New look

Aquila pinch her nose in frustration while biting her tongue from lashing out. The miserable sight of Tom and his coworkers having bags under their eyes gives her an idea how long the team has been working. "You worked all night, didn't you?"

The scientists simultaneously drink their coffee from their mug then nod together. "The modifications for our 3 available A.V.E are done. Now we need to do a live test in the field to ensure there will be no issues."

"That is not what I'm concerned about." She lightly taps the forehead of Tom, only to see the sleep deprived man stumble before quickly recovering. "Go to the lounging area and sleep. All of you."

"But the D-USB needs to-"

"Did I make myself clear?" She interrupts him with a stern tone and donning her commander persona. Her sudden change in tone shuts everyone up before all of them relent, forcing their tired body to the lounge.