
The sun wanes as the evening of the day begins. Commander Aquila continues her paperwork without a care to the world.

By now, most of the non-combatant staff have left the site to their homes, or places of relaxation. She wouldn't put it past them to leave early… if they are combatant staff that is.

'Lazy office workers.' She mentally scoffs. The extravagant lifestyle of these lazy people always grind her gears. But perhaps it's because of her frugal upbringing that creates this viewpoint.

A knock brings her out of her thoughts. Without hesitation, she stops working on her paperwork and allows her guest to enter her office.

Entering the room is a tan young woman with grass green framed glasses. She has her bangs pull backward and ties with the rest of her hair into a ponytail. She has a rather small stature but it didn't undermine her beauty.

The woman salutes to her commander, who responds in kind, before sitting down in front of her with a brown folder.

"This is the compatibility report for the Casper-Sky set you have requested ma'am." She hands over the folder to Aquila.

The commander didn't immediately open the folder, instead deciding something else. "Noelle."

"Yes ma'am?"

"What is your opinion about the girl, Xing Tian?"

Aquila can see a twitch in Noelle's eye. Blue eyes continue to look at the young woman's emerald eyes as she waits for an answer.

"Permission to speak freely? Profanity included."

Aquila has to suppress a small smile forming on her face. The silly young woman is still strict to herself when it comes to speaking her mind. "It's your opinion so of course you have to speak freely. Profanity included."

Noelle visibly relaxes with a slacken shoulder. "I think she is too green for the line of work. She may have gone through the… fuck-fest known as the Last Arabian War but she was not an active participant."

"Have you considered she might have been involved in the smaller skirmishes?"

"Yes I had ma'am. The way she fought yesterday tells us she has some experience with combat. But it is also clear she uses more of her instinct, complemented by the Defender's enhancement, to bring her victory."

Aquila crosses her arms for a moment, digesting her opinion and analyzing it. "I see. Thank you for your opinion. You are dismissed."

Without another word, Noelle left the room and left the commander alone.

Well, now she is on her own and not feeling able to continue her paperwork, she opens her folder and begins reading the report.

The room merely fills with the sound of flipping pages and the background noise of the street. The evening sun and the lack of the ceiling light made the room feel like a cozy place for an office.

But under the cozy environment Aquila does not feel relaxed. As she continues to read, she feels restless until the last three pages.

"The percentage is certainly higher than Defender." She mutters.

As she continues analyzing the pages, her eyes trail down the last page to the last sentence. Upon landing the blue eyes on the last part, her eyes widened in surprise.

"This… is surprising." She analyzes through the page once more to make sure her eyes don't deceive her. When the report has been thoroughly analyzed, she begins making her way out of the office with a place in mind.

Her marching causes some of her fellow workers to move sideways from her warpath with a panicking greeting. Aquila didn't acknowledge them in her one track mind, folder in hand.

After making a few twists and turns she finally arrives at the laboratory in the R&D department of the building. Without hesitation, she swings open the door into the laboratory.

The smell of paper attacks Aquila's sense of smell. Files and folders fill the cabinets while computers are left turned on despite not a single soul using it. Papers are strewn around a large round table that is in the middle of the room, the only attendant is a man in a lab coat.

He takes off his round glasses to rub his sleepy eyes and scratch his messy brown hair. Turning from the papers on the table, he turns his attention to Aquila.

"Is there something you wish to inquire about, Commander? I believe the report is accurate."

"Too accurate, actually."

With a sigh, the man stands up from his seat and walks up to the woman for the report. "Well, I'm willing to entertain your curiosity now."

"First, are you sure the percentage is 96.7%?"

"I am sure, and you stated the report is too accurate, no?" His exasperated sigh creates a small annoyance budding inside the commander.

"Okay, then how can Casper-sky be more compatible than Defender?" She narrows her eyes at the professor as blue eyes meet black eyes.

"I'll keep it simple then. It appears that Casper-Sky's range battle style fits your overall battle style." He casually picks up a cup of water from the round table and sips it before continuing.

"Combine that with your militaristic background and it's eagle-like personality, we can safely say that Casper-Sky's consciousness decides you are the best wielder."

"You are insinuating I will be the one using Casper-Sky?"

"Yes." A simple statement, but the weight of the word finally sets in. Aquila feels giddy at the revelation. First she lost the first set, thinking the All-rounder style would fit her. But it appears fate decides otherwise.

"Very well, that is all. But-"

"Before you ask, the Casper-Sky, while not fully developed, is safe to use."

She gives the professor a smirk at that. This man always knows her questions as if he read her mind. "I'll keep that in mind. Let me know when I can DNA-Lock it."

She turns around and is ready to leave the room, only to be stopped by the professor. "By the way, do you want lasagna later?"

Her posture relaxes as she turns back. A soft smile and gaze plastered on her face. "Sure, I'm craving for some cheese, Tom."

With that, she left the room to the man's lonesome. The man chuckles to himself as he goes back to his work.

"Ahh… the wonder of food attracts this woman. Maybe I should leave around 7 later."

Before another step is made, the entire facility is blaring with alarm as an announcement comes.


"Me and my lips." Without hesitation, he left the room for another.