Stance, footings.

Far away from the heart of the city of Faunus lies an old dojo that has been around for many years. While it has experienced wear and tears, the place is well maintained by the community for it holds a legacy. The place, while rarely used these days, is still a place for many who wish to train in martial arts.

Tick tock…

One… Two… Three… deep breaths. Concentrate on stance and stabilize it.

"Are you ready?" Noelle asks Xing Tian, whom both are holding a bamboo sword. The girl nods before copying Noelle's stance. The asian girl steps forward once, thrusting the sword in an attempt to score a hit.

Noelle side steps, an uppercut swing coming to Xing Tian to capitalize on the girl's mistake. Said girl quickly pulls herself back, pushing her front foot to propel away from Noelle.

She aims at the side of the woman before it gets parried with a sudden swift swing. The woman is in an awkward position, wrist twisted uncomfortably. She quickly repositions herself to regain her stance.