Team Prophecy Vs Enthra’s Empire

The two armies charged at each other in a fierce clash of warriors. The witches and Warlocks we're already locked in battle with some of the alien warriors. Juvier and Izaya made aura boxing gloves out of their hands, juvier had blue and Izaya had red. The two of them together were taking down some men who swarmed around them. Matt had his two katanas in his hands and was slicing at any enemy who came his way. Chris turned into a gigantic ball and bounced onto the ground, crushing the enemies beneath him. Ronin turned into a gigantic ronin samurai and stabbed his sword into the ground, causing it to shake enemies up as Nuke swooped in and touched them with his hands causing them to get hit in his mini nuclear explosions. Kayla's Mom and Dad led the charge of the Witches and Warlocks while Kayla teamed up with Laci.

Nakir, Adron, and Dana took down most warriors easily as they were trying to make their way towards Murgo and Geyla. Laci and Kayla wore black tight suits that glowed purple on some of the outlines and they stood there side to side in battle with warriors from all sorts of other planets.

Laci:These guys look strong!

Kayla:Don't worry Laci, with me at your side we can do almost anything!

Laci:Alright, then let's show them what us earthlings can do!

A lizard like warrior with poison claws came at Laci with a fierce intent to kill. Laci dodged the attacks and did a backflip. A big monster with hammer hands tried to crush Kayla with his huge hands, but Kayla jumped back and pulled out her wand, turning him into a dove. Laci did a handstand, then spun her legs around so fast, it looked like a mini tornado and when the lizard man came at her, he got hit so hard he was instantly sent flying back and unconscious from the impact.

Johnathan and Kaywahn took down several enemies that got in their way, doing coordinated combo attacks. One warrior came from the air, Kaywahn ducked and Johnathan uppercutted him back where he came from. Another warrior rushed from behind John and Kaywahn shot a blast over John's shoulders, hitting the enemy directly.

The androids and aliens clashed in an all out battle as well, being damaged and torn apart on both sides. The support robots got with their people, which was everyone on team prophecy and got ready for battle.

Murgo:These earthlings are better than we thought.

Geyla:Perhaps 8 months was way more than a good time to get training done.

Zeltious waited impatiently trying to hold himself back from entering the battle to go straight for Kayla.

Zeltious:Compared to us and most of the strong warriors on the other team, our majority of our men are weaklings but there are a few who are worthy to be general's themselves.

Adron and the others were faced with 6 warriors from another planet. These warriors all kinda looked like they were similar, they were around the height of 6'5, had colorful skin and weird hair.

Nakir:Let's show these weirdos what we got!


Dana:Alright I'm ready!

Nakir went running at the 6 warriors, one of the warriors flew into the air, another turned invisible , two went at Nakir, and another two went underground. Nakir quickly attacked the two warriors in front of him. Nakir through a right hook to one but the other one blocked his hand. Then two underground grabbed Nakir by his ankles and held him still. Nakir tried to get up but the one who turned invisible punched him in the gut, causing him to cough up spit. The warrior in the air would then come crashing down at Nakir like a cannonball in flames. Nakir seemed to be trapped at the moment.

Dana:Damn Nakir moved so fast that I wasn't able to go fight with him.

Nakir:Damn it, if I get hit by that attack it'll cause damage!

Suddenly a red glow of electricity appeared by the guy coming down like a cannonball. It was Adron moving at super speeds never seen before. Adron kicked the warrior into another section, then appeared and kneed the invisible man in the back and blasted the other two with red electricity until they passed out.

Nakir:Thanks Adron.

Adron:Anytime Bro.

Nakir:What to do with these two?

Nakir smirked as he looked under his feet.

Adron:That's gonna be funny.

Nakir stuck his chains underground and grabbed the two warriors dragging them across the battlefield.

Adron would then snap his fingers and he appeared right by the two warriors with an electric shock putting them to sleep.

Nakir:Good work Adron. Where's Dana?

Adron:We got separated after I used the speed of the crimson shock to get to you.

Nakir:Oh yeah he couldn't keep up with us, he was in his normal form while we were in our transformations after all.

Adron:Yeah it's sort of his fault, but you and I both know he can hold his own.

Nakir:Right, now let's hold our own!

Adron:Now that I can agree on!

Matt has his two blades out fighting a big brute warrior, with some androids and robot support at his side. The brute threw a huge punch at Matt, one of the androids got in front of him blocking the punch while the support robots started blasting the brute with their beams. The big brute was getting pissed off by this and tried to attack Matt even more.

Matt:You're way too slow, and it seems like my artificial intelligence can take you out without my help but I guess I'll take you down myself.

Matt started slashing at the air at rapid speeds, as he did that the big brute coughed up blood and fell to the floor.

Matt:That was my aura slashes, bet you didn't see that coming huh?

Chris, Nuke, and Ronin teamed up fighting the bigger opponents. There was a gigantic monster they were fighting that resembled a squid but had the body of a gorilla.

Nuke:Ronin, hold it off while Chris throws me at him!

Ronin and Chris:Right!!

Ronin sliced at the big monster with his huge blade, one of the tentacles got cut off by Ronin but the other ones grabbed him and began to pull at him.


Chris turns into a giant and throws Nuke at the monster. Nuke's eyes lit on fire as his whole body did as well.

Nuke:Ronin, try to move out of the way!

Ronin:I can't! Just hit the damn thing!

Nuke:Alright, say less!

Nuke cocked his fist back as it glowed orange and he would then punched the squid face beast in the face causing a nuclear explosion. Ronin and Nuke went flying a different way and the beast collapsed.

Chris:Yeah they did it!

Another big warrior snuck up on Chris and he was a rock warrior. He would punch Chris in his back and then grab him by the back of the head and shove it into the ground. The rock warrior would then pick Chris's head up and knee him in the face. Chris fell over and the rock man got on top of him beating him down.

Rock Man:Rock Rock Rock Rock!!! Hahaha ROCK!!!

The rock man would turn his left arm extra big and tried to slam it onto Chris, but Chris quickly caught his hand and punched the rock monster in the mouth. The rock monster fell over but hurried up and got up mad. Chris got into a basic fighting stance still in his giant form to match the rock man's size and strength. The rock man punched Chris in the face, Chris punched the rock man in the face, the rock man would punch Chris in the face again, and Chris would punch the rock man in the face again. The two would keep going at it, punch each other, making both stumble as rocks fell from the warrior and blood from Chris. Chris used a sonic screech to stop the rock man's concentration, the rock man covered his airs and Chris punched the rock man so hard that it finally collapsed, causing a huge boom.

Nuke:Damn that fight got crazy keep it real!

Ronin:Hell yeah, you took him down though, good job.

Chris:He wasn't even that strong.

Surprisingly the rock man got up with his right arm being a drill and he drilled Chris in his lower left leg, splattering a lot of blood. Chris turned around and punched the rock man's head off before collapsing on the ground.

Ronin:Damn that cut was pretty bad, we gotta get him healed Immediately!

Nuke:Alright but who can heal him?

Chris:Those support robots can.

The support robots came over to heal Chris while Ronin, Nuke, and an Android watched over while the two support robots healed Chris.

Kayla's parents were battling against skinny slimy like aliens who looked like tall skinny black figures that would be in a kids closet in a scary movie.

Kayla's Dad:Damn these things are fast!

Kayla's Mom:No kidding, I can barely even keep up with it!

Android:Then allow me!

A male android that resembled a young short haired white highschool student came crashing down. The aliens surrounded it but Kayla's parents stood with him. The support robots were metal men/women who had a special kind of metal hard to destroy, but the androids on the other hand were robots but with human skin and features that allowed them to be superior to the support robots in terms of strength and emotion.

The Android pulled out two katanas and started to slice at the aliens, the aliens dodged and jumped over the attacks. Kaylas mom and Dad would then intervene by kicking two of the aliens away. Then the support robots started blasting them with rapid energy blast, the android would then punch the ground, ripping out a gigantic boulder and smashed it onto the aliens.

Kayla's Dad:Glad we got you around.

Android:It was my pleasure sir.

Atleast over 120 witches/warlocks fell in battle and about 300 aliens were defeated. Juvier and Izaya started punching each other's fist to make huge waves go off in the area to send the aliens to the ground. Izaya would then jump into the air and smash the ground causing a huge earthquake beneath them.

Juvier:Yeahh show them, big guy!

Izaya:Always gotta come big!

Dana was fighting against 3 warriors, one warrior was a normal looking average ripped guy that had a scar on his left eye, a goatee, and red eyes. The individual also had a cloak hood on covering his head to only reveal his face but had a good battle outfit. Another warrior was a strange small 4 feet guy with weird powers, he was a brown rabbit-like creature that had a long cat tail with strange big glowing yellow pupils with black eyes. Then there was another warrior who was a big brute and kind of looked like a grey human but he had blue horns and glowing blue eyes.

Dana:Looks like I'm in for trouble after all.

Weird guy:Aha ya damn right!

The big brute punched Dana into a wall of rock, the weird one with strange powers kept shocking him and the other guy stood back and watched as he smiled. Dana got up and fought back, swinging a punch at the small guy. The small guy leaped into the air and kicked Dana across the face and then turned his fist into fire hands and started punching Dana in the gut non stop.

Dana coughed up blood and fell to the ground holding his gut. The little guy would then turn his feet into steel and kick Dana in the face, sending him flying into the air. The little guy would then grow wings and fly above him with a slap to the back and this slap was packed with lightning as Dana got struct and fell to the ground.

Weird guy:Easy work, I shocked you I shocked you!

Dana struggles to get up off the ground. The weird warrior walked over to Dana with an icy wrench in his hand.

Dana:Damn I gotta get up and avoid that little guy's attack.

The weird guy charged at him but got sent back flying by the two support robots blasts.

Dana:It's a good thing they were here!

Weird guy:No fair he has robots!

Big brute:Shut up and fight!

The weird guy was fighting against both robots at once, surprisingly keeping up. Dana and the brute charged at each other, the brute threw a heavy right punch, Dana went under him and elbowed him in the gut, but the brute grabbed it with his left hand and kicked Dana in the chin, knocking him back.

Dana:Damn this guy is good, I guess I'll have to take this more seriously.

Brute:Oh so you have been holding back I see? Interesting!

The brute would then run at Dana with two jabs and a left hook, Dana dodged both of the jabs and then ducked from the left hook. The brute would then try to kick Dana in the face but Dana shields himself with his aura in one spot.

Brute:Clever, but that won't be enough to beat me!

Dana:Alright, then let's see!

The brute would then pull out two huge weapons, a sledgehammer and an axe.

Dana:Oh crap!

Big brute:Yeah crap!

The brute ran at Dana with his weapons drawn out. The brute would slash at Dana with the axe, Dana ducked, and then the brute slammed the sledgehammer down but Dana jumped into the air to move out of the way.

The weird warriors started tearing both robots apart, ripping out their wires and drinking their oil.

The weird warrior spit the oil out.

Weird guy:This stuff is nasty! But then again it tastes better the more I drink and I think I'm getting stronger!!

The weird guy's muscles grew bigger and his eyes were glowing extremely yellow.

Dana and the big brute were still fighting, Dana was constantly dodging the brutes attacks but not being able to get an opening on him to make a clean attack.

The other man sat there waiting for the outcome patiently.

Dana was too focused on fighting the big brute to notice what happened to the support robots. The big brute threw his axe into the air at Dana. Dana hurried and moved out of the way, the big brute was above Dana slamming his sledgehammer, Dana jumped out of the way and the big brute slammed his sledgehammer into the ground causing a huge explosion and crater.

Dana:That was a close one!

Dana got ready to fight again, the brute would then charge at him. Dana powered up a bit and ran at the brute in super speeds, the Brute was amazed by this. The brute swinged his weapon, but Dana easily looked at it and dodged. The brute would try to throw a punch with his right hand but Dana ducked and punched the brute in the gut, causing him to cough up blood and then Dana would then kick him across the face and blast him away with a golden blast.

The other man seemed more interested in Dana now.

???:Hmm interesting…

Weird guy:That was easy… I guess it's time for me to get back to where I left off aheheheheeeee!!!

Dana cracked his knuckles and got ready.

Dana:He looks different from before, he's completely ripped now and he feels stronger, I better be careful with this one.

Weird guy:My name is Furbles and I will eat you like the Gerbils in the cage.

Dana:Uhh what?


Furbles charged at Dana with fire in his hands but suddenly an android blocked the attack and chose to fight Turbles.

Android:Allow me I'll take him on!

Dana:Are you sure you can handle this?

Android:I don't know for sure but my job is saving you, so I won't let you be killed!

Dana:Alright, I hope you win!

The young male android smiled

Dana and the other man faced each other.

???:I guess it's finally time to get down to business.

Dana:Yeah I guess so.

???:I'm not like the other guy you fought so I will not disappoint you.

Dana's thoughts:I was afraid he'd say that.

Dana:Alright, I'm ready when you are.

Dana got into a fighting stance but head one sweat drop coming down his face.

Then the man let a red aura out, the aura was so intense it changed the area's mood. There was fog and rubble all over the place.

Dana:So who are you?

???:Why does it matter? We're in an all out war, we should not get to know each other's backgrounds, we shall only fight and fight till the death!

Dana:Alright fine then, be that way.

???:If you must know, my name is Hyberal, and I'm from the planet futal, I am a futan.

Dana:Oh, you look like you could be from here but I guess we could look alike even from different planets huh?

Hyberal:Yeah now let's get down to business! Jubaraki seemed like he was giving you a run for your money at first but you were toying with him, holding back your true power so show me what you can do alright?


Nakir and Adron easily passed by the warriors that came their way, but knocking them out in the process.

Geyla:It seems like they're making their way towards us.

Murgo:And we'll give them exactly what they wish for, lets go.

Geyla:Alright, let's settle this once and for all!

Adron and Nakir zoomed over to where they were at, well Adron was way ahead of Nakir since his crimson shock form is more speed based then power. Nakir used his chains to maneuver himself towards Murgo and Geyla.

Murgo ran towards Nakir, and Geyla was floating in the air.

Murgo:So it's time for us to battle again?

Nakir:Yeah, and trust me to you're going down for real this time!

Murgo:Let's just settle this now and figure it out!

Nakir:Fine by me bastard!

Murgo got into a fighting stance


Nakir got into his as well.

Geyla:Shall we?

Adron:We shall.

They both got ready to battle as well.

Kayla and Laci were fighting off lot's of opponents with ease, mainly with the help of the support robots and androids by their side along with the witches and warlocks fighting with them.

Zeltious got impatient and bored.

Zeltious:Damn it, I'm getting sick and tired of this little game! I'm going to kill her right now!

Zeltious got up off of his seat and went into the battlefield killing many witches/warlocks and androids as he walked by. A warlock came flying at him but Zeltious stabbed him in the heart, splattering out a lot of blood. Two androids charged at him, but he ripped one apart and he blasted another one into smithereens.

Zeltious:Witch girl, I'm coming for you!

The hatred went into the air with each step he took. His rage was clearly visible on his face as his eyes glowed purple. Purple aura started oozing out of his body as he walked in the middle of the battlefield.

Matt:What is that energy I'm picking up?

Dana:This feeling of dread…

Turbles:Oh no…

Chris:I'm kind of scared now.

Laci:What is that? It feels so evil and full of hatred!

Adron:Someone's going to die…

Nakir:It's like a deep hatred but revenge type of feeling.

Murgo:So Zeltious is finally on the battlefield, he seems more angry than usual and that means he's way stronger than when we sparred.

Geyla:He really wants that girl's head, I kind of feel bad for her…

Kayla:This feels like the shadow king, but even stronger! How is this even possible? It can't be him… Can the enemy be that dangerous enough to bring back old enemies from the dead but even more powerful than they were originally?

Where Kayla and Laci were at, it was extremely foggy from all over the explosions and area damage. The fog started to turn a purple color and the air started to feel dense and heavy. He was coming…

A figure would be seen walking in the fog.

Kayla:It's him…

Laci:It can't be that one guy you stopped long ago…

Kayla:Vaeler is that really you?

The figure walked from out of the fog with the look of pure hatred on his face.

Kayla:No… it's you.

Kayla began to have flashbacks of her fighting a demon and a powerless Habakkuk trying to save her.

Kayla:You're Zeltious… but why are you here?



Zeltious:You ruined everything! You took everything away from me! You killed my father, caused the extinction of my brethren, and destroyed my home! You ruined my chance to be the heir to the throne! You ruin my chance to have my father by my side rooting for me as I got to be a proud king! And you killed all of my people so now I cannot even have a kingdom to rule over anymore!!

Kayla:But that's what your father wanted! He wanted freedom and peace with the one he loved! I'm sure he would've loved being with you and watching you rule as ki-

Zeltious:Shut up! Shut up!! SHUT THE HELL UP!!! I don't want to hear that nonsense, I'll just kill you right here and now!

Kayla:I guess I'll just have to fight you then!

Zeltious:Well that's what we're here for isn't we?

Kayla:I didn't expect you to be here!

Zeltious:Well expect the unexpected, just like your death!

Zeltious tried to slice her with his blade arm but Kayla quickly moved out of the way. Kayla tried to slice him with her sword but he easily caught it with his two fingers and snapped it. Zeltious would then knee Kayla in the gut, causing her to cough up blood and fall to the floor holding her gut.


Kayla:Stay back… this is my fight to handle alone! Go help the others please!

Laci:Are you sure? I can't leave you like this!

Kayla:It's fine, I'm alright just go.

Laci:Fine, but you better win this!

Kayla:Trust me, I don't plan on losing this one.

Laci and Kayla smiled at each other and Laci ran off in the distance.

Zeltious:That was touching, if only she was here to try to prevent your death, it would've made it so much better.

Kayla:Alright, no more games! You want me? You got me!

Zeltious aura flowed around him differently, even more fierce than before.

Zeltious:It's time for your demise!

Zeltious rushed at Kayla with his long demon claws, he managed to cut her in the arms and legs. Kayla would then grab her wand and turn his hands into a rock. Zeltious slammed his hand onto the ground, making them go back to normal.

Zeltious would then smack Kayla across the face, sending her flying into the air. Kayla tried to stop herself but he kept levitating her into the air, further and further away. Luckily for Kayla she had some support robots to aid her, the support robots blasted at Zeltious with everything they got. Zeltious lost focus with Kayla, not knowing he let her go.

Kayla:Damn that was too close, deadly close.

Zeltious put his hand into the air, then clenched his fist, and the robot nearby was ripped apart by the force of his telekinesis.

Kayla:He's definitely on a whole other scale…but I cannot let that stop me!

Kayla would then kick Zeltious in the back of the head, making him stumble a bit. She would then grab her wand and fire many orbs at him. He easily takes them like they're nothing and smacks her away. Kayla rolls on the ground like a ragdoll.

Zeltious would then get hit by another support robot, but this time he sliced it into pieces with his long claws.

Kayla gets up, bleeding from her mouth.

Kayla:Damn he's strong.

Zeltious:I am going to make you suffer, just like you made my father!!

Kayla:It wasn't like that! That's not what happ-

Zeltious punched Kayla in the gut before she even got to finish her sentence.

Zeltious:I told you already… shut the hell up!

Kayla fell to the floor coughing and holding her stomach, lots of blood was coming out this time.

Zeltious:Looks like no one's here to save you this time, now you're dead!

Zeltious would go for the finishing blow but suddenly…

A white glow lit up the area, and the fog started to disappear.

Zeltious:What is this?! What the hell is this?!

Adron and Nakir looked into Kayla's direction with shock.

Kayla's mom and Dad smiled.

Laci:So she's finally getting serious huh?

Laci smiled as well.

The enemies on the battlefield were also shocked by this development.

Nuke:That new girl is strong!

Ronin:I didn't think she was this strong!

Izaya and Juvier were at a loss for words.

Matt was speechless.

Murgo:So she's really the one he's after..

Geyla:It seems so….

Enthra:That power is kind of interesting, I wonder what it is…

Kayla stood up in her white haired witch goddess state, with her glowing pink eyes. She was ready for battle.

Kayla:This is the form I achieved while fighting your dad.


Kayla:Let's just get this over with already, since you won't listen to reasoning!

Zeltious:Fine by me!!!

Zeltious dashes at her angrily.

Meanwhile Back To Dana's Fight…

Dana and Hyberal were throwing hands. Hyberal had more experience and speed than Dana did, so he landed blows while Dana was only able to dodge his attacks in some moments. Dana tried to land his hits on Hyberal, but he was way too slow to even keep up with him. Hyberal easily side stepped Dana and punched Dana in his left and right chest with his hand wrapped fist. He would then follow that up with a punch to the gut.

Dana coughed up blood and held his stomach.

Hyberal:Fight! You've got to fight boy!

Dana:What do you mean?

Hyberal kicked Dana in the ribs, causing him to fall to the ground.

Hyberal:Fight with everything you got! Don't give up and don't hold back!! Keep fighting hard!

Dana got back up and tried to kick Hyberal, but Hyberal easily slapped his leg away. Dana would then try to blast Hyberal, but Hyberal easily countered it with a red blast of his own. Dana tried to land more punches and kicks but Hyberal easily dodged and countered them.

Dana:Why do you keep telling me to fight as if we are on the same side?!

Hyberal kneed Dana in the gut and threw him into the air but grabbed his hand only to continuously punch him in the gut while he's being held in the air by the punches.

Dana splattered out lots of blood each time he got punched in the gut. Some of the blood got on Hyberal. Hyberal looked at the blood on his clothes and looked kind of sad but knew he had to keep going.

Hyberal would then jump into the air and kick Dana in the back of the head and then jump onto his back for a crash landing into the ground.

Dana gasped for air.

Hyberal grabbed Dana by the head and dragged his face against the ground and kicked him in the gut, then picked him back up. Hyberal would then wrap his hand wraps around Dana's body and throw him into the air, and then Hyberal would do a number of martial arts moves on Dana's back and then he would cobra strikes Dana in his pressure points and axe kicked him to the ground.

Dana got back up and stood there stumbling and leaking blood from his mouth, nose, and head. Dana still stood into a fighting stance and threw all of the punches he could. Hyberal dodged them easily.

Hyberal:The reason I'm telling you to fight, is because we're in an all out war and we both have families at home we need to get back to! I can tell by the look in your eyes that you don't belong here and you don't deserve this, but neither do I! I have to fight you with everything I got and make sure I come out on top. You continue to hold back your power and not show your true potential, you need to release everything so you can make it out of this war safe, just like I should be doing! We should both fight with everything we got and if we die, we'll die knowing we went out with everything we got!

Hyberal ducked from Dana's left punch and dodged his right one. Hyberal would then one inch punch Dana in the chest. And follow that with a bunch of cobra strikes to his body. Dana got back up landing a punch on Hyberal's face.

Hyberal stumbled just a little.

Hyberal:Yeah, that's more like it. NOW FIGHT ME WITH EVERYTHING YOU GOT BOY!!!

Hyberal punched Dana in the face with a heavy right hook, sending him falling to the ground laying in his own blood.

Hyberal went for a sledgehammer fists attack but suddenly… a flash of white went off again but bigger than when Kayla did it.

The ground started to shake as everyone was really getting shocked.


Ronin and Nuke couldn't believe it.

Adron:He's reaching that level again?

Nakir:This angel's power is no joke…

Murgo:This boy is powerful…

Geyla:Would I even be able to handle him in battle?

Kayla:What? Whose power is that? Is it Dana?

Zeltious:You should be focusing on our battle! But then again… I can't help but notice that high power.

Laci:Dana's activated his angel form…

Enthra:Truly intriguing… just imagine what the Gatekeeper could do…

Dana:Hyberal, you said you wanted to see my true power right? Well here's everything!!!

Hyberal was shocked by what he was seeing.

Dana's eyes went gold as his hair started to flair a white color, a halo would then be above his head and he had golden glowing signs on his body, with a huge white aura around him.

Dana:Hyberal,I'm not going to hold back...THIS IS MY ALL!!!!

Narrator Habakkuk:The fierce war raged out, battles were being taken place throughout the whole area. Everyone fought, and there were no bystanders. Enthra watches all of the battles but grows impatient by waiting. Nakir and Adron finally confronted Murgo and Geyla, and they're finally about to have their long awaited rematch. Zeltious is hungry for revenge on Kayla for killing the shadow king which is his father, and he won't stop at nothing to do it. Dana and Kayla's power shocked everyone there and continues to shock them. I wonder what Laci could do… oh and that one Furbles guy is pretty weird. Hyberal seems like a guy who knows what it's like to be in these situations as if he saw it happen again and again, I hope he's okay, but at the Same time I hope Dana wins! Don't worry guys, I'll be there soon!!