Rude Interruption! The Second Encounter!

???:Ohhh let's see this…

Habakkuk stretched out his legs, flexed his arms, and started to release his power. His body would glow green a little but then his aura would burst.


A huge green aura was around Habakkuk as the ground was shaking and the rocks were flowing in the air and the trees were shaking as well.

Kayla:So this is your true strength? You're a little stronger than last time I saw you.

Habakkuk:Yeah you too, now let's fight!

???:His power moved up to 1,200,000 as well… what a weakling.

Kayla went dashing at Habakkuk, throwing a heavy punch at him. Habakkuk blocked, but the force of the punch sent him flying. She came dashing at him with a new fighting style fit for a divine witch. Habakkuk was on his toes, as she was pushing him back with such force.

The two would appear in the air clashing in super speeds. Kayla kicked Habakkuk, Habakkuk punched Kayla, Kayla kneed Habakkuk in the gut, Habakkuk did a shockwave punch, and Kayla appeared over Habakkuk blasting him to the ground with a blue divine magical sphere.

Habakkuk hits the ground hard, Kayla would go crashing at Habakkuk with a punch. Habakkuk dodged, but Kayla's punch would cause a huge crater in the ground. Habakkuk appeared behind her with a slap to the butt, knocking her away.

Kayla:Hey, you hit my ass on purpose!

Habakkuk:Well it was the closest thing towards me, since it was so big!

Kayla looked at Habakkuk

Habakkuk:I mean nice looking, no I mean close!

Kayla would fly at him with her wings, shooting arrows out of her aura bow. Habakkuk ran from them and jumped into the air going for a punch.

Kayla shoots an aura cat from her mouth, surprising Habakkuk and exploding on impact. Habakkuk falls to the ground hard, causing a crater.

Habakkuk would get up.

Habakkuk:Man she's tougher than I thought...

Habakkuk looked at her, and Kayla looked at him.

Habakkuk:We're completely equal in power, but that magic might prove to be trouble for me.

Kayla:Those punches of yours are the most heaviest I've ever felt.

Habakkuk:Well Feel This!!!

Habakkuk and Kayla clashed, punching and kicking each other rapidly. The two of them would both punch each other in the face at the same time. The two would keep clashing, hitting each other at the same time. They both would kick each other in the face, and knee each other in the gut. They would both go dashing away from each other.

Kayla:Divine Sphere!!!

Habakkuk:Gate Wave!!!

The two blasts would collide, as both of them would put energy into it. Habakkuk's green blast versus Kayla's blue energy ball!!!

Laci's energy spiked as her light purple aura grew 10 times. She was charging her huge black heart sphere!

Habakkuk:What the?!

Kayla:Don't led up now Kayla!!!

Kayla's sphere overpowered Habakkuk's energy blast, blasting him away and sending him flying into the air. Laci appeared above him with black aura on her fists.

Laci:Shattering Heart combo!!!

Laci was pummeling Habakkuk and then she would follow up her attack with a huge black heart sphere. The blast would hit Habakkuk, sending him to the ground with a huge explosion followed after.

Habakkuk got up surprised.

Habakkuk:What the heck was that?!!

???:That girl's power went up to 300,000. These are some interesting weaklings.

Habakkuk's eyes turned towards the trees in a glare.

Habakkuk:Alright you guys won, alright let's go see a movie guys. Ohh man, first Kayla overpowers me and now Laci beats me down??!

Kayla:Haha!! Alright I won!

Laci:I'm down, hehe I got you!

They would all head to the mall.

Habakkuk:I'll be back, my mother called me to do something.

Laci:What is it?

Habakkuk:It's personal, gotta go!

Habakkuk ran off.

Laci:That was strange.


Moments Later...

Habakkuk was back in the middle of the woods.

Habakkuk:Hey! I know you're there Seth!

A huge explosion would go off in the trees as there was nothing there anymore.

Sethnos appeared behind Habakkuk.

Sethnos:Oh yes I'm here brother… and the name is Sethnos!!

Habakkuk:So you were watching me the whole time.

Sethnos:And so what if I was?

Habakkuk:What the hell do you want from me?

Sethnos:I want you to join me, we can rule the whole universe with an army of revived Gatekeepers and demons!

Habakkuk:That's a strong pass!

Sethnos:Then prepare for battle…

Habakkuk got into his fighting stance with a huge green aura around him.

Sethnos:It looks like your power just shot up even higher, it's because we share the same blood. My power draws out your own latent abilities, your Gatekeeper blood is boiling at the sight of me!

Habakkuk's face was upset.

Habakkuk:No! It's only boiling because I want to kick your ass!!!

Habakkuk went dashing at him throwing punches at him with intent to kill. Sethnos was easily dodging his attacks and kicked Habakkuk in the face, sending him into a tree.

Sethnos:Your power shot up to 2,000,000 but that's nowhere near enough to keep up with me.

Sethnos would knee Habakkuk in the gut, appearing by him with super speed. Sethnos would sledgehammer Habakkuk into the ground and would step on his face.

Sethnos:Now join me or kiss my boot!

Habakkuk:I hate you!

Sethnos:Oh my Gatekeeper power is bringing out your inner rage because we are one and the same, how cute.

Sethnos picked up Habakkuk by the throat and knees him heavily in the gut. Sethnos would then fire multiple blasts at Habakkuk sending him flying into the air.

Sethnos:I hope you learn your lesson for the next time we encounter one another.

Habakkuk falls to the ground lifeless with his clothes burnt off and his pants still intact but ripped up.

Sethnos:You better had survived you weakling…

Sethnos walks away.

A huge lime green aura would explode behind Sethnos!

Habakkuk was cloaked in lime green aura, as he was crouching like a wild animal. His eyes were glowing lime green and his pupils were like that of a crocodile, his hair was wild and spiky, he had sharp fangs, and long piercing claws.

Habakkuk would roar as the whole forest would tremble in fear!!!

Sethnos:That power…