
Murgo and Geyla were shocked and so were the elders, Enthra came in the room declaring he was the new king and he wanted to get revenge on the Gatekeepers who did this to them. But he was informed by the elders that the Gatekeepers planet was destroyed a year ago, and they were all extinct. Enthra was relieved that they were dead but was now extremely enraged at the fact that he couldn't avenge his family. He later found out what happened to his siblings and he was heartbroken at the fact there was no way to get them back. He remembered something his father told him a long time ago about this purgatory-like place where souls were trapped there if they weren't meant to die yet and if their hearts were pure, and that's the place that his siblings had gone.

He remembered that his father told him that he had to reach a certain power that was rare and extremely high enough so that he could break the barrier and reach that place and bring his loved ones back to life. The only way a person could do that is if they were to locate these rare magical books found only on the planet earth, but that person also had to have a high enough power level to shatter dimensions in order for this to work so Enthra's new goal was to find these magical talisman and gain enough power to bring his loved ones back to life and bring the Zygon's race back to full glory and take revenge on those who once hurt them in the past. Soon Enthra would become the king of the planet Zygos/Zygon and he would be looking for any type of answers that could give him new types of powers in order to get him strong enough to recruit people and be able to bend things to his will. The kind hearted Enthra shifted into a cold hearted man but he still cared for his friends and loved ones.

Murgo and Geyla listened to everything Enthra said even if it were to be a bad or cruel choice, they still accepted Enthra as their King and their friend but mostly king now since Enthra seemed to be different. Murgo did anything to please Enthra and did whatever Enthra said to do, he would even give his own life for any goal Enthra wants to accomplish. Geyla only wanted what was best for the Zygons and to help Enthra bring back his family and restore everything back to normal even though she knew there would have to be a few sacrifices in order to achieve this goal.

Enthra found an old ancient cave deep underground that had all of these special powers and he learned them and became even stronger than before, without the suit. Enthra would then go on to teach Murgo and Geyla some of the powers as well but not all. But now it was time that they all departed from that planet and headed to earth. They went to several other planets as well to learn more information about earth and gain more new abilities but of course by force. Enthra also gained new allies and new enemies throughout the universe, he was becoming a huge criminal known throughout space and the Ateirans would then catch onto this so they assigned a young Mrs Thayer, who had a different name, to go follow after Enthra and get rid of him since this was her part of the galaxy she had to cover.

Mrs Thayer didn't look anything like a human; she was a full blown Ateiran and her name was also Esstarienia. They ran into each other several times, each time she got in the way of Enthra's plans and there was nothing he could do to stop her. Every time they ran into each other, Enthra's men and some of the remaining Zygon survivors were killed off or injured in battle but mostly killed off. This Enraged Enthra, but he had an idea. His idea was to use his ability to disguise himself as a human to be able to escape Esstarienia and get to those magical books. So Enthra finally reached earth with only a few members of his team left including Murgo and Geyla and they all disguised themselves as human.

Mrs Thayer did the same thing to go undercover and find Enthra but after years and years of searching she couldn't find him, and she started to live a human life because she couldn't go back unless her mission was finally done so she remained human which made her softer over the years and aged her. Enthra would go into influence other people like the four brothers, he tampered with their lives and influenced the people to kill their mothers and fathers but also influenced the brothers by mind controlling them, he was working in the shadows so that Esstarienia wouldn't be able to find him. Lots of years went by and he was finally able to attain one of these magical books, it was found in Corcoran highschool' basement so Enthra made the four bounty hunters into the board of education long before the book even spawned back and he also had Geyla and Murgo have some involvement as well.

The book was huge, like the size of two huge text books put into one, it was black but had red glowing lines on it but had an eye in the center of it that was a deep glowing red color. Enthra used many spells to make Him, Murgo, and Geyla's strength go up considerably. He also used the book on his minions to help them grow stronger against Nakir, Adron, Dana, and the others after Mrs Thayer Aka Esstarienia trained them to be warriors. Enthra learned that the book would take a very long time to give him the power he need to achieve his goals so he went back to his planet and slowly absorbed it but it takes a long process to do so he only powers up a tinsy bit but slowly due to it being the weakest of the three magical books.

Now as he waits for the year to go by and for his battle with Habakkuk, he continues to slowly grow stronger from the book. Enthra had the goal of getting this book and growing stronger but he never would've imagined he'd find a Gatekeeper living on earth so he wants Habakkuk to get stronger and become the unsealed gate only to take out all of his hatred and on him by watching him suffer and then steal his Unsealed Gate powers to merge that with the power he receives from the book and grow strong enough to break into the dimension and bring back his loved ones. But now the calm, collected, and patient Enthra is starting to become inpatient and battle hungry to where he can't even wait a full year to battle Habakkuk and all of his friends, the fact the Habakkuk is a Gatekeeper really makes him blood lusted and it's affecting his ego so now he is extremely different then he was when he was first shown.

Now Back To Our Heroes…

Nakir and Adron discussed Training and thought of new ideas to improve their guardians' power. Laci trained with Nakir whenever she got the chance, Matt improved his physical strength and definitely improved his suits and machines to get even stronger. Chris and Isaya also trained really harder, both increasing their physical strength and gaining new abilities. Dana and Habakkuk just hung out and sparred here and there.

Habakkuk, Dana, Nakir, Adron, and Laci all met up and hung out at the mall by some tables in the food court.

Habakkuk:So how are you guys training going?

Nakir:It's going alright for right now, we're trying to figure something out with a secret power we won't show until this Enthra guy and his two lackies get back here.

Adron:Well that's one way to explain it.

Habakkuk:It sucks that I have to leave soon, and for a whole year! What am I going to do about school and my family, I'll get in so much trouble that it'll make the beating I get from Enthra look like nothing!!

Dana:Bakkuk calm down, Mrs Thayer has a way for us to be gone for years, I mean come on she teaches at our school, I'm sure she can figure some things out.

Habakkuk:Yeah you're right. I guess she'll figure something out.

Nakir smirked.

Nakir:I bet after that year of training you get, you still won't be enough to beat me.

Habakkuk:Get over yourself, I'll be able to kick your ass up and down this whole entire mall.

Habakkuk started laughing.

Nakir:Oh is that so?!

Nakir's smirk turned into a glaring face.

Habakkuk's did as well.

Habakkuk:It is so!

Nakir got up and slammed his hands against the table.

Nakir:Oh yeah?!

Habakkuk did the same.


Nakir:Come on then!!

Habakkuk:You swing the first punch!!

The two of them started arguing

Adron face palms

Adron:We can't take them two anywhere now that they both have powers.

Dana:But aren't you like that with Nakir 24/7? Or should I even say 25/8?! You guys are rivals after all.

Adron:Uhhh nice weather we're having huh?

Dana's thoughts:Did this dude really just change the subject on me?

Laci would then break up Habakkuk and Nakir's argument.

Laci:Mrs Thayer is on her way back, she called me and told me and she also told you guys to shut up and just learn to get along with each other.

Nakir:I don't wanna get along with this guy Hmph!

Nakir turned his face a different way from Habakkuk.

Habakkuk pushes him:I don't wanna get along with you either!

Nakir made fun of Habakkuk for being short and trying to push him.

Nakir:Man you really are my little brother, you're so short it's like you're a child!

Habakkuk:Shut up!!

Laci:BOTH YOU GUYS SHUT THE HELL UP!!! Now can we please go so Mrs Thayer can come and pick up Habakkuk and we can get to our training.

Both Habakkuk and Nakir:Uhhh yeah!

Habakkuk:That was a close one.

Nakir:Yeah I know, she's very scary when she gets like this.

Habakkuk:Man who are you telling? She beat me up because I didn't wanna watch what her and my friend Kayla was watching on tv. Ohh mann the pain.

Laci laughed.

Habakkuk:She's even laughing at me.

Habakkuk whined.

They all went back to Matt's new mansion to just have fun and vibe with each other. Matt was busy making new power up suits and doing fitness training to make his normal strength go up as well. Adron and Habakkuk sat on the couch just talking and watching some anime.

Nakir:So wassup mr fly guy, you getting any new girls?

Dana:Shoot something like that.

Nakir started laughing.

Dana:You're the one who really gets all the girls though Mr Playa.

They both started laughing but it was true, Dana dressed the flyest and gets lots of girls but Nakir had most of the good looks and gets the most girls while Adron had decent looks a had a few girls but mainly stuck to one and Habakkuk was the one the girls never went for, he's always had trouble with the ladies.

Laci was in the kitchen drinking some orange juice over ice.

Habakkuk:So Adron what have you been up to?

Adron:Well we've been discussing training while you're gone with Mrs Thayer but nun much.


Adron:What have you been up to while we were training?

Habakkuk:Not gonna lie, I was kinda getting my ass whooped, but other than that I helped Laci and my Friend Kayla with their training and got to hang out with them.

Adron:That's good...wait a second?! You mean you got beaten up by those two Nakir and I defeated right?

Habakkuk:Yeah they are so strong compared to where I'm at, unlike you guys I don't have a any transformations or a special fighting style or any type of techniques that can fend those two off, I may have the strongest base power but with none of those things I'm kind of the weakest in the group.

Adron:That is true, but that's why Mrs Thayer is gonna train you so you can hopefully beat Enthra, but honestly I'd never imagine it'll be you to beat the guy Mrs Thayer trained us for this past year, honestly I thought it'll be her because that Enthra guy is really a big deal.

Habakkuk:I never would've thought I'd be the one to fight the main boss either, honestly I'm afraid. That guy was really powerful and he made Murgo and Geyla look weak and keep in mind they beat me while I was in that berserk mode.

Adron:Yeah that is pretty crazy, I hope Mrs Thayer's training actually works but if you're not strong enough I'm sure we can find a way to win this all together.


Nakir:I mean we did beat those two lackies he had, so if we train we'd only get stronger and then they'll be nothing to us and then we could all team up against Enthra and he's dead. Well I think if I trained hard I could beat Enthra on my own, think about it we went from being under John's boot to being way more powerful enough to defeat the board of education brothers in a few hours and then in a few months we reached powers even higher than their superiors. So think about it, if I can train for a whole year I'd be able to crush Enthra!

Adron:That actually kind of made sense but it's easier said than done.

Dana:Dude this Enthra guy is something else I don't know if it would be that easy but shoot let's all try to do what you're doing.

Habakkuk:Yeahh I don't know, Enthra was already very strong and he wasn't even showing none of his true powers when he confronted us but yet he was already far surpassing Murgo and Geyla, hell he even surpassed you three and he was only holding back his true power!

Nakir:Well I'm just gonna train even harder, he won't know what hit him!

Laci walks out of the kitchen with orange juice.

Habakkuk gasped in disappointment.

Habakkuk:Is that orange juice?!!

Habakkuk walked up to Laci.

Habakkuk:How dare you drink that?! That juice is disrespectful and everyone knows that apple juice is way better!

Laci:But there's no apple juice here right now.

Habakkuk:That doesn't mean drink the enemy!!

Dana:Dude it's just juice...

Habakkuk had a tear coming down his right eye

Habakkuk:It's not just juice, that thing! That thing right there is a monstrosity!! Apple juice is a beautiful juice that comes from the divine deities but orange juice is an abomination!

Dana:I'm done talking.

Adron:Oh boy, he can go on for hours about this.

Nakir:Yeahh Apple Committee booyyy!!

Habakkuk:Yeah tell her bro!

Laci:I just can't with you two! Whenever my bestie and my boyfriend get together it's always what they say and never what I say… assholes.

A portal would appear and Mrs Thayer arrived with Mrs Timmons.

Mrs Thayer:Habakkuk are you ready?

Habakkuk:Yeah I'm ready?

Nakir:Do you think we can come for a few hours? I kinda miss being on that planet.

Mrs Thayer:Sure, come on.

Habakkuk:Wait I have a few stops to make before I go, so can we not go yet.

Mrs Thayer:Alright.

Habakkuk:Mrs Thayer can you take me to them.

Mrs Thayer:Sure thing but we've got to hurry this up.


Mrs Thayer:Don't worry about school, I can manipulate it to make it as though you were going to school the whole time with good grades.

Habakkuk:Alright!! Wait what would I tell my family?

Mrs Thayer:You would have to tell your mom the truth, but her knowing that could lead your family to danger so it'll have to be a very damn good lie so let me do the talking for that one.

Habakkuk:Alright I hope this works.

Mrs Thayer:If not I'll put your family in a trance and give your friends some of the power to do it so that no one would worry about your whereabouts.

Habakkuk:Alright I think that just might work, let's go!

Mrs Thayer:Alright, step into this 6 feet circle around me and we'll be able to teleport.

Habakkuk:Alright guys see y'all on the other planet!

They all said their goodbyes to him.

Habakkuk stopped at home first to talk to his mother.

It was about 8 at night starting to get dark.

Habakkuk:Hey mom, I got accepted into this college but I'd have to go to this place for a year, it has my school involved and everything. Remember how I said I wanted to be an inventor and animator, well here's my chance.

Habakkuk shows her that Mrs Thayer made a valid college certificate. His mom couldn't believe what she was seeing and thought it was way too good to be true and she asked him when this was supposed to take place. Habakkuk answered "tonight." His mother was concerned because it just now was brought up and he all of a sudden now has to leave for it, so she didn't really think things were looking good here.

Habakkuk:But Nakir, Adron, and Dana went already and their moms know, so please mom let me go. I want to be able to have that career, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, this may never happen to me again think about it, haven't there ever been a once in a lifetime opportunity for you and you completely missed it and never got to do what you truly wanted? So how do you think that would make me feel if I didn't go? Mom I truly want this so please let me go.

Mrs Thayer chimes in: Please I would be willing to help my student achieve his goals, we'll even pay for anything he eats or drinks or anything he basically wants, just ask Nakir and Adron's mother's they know.

Quantina:Fine, go get your things packed and I'll talk to your teacher about it.

His mom was extremely happy for him but at the same time sad because he was leaving for a whole year, she had tears coming down her eyes. Mrs Thayer comforted her and even gave her a hug, but Habakkuk's mom was truly happy for him.

Habakkuk got all of his most needed items and was now ready to leave.

Quantina:Did you make sure to get your tooth brush?

Habakkuk:Of course I got it.

Quantina:Good now go say goodbye to your little sister.

Habakkuk Hugged his little sister, she was 9 years old and her name was Pratygia, but they called her Tye for short.

Habakkuk:Now you won't be seeing me for a year, do you think you can handle that?


Habakkuk:Yeah, so I need you to be good for mommy and please stay out of trouble.

Tye's eyes started to water

Tye:Are you ever really going to come back?

Habakkuk:Yeah, I'll be back before you know it, I'll even see if I can come back for your birthday and go trick or treating with you and for the other holidays too. And when I get back I'll let you play my game with me, how's that sound?

Tye:Okay, promise?

Habakkuk:Promise. I love you Tye.

Tye:I love you too.

He hugged her tight and walked over to where his mother was and gave her a big hug.

Habakkuk:Don't worry mom, I'll be safe and I'll do my best.

Quantina:Okay, please be good and make sure to come back for the holidays and on your little sister's birthday.

Habakkuk:Alright, can you tell grandma that I love her. Also Onna, Nye, and my other little sister?

Habakkuk had 4 sisters, 3 on his mom's side and 1 on his dad's. Nye was his older sister Inphinity who has 2 kids and is 21 , Arihanna who's name is Onna for short is his younger sister who's 14 also two years younger than him, and his Sister on his dad's side was named Aaliyah but Lee Lee for short is 11 years old.

Quantina:Of course.

Habakkuk:Alright, well I'm off. See you later mom I love you.

Habakkuk walks out of the door getting ready to get into Mrs Thayer's car

Quantina:I love you too bam, take care!

Habakkuk:I will!

Quantina:Keep in touch, and remember to be good and shower everyday.

Habakkuk:Haha of course!

Quantina:I mean it.

Habakkuk smiles

Habakkuk gets into the car thinking to himself

Habakkuk:Yeah I know you do…

They drove off and Habakkuk's mom and sister both shedded tears.

Habakkuk:Now on to Kayla's house.

Mrs Thayer:Alrighty show me where to go.

They drove there and arrived at Kayla's house and it was around 11:30 pm.

Habakkuk called Kayla on his phone and told her to come outside so they could talk.

Kayla comes outside with her covers wrapped around her and little black cat socks.

Kayla:So what did you want to see me about?

Habakkuk:Well the truth is, There's this powerful guy even stronger than the both of us and your whole witch group combined who wants to take over the universe and also wants to kill me for some reason and we've been fighting his minions for a while now, but it looks like he's finally ready to fight himself and I'm getting ready to leave so I can go train with my mentor in order to defeat him, he even gave us a year to train so I'll be gone for a whole entire year, he also has a huge army and none of his men or women are weak and they're all expected to be more powerful than the shadow demon king. So I'm asking for your help, we need you and the others to train really hard and be strong enough to save this planet so please inform your family and help Laci and the others with their training so we can actually have a shot at winning.

Kayla sat there at a loss for words but she understood.

Kayla:Alright, I'll get right to it, don't worry Habakkuk we'll save everyone.

Habakkuk:Habakkuk alright I hope so.

Kayla had a confident smile on her face as she watched Habakkuk walk back to the car with a hopeful smile on his face.

Kayla:Take care Habakkuk.

Habakkuk:I'll try but, you take care too...See you in a year.

Kayla:See you in a year…

Mrs Thayer drove off with Habakkuk in the car looking straight ahead with a smile on his face , she looked at the car driving away with a slight frown but was trying her best to hide it with a hopeful smile. She still felt really bad for that other night when Habakkuk confessed his love to her and she had to deny it. She went back inside the house and a few tears ran down her cheek as she entered.

Little did she know it was just his emotions playing tricks on him due to side effects of his rebirth.

Kayla:Alright I'll try my best…

Mrs Thayer teleported Habakkuk and herself to planet Ateira where everyone else was at.

Dana:About time you got here.

Adron:Took you long enough.

Nakir:What were you doing pleading with your mommy to come here? Hahahahaha.

Habakkuk:No I actually got some very strong allies to join us for your information.

Laci:Is it Kayla and the witch army?

Habakkuk:Yeah she was happy to help us.

Laci:That's good to hear.

Nakir:Is she cute?


Dana:Yeah I remember that one time I met her before when Habakkuk came over, it was weird.


Nakir:What I didn't say anything wrong!


Nakir:I'm sorry?

Laci:Yeah whatever.

Miss Timmons:So what now?

Mrs Thayer:I think we should all go out to get something to eat and then get ready to go to our rooms to go to bed.

Habakkuk, Nakir, and Adron were all drooling.

Habakkuk:Food?! That sounds like a good deal to me!

Mrs Thayer:Then it's settled let's all go out to eat.


Narrator Habakkuk:Enthra's past was quite traumatic, now I see why he changed like that. Honestly if I had his past I wouldn't know what to do. Maybe I can make Enthra see that there's good in Gatekeepers and try not to lead things into a fight to the death, I really don't want anyone to die, although I don't think I'll be able to beat him anyway. I had to make that lie to my mother, I wonder how long that's gonna keep up. With Kayla and her family helping us there's a better shot at us winning this battle. I wonder why Kayla was so sad, I forgive her. Now it's time to move on to the future and show everyone that I can handle being able to have these powers and still be a teen at the same time. Who's these weird strong looking guys looking at us like that? I don't like the way they're talking to us.