend's son.

And West got it all on his camera.

It was so much for a simple birthday party, but Isaak wouldn't have wanted it any other way. He could tell. And West always wanted to do his best for his siblings. However, it wasn't over yet, his stomach clenching in anticipation. He had just seen Gia earlier, which meant that he was already here, too.

One of Isaak's long-time friends, DJ Parry, who followed the former into college, stepped up to the throne with a mic in hand. The eldest Kuttner tapped the armrest, and DJ perched his huge body upon it, the two grinning at each other like thick thieves. West recalled his brother's fellow dark-haired teammate and close friend staying over many times. Growing up, he was loudmouthed and crude, but, sharing similar senses of humor, he never failed to make the blond laugh. Even Friedrich and Sofia couldn't resist his charm.

"I'd like to interrupt this program for something special coming up real soon," DJ's baritone voice rumbled throughout the field. "But first and foremost, happy birthday to the one guy I pretty much consider a brother, Isaak Kuttner, also known as the Drinker!"

The whole area exploded into cheers, the beginnings of a chant of Isaak's name snowballing, but the coffee-skinned basketball player quickly shut it down with a shush before going on.

"Now, I'd like to introduce y'all to our special guests who'll be taking a little time out of tonight to provide you guys with some music of their own. Originating from a little town called Tuct Side, where me and my homie here lived, three brothers who decided to pick up a couple of guitars, drum sticks, and a mic and show the world what the hell they're made of. They're a small band but, in my humble opinion, I don't think they'll be laying low for long."

He waved to the stage in the center.

"Y'all, I'd like to welcome to the stage – Untold!"

And then, they appeared.

Neil, Shaun, and one other guy West vaguely recognized as a background member in the ex-Wildwood clique at Patriot High strutted up the platform, confidence bordering on arrogance exuding from them with every step. The roars of excitement removed any awkwardness that might have come packaged with the strange appearance of an unknown band.

Though, they were on YouTube for some time, so perhaps they weren't unknown after all.

"Christ," Kaspar exhaled. "I hope they're as good as you say they are. Otherwise, this is gonna be a disaster."

West rolled his eyes. "I figured you'd want that."

"If it wasn't your brother's party or one that we helped organize, then I'd pay millions to see that."

"They'll do great," he said and looked around. "Have you seen Justin and Finn?"

Kaspar shrugged but answered regardless. "You know. Watching over Drinker 2.0. I checked up on them ten minutes ago. They're around somewhere."

Before West could respond, that deep and rough voice filled the quieting arena.

"Happy birthday, Drinker."

West couldn't hold in a giddy smile as Isaak whooped with pumping fists. Shaun got the ball rolling, four taps of the drum starting them off before Neil and the other boy began strumming. Twenty seconds in, Neil let it out.

Where do bad folks go when they die?

They don't go to Heaven where the angels fly

They go to the lake of fire and fry

See 'em again 'til the fourth of July

The audience was enraptured.

West was captivated.

It was the raspiest he had heard Neil sing, but the team captain knew his rival was gaining favor. Even Kaspar's head subconsciously started nodding along to the strokes of the acoustic guitar.

"My favorite!" Isaak burst out. "Where'd you get these guys, dude?"

West smirked. "I prayed for a miracle."

"No shit!"

Out of the corner of his eye, Kaspar rolled his eyes.

"…Jamie de la García's boy. The New York governor…"

West turned his head to find Omari Gibson, a basketball podcast host, talking with his dad, pointing at his adversary. That need to be nosy to solve mysteries instantly kicked in and made him lean in to eavesdrop on the conversation. However, Neil's voice rendered it inaudible, and he was pulled right back in.

And his heart stopped.

He could have sworn those blue eyes were sending lightning bolts down at his grass-green orbs.

People cry and people moan

Look for a dry place to call their home

Try to find some place to rest their bones

While the angels and the devils try to make them their own

"Jesus!" Isaak exclaimed. "He sounds just like Kurt! Just like him!"

DJ glanced down at him in confusion. "I thought that was a Meat Puppets song."

"Yeah, but no one's listened to that version for nearly two decades."

At that moment, West's phone buzzed. He almost freaked out but calmed himself down after immediately realizing Neil was still onstage, singing beautifully with little effort. He pulled it out and gave it a look.

Finn: Come 2 bathroom near food stand

West: Is everything alright?

Five minutes later…

West: Finn???

Another five later…

West: Helloooo???
