Habakkuk’s Heart Broken??

Habakkuk gets up and goes upstairs to use the bathroom in the middle of the night.

Habakkuk:Kayla...but why??

Habakkuk looks in the mirror as he sees tears forming down his eyes.

Habakkuk:Wipe your tears away, strong guys don't cry!

Habakkuk looks back in the mirror

Habakkuk:Man who am I kidding? I'm not strong, I'm weak and pathetic for crying over a girl who doesn't even want me.

Habakkuk looks back down at the sink

Habakkuk:But no it's deeper than that, I'm in love with her, but she doesn't love me back. I mean who would, I'm just some nobody named Habakkuk anyway. Hey wait a second, I forgot to use the bathroom!! How the hell do I achieve such an idiotic feat?! Ohhh mann I really got to go!!

Dana over hears Habakkuk while he is outside in the hallway.

Dana:Man I swear you're the smartest guy in the world...

Habakkuk:Hey shut up! I got carried away that's all!

Dana:Yeah yeah yeah... but bro I wanted to ask you something.

Habakkuk:Yeah what's up?

Dana:So you know how you're in love with Kayla right?

Habakkuk:Well something like that...

Dana:Remember that time your grandfather told you that your emotions would act up and your heart will play tricks on you? Because think about it, you haven't really talked about her much after she ran off with that Gabe guy and then all of a sudden you're in love with her...

Habakkuk:Ohhh yeah I remember... now that I think about it, I been lost feelings a long time ago like that was in the past, especially when I got these cool powers I really forgot all about her... but something weird sparked and made me feel as though I was in love with her out of nowhere! Actually in fact I don't even feel it no more!! It was just a side effect this whole time!! I was never in love with her!! God damn side effects got me looking like a wimp crying over a girl I don't even have feelings for!!!

Dana:Damn those side effects must've been a heck of a ride huh? I would hate for my heart to trick me into thinking I'm in love with someone I don't even wanna be with... it must've been embarrassing when she turned you down... but hey look on the bright side it's a good thing she didn't say yes because if she did you would have to worry about feeling bad for her once you figured out you didn't even want her.

Habakkuk:Hell yeah and you know I'm not really the type to break girls hearts, that's more of a Nakir thing! But I won't let him break Laci's heart, that's my best friend!!!

Habakkuk clenched his fist tightly

Dana:So what now? You're not in love with her so that means you don't have to carry that emotional baggage all around, so what do you plan on doing?

Habakkuk:Bro... do you realize what this means?!!

Dana frowned

Dana:No not really, I mean that's the point of me asking you...


Dana:Okay buddy, calm down... you might bust in my bathroom and you're definitely gonna have to clean that shit up... but if you calm down that won't have to happen and besides you have a week, it's not that long you'll be able to see all the beautiful girls when you get there.

Habakkuk:I can hardly wait, aw man so many flavors and categories I cannot wait to choose!

Gaylena inside of Habakkuk's body:Such lewd thoughts about women, I didn't think my host could be such a perv... wait a second?! How is this child even pure of heart if he has thoughts like this?!

Habakkuk:Ah take a chill pill Gaylena... you're making me feel guilty about my dream of an army of women... ughhh have you ever seen a harem of over 1,000 beautiful women that look like goddesses and angels?? I can just bust out of my pants right now!!! Heavennn!!

Gaylena:Eww you should feel guilty you perverted child!! Shame on you!

Gaylena uses her power to make Habakkuk punch himself in the balls...


Gaylena:Okay I'll be getting some sleep now...

Habakkuk had a tear in his eye

Habakkuk:Gaylena... you witch!

Dana:Uhh bro are you alright in there? Don't be doing that weird junk in my bathroom...

Habakkuk:Trust me I'm not honest! I'm just going through a lot of pain right now that's all!

Habakkuk was holding his stomach because getting hit in the balls causes stomach pain...

Dana:In pain over waiting a week just to see a few women? Honestly Habakkuk you're like the horniest person I know, calm down you damn dog... sheesh! You don't get any more pervier than that guy...

Habakkuk:Heh, right sure thing bro! Oww my poor poor nut sack!

Dana:Uhhh what?


Habakkuk would use the bathroom, then proceed to carry on with his day along with Dana.

Meanwhile In Some City…

3 hoodlums were rolling dice

Guy#1:Ayo pay up bitch, I win fair and square so I want my money!

Guy#2:Aww man, I lost yo!

Guy#1:So pay up man, I want my money!

Guy#3:Ayo did you hear about that crazy shit happening in town?!

Guy#2:Man you believe all that?

Guy#1:You really are a fool dawg!

Nakir, Adron, and Laci walks pass.

Guy#2:Ayo check it out, look at that dude with the bling!

Guy#3:Aww man that shit look good, ya dig?

Nakir was walking with a lot of jewelry on him.

Guy#1:I'm about to go see if he is selling, ya feel me.

Guy#1 runs up to Nakir.

Guy#1:Ayo you selling?


Guy#1:Are you selling?

Nakir:Selling what?

Guy#1:What you mean selling what?! I'm talking bout that bling fool!

Nakir:Oh that… yeah get lost.

Guy#1:What the hell you just say to me boi?!

Nakir:I said get lost!

Nakir punches the man, sending him far back to his friends.

Guy#2:Oh shit what was that?!

Guy#3:Probably one of them damn demons! Shit, let's get the hell outta here!

Guy#2:You ain't gotta tell me twice!!

They grabbed guy#1 and evacuated the premises.

Adron casually walks over and says...

Adron:What was that all about?

Nakir shrugs his shoulders

Nakir:Beats me

Laci:Nakir did you really have to hit him that hard?


Adron:That was pretty soft to me.

Laci facepalms.

Laci:Ughhh boys!

Meanwhile On Planet Atieria…

Mrs Thayer was wearing some shades and reading a male modeling magazine.

Mrs Thayer:These are some interesting figures mmm… this great research!

Ms Timmons:Hey Mrs Thayer, have you seen my magazine?

Mrs Thayer hides the magazine behind her.

Mrs Thayer:Uhhh no!

Ms Timmons:Mmmhm… what's that behind you?!

Mrs Thayer:It's nothing!!

Ms Timmons:Hand over the magazine.

Mrs Thayer:I need it for research purposes!

Ms Timmons:But aren't you a little too old?

Mrs Thayer:Hey just because I look old right now doesn't mean it's wrong! If I were in my true form I bet I'd have a ton of guys falling in love!

Ms Timmons:Wait why aren't you in your natural form? Doesn't it make you look really young, and increase your power?

Mrs Thayer:Yes it does, but…

Ms Timmons:But what?

Mrs Thayer:It involves a lot of power and focus that I don't have right now. I understand that it's my original form so it shouldn't be a problem at all, but I've been on earth for so long posing as a human that I've slowly become one over the years.

Ms Timmons:Is there a way to gain it back?

Mrs Thayer:Yes, I'd probably have to train and meditate for a few months and then it will all come back naturally.

Ms Timmons:Oh okay, question?

Mrs Thayer:Yeah what is it?

Ms Timmons:Where would you scale yourself now? Like back then when we faced off against Murgo and Geyla, you said Nakir and Adron can handle it. So where would you scale your strength?

Mrs Thayer:I'd say I'm physically weaker than Geyla and Murgo, I read their powers on my scanner and it's at around 70 million. When I read mine, it was 14 million. Nakir, Adron, and Dana were all 70 million or higher in their transformed state but in normal forms it'll be at least a tiny bit over 1 million.

Timmons:The difference is really that high?? What's Habakkuk's and Laci's?

Mrs Thayer:Habakkuk is ranked at 1.2 million and Laci was around 500 thousand in normal form. I don't know if Laci has any transformations but Habakkuk's berserk-like forms also give him a boost in power.

Timmons:So there's absolutely no chance for you to stand a chance against Geyla and Murgo?

Thayer:Actually there is, they may have power but I have skill and experience. There's this special martial arts technique or fighting style that I have and it boosts the user's power at max by ten fold whenever it's a full burst style attack.

Timmons:Wait what? There's a technique that great?! That means your power would've reached 140 million!! You could've easily defeated Geyla and Murgo, you would've been twice their power and if they worked together to add both 70 millions to make 140 million to even the Plainfield, you'd still have skill and experience as an advantage! Maybe you could've even taken out Enthra.

Mrs Thayer:I really like your enthusiasm and math, but you're wrong. Enthra's power is on a completely different level, his power scanned up to 160 million and he was only in his human form, if he used his Zygon original form he'd be even more powerful and he can do that with ease. Even still, he's on the verge of reaching a new level of power, he's going to be way more powerful once he fully absorbs all of the books power.

A blue short male elder Ateiran with white hair, a long mustache, and yellow eyes walked over.

Elder:Yes I'm afraid Enthra's a big threat now, if he gets any more knowledge on that book of mystic enhancement, he will be able to wipe out galaxies within days. He has to be stopped by your team since he's on your new home planet, it'll be a crime within our laws if another Ateiran group take care of the matter. We should build up our defenses because I suspect he and his army would be attacking.

Thayer:Yes Lord Mathuuro, I will make sure my star pupil has this handled, he is the PROPHECY CHILD after all.

Mathuuro:Yes, get that taken care of, or he'll become the biggest threat in the universe, he's already known as a planet destroying warlord/dictator.

Thayer:Yes my lord.

Mathuuro disappears…

Ms Timmons:So he's that dangerous, who would've thought there can be a man capable of this much? It's mind boggling!

Mrs Thayer Thinking:Yes, I know it really is. If only I was able to catch him back when the books weren't active, damn it this is all my fault!

Timmons:Do you plan on teaching the others that technique?

Thayer:Only Habakkuk, it's not favoritism or anything but his species the gatekeepers are the only ones who can achieve that technique aside from a few other races like us Ateirans. The humans just don't have enough of what's needed to awaken such a technique.

Timmons:Do you really think it will be enough to take on Enthra?

Mrs Thayer:I don't really know, all we can do is hope.

Timmons:Yeah I guess you're right…

Elsewhere In An Open Field Of Grass…

Habakkuk:Dana I think it's about time you show me that power you unlocked while training with Mrs Thayer.

Dana:Bakkuk, are you sure??

Habakkuk:Yeah, I wanna see what you got!

Dana:Bakkuk, I really don't wanna do this.

Habakkuk:Come on Dana, enough with the Pacifist act. I know you don't like fighting but it's just sparring, you'll be okay.

Dana:Alright, don't be angry at me for being stronger.

Habakkuk:Ohh no, I am nothing but impressed and kinda grateful.

Dana:Why's that?

Habakkuk:Because with your new powers, you saved us. You're basically my hero now!

Dana:Umm Habakkuk, that sounded a bit strange.

Habakkuk:Come on you telling me a big strong hero like yourself is actually nervous??

Dana:Ughh here we go with that weird junk, just get ready to fight.

Habakkuk:Now That's The Kind Of Attitude I'm Looking For!!

They both got into a fighting stance.

Dana in a more experienced stance.

Habakkuk in a basic fighting stance.

Dana:Bakkuk are you ready?

Habakkuk:Ohh I'm ready!

Dana:Alright here I come!!

Habakkuk:Then Bring It On!!!

The two would dash at each other and end in a clash.

Narrator Habakkuk:Hey it's me again, so you got past the second episode, man what a trooper. There's so much going on in the next episode, you wouldn't want to miss it!! Bring It On Dana, I Can Handle It!!!

Seth just leave me alone already! I told you I don't want to join you! Can someone please tell me what the Unsealed Gate is please?!

Damn it, what's this intense energy that I'm feeling?! Is it me?? Why do I feel like I have so much hatred?!! Uuuughhh!! I Hate- I HATE YOU!!!!