Enthra’s Backstory Part 3!!!

Matrocious and Enthra were happy and actually smiling again for once. Not many things nowadays get Enthra to really smile but this exciting news did.

Matrocious:The Gatekeeper leaders are coming to our planet for a meet up and to hold discussions and talk about future plans over our agreement.

Enthra:So when is this taking place?

Matrocious:Tomorrow night they will be here, so we have to make everything look great for them so our guest can have a really great first impression.

Enthra:Alright, that sounds good to me Father.

Matrocious:I'll have this news in by tonight, everyone will know that we are now safe!


Enthra ran outside to go tell Murgo and Geyla the news.

Murgo:What's he so excited for? Things must've went really good.

Geyla:I haven't seen him like this in years…

Enthra:You guys won't believe it!

Murgo:Why what happened?

Enthra:Our planet is finally safe, the Gatekeeper leaders finally responded to our messages and calls for help, they agreed to keep this planet within their protection!

Murgo and Geyla:What?!!!

Geyla:No way really?? We're finally safe?!

Murgo:This can't be, this is way too good to be true!

Enthra:It's true, my dad told me and he's as excited as I am! They're meeting up on the planet to have a discussion tomorrow night!

Murgo:Wow that's some really good news, now we can relax and hang out like we used to in the old days.

Geyla:I'm so happy, no more stressing and worrying.

Enthra:That's right! We're going back to how we used to be!

The three of them would all jump for joy and jump around in circles holding hands while laughing.


Matrocious walked into the room of him and Queen Merlinda.

Queen Merlinda was laying on her gold and red huge royal bed while drinking some type of red wine wearing a red dress.

Merlinda:So how was work dear?

Matrocious:We are safe, honey we are safe!

Merlinda was shocked by these words

Merlinda:What do you mean Matro?

There were 4 current Gatekeeper leaders as the government of the planet. They had very high battle powers and they were very wise and only did things for justice. The plans of the Gatekeeper became known to the others and some weren't so happy about that, so they decided to do something. The 4 Gatekeeper leaders and they're guards were supposed to be traveling to planet Zygon that night but suddenly they were stopped.

There were 2 female Gatekeepers and 2 Males to keep the gender balance in leadership.

One female was a skinny, short, and beautiful innocent looking woman with beautiful black hair that went to her neck. She looked like an average white lady but with shiny pink eyes and she had a tight all black suit with a white cloak like outfit to represent her leadership. She also had a gigantic sledgehammer in her hand with monstrous bear sized dogs at her side. Her name was Aleina. She had the personality of a nice innocent girl but could get very feisty in battle.

Another female was a fit, white and busty lady with a nice thick body. The lady had long red hair that went to the middle of her back, she had shiny red eyes and red lipstick. The Gatekeeper lady wore a red cloak with an all black tight suit under. Her name Halayna. Her personality was a strict and sassy one, she was also a huge flirt but only towards guys she showed interest in but that was overshadowed by her anger and battle spirit, but she was always mature and made wise decisions. She had her own men who worked for her and followed her wherever she went, and her favorite weapon was her bare hands but she used some gauntlet like gloves to increase the damage.

There was a Medium sized male around the size of 5'11, he had a nice slit back haircut with a Goatee and a nice mustache. He was a white skin colored male with orange shiny eyes. He wore a nice fancy black and gold tux like suit with a cloak around him in a cape like fashion. His name was Garial, his personality was a calm and ambitious one, he was a patient man but when it came down to business he wanted it done and done now. He never liked anyone interfering in his work and would lash out on anyone who got in his way. He was always secretive and a nice man whenever he wasn't too busy, he took his business very seriously and he never liked anyone playing with his money. He also had robotic men around him as guards and his favorite weapon was his two daggers could turn into other types of weapons such as swords, staffs, and axes.

The last man was a big mixed man around the size of 6'5, he was very buff and wore a black battle suit with a blue cloak around him. The man looked very mean and aggressive, he had piercing dark blue shiny eyes. He had a medium size beard and a mustache, his hairstyle was a long mullet like spiky hairstyle that went to his back. His name was Gianto, his personality was fierce, cold hearted warrior who was extremely battle hungry and was never patient but was always hungry. He would lash out whenever he lost his patience. He rode on a Gigantic monster that looked like the mixture of a gorilla and a rhino, and his favorite weapon was himself!!

These were the four Gatekeeper leaders!!!

Two Gatekeeper males stood in their way, they looked like brothers and also looked no older than 18 so they were around the age of 16-18. They both were around the size of 5'7 and had a spiky like hairstyle that went to the side of their face. They were both white and purple glowing evil eyes and a cocky evil look to their face. They had on tight black battle suits with a ripped a purple ripped cloak around the left side of their shoulder and they had a scythe and a huge war hammer. Their names were a Hatuko and Hatuki, the brothers of chaos.

It was a dark road and it was raining, the sky was a dark bloody reddish color and there was lots of fog and nothing else nearby but landscape and ruins. The rain was starting to come down hard as the intensity increased, they were all just staring at each other silently and patiently.

Gianto got impatient and spoke up.

Gianto:What the hell is the meaning of this who are you?!

Hataku:My name is Hataku, and this is my brother Hataki… we're here to discuss matters with you.

Gianto:We're here on official business, we'll discuss matters later, now get out of our way.

Hataki:Surely it won't take that long big guy, besides it's to die for…

Hataki smirked with an evil grin.

Gianto:Get out of our way or die!!!

The two brothers smirked and said "Okay" they would then move out of the way to let the Gatekeeper leaders walk.

Gianto turned his back on them and walked away. The wind would start to go by and then Hataku jumped into the air with his scythe and proceeded to land a strike on Gianto while his back was turned.

Garial:Gianto, look out behind you!

Gianto turned around to see Hataku's blade coming at him at full speed. Gianto caught the blade with his bare hands and swung it around, making him go flying into the air. Hataki went to back up his brother but Garial and Halayna stood in his path with all of their weapons and support.

Hataki:We won't let you attend that meeting, we know all about your plans to keep that planet protected.

Halayna:What?! How do you know of this?

Hataki:We watch in the shadows, there's more than just the two of us and we know what's going on and we know what we want and that is why we won't let you peons get ahold of that planet of ours.

Halayna:How dare you meddle with me!!

Halayna would try to punch Hataki but he jumped into the air and she punched the ground instead, making a huge crater in it.

Halayna:He's fast…

Hataki mocked her speed.

Hataki:You call that battle power?! I'll show you true strength! You, one of the leaders of our race, our species, the ones who our people look up to for guidance and our so called "protectors" the ones with the ultimate strength is being toyed with by some random teen, you're pathetic!!

Halayna's eyes glowed red and she jumped into the air with Hataki and buried him into the ground with a heavy red aura punch. She didn't stop there, she was angry and felt insulted.

Halayna:I'll show you my might, you brat!!!

Halayna:Was throwing rapid punches, sending him into the ground even more. She would grab him by his face and throw him into the air, she appeared behind him and axe kicked him in the back, she would then appear under him and double fist punched him in the gut, sending him really high into the air.

Gianto kicked Hataku in the chest, sending him flying far. Gianto would run at Hataku in full speeds with his battle cries, Gianto was so fast he appeared right behind him and grabbed him from behind and started to squeeze Hataku tight.

Hataku:So you're the strongest one out of the group?! You use no weapons and you're a beast in hand to hand combat, what a worthy opponent for me!!

Gianto:Don't look at me as if I'm your equal boy!! I'm more than just some opponent, I am your mighty superior and I will put you in your place!!!

Gianto jumped into the air, going thousands of feet high and then would spin around in top speeds crashing down to the ground. Gianto would then slam Hataku into the ground on his head really hard, causing a huge Nuke like explosion.

Hataki grabbed Halayna's fists and kicked her in the gut, sending her flying into some ruins. Her men would all charge at Hataki, but he quickly made short work of them by using his bare hands going around snapping their necks and breaking their bones with punches and landing devastating kicks in the side of their necks. And then Hataki would kill the rest by putting his hand into the ground and a huge purple blazing aura erupted and obliterated them.

Garial:It's about time I step in, well until Halayna comes back furious and says he got a cheap shot on her, we know how she is.

Garial sighed and rolled his eyes.

Aleina giggles and shrugs her shoulders.

Aleina:Well that's seems about right, most accurate thing I heard about her. Welp, can't be helped I'll just watch.

Garial let his aura out just a little bit, letting an orange glow around himself.

Hataki:So you're the one battling me?

Garial:Yeah, it seems as though I'm your opponent now, we'll until Halayna comes back all pissed off, but I'll entertain you for now.

Garial smirked and shrugged his shoulders.

Hataki:Alright let's see what you can do, business man!

Garial got into a fighting stance with his arms making an X like cross with his two daggers in his hands.

Hataki pulled out his war hammer and his purple aura instantly came around him.

Hataki smirked

Hataki:Now then shall we start?

Garial:Right, let's have ourselves a little skirmish.

Hataku was on the ground when Gianto looked, Gianto would look away in the direction of Halayna.

Gianto:He must've caught her off guard, there's no way that brat could've taken down someone like her.

Gianto looked back at where Hataku was at and he was nowhere to be found.

Gianto:What the?!!

Hataku came flying from the air above Gianto, slamming his Scythe towards him. Gianto would jump out of the way, but suddenly Hataku was already at the side of him and took a slice at his right ribs. Gianto had a huge cut on him with a lot of blood pouring out from it.

Gianto:Damn it! You sneaky brat, I'll kill you for that!!

Gianto's aura started to erupt as he was getting angry, his aura was a dark glowing blue. Gianto's muscles started to bulk up as he was getting even more angry.

Gianto charged at Hataku in super fast speeds, Hataku was barely able to jump out of the way of Gianto's bull rush.

Hataku:He's gotten fast, too fast!

Gianto was already in the air charging a punch at Hataku. Gianto punched Hataku in the left side of his face, sending him flying into the ground. Gianto charged at Hataku, not letting up. Gianto grabbed Hataku from out of the ground and uppercutted him into the air, he would then be above him and double kicked him to the ground. Gianto was already waiting for him on the ground, Gianto would grab Hataku by his arms and legs and knee him in the back extremely hard. Hataku coughed up lots of blood and his eyes went white for the moment. Gianto grabbed Hataku by his arm and slammed him on the ground back and forth like a ragdoll.

Garial and Hataki was fighting each other with their blades. Garial would change his daggers into two katanas, Hataki charged at him with his war axe. They would both clash as an explosion went off. Garial was blocking every swing Hataki threw at him, Hataki was amused.

Garial:I'm glad you're enjoying this!

Garial kicked Hataki in the chin, sending him into the air. Then, Garial changed his Katanas into a chain that wrapped around Hataki's legs and slammed him into the ground spinning him around in the process. Garial would then jump into the air spinning around even faster, swinging Hataki into ruins and rocks.

Garial:Now charge!!

Garial's robots all shot their blast at Hataki, sending him flying into the air. Garial was already above Hataki with his weapon being two nightsticks that electrocuted him. Garial would then axe kick Hataki to the ground, causing a huge crater.

Garial:I don't want to sound cocky or anything, but I just cannot bring myself to believe that's all you got.

Hataki gets back up with his eyes glowing purple with an angry looking face. He would then smirk.

Hataki:I'll show you what I got…

Gianto would then bring Hataku into his fist and it seemed like it was over at that point. Hataku falls to the ground and looked as though he was lifeless.

Gianto:I knew it, you were nothing! Just a waste of my time, don't ever boast about yourself again weakling fool!!

Hataku struggles to get up.

Hataku:Weakling? I'll show you true power then!

Hataku's eyes glowed purple as well as Hataki's.

Gianto:What are you plotting?!

Halayna crashes back to the battlefield landing on her feet, causing a huge crater beneath her.

Halayna:What's going on? What did I miss?

Garial:He's about to transform...

Hataki had an enormous dark purple aura around him as his muscles bulged. His eyes turned reptile like but still a glowing purple color, he started growing fangs and claws as well as his hair spiking up into the air. Both he and Hataku were going into the second state of the berserk form.

Gianto:So that's your plan, Hmph I will beat you without using that power!

Hataki/Hataku:Now it's time for you to perish!!!

Halayna got into her fighting stance, making her gauntlets glow even more

Garial got into his fighting stance with his small blades.

Gianto was ready to attack Hataku.

And Aleina was just chewing some bubble gum and playing with her pets.

Gianto's aura flared as he got intense.

Hataku charged at Gianto, Gianto charged at Hataku with a huge clash causing shockwaves everywhere!!

Hataki appeared behind Garial and Halayna with a strike by his claws. Garial jumped out of the way in time, Halayna blocked with her Gauntlets and then uppercutted Hataki into the air.

Hataku was clawing at Gianto as they were battling it out in hand to hand combat. Hataku threw a left strike, Gianto grabbed his arm by holding it with his arm, not letting go. Gianto would then headbut Hataku into the ground.

Hataku got back up angry, just a bit.

Hataku growled but then smirked.

Hataku:Alright time for round 2!!

Hataki caught himself in the air and came back down with a heavy kick, knocking Halayna back just a little but she would then counter with a left hook. Hataki would then dodge the left hook and tried to land an axe kick, but Halayna easily blocked that with her arm. The two started to go back and forth with those same attacks. Hataki would then blow her back with a blast of acid from his mouth. Halayna went flying back but then Hataki was right on her tail, chasing her on all fours like a wild animal. Hataki would then jump into the air and and axe kick her in the back, she would catch herself on the ground and jump out of the way of his next kick, causing a huge crater.

She would then punch Hataki in the gut rapidly with her power fists and her gauntlets, as she did they were glowing red. She would then fire a huge fist shaped blast from her gauntlets, sending Hataki in the air and as it did she was above him and came down with a heavy punch, knocking him right into the blast. As that happened there was a huge explosion knocking everyone in that area back except Aleina, she had a force field around her and her pets. Garial would then set a force field around him from his gadget.

Hataku and Gianto were battling it out in rapid speeds, both seemingly even in battle. Their fist clashed with each punch, Hataku threw up acid onto Gianto's cloak burning it off. Gianto was pissed and his eyes went deep dark blue as his muscles bulked up. Gianto slammed his fist into Hataku's gut, crashing him into the ground followed by some rapid speed non stop punches of the furious legendary Gianto. He was now using the controlled berserk form, a form of berserk but not animal like at all.


Gianto would then pick up Hataku by the throat and punched him in the gut, the impact was so hard that you could see the fist caving in from Hataku's back. Gianto would then throw Hataku into the injured Hataki, both seemed to be finished.

Gianto and the others stood there and looked.

Garial:These two kids were an interesting duol, but they lack the experience to keep up with us.

Galeyna:Now to our meeting.

Aliena:Looks like I didn't have to step in after all.

Gianto:Hmph stupid brat, burnt my cloak!

They all got ready to leave until a huge explosion of aura burst out from nowhere.

Hataku and Hataki were back up in their normal forms.

Hataku:Well it looks like your reputations exceed what I originally thought of it.

Hataki:You guys are strong, I guess it's time to use our trump card.

Halayna:What the hell are you talking about?! Why are you doing this?!

Hataku:The Zygons have these items we need to achieve our goals, and we won't let anyone stand in our way of getting it, not even you lords!!

Gianto:You arrogant little brat!!

Halayna:I won't let you pass!!

Hataki:Are you ready brother?

Hataku:Ohh I'm more than ready brother…

Both brothers eyes glowed violent purple at the same time as they smirked and looked at each other.

The two would spike their auras up and their bodies would turn liquid like and be manipulated by them.

Both brothers:Twin Body Merger!!!

Their liquids would form in together morphing, their bodies into one and then a huge explosion would go off shaking the whole entire area making the rocks and boulders fly into the air. As the dust cleared, there were glowing purple eyes and a huge purple aura coming from only one being with longer hair than both of the two brothers and his muscles were bigger, he looked more mature and his eyes were even more sinister, but that lacked in comparison to his current power!

The four gatekeeper leaders were shocked by the massive increase.

Halayna:His power just shot up so high, and he's only in his normal form many times stronger than they were in their berserk forms second state individually!!

Garial:Damn this may be troublesome…

Gianto:It doesn't matter, I'll crush these little brats and we'll be on our damn way!!!

Aleina:This seems more interesting than before.

Aleina pulled out a book and started reading it with her glasses on.

???:Our names were Hataku and Hataku when we were separated, and we are together, so as of now I'll call myself Hatakai!! Now who shall step up first and fall? Maybe you should all come at me at once!

A figure appeared over some ruins with a very evil dark blue aura. This figure seemed to be an adult with long spiky hair going down to his back and glowing blue piercing eyes. The man was mixed in color and seemed to be very mature and battled experienced, he also had several battle scars all over him but he wore a dark uniform with a dark black cloak around him.

???:Now now you two, don't be selfish, save some for me…

Hatakai:Father, what're you doing here?!

Garial:Did he just say father??

Halayna:This can't be good.

???:Ohh I'm just here to have some fun, that's all… also you two are taking too long, especially being forced to use that technique against the likes of them. Although you are going up against the so called leaders of our race…

Aleina:He's not as strong as this Hatakai kid, but his power far exceeds them separated and he's only in his normal form and it feels as though he has something deep inside of him which is even stronger than the power Hatakai has. No it can't be… if he has "THAT" then this might be one extremely dangerous fight that we may not win!!

The man turned his head in the direction of Aleina with a smirk as his aura shot up.

Aleina was shocked by that.

Aleina:Did he just somehow read my mind?? Who is this guy??

Halayna:Who are you?!

Garial:Whoever you are, we can't let you get in our way!

Gianto:I'll take you myself!!

???:Such overconfidence will be your downfall Gianto… you lack the power to back up your big mouth, maybe if you'd keep it shut, you wouldn't have to face such a fate as dreadful as this one.

Gianto:What did you just say?!

???:Ho ho ho… you already heard what I had to say, so continuing this meaningless conversation would be futile.

Halayna:Who the hell are you?!

???:Who am I? I am a former general of the Gatekeeper army, and also the last one left after all of the others disappeared that fateful day. I am Mandarosa!!

The four Gatekeepers were all shocked at these words…

Halayna:But you're supposed to be dead!!

Garial:How are you even alive?!

Mandarosa:I'll tell you if you can defeat me!

Garial:Damn it, if only I knew we had to fight a formidable bastard like him.

Halayna:He's not as strong as the merged brothers so we shouldn't have too much of a problem right?

Garial:I don't know, he's not using his berserk form yet…

Halayna:The boys aren't either though.

Garial:But yet I can feel something even deeper within him that has even more raw power than that of the berserk form!

Halayna:Damn I thought I was the only one, I was in denial but I feel it too. You don't think it's the unsealed-


Mandarosa goes flying at the Gatekeeper leaders, Gianto and Halayna goes dashing at Mandarosa, and Garial and Hatakai clashes as that goes on.


Narrator Habakkuk:Who knew we'd get to learn about me and Sethnos's race! They seem very powerful even without using the berserk form. I wonder what could've gone wrong for Enthra to go rogue and hate Gatekeepers. Also can someone tell me what the hell the Unsealed Gate is, please??!