Chapter 6:

Day passed by, Lhea and I were both busy studying. I can't blame her because she always love studying than eating. I also busy studying but unlike her I only take note those important things in our lesson.

"Lhea..." I call her trying to get her attention.

We're here in my room because we're doing our assignments. She's sitting in my study table while I'm lying in my bed.

She already finished 8 assignments and still productive and didn't feel anything like tiredness. While me.. I only finished 3 out of ten but I can feel the tiredness in every part of my body. I can feel my backbone aching. And my head spinning around like a globe turning into the orbit. I don't want to admit that sometimes I become lazy when it comes to studying. How I wish I can be more hardworking as Lhea.

"Finally..." She shout then stretch her arms.

"You finished?" I ask her still closing my eyes.

"Yes I did." She reply.

I'm pitiful.

"I'm tired and I don't think I can finish my assignments." I said using my bored voice.

I heard her chuckle.

"Do you want me to answer those?" She ask.

"No." I shortly reply.

It's true. No matter how hard for me to do some things I won't be able her to rescue me and do it for me. I don't want her to do that thing. Besides I can still manage to finish it but I can't promise that I will finish it only this night. I still have time tomorrow.

"You sure?" She ask.

Even though I can't see her face I know that she's wearing her worried expression.

"Yeah. I still have time tomorrow twin. Take a rest now, good night and wub you." I said.

Wub you means I love you. We actually using that term because it's more sweeter.

"Okay. Good night twinny. Wub you too." She said then I feel her smooth lips kissing both of my chicks and my forehead. I also kiss her back in her chicks and forehead.


"Loren time to wake up and ready go to school." Someone's knock the door.

I'm sure it was aunt. I forcibly open my eyes.

"Yes tita." I reply.

I walk like a zombie going to my bathroom and do my morning rituals.

I still can't believe that Lhea and I had been going to school for almost passed 2 weeks. Time seems moving fast. It seems like we're recently enjoying our vacation. Time flies fast and every second, minute and hour drops fast.

I found everyone in the kitchen who's busy eating.

"Take your seat Mauren." My uncle invite me.

"Good morning everyone." I greet them and seat besides Lhea.

"How's school Melly and Mauren?" Uncle ask.

"We're doing great Tito." Lhea's reply.

Well... I'm not doing great.

"How about you Mauren?" He ask me.

I stunned and suddenly feel irritated.

I fake my smile before looking to my angkle.

"To be honest Tito...I'm starting to lost any interest in studying but don't worry I won't stop studying because I want to fulfill my dreams." I honestly said.

That's the truth. And I don't want to deny it.

"Ohhh....good to hear that." He react after sipping his tea.

"Don't worry tito I also helping my twin." Lhea pursue our uncle.

"I know Melly, and I'm glad to hear that. You and Mauren should be always helping each other because that's what twin should be." He said while smiling.

I can't help but to feel overwhelming. Uncle is the only person who called our second name. And he's not strict as long as we didn't do anything bad.

I am also very grateful to my aunt and uncle because they gave us the opportunity to live in this world. Because of them we had a family who's together with us until now. And I am very grateful to them for welcoming us. And for the rest of my life I will cherish it with gratitude.

"What about you Zac? Any updates?" Uncle ask my very very kind, humble and selfless cousin.

Groos. It's all sarcasm.

"Nothing change Dad. Still school with those nerds, flirts, assholes' and war freak girls." He said boringly.

Wow how nice Zac Kenneth Tamayo! I want to punch your hard face.

"ZAC!!" Uncle shout with full of authority.

Silence surrounds the whole kitchen. Uncle"s powerful voice makes us all stunned and gulp.

"Hon..." Aunt said to Uncle trying to make her husband calm.

I gulp again when I see how angry uncle was.

"I'm warning you Zac." Uncle said giving his son a death glare.

I can't deny the fact that Uncle was the most demonic person I knew when he get mad or angry too much.

"I'm going. Take care girls and you too hone." Suddenly uncle back to his normal calm voice.

He give me and Lhea a kiss in our forehead. And he also kiss Aunt's chicks after going outside.

"Be careful for your words Zac." Aunt said to his kind, humble and selfless son.

Another groos compliment.

It was as if a thorn in my heart had been pulled out after eating breakfast. It feels like I join in a war without any weapons.


"Lhea Melly Veronilla."

"Present Maam."

Why do ants always look for food? Can't they just prepare food for a week and one day?

"Loren Mauren Veronilla."

Aren't they tired of finding food? How greedy are they? Are they not satisfied with enough food?

"Loren Mauren Veronilla?"

Why do the chickens crow every time it gets early in the morning? I knew it was a sign that it was already morning. But why they don't crow every night? They don't want to let the person know it's getting night?

"MS. VERONILLA!!" Someone's shout.

I confusely look at my professor.

"She's calling your name twice already Loren." Lhea whisper.

Dammit. I'm having those daydreaming session.

"Sorry maam." I shyly apologize.

"Next time you will do that again...Drop out to my class Ms. Veronilla." She strictly said.

"Noted maam." I shyly look down after going back to my seat.

"Daydreaming too much sistah." Lhea tease me.

"Shut up." I react then rolled my eyes.
