Anger Unleashed Vs Big Brother!

Habakkuk:I have to control my anger! I can't lose control, I have to control it!

Habakkuk fell to the ground holding his head, trying to stop the rage from bursting out.

Sethnos :That's right! Show me the power of a gatekeeper!!!

Habakkuk's green aura spiked as his eyes glowed even more lime green.


Habakkuk charges at Sethnos with a fury of wild swings, Sethnos easily dodged them.

Sethnos:Alright, let's do this!!

Sethnos kicked Habakkuk to the ground, Habakkuk gets back and jumps at Sethnos. Sethnos would spin in the air and kick Habakkuk in the back, Habakkuk would hit the ground but would get up even more angry than before. Sethnos would jump on top of a high building.

Sethnos:His power may be rising, but he's nowhere near the level to take me on. Perhaps I have to shape him up so he can be strong enough to join my side.

Habakkuk was crouched on the ground like a wild animal, not knowing why he was enraged.

Habakkuk started to go crazy and attack the city and everything else around him.

Sethnos :he's nothing but some low life animal, who has no control over himself.

Sethnos would make a purple aura around him, as the area started to shake .

Habakkuk would shoot a blast out of his mouth, destroying several buildings.

Dana:He's completely out of control, I have to stop him somehow!

Sethnos:Try all you might, but the power of the Berserk Gatekeeper can never be suppressed by worthless negotiation!!

Dana:This is all your fault! You must've done this to him!! You turned him into a wild beast!!!

Habakkuk started throwing cars around and slicing buildings.

Dana:Alright, I'm stopping this right now!!

Dana ran towards Habakkuk.

Dana:Bakkuk!! Do you hear me?!! It's me Dana, listen to me!! This Sethnos guy is influencing you!!

Habakkuk roared at Dana, as he would try to strike him with his claws. Dana jumped into the air, avoiding the attack. Habakkuk was right behind Dana, trying to blast out of his mouth.

Dana:Oh hell, that isn't good at all!

Sethnos:Would you look at that, it seems as though he's fighting on the right side after all. Hahahahahahaha!!!!

Habakkuk quickly aimed his direction towards the laughing Sethnos, the blast goes flying at him.

Sethnos:You little nuisance!!

Sethnos would grab the green blast with his hand wrapped around purple aura and crushed it like it was nothing.

Dana:He's extremely monstrous, without even being berserk, who is this guy?!!

Sethnos:That's right!!

Sethnos appeared in front of Dana, uppercutting him. Dana went into the air, and crashed back down causing a crater in the ground. Dana tried to get up, but Sethnos shot a purple blast in that direction.

Habakkuk's energy was becoming even more ominous as his rage grew to an even higher extent.

Sethnos:I'll neutralize him first, then I'll take him in!

Sethnos would run towards the berserk Habakkuk with a purple ball of energy in his hand. Habakkuk charged at him in full speeds, on all fours.

Sethnos:Yes, come to me brother…

Habakkuk tried to claw at Sethnos rapidly, Sethnos easily dodged and side stepped him.

Habakkuk kept trying to claw Sethnos to death, but he was too slow to catch him.

Sethnos would counter all of his moves and throw faint strikes to catch him off guard, but there were some real ones to stun him.

Sethnos would kick Habakkuk in the air and, he would go for the striking blow on Habakkuk's torso with his fist covered in purple aura.

But suddenly Sethnos was stopped by a blast hitting the same arm he planned on striking Habakkuk with.

Sethnos:What The Hell?!!

As soon as Sethnos turned around, he was met with a punch to the face by Dana. Sethnos went flying into several buildings. Dana was wasn't injured too bad by Sethnos attack, so he was able to catch him off guard.

Dana:Get the hell away from my bro!!

Habakkuk landed on the ground, getting back up with his power exploding. His eyes were glowing even more lime green, as his claws and fangs started to grow even more. Habakkuk was now in the second state of Berserker.

Dana ran over to Habakkuk, trying his best to calm him down. Habakkuk would try to attack Dana, because he was now really influenced with the rage of the berserk state. Dana was dodging all of his attacks with high difficulty. Habakkuk was out of control, shooting blast out his mouth in every direction.

Dana:Habakkuk!! This is Dana, your best friend!! Listen to me, you need to calm down right now!! This power is controlling you, you're not yourself, just listen to me!! Let me help you!!

Habakkuk's eyes widen as he stopped and started to listen to Dana's words, as it was all becoming clear to him now. Habakkuk was coming back to reality.

Dana:Yes, I think it worked! Alright Habakkuk, let's do this together bro! Sethnos won't be able to take us both.

Habakkuk would appear in front of Dana, stabbing him through the gut and out his back, making him throw up a lot of blood.

Dana:Ha...bakkuk, y-you… stabbed me!

Habakkuk was roaring, as the whole area would shake with flames and rubble all over the area. Habakkuk looked extremely monstrous as he roared, you could see that the human side of Habakkuk was now gone.

Dana's eyes widened as he would finally come to the realization that this wasn't his best friend anymore. Dana was badly injured with tears coming down.

Dana:Y-you're a… mon...ster!

Dana falls on his back, coughing up more blood.

Sethnos:That asshole caught me off guard!

Dana:No, he's no monster, he's my… He's my best friend!!

Dana struggles to get off the ground with blood pouring from his stomach and mouth. As he tried to get up, he kept falling back down.

Sethnos was back on top of a building.

Dana's determination wasn't allowing him to fall and drop dead just yet.

Sethnos:Why do you fight for him?! Why are you so fixated on my brother?! Why do you keep trying to save him, knowing he'll kill you?!!

Dana rises to his feet, blood, sweat, and tears falling from his face. He had a stern and a determined look on his face.


Sethnos:Yes, enlighten me.


Sethnos:What in your right mind, makes you think you could save him?!!

Dana:I knew him since we were both 5 years old! He's always been there for me, he always told me not to ever worry about anything because he has my back! He once told me that even if I was too scared to ever get his back, he'd still fight for me no matter what! He's willing to sacrifice so much for me, and I should be able to do the same thing. For him I'm very well willing to give up my own life. I'm going to Save him, because HE'S LIKE A BLOOD BROTHER TO ME!!!!

Sethnos went silent for the moment.

Habakkuk was grabbing his head, trying to fight for control as he was roaring.

A huge glowing white light would appear out of nowhere!

Sethnos:What the hell is that?!!

This huge energy also caught Habakkuk's attention.

The whole area would calmly shake but the pressure was immense.

Sethnos:It can't be! That's not possible!!

Dana was standing in the middle of that white glow! His eyes were glowing orange, his hair was white, and he had a transparent halo. Dana was in the same form he entered when he sparred with Habakkuk.


Dana laid down his resolve and got ready for battle.

Sethnos:What the hell is he?!

In a quick flash Dana was already in front Sethnos.

Sethnos:What, how did he get so fast?!

Dana uppercuts Sethnos into the air, he appears right above him and axe kick to the ground.

Dana:Now for the real challenge!

Habakkuk was still enraged but confused at the same time, just going berserk.

Sethnos was underground laying there.

Sethnos:His power shot up out of nowhere! Who is he?

Dana's wounds were fully healed, he began to walk up to the raging Habakkuk. Habakkuk pokes his head up towards Dana, intrigued by his white glow.

Dana walked up to Habakkuk slowly, Habakkuk growled at him and clawed the ground, getting ready to pounce. Dana walked up to Habakkuk, calm and determined. This surprised the raging beast, he was neither scared or trying to attack Habakkuk, he just kept walking up to him nonchalantly. Dana would touch Habakkuk's shoulder.

The two of them appeared to be in a peaceful meadow area. The sky was yellow and pink, the grass was purple, and the area was beautiful.

Dana:Habakkuk, listen to me.

Habakkuk looked at Dana puzzled.

Dana:I am your best friend, I'm not going to give up on you, so don't you give up on you. You are not a monster, but my best friend.

Maybe Sethnos is your biological brother but I'll be more of a brother to you than he can ever be! Just fight this, and I'll always have your back even if you can't get mines, because I know that's what you'd do for me!

Habakkuk's eyes teared up, as his angry feral expression would diminish. His claws and fangs slowly started to decrease in size, and his glowing lime green reptile eyes were now just brown human eyes.

Habakkuk:Thanks Bro, you brought me back to my senses, I really needed that.

Dana reached his hand out to shake Habakkuk's.

Dana:Now let's do this together bro!

Habakkuk reached his hand out and grabbed Dana's.

Habakkuk:Right, now lets go kick Sethnos ass!!

They appeared back in the city, and Sethnos was up ready to fight.

Sethnos:So it seems you were able to do it, no matter, I'll still be able to get him to join.


Habakkuk and Dana dashed at Sethnos with a fury of punches. Dana would punch him into the air, Habakkuk would appear above him with a fury of rapid punches to the face!

Sethnos:What the hell is going on?!! I can't keep up in this form!!

They would both throw Sethnos into the air, Dana shot a huge white blast out of his chest into Sethnos back. Habakkuk charged up all of his energy at once. Sethnos would hit the ground and got up angry. Habakkuk ran at Sethnos cocking his hand all the way back. His eyes glowed lime green as he appeared in front of Sethnos.

Sethnos:NOO HOW DID YOU?!!!

Habakkuk:I GOT YOU!!!

Habakkuk punched Sethnos in the gut extremely hard. A huge green blast would send him flying into several buildings in a huge explosion!


Habakkuk:GATE CRASHER!!!!

Moments Later…

Dana and Habakkuk fell to the ground.

Habakkuk:We did it, we beat Sethnos!!

Dana:We did it together bro, I had your back.

Habakkuk smiled.

They shook hands.

Habakkuk:Man I love you bro!

Dana:I love you too bro!

They both sat there and were both satisfied.

Narrator Habakkuk:Hey it's me again, looks like we finally got rid of Sethnos for the time being!

He's finally going to leave me alone and stop asking me to join him. I hope I didn't kill him, I couldn't live with myself if I did that, I'm not a murderer and I don't have it in me! Looks like in the next episode a lot will happen, so don't miss out on the next episode!