Attack Of The Shadow Demons

Kayla:Watch out!!!

Habakkuk would get knocked out by two mysterious figures

One was red with glowing yellow eyes and the other was all purple and they had glowing red eyes

Kayla:The shadow demon race…

Two more figures would appear smiling, one grey and one pink.

Pink:Yes, you're quite right, little girl.


Grey:You see, we're not your average shadow demons, We Are The Elites!!!

Kayla:The elites? I heard they were way more dangerous than any other shadow demon! It took both mom and dad at full force, everything they had! To beat just one and they weren't even able to kill it because of the extreme durability these creatures possess.

Purple:Hahahaha looks like mommy and daddy retired and sent their precious little girl in to be a hero! Hahaha don't make me laugh, you don't stand a chance against one of us, so makes you think you have a chance against five!


Black:That would be me!

Habakkuk:He must be the leader!

Kayla conjured up a magical purple sword as her eyes started to glow purple and, so was her aura along with her hair floating above her head.

She went full force as she ran at the demons swinging wildly and fierce

The other demons would jump back while the pink demon was fighting her

Pink:Nice one little witch but you're far too weak to compare with me!

The demon would smack her away and then appear behind her and started to punch her in the back rapidly.

Kayla:Damn this isn't good, she got me where she wants me. Wait NO!

Kayla would spin off into the air and kick the demon in the neck and started to punch it in the gut rapidly and then conjures up a huge long blade and stabs it in the gut

The pink demon would cough up blood and then smirked as she pulled the blade out of her and snapped it like a twig.

Kayla would be shocked and then a foot would go crashing against her chin as she went flying into the air.

Pink:You're nothing but a weak little witch who needs to mind her business!

She would hold Kayla up by her ponytail since she was over 8 feet tall, Kayla would be hanging as she would punch Kayla in the gut multiple times as blood splat out her mouth each time and then she would slam her around on the ground like a ragdoll and then kicked her in the gut sending her to the others.

Black:Far too weak to be my plaything

The pink demon would be now holding Kayla by the throat.

Habakkuk wakes up

Habakkuk:Put her down!

Kayla:No! Stay away!!

The grey demon would go dashing at Habakkuk only to get punched in the face and kicked away

Habakkuk:How was I able to do that?

Grey:Nice one kid, I didn't think you had any type power behind those punches but, I guess I was wrong.

Habakkuk:Where did that come from? That couldn't have been me… I couldn't have punched a demon…

Grey:I see, Interesting…

Kayla would be shocked seeing that kind of power coming from Habakkuk who's only human

Habakkuk:Well I did it once, maybe I can do it again!

Habakkuk gets into a fighting stance

Grey:This will be fun, well for me…

Habakkuk would go charging at the demon with a fury of punches but those punches weren't doing anything to the demon but maybe a tickle.

Grey smacked Habakkuk aside like nothing

Grey:I must've been off guard, yes! That's the only reason you were able to hurt me.

Which means you're a weakling human like the rest on this planet that we plan to eat.

Habakkuk:It was way too good to be true!

The demon would go charging at Habakkuk with a fury of punches and then he started to knock him around as if he was a kickball.

Habakkuk is hurt pretty bad as lots of blood can be seen flying but not as much as the screams that can be heard in the distance.

Grey pokes his hand out ready to blast Habakkuk into nothing

Grey:Time to die kid

Habakkuk would have a shocked expression with tears coming down his eyes...