Zeltious plotting... Habakkuk Snaps!

Zeltious appeared in a realm with a dark purple sky.

Zeltious:This must be it, I can sense the evil energy everywhere, I can practically taste it!!!

Zeltious started to laugh.

Zeltious:This is my first step to getting my revenge!

A huge ball of energy would shoot down from the sky, crashing into the ground before Zeltious.

It was two aliens, one big bulky and blue, and the other short, skinny, and red. They both were in business suits that fit their sizes.

The big alien would walk over to Zeltious.

Big:Who are you? And what do you want?

Zeltious bows down.

Zeltious:I am the son of the late shadow demon king, Vaeler. I'm to see Enthra, I have something I'd like to discuss with him.

Big:You call him by Lord Enthra you scum! What would Lord Enthra want with some dead king's son?!


Zeltious stood up.

Zeltious:Like I'd ever bow to the likes of you, you're nothing but a big idiotic brute.

Big:What was that?!!

Small:Calm down, he's not worth it.

Big:No he's dead!!

The big brute charged at Zeltious with a fury of punches, but Zeltious easily anticipated it. Zeltious would grab the big alien by his arm and snapped it with ease.

The big alien would scream in pain as he would fall to the floor.

Big:What the hell are you?!

Zeltious:I already told you, I'm the son of the shadow demon king, now take me to Enthra or die.

Big:You son of a bitch, I'll kill you!!!

Small:I'll take you to him, it's right this way.

Enthra:No that will be fine.

Enthra walks through some doors from his castle.

Enthra:Son Of The Shadow King, why are you here?

Zeltious smirked as he bows down

Zeltious:I'm here to form an alliance

Enthra:Ohh? And why's this?

Zeltious:There's these beings on earth who killed my father, and I want to raise hell to that world!!

Zeltious would have a purple aura formed around him as the area shakes.

Enthra:I see your resolve, and I respect it.


Habakkuk and Dana were clashing and battling it out. Dana would throw a punch at Habakkuk, Habakkuk easily dodged and swept Dana's feet. Dana would catch himself and throw a spinning kick at Habakkuk. Habakkuk would jump into the air, doing a backflip. Dana appeared behind him getting ready to hammer kick Habakkuk to the ground.

Dana:Here's my chance!

Dana would throw the kick, Habakkuk grabbed Dana by his ankle and threw him into the air.

Habakkuk:Dana show me your real power! Transform already!!

Dana:But what if I hurt you?!!

Habakkuk:It's fine, I've been getting my ass kicked for a while now!

Dana:Alright Bro, if you say so!!

Dana would stop himself from going flying into the air and decided to land on the ground.

When Dana hit the ground, his energy pressure would change into something more peaceful than before.

Habakkuk:The vibe I get from him is like that of a baby, puppies, flowers, or just anything peaceful in general!

Dana's eyes glowed orange as his hair turned white, a transparent halo can be seen over Dana's head as his aura was now a calm white.

The area around them looked very peaceful, as the sun would shine down on them.

Habakkuk:It's like he's an angel, this way different than before…

Dana:What is this power? I meant to turn into that form I used against Geyla and Murgo, but it's like when I tried that, I accidentally turned into this. This power is more comfortable and peaceful than before, and it's also more powerful…

Habakkuk:He's strong, he's too strong… but yet I feel at ease.

Dana:Alright Habakkuk I'm coming at you, be careful.


Dana dashes at Habakkuk in speeds way beyond light, but everything seemed like it was going in slow motion, as the cherry blossoms were falling slowly in the air and beautiful white particles were too. The whole area was beautiful, as the grass was now pink, the trees were white, and the sky was a beautiful light pink color.

Dana's eyes sparkled as he was dashing in slow motion. Habakkuk's eyes slowly widened as he saw Dana cock back a heavy punch.

The punch was strong enough to destroy a few planets at once but it's pressure wasn't violent at all.

Dana got close enough to Habakkuk and threw the huge punch. The pressure was so immense, that everything was getting blown back.

The punch looked like it was coming from a giant, as it looked really huge.

Habakkuk's eyes would drop two tears, but before the tears hit the ground, Dana stopped the heavy punch right in front of Habakkuk's face.

Habakkuk:I-I give up… you win.

Habakkuk fell on his butt from the wind of the punch.

Dana:Hehe, I was never going to really hit you bro. I just pretended so I can get you to stop wanting to fight me.

Habakkuk was speechless, as he still seen the image of a godly giant angel throwing a huge punch.

Dana reaches his hand out to Habakkuk.

Dana:I'm sorry if I scared you.

Dana's eyes sparkled a beautiful orange.

Habakkuk's eyes started to sparkle as they watered.

Habakkuk:Dana… you're like an angel.

Dana:Honestly I don't know what this power is, but I feel so at ease like I don't have any care in the world.

Habakkuk:I feel so warm…

They would both stare at each other, gazing into each other's eyes. And then, the moment you realize this was a romantic scene never happened , well I mean you thought wrong. Nun of that around here you love story fan fic making weirdos.

They both started laughing hysterically.

Dana went back to his normal form, and the area went back to it's normal colors.

Habakkuk:That's how they are in those cringe movies Laci and Kayla watch when they come over.

Dana:Hahahahahahaha that's so weird!!

Habakkuk:Bro, who you telling?

Dana:Man that was so weird and funny, want to go get something to eat?

Habakkuk:Alright bet.

When they got to the nearby city it was getting darker and darker.

Dana:It sure got dark fast.

Habakkuk checked his phone.

Habakkuk:Yeah it's only 7:05, so why is it so dark?

Dana:That's strange, it isn't supposed to do that in June.

Habakkuk:Yeah, that's really weird.

But little do they know, someone watching them from on top of a building.

???:It looks like I should go pay him a little visit…

Habakkuk and Dana were just walking and talking.

Habakkuk's eyes looked away for a second, with a serious glare.

Dana:What's wrong bro?

Habakkuk:Do you feel that dark energy??

Dana:I can't sense energy, but I am getting bad vibes like it's telling us to leave… we should leave.

Habakkuk:This energy, I felt it before… why do I feel a sense of hatred inside of me?

A dark aura figure would drop down in front of them.

???:Hey brother, did you miss me?

Habakkuk:Sethnos!! You're not my brother!! You did something to me and I hate it!! I just want to KILL YOU!!!

Sethnos:You finally called me by my name brother!

Dana:Brother?!! You know this guy?

Sethnos:So what's up? Are you finally going to accept my offer?

Habakkuk's eyes went lime green, as his claws and fangs started to show.

Sethnos:The Berserker state right off the bat huh? Interesting… My energy influences his energy since we are both one and the same and our energy is identical but his is more pure and soft like a weakling human.

Sethnos Smirked

Sethnos:So my evil energy and presence turned you into a monster over these past few days?! How weak, Hahahahahahaha!! You're only going to turn into an animal, who's too ignorant to know what it's doing! If you join me, I can teach you how to control that power!! COME BROTHER, LET US CONQUER THE UNIVERSE AND KILL ALL OF THE WEAKLINGS!!!!

Dana was shocked, hearing these words.

Dana:Habakkuk? I've never ever seen him this angry before. Who is this guy calling himself Habakkuk's brother? His vibe feels like Habakkuk's but I get bad feels from it, a feeling of dread. Is he really his brother? No he's pure evil…

Habakkuk's energy spiked as he was now enraged.


Sethnos:Ohh? Monster? No no no… you're the only monster here little brother.


Narrator Habakkuk:So you bastards made it past episode three? Hurry up and watch episode four before I kick your ass!! Dana, get the hell out of here while you still can, I don't want you to get in the crossfire!! I don't want to hurt my best friend, so hurry up and get a move on it!!!