The Threat Of Enthra!

Habakkuk is hanging over at Dana's house playing video games.

Dana:So Habakkuk, don't you have some type of training to do?

Habakkuk:Yeah but Mrs Thayer gave me a week to rest up.

Dana:What are you gonna do about school?

Habakkuk:She said don't worry about that, she has it covered.

Dana:Ohh okay, that's good.

Habakkuk:Honestly I can't wait for my special training, she has such high hopes for me so I won't let her down.

Dana:I hope not, because I want to survive!

Habakkuk:Haha Dana trust me, you will survive.

Dana:Alright dude, did you talk to Kayla about it?

Habakkuk:Should I even do it, is my question. It wouldn't really even matter to her, she only sees me as a friend so what's the point?

Dana:True, you're right about that.

Habakkuk:Besides, maybe being away from the planet might get me to be over her.

Dana:Trust me dude, it will.

Habakkuk:What do you mean?

Dana:There're so many valid girls on that planet, it's like going to girl heaven!

Habakkuk:Ohhh boy! Can this week hurry up then?!

Dana:Now that's the Habakkuk I want to see! (I'm starting to think this guy was never in love with her in the first place... wait he did say something about after being reborn with those powers his emotions and heart might play tricks on him... so what if he's not really in love? What if it's just another side effect? I'll ask)

Habakkuk:Alright then it's settled! I'm going girlfriend shopping!!

Dana started laughing.

Dana:Dude you're so funny!

Habakkuk was laughing with Dana, but he thought to himself "if only it was that easy to get over her, I'm all talk and no action. I'm a chump."


Laci and Nakir were on a dinner date.

Laci:It's been awhile since we've been together huh?

Nakir:It's been a really long time.

Laci:I was getting bored and lonely without you, your brother really needed you at certain times. That uncontrollable power he has is really starting to concern me.

Nakir:I see, baby…


Nakir:I promise not to ever leave you again, do you hear me? I will make sure I'm always with you no matter what the old lady says.

Laci:What brought this sudden change?

Nakir:You almost were killed off, and I wasn't there for you. I'm sorry about that, I'll always be at your side for now on.


Laci and Nakir stared at each other directly in the eyes, and then kissed while closing their eyes.

At Matt's House…

Matt is training with his new and improved suit.

He's sparring against his androids he just got done fixing.

Chris and Izaya was sparring in this arena Matt made for them. It was huge and had lots of yellow lights.

In The Witch's HQ...

Kayla was in her lab meditating, trying to learn her new magical powers. Kayla's body began to tense up as she started to lose focus. She would fall out of her meditation state.

Kayla:I can't even think straight without thinking about last night. I didn't mean to hurt his feelings, I wanted to at least get him to see that our bond now is too strong to be changed.

Kayla would then proceed to meditate with a purple aura going around her.

Mrs Thayer and Ms Timmons were in an Ateiran spa. They were both drinking a smoothie while having a green face mask on their face.

Ms Timmons:Do you really think Habakkuk has what it takes to beat a guy like Enthra?

Mrs Thayer:As of right now, he stands no chance whatsoever, but after my training he will have an even bigger chance to stand up to Enthra.

Ms Timmons:Enthra's starting to spread fear throughout the whole galaxy, he needs to be stopped before it's too late.

Mrs Thayer:Yes, I know. I'm going to need to gain my original strength if I ever hope to be able to beat him. Staying on earth for so long has really taken its toll on me, I even aged as if I were a human.

Ms Timmons:Aww that just reminds me that I'm a human, I won't last very long.

Mrs Thayer:And that's another reason why you're my pupil, you won't age once the ritual is complete. But first, you have to be trained more.

Ms Timmons:Really??

Mrs Thayer:Yeah, I have really taken a liking to you when I became a teacher. I have also seen your potential and decided that I'd have to make you an Ateiran teacher.

Ms Timmons:You really have that much faith in me?

Mrs Thayer:I have faith in all of my students.

Ms Timmons smiled.

Ms Timmons:Then I won't let you down.

Mrs Thayer:I know you won't… Now!!

Ms Timmons:Huh?

Mrs Thayer:Let's go get you a hot guy!!

Ms Timmons:Yes, let's get me a hot guy!!


Enthra was in space looking over other planets.

The galactic news put him out as a notoriously wanted criminal.

Enthra was attacked everyday by galactic fighters. He deemed them all weak and destroyed them.

The threat of Enthra was known throughout all of space. Everyone wanted him dead, if not then he'll take over the whole universe. He's already seemingly taken over most of galaxy 1.

Enthra was known as an evil dictator who wanted nothing but power. To everyone else he was seemingly unstoppable.

Enthra also had several armies planted on different planets ready to strike at any moment.

Geyla and Murgo were at a dinner table discussing their plans to help spread the fear of Enthra.

Murgo:Enthra is starting to become really popular nowadays. He's killed multiple species and enslaved several planets, he's just plain out invincible. Unsealed Gate or not, that boy doesn't stand a chance.

Geyla:I suppose you're right about that, but don't you think he's going a little too far?

Murgo:What? Don't tell me you're getting cold feet on me.

Geyla:No it's not that, it's just I only want what's best for our people that's all.

Murgo:Then Trust in Enthra, he knows best.

Geyla:I hope so…

Murgo:I know so!

Geyla:I suppose you're right again. I'm going to bed now, goodnight Murgo.

Murgo:Goodnight Geyla.

Geyla:Enthra, how far is this gonna go?...

Narrator Habakkuk:Hey it's Habakkuk here, we managed to make it to the second episode of season three. Lots have happened and you wouldn't want to miss it.

Come at me Dana!! I want to see what kind of power you've reached while training with Mrs Thayer!! And Laci leave Nakir alone! He paid you back already.

And who are these weird guys?? Somebody Please Get Miss Timmons a boyfriend, she really needs one!

Mrs Thayer aren't you a little too old to be doing that?! I mean slightly old! No I mean middle aged! Young, yes I meant young!! I'm sorry!!!