
"Where did you find this photo?" Tom asks as he sits down with Xing Tian and Noelle.

They move from the laboratory to a more secure place where prying ears will not be present. Tom seems to treat this as something of utmost importance to do this, which begs the question: Why do he treat this so secretively?

Well, she still has a question to answer. "I have had this ever since I woke up at the beach."

Tom narrows his eyes and continues questioning her. "And where does this photo lead to?"

Noelle cannot help but feel that the man is oddly intense about the girl knowing about the ruins. She feels that the scientist knows more than he lets on.

"Well, the first place I've gone to was Brazil where it was first discovered." She remembered the experience of travelling to Brazil on her own and having to navigate on her own. It was tough, but she made do.

Tom asks another question, trying to pry more information."Do you know what the ruins are?" Depending on her answer, he might need to give some answers.

"Many said it is connected to the Glitches… and I have to agree with them." This caused the scientist to raise one of his eyebrows, curious at the last statement. 'An interesting statement…' he thought to himself.

"You would be right." He nods in agreement. "The outbreak of Glitches happened in the ruins located in the Arabic region which confirms the connection, it is just not publicly told yet."

Xing Tian suddenly slams the table, anger plaster on her face as she sneers at the scientist. Noelle is quick to get a hold of the girl and tell her to calm down. Tom, being so near her, notices something in her eyes.

It turns from black to red for a moment with an error message. He has to put his curiosity on hold first, as the girl suddenly has a headache and looks pale.

"Sorry," she breathlessly apologizes. "I don't know what came over me just now. I just… wanted to ask you why everyone kept it a secret." The girl just looks sad, remembering the outbreak. "So many people died that day."

Everyone in the room knows it was a tragedy, but right now they don't have the time to recall it. "We kept it that way so we can continue understanding the Glitches through the ruins." The scientist answers her, hoping it can stop any incoming aggression.

The girl nods gingerly, still somewhat feeling down from the answer. "Then do you know anything about this city's ruin?" Perhaps, for once, she could get some good news.

Thankfully, the man nods to confirm he knows something. "I know the location of the ruins itself," Xing Tian's expression brightens up quickly from her previously moody expression. "But I need to ask for permission to let you go there."

The girl nods excitedly, feeling things finally are going her way and she has a solid lead on the ruins. "I'll be waiting then."

The scientist exhales some air as the tension dies down before changing the topic to something he wanted to talk about. "Now that this is over," he turns to Noelle. "I want to request you to come to the labs later. We have something to test out later."

Once he gets a nod of confirmation, he changes his sight to Xing Tian. "As for you, we have just looked into your previous battle records. I think you can benefit from having a weapon."

"A weapon?" Xing Tian tilts her head in curiosity. "I'm all for learning new weapons, but I'm always better with martial arts." Why would he suggest giving him a weapon?

"There will be times where punch and kick will not do." The man subconsciously pushes his glasses and continues speaking. "So we have made a weapon specifically for you. Thankfully, compatibility is not a major factor so you can wield it easily."

Xing Tian nods in acceptance before asking him a question. "Since you are giving me a weapon, what do I get?" The man takes out his phone and taps on the screen for a few seconds. He eventually gets the image he is looking for before revealing the weapon to her.

The weapon in question is the same falchion the scientists made a few days ago. It now has a tiger pommel and a name written on the blade. "This is the experiment weapon No. 36: Tiger's Bite." The man chuckles as he says, "Not a creative name, I know."

Noelle decides to join in the conversation by asking a question. "What made this one specifically good for her aside from having something to take down Glitches faster?" She sees not much value in having a sword that weighs down the girl.

The scientist just grins excitedly like a child showing off his new toy. "You see, this sword has the ability of 'Conductor'. As the name implies, it conducts elements very easily." He swipes the image to the left and shows a video of the sword being clipped by a jump start cable.

The video announces it is the 50th test for the weapon before a generator starts up, charging the cleaver with electricity. Electricity can be seen coursing through the sword's blade while the blue hue turns into yellow.

Both girls watch in fascination as more videos of different tests are done. Whatever elements that are introduced to the sword gives different effects on it. However, solid objects don't have any reaction at all.

When the final video ends, Xing Tian finally understands why she should have the sword. "If I am the one who uses it, that could give me a large advantage." With the natural ability to generate electricity, she could give her sword the electric element all the time.

"Exactly," Tom nods quickly, happy that the girl understands his intention. "While there are more tests to be done, I am hoping you can effectively wield it."

The girl contemplates his request for a moment before giving her approving smile. "And since I'm going to use a sword, I think I should ask someone to teach me how to use one."

She can't flail a sword like a bat anyway.

"That's where I come in, Xing Tian." Noelle speaks up and pushes her glasses. "I'm fairly proficient in sword arts, and cleavers are one of many I used."

The girl thanked the woman with a nod, telling her that she looks forward to the lessons she will receive.

"That's the first order that is done, now we move to you Noelle." The woman allows him to proceed. "It's about the Slammer core we got. We managed to make a new A.V.E."

Noelle shoots her eyebrows up in surprise. "That fast?! Are you sure it is safe to use it yet? It takes weeks to make one even with the international technologies. The Defender is the testament to it."

"That was because we were trying to make a state-of-the-art armor set that could adapt to everything." The man coolly answers, raising his hand and waving it to calm her down. "Casper-Sky and the new armor are specialized types. The former is made for bombardment similar to an air-strike while the new one is for stealth and instant kills."

Noelle is skeptical for a moment, some questions still threatening to come out from her throat. However, she decides it is best to hold it back for now. She sighs before giving her attention back to Tom. "So why does this involve me?"

"Glad you ask." Tom retrieves his phone and taps it a few times before giving her his phone. She gingerly takes the phone and looks at it, taking in a sharp breath. Xing Tian, confused from the reaction, decides to ask her, "What's the shock about?"

"I'm next…" The woman is surprised beyond belief. The next person who wields another Anti-Virus Equipment is her as being the most compatible candidate. She looks away from the phone and turns to the scientist with a breathless "Why?"

"Why not?" Tom tilts his head to the side, curious about her reaction. "You have the best experience in terms of stealth and going undercover."

The woman quickly shakes her head in denial. "That was the past. I've gone rusty at this point already and I'm not up for stealth anymore." Xing Tian could tell something is wrong with the woman right now. Despite the calm facade, her eyes tell her she is trying to contain something.

The man is silent for a moment before nodding. "Very well, I will respect your decision for not taking up the role. But I would like to let you keep the D-USB and Downloader for safe keeping."

The woman nods. "I will retrieve it later during the closing hours."

With their business done, Noelle quickly left the room and left Xing Tian alone. The girl could only be worried for the woman.

But for now, she has other things to prepare for her upcoming work.