Moth's Needle

Defender barely swivels in time to avoid the charging attack of the berserking mothwoman, countering with a swinging punch of her own but missing it entirely.

'Maybe I should've used Tiger's Bite for the extra reach.' She thought to herself before taking a few steps back for some distance. Aquila lands beside her with her arm cannon trailing at the mothwoman.

"What is that commander?" Defender asks as the mothwoman struggles to remove rubbles that are burying her. Casper-sky didn't reply, aiming her weapon at the head of the virus before firing. The bullet flies true and hits the head, but all it does is bounce away and bruise the monster.

"That hurts, you brute!"

Casper-sky clicks her tongue before deciding to answer Defender, "That is a Virus, or so she claimed just now." The mothwoman pushes off the rubble before pointing at Defender with a sneer.