Chapter 9:

At some point in our lives, we ask why are we still alive? Maybe because we are tired of the life we have. Things in this world is not perfect, excellent, outstanding, extraordinary, or whatever it is what you called. It's simple: Life is not perfect.

Our lives require sacrifice, patience, understanding and love. We do not live for nothing. We live here on earth because we have to do something. There is a reason why we live in this world. Maybe, like me, you are also asking yourself, what is our use in this world? Why are we still living in this world? We still have the answers to those questions. We can't answer it if we just keep asking. Furthermore, we need to act to find the answer to the questions. It's the best thing to do.

And don't forget to trust in yourself, because the best weapon can be used is TRUST. No matter how hard it was, don't give up. It's good to die, if you know to yourself that you fight, even though you didn't succeed to fight them. Even though you knew to yourself that you might be forfeited, just try to fight back against them. There's nothing bad to fight for.


I almost jumped in my bed because of that scream.

"What?! You don't need to shout Lhea, I have ears." I irritated.

"Sorry for that twin. I'm just trying to catch your attention because obviously your spacing out again." She hissed and I just shrugged.

"Why? Do you need anything?" I asked.

"Kinda....but I think you need to take a rest now. Look at you! You look like Grandma!" Then she laughed.

"I know that I have this large eyebags, but I know I'm still pretty though." I flipped my hair.

"Don't say lies. It's bad." She acted like a kid.

"Where is the lie for saying that I'm pretty? I'm not lying because it's authentic." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Okay, I surrender twin. Your pretty because I'm pretty too. Remember we're twins..." She pointed both of our face.

"Okay, we're both pretty." I jokingly rolled my eyes again.

"But seriously Loren, do you need my help? You looked stress." She worriedly said.

"No need Lhea. Don't worry about me, you know that I can handle myself and please just trust me. Maybe I look stress, but it's just nothing. I'm still paying attention to my health and of coursely my studies." I assured her.

"I trust you, okay? I just can't help to feel worried. And I do hope so, that you won't forget to take care of yourself." She pated my head.

"What am I? A kid?" I teased.

"No. But your my twin sister. Nothing less, no other than." She playfully grinned.

"Gross. Your so chessy." I laughed.

"Stop teasing me! I'm just stating the truth." She pouted.

"What truth then?" I teased her more.

"The truth that your my Twin. And no one can replace you." She proudly said.

Suddenly I touched.

"Chessy. But don't worry, your the best twin sister too. And no one can REPLACE you." I said sincerely.

"Stop this drama. We need to sleep now." The she stood up.

"Good night Lhea. Sweet dreams twinny." I mumbled.

"Good night too Loren. Sweet dreams twinny." She said then turn off the light.

I smiled then suddenly I dozed off.


I woke up late that's why I didn't attend my first class in the morning. Lhea is already on her class, while me still walking at this peaceful street. I didn't bother to hurry because I know it's useless.

Lhea tried to wake me up earlier but suddenly I felt unnecessarily. My stomach hurt so much and I can't stand and go to school. After I drunk my medicine earlier I felt better and eased the pain in my stomach. And I think I can go to school now.

The ambiance isn't bad at all. The street is full of woods, the chirping of birds is so noise, and thousands of leaves falling down, because of the cold wind's blow.

What if my life was peaceful like this? That is like this street is peaceful and has a beautiful view. I wish I could have this life too. Like birds flying free and freely to live at thier own, breathing the cold wind, and do whatever we want.

I stop walking when I heard footsteps at my back. I have this high detective feeling. So that, even though I didn't see anything, I still heard and feel it.

"Don't you dare touch me." I warned as I felt that this person want to touch me.

"Oh. I didn't expect that you still had those HIGH detector feeling." The cold of his breath in my ear send me chills and suddenly goosebumps.

I faced him only to see a playfully smirked.


"Oh! It's you DARK LORD. I didn't know that this peaceful place is such an awesome for you to visit." I emphasized the words 'Dark Lord' while sarcastically smiling at him.

"Don't bother to call me that name because we're here outside of our territory." He commanded.

Who the hell he is to command me?

"Who is the unlucky person you visit for?" I diverted the topic.

"You." He simply answered.

I sarcastically laughed at him. This guy is so funny.

"Well then....I'm not accepting visitors right now or maybe forever?" I chewed my lower lip.

"I'm not asking any permission though. I just wanted to give you plenty of information." Then he run his fingers through his hair.

If his not evil, surely I might fall in love to him. But sadly his evil more than what I thought. He can kill lots of innocent people if he wanted to.

But suddenly what he said caught my attention.

"What information?" I asked with a serious tone.

I don't know why I feel nervous. There's side of me saying that I should listen to what he said, but there's also part of me saying that I shouldn't.

I wish this is not bad.

I could hear my own heartbeat this time. It feels like my heart wanted to get out of my rib cage.

"Lhea is their target."

Hell no!!