Halloween Party Crash! Light Of the Full Moon!

Habakkuk would be getting his outfit ready and Kayla shows up at his door dressed up as a vampire. Habakkuk comes down stairs with yellow contacts,claws,fangs, and fur on his face because he dressed as a werewolf for Halloween.

They would then head out to the party

A few moments later

Habakkuk would walk into the party with Kayla

Gabe and the other guys would be there too

Gabe:Hey Habakkuk guess what I'm being!

Habakkuk:So you've gone and done it!

Gabe:Haha Yeah!

Habakkuk:You're the weave god!


Habakkuk would be admiring Gabe's suit

Kayla goes in to meet with her friends while Habakkuk sits outside and hangs out with his own.

Everyone would be partying in their Halloween costumes

Devante:I see you came as a werewolf

Habakkuk:Yeah like the ones in teen wolf!

Devante:Awesome, so do you like my outfit

Habakkuk:The Frankenstein suit looks fire, where's the bride though?

Devante: She went inside to talk to her friends

Habakkuk:Oh cool

Gabe:So what's about with you and Kayla?

Habakkuk:we're just friends, that's all

Gabe:Oh looks like you're stuck in the friend zone

Habakkuk: Hey shut up!

More people would keep coming to the party, making things more interesting.

Zane:Hey what's up Habakkuk, I see you got your contacts on

Habakkuk:Yeah, do you like my werewolf costume I put together myself?

Zane:Yeah it looks cool

Habakkuk:I like your Gorilla outfit haha!

Zane:Thanks bro, now let's get bananas!



Habakkuk:Too soon…

Chance would come over in a Dracula outfit

Chance:How about my outfit guys?


Devante:Looks Good count Drac

Zane:Doesn't that mean that you and Habakkuk are arch enemies?

Habakkuk:Oh yeah, I'm a werewolf

Chance:So I see you came here as an oversized dog

Habakkuk:And I see you came as a pale blood sucker

Chance would start laughing

Habakkuk:These guys are starting to rub off on me, I'm starting to act like such a lame hahaha


Kayla would be talking to her friends until she sees a familiar face

???:Hey long time no see

Kayla:It's you…

The two of them would sit and chat for a while.

Kayla:I thought you were out of state, what brings you back in town?

???:I thought I came back for old time sake, you know? I also miss working with you, slaying those demons.

Kayla:I miss you too!

???:Hey I didn't say that, I said working with you slaying demons!

He was blushing

Kayla:I just figured you'd miss me even more.

???:Fine, it's true I do. There you happy?

The two of them would start laughing.

Back to Habakkuk

Montel would come in as a ninja

Montel:What up bros

Everyone:Wassup montel

Habakkuk:What up bro

Everyone would be talking and drinking punch

And everyone else would be dancing

Hours would go by as everyone would be having fun.

A loud crash can be heard from a forest nearby.

Everyone would look into the distance

Habakkuk:This can't be good, I better go get Kayla so she can handle this!

Kayla:Come on we gotta go handle this like old times!

???:Alright, let's go!

A dark purple and black aura can be seen in that forest nearby along with fire

Four demons would walk out of the fire

Demon Captain: At last, we've reached our destination

Demon#2:So are we gonna make them all scatter so we can kill them one by one?

Demon#3:I like that idea

Demon#4:This sounds interesting!

The demons would zoom into the air in super speed attacking things at the party

Demon#4:If you people value your lives I suggest you run hahahahaha!!!

The demons were visible to everyone's eyes and then the demons would go on a sneaky rampage attack certain people who are further away from others until Kayla and Her Friend shows up to stop them.

Kayla:You demons!

???:Fight is in that forest over there, and you'll get what you deserve

Demon#3:So we've got two little heroes huh?

Demon Captain:Yes let's go fight in there, I'm itching for a battle with you witch, I heard you were strong so let's go!

They would all go into the forest

Habakkuk:Ok, she's gonna handle them and I don't need to worry because she has a friend with her and he looks like he does that type of job too but he doesn't look like a rookie.

Everyone would still be dancing and having fun

Moments later

Habakkuk's eyes would be burning

Habakkuk:Agh! My eyes are killing me!

Gabe:Is it the contacts?

Habakkuk:I Think so, I'm about to go take them out and rinse my eyes off.

Habakkuk:Agh! My back is killing me too!

Habakkuk would start to feel dizzy

Habakkuk:I gotta go, I can't stay here

Zane:Wait Habakkuk where are you going?

Habakkuk:To the bathroom!

Gabe:Maybe He has to take a number 2

Habakkuk would run inside to go to the bathroom and slams the door and locks it

Habakkuk would hurry and take off his costume and wear his normal clothes

Habakkuk:No something's wrong with me!

Habakkuk's back would be cracking, along with all the other bones on his body.

Then it looked like his ribs were about to burst out of his chest until he threw up some silver fluid into the toilet.

Habakkuk:What the hell is happening to me!!!

Gabe would be knocking on the door

Gabe:Habakkuk are you alright in there?

Habakkuk:Yeah, I'm fine just a second okay!!!


Gabe walks down stairs

Habakkuk would grip his head tight as blood was leaking down from his forehead and he had blood coming from his eyes.


Habakkuk would be screaming in agony as the pain kept increasing

Habakkuk's bones were being deformed and his face was starting to change. He suddenly started moving and shifting violently as he kept trying to hold his head. But then he would start to cough up a lot of blood then his back looked like it was about to burst. Then his legs were starting to change as well.

Habakkuk:Aaaaaaaaaaghhhh!!! It feels like I'm dying!! I can't can't stop it!!!

Habakkuk's arms would grow bigger in size as well as his legs. Then Habakkuk's hair would start to fall out along with his skin.

Habakkuk would be gripping the mirror as he seen his face starting to morph

Habakkuk's ears would start to grow pointy

Habakkuk:What the hell!!!!

As Habakkuk screamed the voice of a monster could be heard

Then Habakkuk fall to the ground as his body would start to change

His legs were becoming like that of a dog, his arms were bigger and bulkier,and his height went from 5'5 to about 6'5

Habakkuk would then start knocking over things in the bathroom and breaking things.

Habakkuk's eyes would start to glow in a yellowish green color as he stared into the full moon. Then, he would start to grow claws and fangs instead of all the teeth in his mouth. Habakkuk would look into the mirror as he saw his face morphing even more, and then a snout would be shown morphing out of his face.

Habakkuk would start to scream louder in agony at the top of his lungs

Habakkuk would see his face in the mirror and punches it, completely shattering the mirror

Then Habakkuk would be standing tall and fur could be shown growing everywhere on him. And as the clouds passed the moon one more time it was complete.

Habakkuk was now at least 9 feet and he had long claws,fangs,a big bulky body, and he was transformed into a huge monstrous beast with a long snout like that of a wolf but more terrifying.

The tall muscular tailless beast would break the window and jump out howling at the moon.

When someone finally got tired of the noise in the bathroom they finally managed to open the bathroom door and all that was left was a shredded shirt with pants ,blood,glass,hair,skin,silver fluids,and Broken items on the floor.

The huge beast would be seen running through the street towards the forest.

Kayla and ??? Would be finishing up their battles with the weaker demons and would be moving on to fight the Captain.

Demon Captain:You've managed to take them down, and for that I shall give you the gratitude of knowing my name.

???:Who cares, you're still going to die!

Demon Captain:Hmph you're a funny one. My name is Extrossa The Captain Of The Reaper Ghouls!!

Kayla:Woah you're a legendary demon!!

Extrossa:So you've heard of me? It's too bad you have to die!

The Demon would lunge at her with his claws and then, Kayla would dodge

???:Phew that attack looked dangerous


Extrossa:It's a good thing you dodged, because you were about to die!!!

Kayla would feel something not right happening with Habakkuk

Kayla:Something's not right with Habakkuk! I gotta go see what's wrong!

???:I'll hold him off!

Kayla:Alright I'm off!

Extrossa:You'll die trying

The demon would punch ??? Sending him flying into a tree and then he would go after Kayla, knocking her into ???

Extrossa:It's time to finish you off!!

Kayla's aura would turn purple as well as her eyes and her hair was glowing into the air in a blackish purple color.

???:Alright Demon! I'll let you know who I am before I kill you!!


???:My Name is Gabe! The Demon Hunting Warlock!! And it's your turn to perish!!!

This isn't the same Gabe as the one in the party Habakkuk was talking to, he's a different guy who has been Kayla's long time partner for years.

Gabe's eyes would glow orange and his aura would as well. He would have an even bigger aura than Kayla and his hair was a dark orange color.

Gabe and Kayla:Now taste the bitterness of defeat!!!

Kayla and Gabe swords would grow into a huge size from being around each other

Kayla and Gabe:Combine!!!

Their bodies would combine and the left side would be Gabe's body and the right side would be Kayla's body. They would have purple and orange butterfly wings and their sword would be 3 times the size it was before. Their body would glow in a huge purple and Orange aura.

Kayla and Gabe:Now!!!

They attacked the demon, knocking him back and forth sending him flying around the area.

Extrossa:What the?!

Extrossa would start to fire energy beams from his mouth forcing Kayla and Gabe to slice them away with their giant purple and orange sword.

Then they would shoot magical blast of their own

Extrossa would get hit by all of the blast and then he would be sent flying

They would go flying after Extrossa, knocking him into the air with their massive sword and then, they would do a tornado spell sending the demon spinning around as he crashes into a nearby mountain.

The demon would get up a little hurt

Extrossa:What the hell is with those two? I didn't know they can come up with such magical spells!

Kayla and Gabe would hit Extrossa hard with their swords, sending the demon flying and then they would be slicing him up multiple times as blood would be spilling everywhere.

Extrossa:Damn it! They're so fast!!!

Extrossa's body would heal and he would attack the two with a fury of rapid punches.

They would easily be dodging and countering his attacks.

Extrossa:Take this!!! Demon Flash mist!!!

The demon would shout thousands of mini out of his mouth and anything it touches would get cut and blown up.

Kayla and Gabe didn't see the blast coming so they got hit, getting cut up in many spots and they would be hit by many explosions. But they would come out of it dashing at Extrossa, punching him in the face really hard sending him flying towards the ground.

Kayla and Gabe:Now!!! Gigantic Violet Orange Magical Sphere!!!

A huge purple blast with orange aura around it would hit Extrossa so hard he wouldn't even have time to heal and as the blast exploded Extrossa would be left laying on the floor bleeding out.

Gabe:Give it up!

Kayla:You won't win!

Gabe:No one has ever beaten us like this! Ever!!

They would charge up all the power in their sword but then the demon would get up all bloody and beaten up.

Extrossa:I will not stand for this!!!

Extrossa would grow in size and he would turn into an 8'5 beast looking demon.

He went from being 6'4 handsome man with long black hair and red glowing eyes into a 8'5 muscular grayish red monster with a tail, long claws, fangs, with huge glowing red eyes and long spiky black hair.

Extrossa:I'LL KILL YOU!!!

Extrossa charges up a gigantic red blast out of his mouth and it was the size of a football field.

Kayla and Gabe:Now!! Gigantic Violate Orange Magical Sphere!!!

The blast came from their sword so it was at full power.

Extrossa:Burning Inferno Of Death!!!

The two huge blast would hit each other clashing

Kayla and Gabe:We will not ever give in demon!!!!

As Kayla's hair turned white, their blast turned bigger and it overpowered the Demon's blast engulfing him and hitting the ground and a loud explosion could be heard in the distance.

Kayla:I hope that blast finished him off

Gabe:Yeah because I'm all out of energy

Extrossa would get up furious as his body would grow to 9 feet and his aura would be twice the size it was before


Extrossa would go charging at them

Kayla and Gabe would try to attack the demon but their attacks weren't working because they had no more energy left.

Extrossa would punch the two in the face sending them both flying into the ground and then, he would start beating on their faces. He would then grab the both of them by their necks with both hands and would charge up a blast out his mouth.

Extrossa:This will end it all!!!

Suddenly, a loud roar can be heard from the distance.

And then the Demon would get sent flying

Gabe:What the?

Extrossa:Hell was that?!!!


Habakkuk would be there in his werewolf form and he would go charging at Extrossa in a terrifying way punching him into the ground and clawing him.

The werewolf would start to howl and the whole forest would shake in fear as all the birds and animals cleared out of the forest.

In the sky a huge pair of yellowish green glowing werewolf eyes can be seen shining on the forest.

Habakkuk punched the demon sending him flying into a bunch of trees.

The demon would get up and grow wings.

Extrossa:I'll kill you! You disgusting beast!!!

Extrossa would be high in the air flying charging up a huge blast out of his mouth but then, Habakkuk leaped at least 50 feet in the air and tackled the demon sending them both to the ground and Habakkuk would be seen clawing the demon into shreds

Kayla:Habakkuk is that you?!!! Oh no what have I done?!

The werewolf would turn to look at Kayla and Gabe and would growl.

Kayla:Oh no he isn't himself!

The werewolfied Habakkuk would be charging at them with the intent to kill.

Kayla:I'll try to stop him! Gabe you go take care of Extrossa!

Gabe:On it!

Extrossa would stand up but would be all bloody and beaten up with lots of scars on him

Extrossa:No I won't accept this defeat! I will not die!!

Gabe:Say your prayers


Extrossa shoot at gigantic blast and it aimed at Kayla and Gabe couldn't make it in time so The Werewolf jumped in the way of the blast sacrificing itself for Kayla and the blast finally explodes as Habakkuk gets hit.

Gabe would immediately slice stab the demon in the heart and the Demon would fade away into nothing more but ashes after that blow.

Gabe:I did it!

The werewolf would get up and look at Kayla then run further into the forest to recover on a tree nearby.

Kayla would find Habakkuk, and Habakkuk would look at her with sadness in his werewolf eyes, the same way a sad wolf would look after a close relative would die.


She would proceed to move closer to the werewolf trusting that he won't attack her again.

Kayla would touch Habakkuk's large werewolf head and tells him that it was okay.

Kayla:Everything is gonna be alright now, you saved me. Just rest now Habakkuk, sleep peacefully it will all be over shortly after.

The huge werewolf would stand up and howl at the moon so loud that everything within 1,000 miles could hear the pain and sorrow of the huge beast.

Gabe would go to check and Kayla to make sure that she was safe.

Gabe:Are you alright?!

The werewolf would growl as it thought that Kayla was endangered.

Kayla:It's alright Habakkuk, he's a friend. He won't hurt us, in fact no one will hurt you anymore. I only knew you for about a year but that year felt like forever, I'm going to miss you.

And as tears would go down her eyes she would kiss werewolf on its head and stabs it in the heart with a silver sword that she conjured.

Kayla:I'm sorry…

The Huge beast would revert back into human form and all that was left was a naked boy covered in blood.

Habakkuk would struggle to talk

Habakkuk:I didn't think it could've ended up this way, I just wanted to feel free. All I ever wanted was to Pursue my dreams and become a better person. My mom took me away from my old town so I wouldn't be killed but in reality taking me away from what I really loved was really the thing that actually really killed me in the end.

Habakkuk would look at all the memories of his friends and family and smile, thinking back on all the old times and memories they shared together including the ones with Kayla.

Habakkuk:Mom,Inphinity,Onna,Pratygia,Grandma and my baby nieces, I love you all… Goodbye...

Habakkuk would see flashbacks of his grandfather

Habakkuk:Hey Grandad it looks like I'm coming to see you after all, I'm so excited to see you and help watch over our loved ones, I can't wait…

And Habakkuk's breathing would stop and there was no way for Kayla or Gabe to heal him.

Habakkuk was dead.

Kayla would hug Gabe as she was crying

Kayla:My father was right, he couldn't handle being with me in these battles! He didn't have to get killed! If only I was smarter I would've realized that no human has any place in this type of business! I was so foolish, now I lost a great person. I wish it would've been me instead… I didn't want to believe this would ever happen, I tried to argue back with my father's words, I tried! I wish I can just bring him back, and I'll never allow him to be in danger ever again!

Kayla would fall to her knees and cry for hours as Gabe comforts her. Kayla would look up into the stars with a slight smile.

Kayla:I know he's in a better place now…

Gabe would comfort her, then she would turn towards him and then they would hug.

Suddenly a beautiful woman with glowing blue long hair appeared

Galeyna:And so we meet again.

Habakkuk: Where am I?

Galeyna:We are in the state of mind between life or death.

Habakkuk:Wait really? I thought I was in heaven because my god you are beautiful!

Galeyna blushes

Galeyna:Thanks, I would like to go further into the subject but we don't have much time left.

Habakkuk:The subject?

Galeyna:Nevermind that, Now do you wish to go back into the world of the living?

Habakkuk:Wait are you serious?

Galeyna:I'm a goddess I'll never lie, especially to you. Now I'll when I do this I'll be taking away all those powers that have gotten and you'll have a regular ordinary life again.

Habakkuk:That's fine, I would rather live to see my family again than to have other worldly powers.

She kisses his Cheek

Galeyna:Now hold my hands so I can lend you the spiritual energy to live

Habakkuk would sit down with her and hold her hands as the whole forest that they were in turned into a glowing light blue aura all around.

Galeyna:Now this is the final touch

Habakkuk:What is it?

Galeyna:Come here

Habakkuk would move closer and then she would kiss him and everything would go white

Galeyna:We shall meet again, pure one

Habakkuk:Thank you…

Meanwhile Kayla and Gabe would turn to look at Habakkuk as he would start to cough and then start breathing normally.

Habakkuk wakes up

Habakkuk:I'm alive!

Kayla would go up to Habakkuk and just hug him the whole time.

Gabe would smile.

Habakkuk:Ouch my body is killing me, I only remember faints of what happened but can you take me home?

Kayla smiles

Kayla:Sure thing

Habakkuk looks down at himself

Habakkuk:Wait a second, something doesn't seem right.. but I can't quite put my finger on it

Kayla and Gabe would be covering their eyes

Habakkuk: Hold on! Why the hell am I naaaakeeeed?!!!!

5 days later, Habakkuk would have all of his stuff and he would be at home resting for a few days.

Kayla comes in his room

Habakkuk:How did you get in?

Kayla:Your sister let me in

Habakkuk:Oh ok what's up?

Kayla:How's The injuries?

Habakkuk:They said I won't be in school for a week but other than that I'm just about almost done

Kayla:That's good

Habakkuk:How are you?

Kayla:I'm fine, I've been training my body to get it stronger than before.

Habakkuk:Oh cool, do you think whenever I recover I can hang out with you?

Kayla would look away with a slight frown and would turn back to Habakkuk

Kayla:That's kind of what I came here to talk about…

Habakkuk:What do you mean?

Kayla:Recently things been looking pretty bad for us.

Habakkuk: I don't get it.

Kayla:What I'm saying is that, every time we go on a mission or hang out you always go and get hurt.

Habakkuk:But Kayla…

Kayla:I thought that by having you around I'd be able to have a partner and a friend by my side, but I was foolish to ever think a human was able to become a Demon Hunter Warlock.


Kayla: I keep putting you through all these risk, time after time, day after day, you keep suffering only because of me. Remember when you got hurt in a few of my battles? Remember when you almost died 5 days ago? And do you remember when you told me that you were having these nightmares?

Habakkuk:Yes I do, like it was yesterday

Kayla:Well that was all my fault, I didn't mean to put you through so much harm, I'm the one who put that spell on you by accident.


Kayla:Remember when you were being my test subject that one day?

Habakkuk:So that's what it was…

Kayla:I thought it was a temporary hair spell, but it turned out that it was a spell to turn you into a monstrous Werewolf.

Habakkuk:Now that I think about it, I do remember seeing flashbacks of me changing in the bathroom

Kayla:And all I'm trying to say is I'm sorry, I don't ever want to put you through this type of trouble ever again.

Habakkuk:Kayla, you don't have to worry about me! I can still hang out with you right? I mean we have a special connection and no matter what happens nothing would be able to break it!

Kayla would look down towards the grown with a slightly bigger frown

Habakkuk:We'll be friends forever right? Kayla? We'll always keep pushing ourselves together facing new enemies that come our way and putting an end to all the demons. And we can even make time for dates so we can get to know each other as regular people more. Honestly, it feels like I have known you for so long that I can actually tell you that I love you!

Kayla would frown even more

Habakkuk would grab her hands

Habakkuk:Kayla I love you!

Kayla:Habakkuk, I'm sorry but you are like a friend to me, or a little brother. I recently reconnected back with my ex boyfriend Gabe, and he's actually suited for the danger we face.

Habakkuk:My Friend Gabe?

Kayla:No not the kid that was at the party, I'm talking about the one that was with me.

Habakkuk's heart would shatter

Kayla:I'm sorry but I can't do these things with you anymore, it'll be best if we lose all contact from each other, I don't want to put your life at risk ever again. It's because of me that your life got a little messed up throughout these 2 months.

Habakkuk:But I don't understand… I thought we were going to be together!

Kayla:I'm sorry…


Habakkuk would look down to the ground and frown

Kayla:It looks like my old man was right, humans are way Too fragile and more vulnerable on a battlefield. They would only seem to get themselves killed, there would be no way for a human to become a warrior but yet, you've pushed really far and you didn't care about that! You overcame it but I am asking you to just stop! Everyone has their limits and you need to follow them because doing the things I do will just get you killed.

Habakkuk:But I promise this time will be different! I'll try not to get hurt or endangered all the time!

Kayla:That's not the point at all, I'm the threat here and with Gabe in the picture I don't really need you anymore to substitute for him. I'm sorry…

Habakkuk:Will I ever get to see you again?

Kayla:In school yes, but I'll never engage any further because we have to stay away from each other I'm sorry.

Habakkuk looks down

Habakkuk:I understand

Kayla:I will never forget any of our memories, I promise

Kayla kisses Habakkuk's forehead

Kayla:Thank you for everything, Goodbye my friend…

Kayla disappears and she's nowhere to be seen.

Habakkuk sits down on his bed in silence not wanting to say nothing to anyone and do anything. He just sat there and looked at the window the whole time

Habakkuk:I can't believe she's really leaving, my dream was to always gain powers or have something to do with it, now what am I supposed to do?

Hours go by and it is now dark outside

Habakkuk sighs

Habakkuk:What could've possibly happened to ruin all of this?

Habakkuk just sits there looking out the window that seems to have rain following on it.

Habakkuk was thinking about all the fun times they had and all of the bad times as well.

Habakkuk: I can't ever win, I never do…

Habakkuk's eyes would water and he would still be looking out of the window remembering the last words she was saying to him

"Kayla:I'm sorry"

Habakkuk would form some tears out of his eyes and they would all start to drop,

Habakkuk:Normally I'd never cry but she's different from anyone else! She makes me feel like we've been doing this for over 5 years…

As the hours go by as it was already morning and Habakkuk would still be looking outside from his window

Habakkuk:I miss her…

As the days went by Habakkuk would now be going to school and when he did, every time he sees her, she avoids contact at all times.

Habakkuk would walk throughout the hallways sad everyday, no powers, not anything.

Kayla was basically long gone now and every time he sees her, she's with Gabe and her friends.

Habakkuk:Well goodbye…

Habakkuk keeps walking into the mist of shadows just waiting for the opportunity where he can get his life back.

The sorrow of Habakkuk ventured with him everywhere he went and it never faded away…