
Tom, the lead scientist in the R&D department of the Faunus Anti-Glitch Department, is currently busy analysing the new data given to him. He absent mindedly drinks a cup of cappuccino.

His co-workers are in a similar state, focusing on their job to ensure no stones are left unturned.

"Sir, we can confirm that the Slammer core can be used to make a new set of armor." One of the scientists approaches Tom and hands him a tablet. Removing his eyes from the computer, he looks at the tablet.

'Good, we're making more progress now.' He thought to himself before sipping, only to realize he had emptied the contents. "Any analysis on the parameters of how the armor can be made?"

"As of now, it is a work in progress." Tom gives a smile at the answer. At least there is still progress on their project to make more armor sets.

A ring from his computer captures his attention, which he quickly checks. His smile becomes bigger as he has good news. "Finally," he breaths out. "We have something better than Magia now."

He types in a few keys and looks up to a window. Behind the window are various Glitch cores being contained in different glass cubes. One of the cubes is taken away by a robotic hand while another one picks up a blue core.

The same blue core that the Creeper produces after its demise. The robot hand places the core at a pedestal that holds it before machines that look like laser cutters appear from the ground, aiming at the core.

"Everyone, we have another core finished analysis already! We are doing a reformation now."

All of the scientists immediately turn their attention to the window. Their interest now lies in a possible new creation by their lead scientist. They fish out their own black glasses and put them on to protect their eyesight.

"Beginning core reformation." Tom announces as he hits the enter button. As soon as it happens the cutters activate and shoot a green laser at the core.

The core glows brighter the longer the laser expels its energy. The core begins to steam as heat starts accumulating inside the core.

"Reformation at 45%!" One of the scientists announces as they look at the progress through a computer. Tom bit the bottom of his lips, silently hoping their first attempt would be a success.

"Reformation at 78%!" The core's light is at its apex as it slowly bends out of shape. The orb slowly reforms itself into a new form as the process continues.

"Reformation at 100%!" An explosion happens as soon as those words left are announced. Everyone in the room quickly covers their face with their arm to avoid any possible damage from that explosion, but the sturdy window holds on.

At the pedestal rests a weapon that replaces where the core used to be. The weapon looks like a falchion but at a larger size, almost like a machete. The handle of the weapon is a solid red metallic piece that is attached to the blue colored blade. The blade itself has one flat end while the other end has a curve edge. The cross of the sword is beautifully adorned by three claw cuts on it.

Everyone in the room cheers as their attempt at making the new weapon is a massive success. Tom couldn't help but have the same cheery mood as his co-workers, proud that months of struggle to make a new weapon had finally borne fruit.

"Okay everyone!" Tom calls out to everyone. "We have an idea how to make new weapons for the squad now. We'll keep up the good work and hopefully be able to make more of something like this!"

Everyone agrees with their leader and quickly goes back to work. With the boosted morale, they place more effort into their current work to hopefully gain the same breakthrough.

Tom turns to his computer and opens up a new document. With practiced habit, he begins typing at a fast pace to create a report for the team's recent development.

The day continues as scientists continue their work, some leaving early for other obligations. Day becomes afternoon and eventually evening, slowly his co-workers trickle out of the building to go home.

Tom is the same, but instead of leaving the building he has another destination in mind. On his way, he notices Jace and the user of Defender are chatting. The girl seems to be complaining that Jace hitting her crotch is unnecessary, while the poor man defends himself.

The scientist shrugs his shoulder, he has no reason to eavesdrop into that mess.

Upon reaching his destination, he knocks on the metal door and waits. The person on the other side allows him to enter, which he did.

In the room, Aquila busies herself with many paperworks and not acknowledging Tom entering her office. The man merely smiles warmly before moving to her back and places his hands on her shoulder to massage it.

"Not now Tom." The woman coldly tells him off. She doesn't want the man to do anything unnecessary in the office right now.

Even if it feels nice.

"I thought you might like it even in the office." Ignoring the woman's 'complaint', he continues to massage her shoulder to make her relax for a little.

"I told you I want it when we're home… idiot…" She mutters the last pact before sighing in exasperation and stops her work. "Fine, you got me. We're going back early?"

Tom just grins and nods lightly. "It's the weekend. You should relax for the evening." He removes his hands from her shoulder and extends his hand to her. "Now please take my hand so we can go home together."

Aquila rolls her eyes, but she can't hide the smile that is creeping on her face. "You are the corniest person I know."

Accepting his hand, she leaves the office with Tom in hand with a smile on her face. As they walk through the corridor, Tom decides to strike up a conversation.

"I think I saw the new girl with Jace bickering just now."

Aquila raises an eyebrow. "Bickering with Xing Tian? That's a first for Jace, aside from his sister."

"Apparently he kicked her crotch." Aquila snorts in amusement. "Any idea about that?"

Deciding not to keep the scientist confused, she immediately tells him that Jace is assigned to be her training mentor. "I feel that having more experience in fighting in general might help her in the long run."

"Wouldn't Noelle do better as an instructor?" Noelle is a good fighter in her own right, perhaps equal to Aquila herself.

Aquila shakes her head. "Today is Noelle's assigned off day, so I don't want to disturb her schedule."

Tom nods his head in agreement. It is their best interest to keep their co-worker's health in the best shape.

And speaking of health…

"By the way, how's your arm?"

Aquila unconsciously rubs the spot where her gash used to be. "Been better since two days ago. I think it'll be fine by the weekdays."

"Good, because you're not cooking tonight."

The woman immediately glares at the man for that statement. "No." She still can cook even with an injured arm.

"I'm cooking the promised lasagna tonight."

That immediately stops whatever she wants to say and keeps her mouth shut. Even if she does not show it, Tom smirks at her internal pouting and knows he got her.

The wonders of feeding a stomach.

They reach the parking lot where their silver supermini car parks. Tom fishes out the remote key and unlocks the car before going into the vehicle with Aquila.

As soon as they got in, Tom impulsively swoops in and kisses his girlfriend on the cheek. Although she is shocked at his actions, she is secretly delighted at that little gesture. Though not wanting to admit that it delighted her, she just blushes and smacks his shoulder in response.

Despite that, a small smile escaped onto her lips. Tom always knows how to make her smile. He was the only person who saw through her "tough, strict girl" persona. That is what she loved best about Tom. He loved her for who she is.

She turned towards him with a big, affectionate smile. "Let's go home already".

"You know it." he said with a wink. He gives her one last pat on the head and starts the engine and begins driving home.

As the car leaves, Jace and Xing Tian look at the leaving vehicle with a goofy smile. "Who knew that the Commander can act like a schoolgirl." She always thought the woman is a tough, tomboy-ish woman.

Jace shrugs in response before gesturing to the girl to follow him. "Well, most of us know this already ever since Tom melts her heart." It has been years already, so most of the employees in the police department are aware of this.

"Right." Xing Tian nods before accepting a helmet from Jace. As she puts it on, her stomach rumbles in protest for food. "So where are we going to have the dinner?"

"Good question." Jace grins and then puts on his helmet. He has a place in mind that would sate her hunger. "It's one of the best places the locals know."

He then points to the back seat with his thumb. "Hop up girl, we're burning daylight."

Without a word, she mounts the vehicle and leaves the building with Jace for a delicious dinner. She could feel the night would be a good night.

Today is just a normal weekend for the Faunus Police Department and the Anti-Glitch Squad.