The Escape!

Kayla would push the Pink demon back with a magical blast sending her a few feet away.

Then a purple light flash would be seen as Kayla would slice the demon in half then blow him up with her powerful wand.

The demons would all be enraged as they just witnessed a member of their clan murdered right in front of their eyes by the daughter of the famous witch and warlock dual that wasn't even able to kill one demon years ago fighting together.

Kayla would zoom to Habakkuk and grab him by his arm and fly off on her broom but, the shadow demons would follow. Then she aimed her wand at the shooting out all different types of blast, slowing the demons down she finally escapes safely and drops Habakkuk off at home. Then she would go back to her witch lab, happy to be alive.

Habakkuk would wake up with bruises and heavy pain.

Habakkuk:How did I even survive that? I should've died from one hit!

Habakkuk would fall as he tried to get up and he was hurt pretty bad so, he called Kayla

Habakkuk:I'm really hurt. I need some medical help.

Kayla:I'm on my way.

15 minutes later....

Habakkuk's mom yells "You're friend Kayla's at the door for you!"

Habakkuk:Tell her to come upstairs

Bakkuk's mom:Keep your door open


Kayla giggles and ask "which room is it?"

Bakkuk's mom:The room all the way on the right.

Kayla proceeds to go into the room only to see a heavily wounded Bakkuk

Bakkuk:Hey Kayla

Kayla:Hi Habakkuk

Bakkuk:I'm glad you're here

Kayla blushed

Habakkuk tried to get up to hug her but falls back down

Kayla:Hey, you should stay down. You're still badly hurt

Habakkuk:Yeah, i'm pretty beat up huh?

Habakkuk smiled before he passed out again

Kayla would soon begin the healing process, as she pulled out the medical kit

Habakkuk's mom would come in and ask if they wanted something to eat or drink but, then she seen a bloody and bruised shirtless Habakkuk being treated.

Bakkuk's mom: What happened to him?

Kayla:He got hurt doing extreme sports but, he should be fine after I treat him

Bakkuk's mom:Thank you Kayla

Habakkuk tried to gather all the strength to say thank you

Habakkuk:Yeah.. th… thank you Kayla

Bakkuk's mom: After he gets better, do you wanna stay for dinner?

Kayla:I would love to!

Everyone was happy, even all of Habakkuk's sisters came in the room to see if he was okay including, his two neices.

They all seemed to like Kayla

Later on that evening everyone was eating

Habakkuk had a concerned on bothered expression on his face

Kayla:What's wrong, Habakkuk?

Everyone would turn to look at him

Habakkuk began to sweat,constantly look around,and breather extremely heavy

He stood up to leave the table to go to the bathroom until the pain kicked in.

He kept pacing around the room growing faster and getting more agitated, he picked up a glass of water then it dropped.

Habakkuk's mom would already sense that something was wrong

Kayla would get close to Habakkuk but would then feel heat radiating off of him.

Kayla:I think he has a fever!

Habakkuk's mom would go to grab him as he yells "Get away from me!"

He would start to have a panic attack but soon after he runs out through the back door and runs in the direction of the forest.

Kayla and Habakkuk's older sister would follow after but as they kept searching, it was only getting darker and darker until it was completely pitch black.

In the middle of the forest, Kayla and Habakkuk's older sister Inphinity had their flash lights out calling his name.

Coyote howls can be heard from a distance and, Inphinity would get nervous.

As they walked further, they noticed claw marks on trees and some trees cut in half on the ground

The two girls would get extremely nervous, as a loud roar followed by growling can be heard from a distance


Habakkuk was punching a tree as his blood splattered, trying to stop whatever is going on with him

Habakkuk would grab his head and hold it as he seemed to be losing his mind

He would be making weird grunting noises his he shakes his head around until he just completely yells "Damn it all!" but his voice seemed like it was two people yelling.

He had his own normal voice and then, the other voice that echoed seemed more darker,deep,and not normal. He would then crash his head into a tree and it was all over.

He would then see himself floating in a dark void until some huge claws stabs him in the stomach and grabs him to take him away. Habakkuk wakes up in the emergency room from a coma and everyone was shocked and relieved as they all had tears, even all of Habakkuk's friends and their families were there.

Habakkuk:What happened to me?

They would all tear up

Adron:Habakkuk you've been sleep for 2 and a half weeks

Habakkuk would be really shocked as he looked at everyone

Habakkuk gasps, as everyone else looks at him in shock

Habakkuk's mom: What's wrong?!

Habakkuk:Did Halloween pass?!!!

Everyone would would facepalm and start to laugh

Habakkuk:No really did it?

Kayla:No it's in a week

Habakkuk:Dang I don't even have a costume!

Habakkuk and everyone would talk for a few hours, as they tell him about everything he's missed but nothing really changed at all.

Everyone leaves and go home.

Later on that night...

Habakkuk sits up in his bed at home just thinking to himself

Habakkuk:What could've caused this? Why am I like this? Why do I always get these urges? It's crazy to think that hanging out with her would ever come to this.

Habakkuk looks out his window to look at the stars and the half moon in the sky

Habakkuk:I wonder if it was… maybe it couldn't have been. I'm sure it wasn't that time but still I started acting strange after that day, having all these weird dreams,nightmares,hallucinations,and panic attacks. I don't like it at all but then deep down inside I have these crazy urges but much more further than that I have something or this feeling telling me that I have to keep going and stay in control of myself no matter what.

Habakkuk goes to sleep that night