Terrifying Omen! John’s Explosive Power

John:It's time for you to die!!!

Jonathan's body begins to morph into something else. His veins would turn purple, his hair would turn long and spiky, his legs started to grow longer as well as his arms, his teeth became sharp,his hair would turn white, he would have a long and very pointy curved chin, and then his skin would turn green.

An 8 foot green monster with white spiky hair was standing behind the dust aftermath.


Nakir:What the hell is that thing?!

Adron:Do you feel that pressure Nakir? It's immense…

Nakir:What are we gonna do?!

Adron:We just have to fight him head on!

Adron and Nakir releases their energy

Adron would have a red aura while Nakir has a light blue aura.

Adron:Nakir, let's go!


The two of them go dashing towards John

John smacks Adron away and kicks Nakir into the ground

Nakir:Damn, he's strong

Adron would try to go for a punch but John grabs Adron's hand and threw him into Nakir.

Nakir and Adron go flying into a building that was on the ground.

John goes flying at them with speed 5 times faster than before

John grabs Nakir by the face and punches him in the gut. Adron throws another punch at John and John quickly counters and kicks Adron in the face.

Nakir punches John and sends him stumbling back a little but, John quickly recovers and Knees Nakir in the gut.

Adron tried to send a fury of punches to John's face but, John wackily dodges all of them and sends a fury of punches into Adron's body and then kicks him in the chest.

Nakir throws multiple heavy punches but, John blocks and counters all the hits.

John:Is that all you two got? John knees Adron in the face and kicks Nakir in the gut.

John:All that big talk about you're teamwork, come on show me how it really is! It pales in comparison to my power!!!

John would then stretch his arms out and sends a fury of rapid punches to Nakir and Adron then, he throws them both to the ground so he can charge up an energy attack.

John:Time to die!!!

John shoots the red ball I got their direction and an explosion goes off.

Luckily Adron and Nakir his underground before it could reach them.

Nakir:Adron, we have to exceed our limiters and go pass our breaking point

Adron:Are you sure?!

Nakir:Yeah we have to, that's the only way we can win, or at least escape.



Adron would have a huge red aura around him with orange electricity.

Nakir would have a huge blue aura around him with Gold electricity

Nakir and Adron would have a Power 3 times stronger than before.



Adron and Nakir Jumps out from under the ground

John:What the?

Adron appears in front of John and knees him in the face.

Nakir would punch John to the ground.

John would get upset and Grabs Nakir by the throat and repeatedly punched him in the gut.

Adron would dash at John with a swift kick but John throws Nakir into Adron

Nakir:Aghh my back!!

Adron:Sorry bro!

John goes flying at them with rapid punches

Nakir and Adron would take turns blocking and countering

Nakir punches John in the face and Adron kicks him in the gut sending him flying into the floor.

A red yellow blast would come from John's mouth as Adron and Nakir would both send it flying back towards John.

John gets hit but powers up even more.

John:Here goes!!!

John goes flying at Adron and Nakir I'm faster speeds. Nakir and Adron goes flying at John in a fast speed as well. John would be taking both of them on at the same time, with neither side getting the best of each other because the battle seems even for a while until, John put his hand on Adron's gut and blasted him into the air then appears behind him kneeing him in the back, sending him to the ground knocked out for the moment.

Nakir:Adron!! Damn it John, it seems like I'm going to have to kill you!

John:You kill me, isn't that a funny joke ahaha haha!

Nakir goes flying into John's stomach head first making John stumble. Then Nakir would be punching John in the face rapidly then, uppercuts him and kicks him in the gut sending to the ground. John quickly gets up and makes his hands have yellow energy around them.

John:Nakir, you fight good but, try this on for size!!!

John goes flying at Nakir and knees him in the gut very hard making Nakir cough up blood. Then John would be repeatedly punching Nakir left to right as if he was a punching bag. Then John would grab Nakir by the throat, punch him in the gut and throws Nakir to the floor.

Nakir:He's too strong…

Nakir would try to get up but John would quickly punch him in the knees slowly and painfully, knowing that Nakir had bad knees.

John would then jump into the air and then come down

Nakir:Aaghhhh my bad knees! You mother Fu-

John would be kneeing Nakir in the gut. John would then pick Nakir up and smacks him into a nearby tree.

Adron would be up but would have blood dripping from his face and his shirt would be blasted off.

Adron:Get your hands off of my BROTHER!!

Adron rushes at John with all his power but John would dodge and kick Adron to the ground.

John:You pathetic weakling! What did I tell you earlier?! Power is everything!

Adron:Damn you!

John:Just for that one, after I'll finish you I'll ask "HIM" if I can go slaughter all of your love ones but before I do I'll torture every single last one of them until I hear all of their bones crack.

Adron:You bastard! How dare you talk about my family!

John:And I'll save your little precious niece for last, she will suffer the most.

Adron:You can talk about me, beat me, a break every bone in my body, and even kill me, but one thing I won't tolerate is you talking about my family or stepping one foot near them!!

John:And what are you going to do about it?

Adron:I'll… I'll… I'LL KILL YOOOOOOUUUU!!!!

Adron's energy spiked up in all red with Yellow and Black electricity around him. Adron's hair would turn spikier and his eyes would go all white.

Adron:I am going to make you suffer!

John:What the?!

Adron goes zooming at John in super fast speeds

John tried to punch Adron but he misses as Adron dodged and Adron punches him in the face. Adron would punch him rapidly with an energy of hate around him. Adron just kept punching John, and John tried to keep up with him but he simply couldn't. Adron was in a whole other league from before.

John shoots massive energy attacks from his mouth but Adron would have two energy blast in his hands running towards John using them as shields from John's blast.

John:No this can't be happening

Adron would then reach John and punches him in the face so hard that it sends him flying at least 2,000 feet away. Adron would follow after kicking John in the neck, sending him flying into the sky.


Adron's Aura grow huge and then he would shoot a massive energy attack that looks like red lightning out of his hands blasting John with full affect.

John would be in pain, screaming in agony as the blast hits him. Then it would explode.

Adron:I think I did it…

Nakir gets up and warns Adron

Nakir:No it's not over!

John is high in the sky falling down yelling


John's hair turned spikier, Then he grew in size and became more bulkier and taller.

John was now at least 9'5

John:I'm going to end it all!!!

John Charges up a massive blast out of his mouth,

John:I'll destroy everything!!!

Nakir:This isn't good! He might destroy the planet!

Adron:That idiot!

Nakir:We have to hit him with everything we got! Right now!!

Adron:Alright let's go brother!!!

They charge up a massive energy blast as well.

John:TIME TO DIE!!!!

John shoots the giant blast out of his mouth as he was still falling from the air.

Adron and Nakir:Shoot it now!!!

They fire off their attack, and it hits John's attack.

Since their blast hit John's blast it's keeping him up in the air for the moment…

Now, How It All Started...