Sparring time! Laci Vs Kayla Vs Habakkuk!!

Habakkuk would spend another 2 weeks in the hospital for the doctors to run tests on him.

He'd have visitors like his older sister and her family, Laci and her parents, his mom, and even Kayla.

Kayla was actually visiting him now with some fruits she brought from the store.

Habakkuk:Yes! You brought Gala apples! And strawberry cranberry juice, my favorites! Is that a watermelon?!!

Kayla would smile as she witnessed his sudden outburst of joy.

Kayla:He really is a sweet and peaceful person…

Habakkuk had the biggest smile on his face when he was playing with his nieces and Laci's little siblings.

He would sit there and tell them fantasy stories for hours. Kayla and Laci would listen to the stories.

Habakkuk:And the magical hippo goes "Habakkuk this isn't a game of hungry hippo, I won't eat your food while you're gone"

They all started to laugh.

The kids would leave the room.

Habakkuk:Thank you for the fruits Kayla, it means a lot.

Kayla smiles

Kayla:Don't mention it.

Laci:Hey Kayla do you wanna come train with me?

Kayla:Yeah sure, let's go have some girl time after!

Habakkuk:Wait hold on! When did this friendship happen?!

Laci:After we fought the shadow demons, we got each other's numbers and started training together.

Habakkuk:So this has been going on for about 3 to 4 weeks?!

Kayla:Yeah, it's pretty fun hanging out with her.

Laci:Yeah see you later Habakkuk.

Habakkuk:Hey! You guys are just gonna leave me here?!

Kayla:Yeah, you gotta get some rest.

Laci:Yeah, so we gotta go bye!

The two of them would leave out of the room.

Habakkuk:Hey, get your asses back here!! I mean it!!

The nurse comes in.

Nurse:Here's your daily dose of medicine.

Habakkuk:No that medicine is disgusting!

The nurse would move closer with a spoon.

Habakkuk:No...No… hey! Hey! Aaaaaghhhhh!!!

The sound of Habakkuk's scream can be heard in the hallway.

Kayla:He really hates that medicine.

Laci:Yeah he does, it's something about grape flavored that he doesn't like.

They both started laughing

Habakkuk:This is the worst medicine ever!!!

The next day…

Habakkuk was finally able to leave the hospital and go home.

Habakkuk:Honestly I don't want to go home, I've been trapped up in this hospital for so long I wanna go do something fun.

Habakkuk goes home to shower and change his clothes.

Laci and Kayla knocks on his door like an hour later.

Habakkuk's older sister Inphinity answered the door.

Laci:Is Habakkuk home?

Inphinity:Yeah, he should be putting his clothes on now.

She went to go get him after she invited the two in.

Moments later Habakkuk would come downstairs to greet them.

Habakkuk:Hey guys, what's up?

Kayla:We wanted to see if you wanna hang out with us.

Laci:And maybe train a little.

Kayla:Where did he go?

Habakkuk was already outside

Habakkuk:Alright I'm down!

Laci:What the?!

They would all go to a forest with a huge field to battle in the middle.

Habakkuk:So who's going first?

Laci:How about a free for all?

Kayla:Alright I'm down.

Habakkuk:Alright I'm going to do something real quick, so you two get warmed up real quick.

Habakkuk was finishing a level on his mobile game.

Laci:That lazy asshole…

Kayla started to giggle.



They both got into their stance and at each other.

Kayla and Laci would go at each other blow for blow. Kayla would sweep Laci's feet, Laci would jump into the air shooting her heart blast.

Kayla would counter them with her aura sword.

The two would go back dashing at each other making a clash, as the trees started to get blown back but not down.

Laci would throw a kick at Kayla and she blocked but was pushed back. Kayla would try to counter but Laci dodged and kicked her into the air.

Kayla went dashing back at her with her broomstick. Then the two would go back and forth. Laci had the edge when it came to power and speed but Kayla had magic and skill, so this made out to be a pretty even fight.

The two of them would go clashing back at each other. Kayla would shoot out magic spheres but Laci dodged most of them and when she tried to hit Kayla, a sphere had hit her in the gut but she managed to strike Kayla's face, sending her flying back.

Someone was watching in the trees with a power scanner

???:The one called Laci has a power of 125,000 while tha Kayla girl is about 120,000… ehhh that's pretty weak.

Habakkuk:Alright I'm ready to fight!

Kayla:Alright, you ready Laci?

Laci:Oh yeah I'm ready!

Habakkuk:Alright bring it!

Habakkuk got into his fighting stance.

???:His power is at 250,000 that's pretty weak! He's starting to disappoint me but I'll whip him into shape when he joins me.

Habakkuk:You two versus me!


Laci:Habakkuk don't underestimate us. We've gotten a lot stronger.

Habakkuk:Oh I saw...

They would both get into their fighting stance.

They would dash at him, Laci at the left Kayla at the right. Habakkuk blocked both of their attacks. They were both punching and kicking at Habakkuk, causing him to go back more. Habakkuk would sweep Laci's legs and throw Kayla at her.

Kayla would catch herself and go back charging at Habakkuk. Habakkuk would charge a hint of green energy in his fist as Kayla came down at him. Habakkuk would punch the air and the shock wave would hit Kayla. Laci would go charging at Habakkuk with a fury of punches, Habakkuk easily side stepped them and evaded them.

Habakkuk would send her away with a flurry of shockwave air punches. Laci would go flying into a tree. Habakkuk went dashing at Kayla, she would make a force field around it but Habakkuk was breaking it with the force of his fists.

Habakkuk broke the force field and shockwave punches Kayla in the gut, sending her flying.

A heart blast would go flying at Habakkuk and a purple sphere would as well.

Habakkuk:Laci's heart blasts and Kayla's magical spheres, hmmm whatever should I do…

Habakkuk would smack the sphere with ease, sending it flying back to Kayla. Habakkuk would rip the heart apart like a broken heart and kick both pieces back to Laci. The two blasts would hit the girls hurting them.

Habakkuk:Aww man guys, you have got to try better than that, I'm barely trying!

Kayla got up slowly with a whitish blue aura around her.

Habakkuk would be surprised when he looked at her.

Habakkuk:Oh? I almost forgot about that form…

???:This isn't a threat to me but the pressure of her energy feels different like she has a different type of power source.

Kayla's eyes would glow blue as the whole area around her glowed whitish blue. Her aura was a magical flame of blue as her hair was white and she had white aura wings.

Habakkuk was sweating from this sudden burst in power.

Kayla:It's time for you to get fully serious Habakkuk, because I want to feel your true strength!

Habakkuk:Alright if you say so…

Laci:She's amazing, she never showed me this power!

???:I wonder what that extra power she has is… let's see. It says her power level is about 1,200,000 and she has magical power levels?! So that's what that was… it's at about 120,000,000?!! Woah I see… her magic is 100 times her physical strength but power alone is weak.

Habakkuk:Now I have to get serious!