Enthra’s Backstory Part 4!!!!

Mandarosa and Gianto fists clashed in a heated battle, both seemed to be equal. Halayna clapped her hands making a red blast hit Mandarosa in the back to break his balance.

Mandarosa:Nice team up, but you can do way better.

Halayna:Trust me we can!!

Mandarosa's huge violet blue aura shot up around him as he grabbed Gianto by the arm and slammed him into the ground.

Gianto:What the?!! He was able to counter my power and then over power me?!!

Mandarosa kicked Halayna in the gut, as he did that she spit out a huge amount of blood.

He would then run at both of them clotheslining them as he seemed to be going at impossible speeds. He would then slam both of them into a huge mountain, causing a huge crater.

Hatakai shrugged his shoulders

Hatakai:Well that's that battle.

Garial spits on the floor.

Garial:Yeah, now let's get back to ours.

Hatakai:If you say so…

Hatakai appeared right in front of Garial, but Garial already anticipated this. Garial was in the air on some floating machine he made out of one of his gadgets.

Hatakai:How did he do that so fast?!

Garial dropped down with his two blades charging at Hatakai. Hatakai easily dodged them and punched him in the left and then the right rib and that was then followed by a kick to the face, sending Garial into the air only to crash onto the ground.

Garial:I should've known I wouldn't be able to take him like this!

Garial struggled to get up off his back.

Hatakai walked up to Garial with a smirk on his face, all slow and sadistic. As he walked his eyes glowed violet.

Garial:Damn I was a fool to take on someone with this type of power without being fully prepared…

Hatakai:Time for you to die!!

Hatakai dashed at him with a new scythe like blade out of his purple aura. Hatakai would swing the blade at Garial as he approached him. Hatakai's Blade hit the area where Garial laid, causing a huge explosion of rocks.

Aleina:Did it get him?


Garial escaped and jumped into the air before the blade even hit. When Garial escaped he transformed into his controlled berserk state, his aura was orange and his eyes were too.

Garial landed in front of Hatakai.

Hatakai:Controlled Berserk huh? That won't get you anywhere!!

Hatakai charged at Garial again, swinging his blade at him. Garial did backflips to get out of the way.

Hatakai:Come here Lord Garial, there's someone I want you to meet, his name is Scythe!!

Hatakai swings the blade even faster at Garial, Garial turned his two daggers into chains and wrapped them around the blade, making him swing around and deal a flying kick to Hatakai's face.

Hatakai:What the?!!

Hatakai got kicked in the face and fell to the floor. Garial landed on the ground and turned his chains into two katanas.

Hatakai got up dusting himself off.

Hatakai:Your attack caught me off guard, but it didn't even do any type of damage to me, I guess being in this merged body makes me so strong that I don't even have to use a transformation to beat you anymore even when you use yours.

Garial:Damn it he's right, he's only in his normal form tanking attacks from me while I'm using the controlled berserk state. What should I do?

Hatakai:You may have skills and experience, but my power far exceeds that, so what makes you think you can keep up for this long knowing your attacks don't hurt me? If I were to separate again you'd be able to take me down but while merged your nothing compared to my power, you so called Gatekeeper leader!

Garial:Damn it, he's right again… but I still have to fight!!

Garial turned his two katanas into powerful gauntlets.

Hatakai:Now we're talking!!

Garial and Hatakai clashes fists, Hatakai's fist slowly overpowered Garial's. Garial would do a spin kick to Hatakai's neck, Hatakai falls to the ground and instantly gets back up.

Hatakai:That was weak! Is that all you got?!

Garial appeared under him and uppercutted him, sending him flying into the air.

A huge aura explode out of the rubble

Garial:Damn it! He just keeps coming back!!

Garial engulfed himself with armor made out of his robots that enhanced his power.

Hatakai:It's time that you die!

Hatakai moves so fast he was instantly in front of Garial.

Garial:When did you?!

Hatakai punches Garial in the gut so hard, that the armor came off, Garial's pupils disappeared, and he coughed up a huge amount of blood.

Hatakai would then backhand Garial from the side, sending him flying extremely fast that it looked like a ball of fire. One of Aleina's pets caught him and set him down on the ground.


Aleina spits out her gum.

Aleina:I guess it's time for me to fight.

Hatakai:Me fight a little girl like you? Ha you'll die before you even try!

Aleina:Little girl?

Hatakai:I bet you're no older than 15 or 16.

Aleina:How old are you?


Aleina's eyes glowed hot pink as her hair flowed up surrounded by pink aura.

Aleina:I'm 25


Aleina pulled out her gigantic war sledgehammer hammer and hit Hatakai across the face with it, sending him flying into rocks.

Aleina:Never assume a females age, although I don't care, but it's what Halayna tells Gianto and Garial for some odd reason.

Hatakai jumped from out of the rubble and charged at her. His aura spiked as he was a bit pissed off for being caught off guard by a heavy attack like that.

Aleina:He seems mad.

Hatakai dashes with a heavy slash with his scythe, Aleina dodged it with a sort of ease, she would then do a backflip but while doing that she kicked him in the chin. Hatakai stumbles back and Aleina would spin like a top or a tornado and kicked Hatakai in the back of the neck, causing him to cough up spit. Hatakai goes crashing and sliding into the making tunnel like paths.

Aleina:Don't tell me that's all you can do!

Hatakai jumped from off the ground and his energy swelled up, he started to launch tons of energy bullets at Aleina. Aleina ran from them while dodging at the same time, she would then whistle for one of her gigantic dogs and as she did, it already lifted her into the air and threw her at Hatakai.

Hatakai:I'm blowing you into little pieces little girl!!

Aleina appeared at the side of him with a right hook.

Aleina:You sure about that?!

Hatakai:What the hell?!

Aleina punched Hatakai in the face so hard that it caused a shock wave and he went flying thousands of feet away.

Aleina:Here I come!!

Aleina's controlled second state was way too much for Hatakai to handle, but wait she had another trick up her sleeve as well.

Hatakai goes crashing through canyons burying whatever was in his way.

Halayna and Gianto were both in their controlled second states but their attacks weren't working against Mandarosa, he just kept countering them.

Gianto:Alright, I've had enough of this!! I'm going to put him down once and for all!!

Gianto's blue aura went around him in insane rates. Gianto started to grow claws and fangs, the whole area started to shake as rocks flowed into the air. His hair spiked up and he started to turn pale and two little horns can be seen on his forehead, his skin was becoming more armor like like a rhino instead of a normal human. Gianto entered the third state of Berserk.

A huge roar can be heard shaking the whole area around them, even where Aleina and Hatakai was.

Aleina:So he got fully serious huh?

Hatakai was still in the rocks

Hatakai:What the hell was that?! It sounds like a giant monster!!


Halayna:He's really serious now, I sure hope this works.

Mandarosa:Hmm intriguing, the third state huh? I doubt it'll work though…

Gianto:We'll see about that!!

Gianto charged at Mandarosa knocking him back with a fury of fierce punches. Gianto kneed Mandarosa in the gut so hard he coughed up blood and went flying into the air until he hit a mountain.

Hatakai still tried to battle Aleina but he wasn't powerful enough to take her on, especially now that she's in her third controlled state of berserk, he was way too slow for her and he couldn't even keep up.

Hatakai:DAMN IT!!!

Hatakai threw a heavy energy punched to her face, but she caught it with her feet and then slammed her sledgehammer on his head, putting him below the ground.

Garial woke back on to see these battles taking place.

Garial:Amazing, I guess they finally got full serious huh… I should've brought my highest tech suits, this would've been over a while ago.

Garial started to pet the gigantic dog like monsters.

Hatakai was now in his Berserk second state and he was going wild causing ruckus everywhere in that area, he was extremely monster like and he wanted to rip Aleina apart.

Gianto rushes at Mandarosa with the final blow, but a huge burst of energy threw him and Halayna back, the energy was so immense that it shocked Gianto to his spine and he reverted back into his normal form.

Garial was aware of this and sensed the energy and he was now in fear as well.

Aleina was struggling to keep up with Hatakai because he was too fast and strong for her now so she couldn't even land a hit on him anymore, he started to throw her around and beat her to the ground making it a blood bath. Aleina's monster dogs tried to jump in but Hatakai blasted them away with a huge mouth blast.

Aleina was really more concerned about the energy she felt in Mandarosa, it was way too strong for any of them to face, she knew if they were gonna get out of there and it would have to be through death…

Mandarosa would be standing on top of a high mountain with a lot of dark blue energy flowing around him, his aura was a different tone and felt more violent, fierce, and enraged. Only the lower half of him showed as if this was a scene that was only teasing the fans of what's to come in the future.

Halayna:No way it can't be… he's on a whole other level than us!!!

Gianto was on the ground in fear, he never feared anyone before but now he's completely terrified of what he's facing.

Garial:No armor I can ever make would be able to compare to that, he's way too strong, we're not leaving this planet… we're going to die!!!

Aleina was on the ground bloody and beaten.

Aleina:I knew it!! It was as I expected… he's the… He's the… UNSEALED GATE!!!

Mandarosa smirked and then chuckled as he clenched his fist and was prepared to wipe them all out at once… but that is a story for another time, it's time to get back to Enthra.

The Next Night On Planet Zygos…

Enthra and his two friends were wearing their royal guard armor as bodyguards waiting outside the meeting room.

Matrocious was done getting everything situated and prepted, the Zygon elders were also there alongside Queen Merlinda and Matrocious's closest friends.

Enthra:It's about time for the Gatekeepers to get here and have that meeting with father and the others.

Murgo:Well I'm happy that we finally get to be safe and acknowledged without being attacked for once.

Geyla:They should be here any minute now shouldn't they?

Enthra:Yeah they should be here real soon.

Matrocious:Alright, everything is ready, now we just have to wait for their arrival.

Hernold:Our guards will be out there just in case things go south.

Across:And I gathered several chefs to make different dishes.

Matrocious:That's good to hear, I really hope we finally get to make things right.

The sky turned a darkish red color…

Enthra's eyes would squint as this happened.

Geyla:What's wrong?

Murgo:They must be here, right?

Enthra:It can't be them, something feels off, and just wrong…

Small ships crashed into the ground making huge craters as each of them hit, buildings were being destroyed and houses as well. The people of planet Zygos were running for their lives as these ships crashed on the ground. One of the Zygon guards sounded the alarm so that the royal army could come.

Enthra:No… but they were supposed to save us and keep us alive!

Murgo:I knew this was way too good to be true.

Geyla:But why?!

Hernold:Matrocious, the Gatekeepers are here and they're attacking us!!

Across:It's really bad we're going to have to go to battle!

Matrocious slammed his hands on his desk

Matrocious:Damn it!!! It seems like it came to this after all, alright gather the royal army!


People were being attacked by the Gatekeepers and there were fires everywhere.

Enthra fell to his knees.

Enthra:They betrayed us...


Matrocious got into his armor while the royal guards ran out to the place where the ships crashed.

Enthra wiped his tears and prepared for battle. Murgo and Geyla gathered their forces and were ready to fight.

Matrocious's Army was already at the ships where the Gatekeepers arrived.

Matrocious:What is the meaning of this?!! You were supposed to help us, not destroy us!!

A man and two teens came out of the ship, with the man standing in the middle.

Mandarosa:Well sorry you keep you waiting...we are here to help.


Hataki:More like help get rid of you pests!!

Hataki and Hataku blasted the royal guards, destroying them.

Matrocious:You bastards!!!

Hernold and Actose put their powerful armors on max power and charged at the two brothers!

Hernold surprises Hataku with a fake punch to the gut that was followed by an elbow to the head. Actose planted his electricity whip mines around Hataki. As soon as Hataki tried to take a step and attack Actose, he was electrocuted badly.

Matrocious:Now that leaves us two.


Matrocious:What is your name and why are you doing this?!

Mandarosa:My name is Mandarosa, an ex general in the Gatekeeper army before Isariah disappeared. My goal is to take that power amplifier weapon of yours and bring my race to its full glory so we can destroy a certain someone and take control over the entire universe!

Matrocious:I cannot let that happen, I'm sorry but if that's the case you'd have to go somewhere else and achieve power, the precious artifact of the Zygons won't be used for your evil deeds!!

Mandarosa:Well now I'll have to force you to give it up!

Matrocious:What happened to the 4 Gatekeeper leaders?! Why aren't they here right now to put you in your place?!

Mandarosa:Oh then? We easily disposed of them on the way here.

Matrocious was shocked as there was nothing but a black void around him as he's come to the realization that there's no one who can save them now.

Matrocious:What but how?! Why would you kill your own kind?!

Mandarosa:Simply because they were weak and they think that they can rule everything, also those goodie goodies were in the way of my plans so I got rid of them.

Matrocious:How could you?!

Mandarosa:Now less talking and more fighting!!!

Enthra, Murgo, and Geyla were too busy fighting off Gatekeeper soldiers.

Enthra:Damn it I have to get to my siblings and my mother to make sure they're safe!!

Enthra's suit glowed red and he managed to overpower the gatekeeper he was fighting with a fierce kick to the face, knocking him out cold. Murgo and Geyla were fighting together putting their suits at almost max power, they were using their super powered ray guns to hold the Gatekeepers back while Enthra got away to go see his family.

Hataku and Hataki were in their berserk states and they were tearing Hernold and Actose apart, there was no way for them to win this battle. They both had tears in their eyes because they knew that they wouldn't make it out of this alive.

Matrocious and Mandarosa were clashing on the ground. Matrocious put his suit to maximum power as it glowed blue and his eyes did as well. He pulled out his gigantic sword and tried to slash at Mandarosa with true intent to kill. He was angry that his planet was trashed like it was a battlefield, he felt sorrow that the people of his planet were being killed off and there was nothing he could do about it, he was terrified at the fact that his family was nowhere to be found and that he didn't know if they were dead or alive. The mighty king stomped his foot down, making a huge crater and he leaped into the air and swung his sword back so hard you could see the wind be cut from the pressure of his sword, Matrocious had an explosive amounts of veins and sweat all over his face and he was determined to make Mandarosa pay!!!

Merlinda was putting her kids in a ship to escape the planet and live a better life until they found a solution with this whole Gatekeeper situation.

Merlinda was crying because she knew that there was barely a chance that they were going to survive the Gatekeeper attack and be able to bring the kids back.

Enthra's oldest but younger sibling Zero, had tears in his eyes.

Zero:I just wanted to grow up and make older brother Enthra proud…

Merlinda:I'm sure he's already proud of you my


Xeinia:You'll come back and get us right mom?

Merlinda:Yes, after we get rid of these invaders I promise I'll try my best to come back for all of you.

Xeinia:Mom please don't promise us that, I know what's at stake and I know that there's a huge chance that you may never be able to bring us back. So this is goodbye, take care mom I'll always remember you, I love you.

Merlinda tears rushed out of her eyes as she told Xeinia that she loved her with all of her heart and she'll try and find a way to bring them back somehow.

Zario:Don't worry, mom and dad will bring us back I just know it, they'll come back to save us I know they will so just believe because I know that they can do it and so should you guys!

Merlinda wipes her tears as she kissed Zario's forehead, and tells him she loves him.

Zario:I love you too mom.

Aleira and Alarah were both crying because they were scared and didn't want to leave their mom.

Merlinda:Your brothers and Sister will take care of you and make sure that you are all safe I know they will, don't worry girls, as soon as this is over we will bring you back and remember to be good for your brothers and sister, okay?

Aleira sniffs:Okay

Alarah:Do you promise to come and get us?

Merlinda hesitated as more tears came from her eyes.

Merlinda:I promise I'll do whatever I can to bring you all back I promise!! I love you all!!

Merlinda pressed the button and the ship went off.

Aliera and Alarah cried for their mom as the ship took off and Zero fell to his knees crying. Xeinia was on the other side of the ship and she had tears coming down her eyes. Zario tried to keep the same huge smile on his face but he began to cry. The pilots flying the ships were Murgo and Geylas moms, and they were tasked to protect the kids at all cost. Suddenly some type of small explosion hit the back of the ship and caused it to go in a different direction into some warp hole.

And that was the end of that…

Enthra arrived there.

Enthra:Mom, where are they?!

Merlinda finished wiping her tears.

Merlinda:I sent them away to a planet where they'll forever be safe.

Enthra:But I didn't get to say goodbye…

Merlinda:I'm sorry Enthra, I really am…just please go help Murgo and Geyla and gather any type of help you can to stop this so we can go back and get your siblings.

Enthra:And what will you do?

Merlinda:I'll go fight with your dad of course.

Enthra:Mom please be careful.

Merlinda:I'll try my best… I love you.

Enthra:I love you too mom…

Merlinda used her teleporter and arrived by Matrocious's side.

Matrocious hit Mandarosa so hard he went flying into a building nearby.

Matrocious:Merlinda? Where's the kids?

Merlinda:I sent them to a planet where they'll forever be safe.

Matrocious:Damn I never even got to say goodbye to them but let's try our best to win this fight and go get them back!


The two of them smiled…

Flashbacks of how they first met and all of their dates, argues, romantic moments, what led up to Matrocious being king, The children being born and that time they all got happy that their planet was finally going to be safe played through both of their heads as if they were having the same thoughts and were seeing them together.

Mandarosa landed back down to the ground ready for round 2.

Matrocious:Are you ready Merlinda?

Merlinda put her suit at extreme maximum power and Matrocious did the same, the two colors were a glowing blue and purple that resembled their love and will to keep fighting, they both rised up to meet this challenge until the very end, they were ready to put their lives on the line to save this planet and bring their families back.

Hernold and Actose were killed off in battle by Hataku and Hataki, who had huge grins on their faces and now had the task of retrieving the secret artifact of Zygons true power.

Matrocious and Merlinda were both side to side by each other fighting together. Merlindas eyes glowed purple as Matrocious eyes glowed Blue. They both would leap into the air with heavy intent to end everything with Mandarosa. They would both hit Mandarosa with everything they got using super powered gauntlets to increase their strength. Mandarosa blocked the punches but those punches were soon followed by a knee to the chin and a kick across the face. Mandarosa goes crashing to the ground, the two lovers charged at him with everything they got, beating him down with a fury of punches together in sync with one another. Matrocious punched Mandarosa up into the sky and Merlinda was above him with a heavy punch to the jaw, sending him back to the ground. Mandarosa was on the ground kind of hurt from feeling those punches.

Matrocious and Merlinda jumped back and put all four of their hands together and charged a huge gigantic cannon out of their gauntlets that glowed blue and purple. The whole planet was shaking from this powerful attack, this attack was meant to end it all.

Matrocious/Merlinda:LOVERS CANNON!!!

They fired the blast at Mandarosa, the blast was so huge and power to it engulfed the entire area around them. Mandarosa had to take the blast head on and it exploded on impact causing a huge explosion on the planet and everyone could feel it. A huge heart shaped blast would go flying into the air and it exploded like fireworks, blue and purple fireworks.

Hataku and Hataki looked into the direction where the fight took place with sweat coming down their faces.

Hataku:What the hell was that?

Hataki:Beats the hell out of me… let's just hurry and find this artifact so we can finally achieve our goal.


Murgo:What was that?

Geyla:Was it some kind of nuclear bomb?!

Enthra:Mom! Dad!

After the dust cleared, Mandarosa laid there on the ground with his clothes all torn.

Matrocious and Merlinda Hugged and smiled

Matrocious:We did it, we can finally be safe and free!

Merlinda:Now we can go get our children back!

Enthra was on his way to the sight running at full speed to see what's going on.

Mandarosa's body was gone.

Matrocious:Wait where's Mandarosa?!

Merlinda:He's gone!

A laugh can be heard from on top of a mountain.

Mandarosa's energy would turn into a deep and dark blue color, he was going into the unsealed gate form, the pressure of this shook the whole planet as if it was in fear of him.

Matrocious and Merlinda had true fear on their faces and all they could do was hug because they knew there was no getting out alive.

Mandarosa:Hahahaha, did you really think you could take me out with a blast like that?! After what I have become?!! I am the Unsealed Gate, the destroyer of planets and the father of the universe!!! You will be killed by your new king!!

Mandarosa formed a huge blade from his aura and stabbed it into the King and Queen's hearts, everything was in slow motion as Enthra was now arriving and he too were running in slow motion. The blood would splatter from the blade and when Enthra arrived, he saw both of his parents killed off right before his eyes.

Enthra:MOTHER!!! FATHER!!!

Tears rushed down his eyes as he ran up to them and held them.

Enthra:Father, please get up we can make it out of here, mother come on we can get you healed up and we'll go bring back our loved ones right? Please get up, come on wake up.

Mandarosa:It seems the boys finally found the artifact, well my work here is done, bye bye now!

Mandarosa and The two boys gathered the remaining Gatekeepers and left the planet.

Merlinda touched Enthra's cheek and Matrocious held his hand in a fatherly son way.

Merlinda:Enthra my beloved son, I am proud of you and I know you have what it takes to survive and go get your brothers and sisters back, Enthra when you were first born I was so happy to be able to give birth to this precious beautiful boy of a son you are. You made me so happy throughout all of these years and you continue to everyday.

Matrocious:My son, I could never ask for a better first born than you, you are the spitting image of a true king and a loved son, you truly are a kind hearted child and a worthy heir to the throne, please take care of this planet and your siblings, continue to make both me and your mother proud. That power, the power that the man had who did this is was the unsealed gate, somehow he achieved it and killed everyone, one day you will have the power to take him down I believe in you my son. Take care…

Both Matrocious and Merlinda:We love you with all of our hearts please take care, and don't ever forget who you are…

The two parents both dropped to the ground and passed away…

The wind breezes as it was nothing but silence and the fire stopped as the rain poured down the whole time this happened. Enthra fell to his knees, Murgo and Geyla mourned their fathers deaths but Enthra lost everything he held dear.

A loud scream can be heard throughout the whole planet. This scream was so loud and intense that everyone who was still alive was able to hear it. Enthra screamed at the top of his lungs as his veins looked like they were about to pop, tears rushed down his face, heavy rains would hit the ground, thunder and lighting roared, glass cracked, craters appeared on the ground, rocks flowed into the air. Enthra was sad at the fact he lost his loved ones, Enthra was enraged at the fact that the Gatekeepers betrayed him, Enthra felt sorrow because he couldn't do anything to stop them from wrecking the planet, Enthra was broken because he had nothing left to live for, his throne, his family, his people, his beautiful planet, his future...all gone.

Enthra continues to scream nonstop, a huge red aura would form around him and it wasn't the power of the suit, it was his own. His eyes glowed red as he continued to venture on into new depths of power. Enthra became so powerful that he was able to wipe away planets like it was nothing but still was nowhere near enough to beat the Gatekeepers. This scream and red energy would go on for hours as the sky continued to change colors, Enthra just wouldn't let it go he couldn't accept the loss of his family and he also couldn't accept the fact that the Gatekeepers betrayal led to their deaths. He just couldn't let go, he felt utterly defeated and vulnerable like there was nothing he could ever do, the thought of the Unsealed Gate kept racing through his mind and each time he thought of it he started to scream again for more hours. Weeks started to go by, and Enthra just couldn't let it go, he won't let it go, he kept screaming for hours on top of hours and when he wasn't doing that he was either staring into space or whimpering. More weeks go by and Enthra's screaming and crying didn't seem to be fading away. He didn't eat nor sleep. He just kept doing the same thing for hours on end, for now almost 11 months Enthra just couldn't let it go. Murgo and Geyla were helping the few hundred remaining survivors rebuild the planet while Enthra just been screaming for all of this time, he never even noticed the change in the planets looks he just continued to stay in the same spot and stare off into the same spot, maybe he was sleeping whenever he did that but at night after 12:00 his screams grew intense and those were assumed to be nightmares. No one could even reach Enthra because he always had a huge red aura around him and when Murgo tried he was knocked back extremely hard and was rushed to the emergency room where Geyla healed him. Three years went by after that and it was assumed that Enthra was put in a coma after a traumatic stress disorder. He continued to scream from night until day but one day, his screams stopped and he fell to the ground finally done, finally giving up.

Murgo and Geyla were sitting in a room with other Zygons discussing matters with Enthra. They felt a change in his heart as the years went by, as he sat there on his knees for almost 4 years like a statue screaming and crying his heart shifted into something different.

A bigger and taller Enthra slammed the doors open and appeared into the room. Enthra was now 20 years old and he had lots of hair grown on to him and his clothes were extremely ripped. He fell to the ground as soon as he saw Murgo and Geyla. They were happy to see that he was back but it also felt too good to be true but before they could start crying they rushed him to the emergency room and got him healed and brought him lots of food to eat but he was also on life support, after a year of that Enthra woke up and he was 21 but he was finally stable and ready to come back to living again.

He bursts into the conference room where the new leaders, who were elders of the race were at. They were discussing things with Murgo and Geyla but that was interrupted by Enthra himself.

Narrator Habakkuk:I'm at a loss for words at this one. Enthra's backstory is so heartbreaking that I can barely even narrate this, I feel so bad for him. He got his hopes up just for them to be shattered back down after he was betrayed by the ones who were meant to save him. This Unsealed Gate sounds like a true problem, and it's been on Enthra's mind ever since. In the next part we'll finally be departing from earth and going on to do my training, so I guess I see you there!