Qualifier Tournament

"Pekora-san, please never let go of it!"

Moona nervously said to Pekora who was carrying large 'carrots' in her hand.

Although it appearances is that of an carrot, it was actually a bomb inside. The idea provider was Pekora and the one who created/designed it was Moona.

The carrot's size were a little bit bigger than normal carrot, but the explosion this carrot bomb can bring were huge—at the very least, it can easily blow out an house.

To make it more terrifying, this bomb was still at development stage and Pekora and Moona were right now, moving to the explosion testing area.

Now you may ask 'why bomb?' Speaking it would be a long story.

Long story short, she fell in love with bomb after accidentally exploding the mountain where phoenix resided. It was really an accident.

Back to the topic—this bomb was a contact type. The moment it was touched is the switch and when it was threw away—it will exploded the moment it made contact with literally anything physical.

Pekora should have kept this bomb in her bag but out of excitement, she took it out—and now that explains the current situation.

"Don't worry peko! I won't let it go! It's okay peko." Although Pekora tried reassuring her friend, she was still nervous considering she was holding a bomb that will explode when it dropped.

Moona was the same. Just in case, she was holding the Mjolnir hammer so she can recover her injuries by transforming into whatever thunder god form. Moona was, by no means strong after all.

'Peko↑ Peko↓Peko↑Peko↓ I will prank Moona by letting the bomb go and caught it mid-air.' Oh boy, our thrill loving war-crime rabbit.

"Ah, Moona! I let it go! careful peko!" Looking at the carrot designed bomb that was falling at the speed as slow as snail, Pekora excitedly shouted.

While confirming Moona's eyes widened face, she laughed inwardly then tried taking the carrot mid-air.

But it all went wrong when her hand suddenly shivered. No not only her hand—her whole body was shivering.

'Ah, crap peko.' The hand that was right before the carrot, was a milisecond slower and failed to capture the carrot as it slipped downward and made contact with the soil.

The portal captured the two figure as the explosions occurred from the soils, destroying the environment hurting our great mother nature greatly.


At the same time in the Reign Empire where a single building were bustling with crowds which were both mixed with cheering and panic.

Maou was dragging his horse—smile in his face the horse was walking with pride in his face and powerful aura(?) were emitted from him that make him felt like a strong character.

Moreover, each steps his take was accompanied with almighty sounds—as if the heaven was singing the song of absolute victor for him.

As for the rider, Maou he was thinking something different. If it wasn't about the awakening of the chaos incantation, it wasn't also about Kuro nor his game—nor was he curious what game he'd make next.

He was thinking about how great his naming sense were: Urara. The name of his horse. One had to know the fact that it only took this man only a few hours to think of this marvellous name.

'Urara…it sounds so… fast!'

Although (Haru) Urara was one of the slowest horse at earth, ignorance was a bliss. To congratulate this name he thought hard of and this horse he painstakingly nurtured, he decided. He will definitely get no.1 place for this tournament.

The horse showed its beautiful movement by jumping. Each movement it made was a beautiful dance of muscle within it body.

This horse for example—was like an ferrari on earth—showing its curve and perfect shape, if one looked at it, they'd find themselves locked to it for about seconds.

Well if they just looked at it carefully. This guy, Maou, was currently a horse racer which no one even knew about. Except for that John guy, no one would look at him. At most, they would see a horse excited for its first race.

"You're happy, Urara? Alright, let's absolutely win this race."

[No.1 Popularity: Our favorite winner, MacKing! With its max speed almost on par with BurgarDong it's stamina is estimated to be the best among all the participators here, with it's speciality being able to move faster at downslope, this course make him almost unrivalled!]

[Oh by the way, apparently, the riders loves the MakDonald food so much that he named his own horse as MacKing to shows that 'Mak'Donald is the 'king' (best) among all food. ]



Ohhhh… MacKing!

The crowds cheered his name with catchy rhythm.

[To the following, our No.2 Popularity: Your favorite hamburger, the run he makes is the same as when a hungry man sees a burger at the endless desert.]

[He runs so deliciously, yet he is so fast that he can boast having the: No.1 Acceleration, No.1 Max Speed, No.1 Distances Covered Per Steps. Yes! It's the hamburge-… it's the horse we love and love, BurgarDong!!]

[Fun fact: the rider is also a fan of MakDonald and he named his horse after a food. At first he thought of a name: BurgerDong but he didn't want to name his horse a 'food' so he changed a letter in it!]



BurgarDongDong, BurgerDong!




Each participant were explained by the broadcaster and finally, it was Maou's turn.

[An unknown participant, an first-timer participator, will this guy be a dark horse, or will he be a black horse… No.16 Popularity, U~rara!!! The name it consists carries the force of wind.]

[At the very moment, no one expects anything from him, will he, going against all odds, become the first!? This race shall explains the outcome!]

Although no cheering voices were sounded out, at least the citizens was respectful enough as to claps their hands for him.

Each horses entered the gate as the races was about to begin.