Habakkuk Vs John! A Brother’s Reunion!

Habakkuk and John was having a stare off

Habakkuk:So who's gonna make a move?

John:You really think that just because you managed to dodge me, you can beat me?!

Habakkuk:How about we find out then, if that's the case.

Adron:I can't believe how Bakka just showed up here with powers and even managed to beat John at that moment.

Nakir:Yeah that makes me wonder… Also how the hell did he know?!

Adron:John might actually get fully serious and end up beating Bakka if we don't help him.

Nakir:Yeah, we really don't know the true extent of his power…

John:You better listen to them, Habakkuk! Hahahahaha!

Habakkuk:Nah that's alright, you guys are tired so just recover and if I look like I need any help then you can hop in. Besides I got this.

Habakkuk smiles and winks at them.

Nakir:This isn't the time to be cocky you dumbass

Adron:Let's just see what he can do for now, if he gets beat up it's his fault for being cocky.

Habakkuk:So are you ready? Ugly

John: What was that?!!!

John would go dashing at Habakkuk with a fast speed.

Habakkuk:Ok so that's his speed…

Habakkuk elbows him in the face, sending him flying. John would get up very confused on how he got hit moving at such fast speeds.

John:I'm gonna tear you apart.

Habakkuk:Chill out big guy, it's not my fault I'm too much for you.

John:What did you say to me!!

John goes flying at Habakkuk with wild punches as Habakkuk just dodged easily.

Habakkuk:I said "It's not my fault I'm too much for you"

Habakkuk punched John in the gut, making him fall on his knees.

John:I'm going to kill you! I'll promise you that!

Habakkuk:You're in no position to make false threats right now.

Habakkuk shrugs his shoulders

John would go charging at Habakkuk


Habakkuk shuts John's mouth by putting his finger on it.

Habakkuk:Language, that is a bad word, let's just go about this the friendly and kind way.

John:Get off me

John pushes Habakkuk away

Habakkuk:What? Is it something I said?

John:I knew it! You're Ga-

Habakkuk stops him from finishing his sentence

Habakkuk:Certainly Not, unless you mean that I'm happy, because I am especially when I got these new powers.

John:Stop being such a smart ass!!!

John punched Habakkuk in the face and only managed to just tilt Habakkuk's head a little bit.

Habakkuk pushes his face back, moving John's hand back his way.

Habakkuk:Is that all?

John:How dare you underestimate my "POWER!!!"

John would rapidly punch and kick at Habakkuk but again he'd just be dodging.

Habakkuk punched John in the nose

Habakkuk:Power smower… you're using your powers for bad intentions and that will be your downfall!

John:SHUT UP!!!

John tried so hard to hit him but just couldn't keep up with him at all.

Habakkuk kicked him in the gut sending him flying towards the ground.

John would get back up very angry. John would shoot all types of beams and blast but Habakkuk dodges and countered each one. Then Habakkuk would punch John in the eye.

Habakkuk would wink and stick his tongue out

Habakkuk:Remember my eye?

John would get a flashback of 9th grade when them two were slap boxing and since John was way taller he managed to hit Habakkuk in the eye.

Habakkuk:Yeah, it hurts doesn't it?

John would get really upset

Habakkuk would dash at John punching him around a bit and then kicked him into the air.

John would be getting hurt from all of these blows.

Nakir:I can't believe what I am seeing!

Adron:I know right!

Habakkuk's aura would light up huge as he was getting ready to unleash something huge.

Adron:What the?! He has this much power?!

Nakir:No, there's just no way he can be this strong at all!

Habakkuk's energy would almost double as he started to charge a huge attack out of his hands

Habakkuk: Super…. Habakkuk….

John:What the hell is this?!

Nakir:Is he really naming it at a time like this?!

Adron:This attack is so strong that it might need a name to be remembered by!

Habakkuk charged his power up even more as his eyes turned green for a split second.

Habakkuk: Blast!!!


A tiny green blast would go flying at John just to only scratch his face.

Adron and Nakir would both facepalm

Habakkuk:What the?! This isn't what I was trying to do oops hehe my mistake!

Habakkuk scratches his head while he laughed.

John would be furious because he thinks that Habakkuk is trying to mock him.

Nakir:So you're telling me that you showed up here to save us and you don't even know how to control your powers the right way?!

Habakkuk laughs

Adron:Seems that way

Habakkuk:My fault

Nakir:Some hero you are! We minds well be dead now!

Habakkuk:Alright I wouldn't go as far to say that but I got this so calm down, I can still handle him.


John charged at a huge blast so powerful that it made all of his other attacks look very weak compared to this one.

Habakkuk:Alright I'll just stop this blast too!

Nakir:That Blast looks way too big.

Adron:And way too strong.

John put almost everything he had into it.

John:NOW DIE!!!

John would shoot the blast down and Habakkuk would try to stop it.

Habakkuk would be trying to push it back.

Habakkuk:This thing is stronger than I thought, he's even forcing me to use all my power right now.

Habakkuk was barely even doing anything at all while the blast was still coming down even harder.

Habakkuk:Damn, it's getting stronger and I'm starting to slip!

John started shooting more of his blast on top of his huge one.

John:Die, Die, Die!!! Hahahahahahaha haha haha!!!

Habakkuk:I can't hold it back anymore! It's too strong!!!

The blast was pushing Habakkuk into the ground and then as soon as it did, it caused a huge explosion that was so intense it sent everyone flying as it almost destroyed everything including the planet itself.

Moments later

The dust would clear and Habakkuk was nowhere to be found.

Nakir:No! Where's Habakkuk?!! I don't see him at all!

Adron:Damn it!! Habakkuuuuk!!!

Laughter would be heard from the distance but it was sinister.

John would be walking towards them laughing as his muscles were going back down to normal. John Started to look like a skinny demon like when he first transformed.

Adron:You stupid bastard!

Nakir:What the hell did you do to him?!!

John:Don't worry you'll get it next…

Adron and Nakir would go and attack John with full force not holding anything back.

John would be getting hit from left to right each time he tried to counter them.

Adron kicks John into the air while Nakir appears behind him and sledgehammered him back to the ground.

John:Oh you really want to fight!

Then 3 more kids showed up

Matt a short light skinned kid.

Chris a chubby dark skinned kid.

Dana an average height light skinned kid.

Matt:Alright Let's take it from here!

Dana:Alright I guess I'll go first…

Adron:Be careful, even Habakkuk wasn't able to defeat him! He was killed by John!!!

Dana:Did you just say Habakkuk? What do you mean?!

Nakir:Look at that huge crater! He killed Habakkuk right there and we're going to avenge him!

Dana would look down the crater to see a body all the way into the ground.

Matt and Chris would be furious, but Dana would go charging at John rapidly.

Dana:Matt and Chris! Give Nakir and Adron your energy so they can absorb it!

Chris:But why!?

Dana:They are the only ones with experience fighting this thing! How you think they survived for so long!!

Matt:Chris just do it!


They would let Nakir and Adron absorb their energy.

Dana would be getting beat by John.

Dana:I can't hold him on for any longer!

John would be kicking Dana into the air and would be punching him towards the ground just to be kicked again like a pinball.

John:Come on Habakkuk did way better than this before I killed him! He even bragged and taunted me but I still blew his ass up!

Dana's eyes would grow wide

Dana:What Did You Just Say?!!

Dana would get flashbacks of all the times he shared with Habakkuk.

Dana would kick John to the ground. Then Dana would have a white aura come around him and then explodes.

Matt:What the hell?

Chris:I didn't know he was this strong!

Nakir would be shocked

Adron:I have never seen him like this before!

Dana's eyes would be yellow and his hair would be white with yellow glowing signs on his skin.

Dana would go charging at John completely blacking out punching and Kicking him around completely.


Dana would charge up a super powerful punch that would glow yellow.

John:What the f-

Dana punch John in the jaw, sending him flying into the ground. Then Dana would pick John up and knew him in the face and blast him into a wall not holding anything back.

Nakir:He has a new form now?!

Chris:I thought he was the soft one out of all of us.

Adron:He's never about violence at all.

Matt:Until he brought up Habakkuk…

Dana would Power up so much that it caused a huge explosion sending everyone flying. John would get hit with the blast and would grow angry.

John would Power back up into his buff form, stopping the explosion completely.

Dana would come back to his senses

Dana:Wait the heck is that?

John:Alright its time I start to get serious!


Dana tried to go for a punch at John, but would be getting beaten badly like he did earlier even with his white haired form.

John:Not so much bravado now huh?!

Dana:Shut up!

John would shoot ten blast forming from his claws into Dana's body and then would pick Dana up by the head with his feet and throws him into a building on the floor.

Nakir:Now it's our turn to fight him! Damn I thought Dana would've had him!

Adron:Alright Nakir I'm ready!

Nakir:With our new strength we might be able to activate it!


Adron and Nakir would get into their fighting stance.

John:Oh so you guys wanna fight me again huh?

Adron:He's as strong as ever, I don't think we can beat him!

Nakir:Yeah, he did just get stronger but still we got to try!

Nakir and Adron would go flying at John, Adron would go for a punch but John dodges and Kicks Adron in the gut. Nakir would go for a kick but John would grab him by the leg and slam him on the ground.

John:Time to die!

John would charge a blast out of his fingers.


Adron would try to get there on time but John was able to kill Nakir at any moment.

Matt and Chris would be laying on the floor tired out of energy.

Nakir would close his eyes as he knew he was about to die, Then John would get sent flying by a fast and heavy punch!

Habakkuk:Johnathan! You're fighting me!

John:Oh no not again

John would try to swing a punch at Habakkuk but misses. Habakkuk would kick him into the air.

Habakkuk:I got to admit, you almost had me with that big blast but unfortunately for you I stopped it. Now, it's about time that I stop playing around and get serious!

Habakkuk jumps into the air punching John rapidly with a fury of punches so fast that any normal person couldn't see.

Habakkuk:You wanted power?! Now you got it!!!

Habakkuk kicks John across the face, sending him flying into a bunch of rocks,walls,and broken buildings.

Habakkuk would soon follow after I'm insane speeds uppercutting John into the air and then sending him back to the ground with a swift and heavy kick in the back.

John:What the?! This feels way different from before!

Habakkuk dash back down to the ground

Habakkuk:Take this!!!

Habakkuk elbowed him in the head and then would kick him into a wall.

John:I can't move! Damn I stuck!

Nakir:Is he really going to finish him off this time?

Adron:I hope so!

Habakkuk would Power up as he had a huge green aura around him.

Habakkuk:I won't kill you, but you're finished!

Habakkuk Shoots a massive green blast at John sending him into the air flying almost out of orbit.


Habakkuk stops the blast so John can hit the ground.

John goes crashing to the ground.

Nakir and Adron would be speechless.

John would revert back into his human form.

John:Damn you! I thought I was supposed to be strong! So why did I get defeated?! When I have all this power!!! Damn damn damn!

John would be crushed as he was punching the ground angry with himself for losing.

John:Daaaaaaaamn It!!!

Habakkuk:Sorry John, but I had to do it. You left me no choice.

John:Just finish me off…

Habakkuk:Huh? But why?

John:Just do it… what's the point of living anymore? I lost! Go on kill me!!!

Habakkuk:I can't, I knew you as a friend so it's going to remain that way.

John:You better not regret it…

John would pass out.

Habakkuk:Now That that's over, hey guys!

Nakir:Okay, when and where did you get that power?!

Adron:Please enlighten us.

Habakkuk:It's a long story but I'll tell you.

Nakir:Alright We're listening!

Suddenly John would get up in huge red aura!

Habakkuk:What the?!

Nakir:He just won't quit!

John:Yes! The ritual worked! Now I'll get a second chance.

John's body would begin to morph. His skin would turn into a pale white color, his legs would turn dark blue, he would have monstrous feet with large claws, he would then grow a blue tail, and he would have a giant mark between his chest glowing red.

John's hair would be red along with his eyes.

John:It's time that I finally kill all of you!

Habakkuk would have a nervous and shocked expression on his face.

Nakir:It just won't end!

Adron:Damn, we are going to die…

Habakkuk:I'm not scared, it's just his power is huge now. After I did all that mental training I'm able to sense the aura in an organism's body.

He's gotten way too strong but still, I have to try.

Habakkuk would get into a stance pushing his aura up even more.

John:So you still wanna fight, Alright you first!

Habakkuk goes dashing at John, and John would go dashing at him.

Nakir:I hope Habakkuk is able to do this…

Adron:Me too...