A Familiar Duo

Several months later in April...

Two people are running to find a place to cover.

Both male and age 16. The two boys are in danger but from what? A dark figure can be seen chasing after them in super human speed.

???:Come on you two, I just wanna talk!

The two would increase their super speed even further to get away from this evil being.

Time To Break The Fourth Wall Real Quick

???:My Name is Adron Clayton, a student at Corcoran. Recently, strange things have been happening there and I've been there to witness it all. I'm a chill laid back kinda guy, I also love my family more than anything, I like juice, I love playing on my game, I love to sleep a lot, and I like to be there for my boys when they need me.

The other kid pushes Adron out of the way

???:Alright Adron it's my turn now move! My name is Nakir Bates, also a student at Corcoran. I like fighting, Girls, games, and chilling with my boys. If they ever need my help I got there back. Adron is considered to be the wise guy who thinks he knows everything but I think he just doesn't know what he is talking about.

Adron:Alright Nakir, and that makes you the dumbass who assumes everything!

Nakir:Oh you think you're funny huh?

Adron:Shut up, let's just hurry and finish this!

Nakir:Don't you tell me to shut up, you shut up!

Adron pushes Nakir out of the way

Adron:Oh yeah, I forgot to also include that he is my hot headed rival who gets angry quickly.

Nakir:Shut the hell up, you're just too lazy to get mad you old fart!

Adron:Oh yeah!

Nakir:Yeah! What are you gonna do about it!?

Adron:I'm going to have to put you in your place real quick.

Narrator:The two started fighting, so let's just get back to the story shall we…

Nakir in the background:Ouch you you #sshole! You just hit me in my bad knees!!

Back To The Story…

Adron and Nakir would be jumping around ruined buildings that were on the floor. They would then run on top of a high building tired of running.

Adron:That's it, I'm not running anymore!

Nakir:Yeah, neither am I! I'm ready to fight now!

The dark figure would appear over their heads

???:Is that right?!

The dark figure would punch the building, causing it to fall apart as it crumbled.

Nakir and Adron would both jump apart from each other. Adron jumped left and Nakir jumped right and they both landed on the ground.

Nakir:Damn, looks like there's no other way out of this at all!

Adron:Yeah, seems that way.

Nakir:John What the hell has happened to you?!

The dark figure would appear to be a tall 6.4 dark skinned boy named Jonathan.

John:What do you mean Nakir? Isn't power everything that we need in this world?

Nakir:What? You sound weird as hell!

John:I got new power by joining his side…

Adron:But why would you join his side? This doesn't make sense to me!

Nakir:Yeah, we already have enough power as it is!

John:But your powers are weak compared to mine, look at how you guys were just running from me. You're both pathetic weaklings, and I came here to end that one way or another. You so either join us or die, the choice is yours, just know either way you won't be as pathetic anymore.

Nakir grits his teeth

Adron:This isn't him!

Nakir:Yeah! You're not the John I know!!! The real John would've never did anything this stupid!

John:I gave up my pride to get stronger, sometimes you just have to make sacrifices no matter what it is to get what you desire. In other words, power is the key to living a whole new life. Now join us and you'll rise in our glory and we can become invincible! How does that grab you?

Nakir:Nah, I'm good.

Adron:You're starting to sound like those villains in an anime show.

John:Is that so?

Adron:Why do you obsess over power so much anyway?

John:Power is a thing that most men can never even dream of, power is a tool to claim what's yours, power is about sacrifice, power gives you honor, power is absolute! Without power we are nothing! Power can get you anything you want, just think about it. Nakir I know you want power, so why not just take it. What are your reasons for wanting power?

Nakir would have a flashback

???:Nakir, why do you want power?

Nakir:Because I want to be able to have as much fun as possible, I want to do anything I want! It's not that I want to be evil with my power, it's just that I want to do everything I know I can't do now and the only thing that's stopping me is me being powerless. If I had real power I would achieve things no one has ever dreamed of, I will do bigger and better things for this world, I would even rule it but in a good way, I'll find the cure for cancer,I'll find a cure for aids, I'll even stop all world hunger, but most of all, I'll have as much fun as possible with no one ordering me around and everyone respecting me.

Back to the present

Nakir:I see…

Adron:But you're going about this the wrong way John!

Nakir would turn his head facing Adron's direction


Adron:Yeah, something's wrong?

Nakir:No it's nothing…

John:Alright, if you two really wish to die that badly! Then I'll grant it!!!

John goes flying at Adron, who dodged. Then he would go into Nakir's direction but would end up getting punched in the face by him. Adron would then kick John in the face sending him flying into the ground and then, John would go flying at Adron only to get sent back to the ground by Nakir.

Nakir:Man, our tag team is really unstoppable!

Adron:Yeah, I'm glad we've been practicing it like crazy.

Nakir:There's no need to run from this guy after all, he's just a phony who wants power!

John dash towards Nakir but Adron would jump in the way and catch the punch while Nakir punches John in the face and, Adron knees him in the chin. Then they both would kick him in the face sending flying to the ground.

John gets back up.

John:Alright I'll show you true power!

Nakir:Big talk coming from a guy who gets his ass kicked! Man you should've just joined our side hahaha.

Nakir would begin to laugh at him,teasing him,and provoke him.

Adron:Damn, that's tough. You do all this for power and still lose!

Nakir:Thats embarrassing bro hahahaha!!!

Suddenly John would have red aura coming around him and his eyes would begin to glow yellow as the ground was crumbling beneath him.

Nakir:What the-
