John’s Comeback VS Habakkuk’s Reserve’s!

Habakkuk would punch John in the face sending him a few feet away, but John would come back with a swift kick to Habakkuk's chest. The two of them would be battling it out, punching and kicking each other rapidly.

John:Not bad Habakkuk, but you can do way better than that!

Habakkuk:I'll show you better!!!

Habakkuk would punch John in the face multiple times and then he'd knee him in the chin, and he would then send John to the ground with a heavy kick.

John:What the?!!!

Habakkuk's hands would glow green and he would go crashing into John's face with his fist.

Habakkuk would be punching into John's face rapidly giving him everything he's got.

Habakkuk's thoughts:It's like I can feel more power boiling inside of me but I just can't let it out for some reason, if only the situation wasn't so bad i could've trained longer and gotten adept enough to control all of my powers.

Habakkuk would keep beating into his face rapidly nonstop.

John:Damn, i'm making him look good! Let me put an end to this!

John grabbed Habakkuk's hands and kicked him in the gut, sending him flying into the air. John would appear behind Habakkuk and sledgehammer him in the back. Then he would appear while Habakkuk was falling to the ground and kicks him in the side of his torso.


John would then grab Habakkuk by the head and then he would blast his stomach rapidly, as Habakkuk would throw up blood and fall to the floor.

John:Well looks like it's finally your time to die!

John kicks Habakkuk sending him flying.

John:Welp he's dead, who's next!

Adron would look at Habakkuk's body while Nakir checks to see if he was still alive.


Adron had a huge rush in power and he would go charging at John with everything he had.

Adron would be punching and kicking with all of his might, while John would be countering all of his attacks.

John:Is that really the best you can do?

Adron:SHUT UP!!!

Adron would actually punch John in the mouth, sending him into a wall.

John would wipe the blood off of his face.

John:Now it's my turn…

Adron got into his stance


John would walk towards Adron slowly, then he would dash at him in speeds unseeable.

Adron:What the?

John would appear behind Adron and punch him in the back, making him cough up blood. Adron would try to turn around and swing a hook but John would simply grab his arm and kick him in the gut sending him flying. Nakir would appear trying to land a punch on John but be getting dodged each time he tried. John would smack Nakir away with his tail. Adron would charge at full speed crashing into John's face.

John would grab Adron's hand and would blast him in the stomach sending him flying.


Nakir would go rush to Adron, but each time he tried John would be attacking him.

John:You'll soon join him.

Nakir:Get out of my way!

John:What was that?

Nakir:GET Out Of My Way!

John:I didn't hear you!

John would swing a heavy punch down at Nakir.

Nakir's eye would go white and then, he would grab John's hand.


Nakir's body would erupt in a white and blue huge fire that took the shape of a giant monster while Nakir was in the middle of it letting everything unleash.

John would get pushed back. Nakir's hair would turn grey and he would have red glowing pupils.

Nakir:I'm going to kill you!

Nakir would be talking to someone inside of his head.

Nakir:Guardian now!

Nakir would create a huge scythe from his energy alone.

John:So you got more power in you?!

Nakir would go flying at John with full speed.

John would shoot many energy blasts out of his mouth.

Nakir would slice them away with one hit.

Nakir:I've had enough of you!

John shoots a gigantic blast out of his mouth at Nakir and appears behind him, but Nakir would make his monster shape aura catch the blast and he would kick John sending him several feet away.

John:So that's how strong you are…

Adron would be just getting up

Adron:What happened? Wait Habakkuk and Nakir!

Adron would see John and Nakir fighting

Adron:So he had enough power to use it…

Adron would look at Habakkuk's unconscious body.

A look of anger would be on Adron's face along with two red glowing veins.

Adron would cover his left eye as he looked like he was in pain.

Adron would smile like a physco…

Nakir and John would be going at it. Nakir punches John in the face while John kicks him in the gut. They would both be hitting and countering each other, with no one ledding up.

Nakir would do a flip kick on John's head, sending him to the ground.

Nakir would charge a blue blade like blast out of his scythe.

John:That looks kinda strong…

Nakir would shoot it but, as he did John would dodge but he would still have a scar on his face.

John:That's it! I'll show you more of my power!

John's energy would get even bigger as he smiled

Nakir:What the? You just don't give up you overpowered minion!

John:Just for that I'll kill you first!

John would go dashing at Nakir with shocking speeds.

Nakir:What the hell?!

John would be beating up on Nakir.

Nakir:He's even stronger than me with my guardian powers?!

Nakir would be getting tossed around as he was being beaten brutally.

Adron would join the fight but he would have glowing red eyes and his skin would be purple while he had glowing red veins.

Adron would punch John in the face and Nakir would kick him in the side.

John would grab both of them by the arm and would beat down on them pretty hard.

John:Is that really all you got!

Adron and Nakir would barely have control over their guardian powers so it was fading fast.

Habakkuk's would be laying in a crater

Habakkuk is in a white void

Habakkuk:It's a good thing I had the time to practice releasing my power more! Now don't worry guys I'm coming!

John would be taking them on both at once beating them and knocking them around.

Nakir would get punched in the gut so hard he reverts back into his normal form.

John would be punching Adron in the gut rapidly until he passed out.

Nakir's hair would turn grey again as he shoots a last effort blast at John but John would send the blast back at Nakir sending him flying but someone catches him.

Habakkuk holds Nakir in his arms.

Habakkuk:Alright John, The real fight starts now!

Habakkuk would put Nakir down

John:You Just won't die will you!

John goes dashing at Habakkuk.

Habakkuk would blow him away just by pushing force out the palm of his hand.

John:What the?!

Habakkuk:Come on don't get tired on me now! I'm just getting started!