Origin Mana

The stretching has finished the same time Ayame finished her explanation. These explanation wasn't only heard by Kuro, but also the two near them.

At the spot, Kuro stood up and looked at Ayame. "How do I learn them? Do I use blindfold to hide my eyesight?"

Surprised at his suggestion, Ayame shook her head. "No. We spar!"

"…?" Due to how this didn't went according to manga script, Kuro couldn't help but tilt his head, and become speechless.

"You see, although Kuro have no talent, Kuro are amazing. You're more of the type to learn by yourself instead of getting taught. In short, you're the type of person to get stronger even if you are left alone." Ayame laughed while thumbs-upping Kuro.

At the same time, she disappeared from the spot.

"Here." Ayame whose figure escaped within Kuro's sight, voiced out and touched Kuro's back with her finger.

Hurriedly, Kuro looked back to chase Ayame's silhouette, but once again, she was no longer there Ayame was too fast to be captured within Kuro's eyes. She went past the human limits of 30 frames per second.

"I am here♡" While saying, she didn't forget to tap Kuro's back with her finger.

Kuro chased for her with his eye once again, and found out that she was no longer there. This time, a little difference, whilst turning his head to back, he was also falling his body.

Just about when his body fell to the ground, a hand pulled his body back to air, and now he was standing normally now. During this process, he didn't saw, not even a shadow of her. This stressed him a little bit.

At the same time, he was amazed. He didn't think that he would be read by Ayame. To be honest, Kuro have underestimated her, because of her usual behaviour. She is usually dozed off, and lacked the ability to pay attention.

Now, he understood it. She was thinking. Although not every time, but sometimes, she was thinking so hard to forget what's happening in front of her. After all, there's a limitation on how fast she can be. Althoughh the theory is not exactly correct; the lower the max speed is, the slower the acceleration was. Midst this constricted condition, it's hard to completely escape from Kuro's eyes, without understanding him—reacting to him before he do a certain actions.

Now that this occurred, something stirred Kuro's childish emotion. He wanted to have a competition. Which person understand more… Oops. He went overboard. This is nothing but a training.

Training to learn the Ki Technique. To learn the natural energy—the most common energy aside from Mana.

Kuro slapped his face with both his hand as to try to regain his calm. Then, unconsciously, he extended his left hand backward. That hand, touched Ayame's wrist, and grabbed it gently.

"Huh?" Kuro was surprised.

"Eh?" Ayame was dumbfounded.

""?"" The two who were looking was speechless.

"Ahh… sorry, I cheated. Let's try again." He unconsciously touched his behind without even trying to detect the Ki. His action was purely out of the prediction that she would be there.

Now that Kuro did it, he suddenly felt drag. Do he really need to learn… no. For the sake of getting stronger.

Concentrate my conscious, and overwork all my sense! Not only relying on my eyes, but also my feeling, hearing, tasting…? and smelling.



Around a month or less has passed since Kuro and the rest began to train. Unexpectedly, the first to complete the Ki Training was Inugami Korone. Her sense toward nature energy was just inferior than Ayame, but with time, Korone will eventually surpass her.

The 2nd to learn was Okayu. At this time, Kuro noticed something. Even if you learn Ki Technique, there was a change depending on which person learns it. For Korone, she said that at the same time she can tell the faint nature energy, she can smell the nature energy in which area was as big as Ayame's. Although, the accuracy seemed to drop a lot.

For Okayu, the former was the same but the latter was different; instead of smelling like Korone, she was 'seeing' it. This one had a little area detection, but more accurate.

Kuro, learned the Ki sensing technique at exactly this date. It took too much time. This entire time, the times Ayame called out his name was 12,491 and she poked his back around 13,251. It was okay at first. Then he got used to it. Then he was annoyed.

Annoyed at himself for taking too long time.

But now, he learned it. If the author to were describe his feeling right now: it was the feeling when the new chapters has arrived.

Of course, different from his state when unknowingly attaining the pitch black mana, his appearance remained unchanged. At this point, Kuro was relieved. He didn't want to look more cuter the more something changed within himself.

Now his worry was relieved, Kuro enjoyed this moment. Kuro's pitch black pupils swayed left and right. The amount of information were too much! Kuro felt something warm flowing down from his mouth, but his mind couldn't keep another information anymore.

Kuro's sight was transmitted to the brain and the brain told him what he were seeing right now. The violent wind touching his face and passing. The leaf in the branch being swayed left and right by the wind. The leaves falling.

The fallen leaves' terminal velocity. The life energy slowly leaving out from the leaf—and the leaves on the soil, with only vague of life energy. The life will turn into another tree and the tree will create another leaves to fall into the ground and work as a seed. The cycle of nature.

Kuro's head started aching. 'Why? When Okayu and Koro-san did it, they didn't seem to be in pain.' Kuro thoughts to himself as he weakly carried his head.

The wind… the soil…! Kuro hurriedly weakly, and slowly extended his other hand backward, and caught the hand coming from behind. It was Ayame. She started becoming more tricky. Lately, she poke his back first then call his name out.

Once again, he felt the soil trembled faintly again… Kuro released Ayame's hand and moved his han to block another one coming, while the pain in his head increasing. Kuro's hand moved to deflect the coming hand then, it searched for the hand it just released… found it.

Kuro gripped that hand, as if he was afraid to let it go again. Then, he pulled it in front, breaking Ayame's center of balance, she fell out in front, also involving Kuro. As for Kuro, because he was too busy dealing with the pain in his head, he had no time to resist Ayame's falling body which was caused by him.

And… Kuro fainted. "Kuro? Kuro!?"

At the same time, inside Kuro, his mana pool, like a computer completely infected by the virus, turned into pitch black—a black pool. The beautiful blue liquid has disappeared, turning into black liquid which the inside can't be seen. Like the endless abyss where the inside is endless darkness.

The outside appearances was also changing, at the speed visible in bare eyes. The impurities which shouldn't exists is being purified like the cultivator who has breakthrough the Golden Soul Nascent Breaking Void Realm, Truth Seeking Stage, whatsoever.

At this time, no one, except for the man that's not even there noticed the change in Kuro's body.

That person who was coincidentally bored as his work ended, looked at the change in Kuro's body. "Congratulation, Kuro! You have achieved the Origin Mana!… wait a minute, wouldn't it be exciting if the game has this announcement whenever the player did/achieved something? I must tell him this idea after he wake up!"