Enthra’s Impatience

Murgo looks to Dana and Hyberal's direction.

Murgo:He's fighting against Hyberal...a warrior who rivals our previous powers.

Geyla:He's strong enough to be a general himself, but I guess Enthra only wanted 3.

Murgo:Yeah, there's a few warriors out there with the power to be a general to this army.

Nakir:Can we just shut the hell up and start fighting?! I'm getting bored waiting for you two!

Geyla:As you wish!

Murgo:Alright kid, I guess it's time to battle.

Dana and Hyberal had a standoff.

Hyberal:So this is your true power?

Dana:Yeah, exactly what you asked for!

Hyberal:Alright then, let's finish this boy!

Hyberal's eyes shined red, as the area around them felt the pressure of his red aura oozing out of his body. Hyberal's hood came off of his head and revealed that he had really long black hair, but it started to flow up as his aura grew stronger, his muscles bulked up more and the hand wraps formed around his arms and legs along with his cloak flowing in the wind. The battle scars on his face, also glowed red as well.

Dana:This guy is really strong!

Murgo:He had another power up, he's been hiding?! Damn he's around our level of power now…

Geyla:And for him to only be called a lowly soldier would be truly disrespectful...he's on par with Zeltious…

Kayla and Zeltious battled in the air, Kayla rode her new and improved goddess broomstick. Zeltious flew in the air to keep up with Kayla, he would then slash at the air, Kayla moved out of the way and a mountain that was behind got destroyed by the slash.

Kayla:Damn, he's good.

Kayla and Zeltious clashed with each other, in close range hand to hand combat. Zeltious threw a heavy right hook and followed it with a left, Kayla ducked from the first punch and for the second, she did a backflip, kicking Zeltious in the chin at the same time. Zeltious rushed at her a little pissed off. Zeltious and Kayla's fists clashed, Kayla went flying back from the impact, suddenly Zeltious would appear over her with an aura spear, trying to gut her. Kayla made a shield from her wand and blocked the attack. Zeltious would then rapidly punch the shield back to back with full force.

Kayla:Damn, at this rate I won't be able to hold him back for long!

Zeltious would light his hands in purple aura, increasing his speed and power even more than before, Kayla's shield would then break and Zeltious ended up hitting her with a heavy left hook. Kayla went crashing to the ground, causing a crater beneath her.

Zeltious:Is that all the power you have to offer?

Kayla's aura spiked up as she stood tall.

Kayla:Nope, far from it!

Zeltious:So the little witch has some fight left in her after all…

Dana:I'm ready when you are!

Hyberal:Less talking, more fighting!

The two would then leap into the air and charge at each other, Hyberal and Dana's fists clashed in a martial arts battle. Kicks after kicks, Hyberal clearly had the experience but Dana's power was keeping him in this battle. Hyberal and Dana clashed and then bounced back repeatedly, Dana and Hyberal's were moving so fast, it was hard to see. Hyberal started punching even faster, and as he did that he had tornado fists. Dana got hit in the chest with two tornado fist, he went flying back but as he does, he was spinning in the air like he was caught in a tornado. Hyberal would then form a red tornado under himself, as he flew over Dana to land a sledgehammer on him. When he got there, Dana was gone.

Hyberal:Where did he go?

Dana appeared at the left side of him and punched him with a right hook, the punch would cause Hyberal to spit out blood. Dana would then follow up his attack with a fury of punches, Dana was nonstop punching Hyberal, his fist glowed white and with each blow, Hyberal was being knocked into the air. Hyberol tried to wrap his arm wraps around Dana, but Dana pulled them and swung Hyberal around. Dana would then throw Hyberal into the air, Hyberal would then form a huge red tornado around himself, he would then throw his arm wraps into the air to try and tie Dana up with them. Dana easily dodged those attacks, Dana would then leap into the air with a golden aura bow and arrow. Dana released the shot and when it hit the tornado, the tornado stopped and Hyberal was just shocked by that power.

Dana:That won't work on me twice!! I'm coming at you with all I got!!

Hyberal:Good, that's the spirit boy!! Give it your all!!

Dana leaped into the air with his fist glowing gold, his whole aura went into his fist, as Dana charged it to the max. Hyberal's eyes and scars lit up red and he fired a huge red blast from out of his body, the blast was so big that it was a quarter of the size of the battlefield they were on. Dana's lit up gold and his speed increased even more as he dashed into the direction of the huge blast. And with one punch from Dana's aura fist, the blast disappeared and Dana launched at Hyberal with the strongest punch he could muster. When Dana's fist connected to Hyberal's face, Hyberal went flying into almost orbit. But as the punch connected, there was a huge explosion of golden aura in the air that formed into angel wings and flew into space.

Dana:I'm sorry, but you asked for everything I had, so I gave it my all.


Furbles and the young male android were fighting in a fierce battle. The android took swings at Furbles, but the small critter ducked and dodged. Furbles would then grab the android by its arms and knee it in the gut, ripping apart both of the androids arms. The android fell to the ground with blood and oil coming out of its body.

Android:Damn it, I wasn't able to when this battle… I am sorry Master Matthew…

Furbles would then jump on the androids back, crushing it into pieces and flesh. The little rodent like creature Turbles would then eat the android and drink its blood and oil.

Furbles:This one tastes like a human with a bit of machinery, but the blood and oil drink is refreshing! At least it tastes better than the robot.

Furbles muscles got even bigger than before, and his eyes glowed even more red, and he also had long sharp fangs.

Furbles:Furbles kill… Furbles kill… FURBLES KILL!!!

Furbles was in a frenzy, he went around killing some of the witches and warlocks along with killing more androids and robots with ease.

Matt:That monkey creature or whatever it is, is going around killing too many of my creations, I'm going to have to put a stop to all of this!

Matt runs towards the direction of Furbles with his two blades out.

Laci was in battle with this warrior woman, the lady had long red hair, a nice muscular fit shape for her gender, yellow eyes, battle marks, and war paint on her. She also had on a tight red battle suit with short sleeves and boots.

They were battling for minutes now, both of them going back and forth. Laci kicked the lady across the face and then jumped back. The lady would then do a backflip after the kick to keep her distance.

Battle Lady:You're good…

The lady would then wipe the blood off of her face. And jump back into the battle with a fierce amount of blows. Laci dodged them, but not with ease. The lady would then pull out a staff and tried to attack Laci with it. Laci dodged left and right at fast speeds, she also would duck from it but got kicked in the ribs. Laci got knocked back but she would then come at the lady with a fierce blow to the gut. The lady would then spit out blood and elbowed Laci in the face, causing blood to come out of her nose. Then the two started punching each other, going at it at super fast speeds. Both of their fist clashed at each other's, both not letting up at all. Laci kicked the lady across the face and the Lady uppercutted Laci in the chin. They were both locked in battle, both going at it non stop on equal terms. The lady would then shoot out pink darts like blast out of her fingers, Laci did flips and cartwheels to dodge those blasts.

Laci:Damn she's pretty powerful, I didn't think I'd be this much pressed.

Zeltious hoisted Kayla into the air with the force of his energy, as he waved his hand into the air back and forth. He was lifting Kayla into the air and slamming her back down to the ground back and forth.

He would then squeeze his hand, Kayla was trapped in the air running out of breath because he was choking her. He would then form a huge sharp like rock under where she was at and got ready to slam her into it.

Laci:Damn this is bad! He's gonna kill Kayla at this rate!

Laci's energy spiked as her aura turned into a whitish color, her hair turned into an amber color and her eyes went gold as she had a transparent halo over her head. The difference between Laci's and Dana's forms were that Dana had white hair and Laci had amber hair. Dana has a full halo on his head and Laci had a transparent one, so it was clear that Dana had more control over his power than Laci and was at a higher level than her, but she had some promise in her.

Laci would then fire a huge gold heart blast at the lady, sending her flying into a mountain and causing an explosion on it. She would then hurry to where Kayla was at.

Zeltious:You're going to feel the same exact pain that I feel and the same exact pain you dealt to my father!!

Zeltious started to squeeze tighter and with his other hand, he grabbed the sharp rock from out of the ground and got ready to launch it at her.

Kayla tried her best to get out of his hold, but it was pointless… she couldn't move.

Zeltious:You indeed got infinitely stronger since the last time we battled, but so have I and your little friend, that boy isn't here to help you out this time! YOU'RE DEAD!!!

Zeltious would then launch the gigantic spear shaped rock that was induced with his energy at Kayla, now trying to kill her for real.

The huge rock was coming at Kayla fast, there was no way for her to escape.

Kayla:Is this really the end? Is this how I'm going to die? I never got to make things right with the witches and the shadow demons… and I also never got to apologize to Habakkuk. Witch goddess? Some goddess I am, I failed my people.

Kayla's tears dropped…

Kayla:I'm sorry everyone… I've failed you…

Suddenly, a foot landed on Zeltious face! Laci kicked Zeltious in the face, sending him to the ground. Laci would then jump really high into the air at an amazing speed.


Laci punched the huge rock into small boulders hitting the ground as if they were small meteors.

Matt jumped out of the way of one of those boulders.

Matt:Where the hell did that come from?

Some of the warriors were crushed by these boulders, due to them being induced with Zeltious energy and being hit with Laci's Angel Fist. Izaya and Juvier were punching the boulders into ashes, Chris also turned giant and punched every one of them that came his way.

Murgo:Looks like a lot is going down over there…

Geyla:Alright we have to stop stalling and get into this fight before Enthra becomes impatient.

Murgo:Right, let's get started!

Nakir:So you two are finally ready to fight? It seems like you were both stalling this whole time, and I gotta admit I was getting pretty bored and I was starting to think that you were afraid of us.

Nakir smirked.

Murgo:You little bastard!

Geyla:Calm down you big fool, don't let him get into your head. Damn you're just as hot headed as him these days.

Murgo:Fine, let's just battle already.

Adron:Finally sheesh, you guys taking so long that I even went out of my transformation to conserve energy.

Geyla:And that will happen, no more. Let's go!

Nakir:I doubt I'll even need to use this form to beat you.

Murgo:Oh yeah? Well don't take me lightly, you'll die if you do!

Nakir:We'll see who will be the one dying.

Murgo:That we will…

Nakir dropped to one of his weaker transformations, basically the one he used to fight Murgo last time.

Nakir and Murgo leaped into the air, both fists clashing! Adron and Geyla ran at each other at insane speeds. Nakir charged at Murgo with a fierce left punch, Murgo side stepped this attack and elbowed Nakir in his mouth.

Nakir:What the?


Nakir launched himself at Murgo with a right hook that was followed by a left. Murgo only walked backwards to dodge these slow attacks. Punch after punch, Nakir kept missing, Murgo was too fast for him.

Nakir:You wanna dodge right? Then try dodging my dragon kick!!

Nakir's aura went orange for a split second and he would then throw the dragon kick at Murgo. Murgo caught the kick and elbowed Nakir in the knee.

Nakir cried out in pain.

Nakir:Aaagh!! My bad knees damn it!!

Nakir tried to counter this with a right hook, Murgo instantly ducks and uppercuts Nakir high into the air. Nakir went crashing down to the ground, causing a crater. Murgo came crashing down with his fist, Nakir hurried up and got out of the way. Nakir was high into the air, thinking about his next move.

Nakir:Damn, he's so much stronger and faster than he was before!

Murgo:Hey there.

Murgo was right behind Nakir. He would then punch Nakir in the back, Nakir would then fall to the ground.

Nakir:He's different from before… it's like he's on another level.

Adron and Geyla soured through the sky moving at insane speeds. Adron tried to attack Geyla with a flurry of punches and kicks, Geyla easily sidestepped his attacks and jumped around him.

Adron:Fighting her in my normal form would be pointless and foolish, so let's kick this up a notch!

Adron's aura color turned a little red, as well as his hair and eyes. Adron was in his red hair form he took when he battled against Geyla for the first time.

Geyla:Now you're making things a little more interesting…

Enthra Sits by the ship watching the battles unfold. His expression seemed bored and disappointed.

Enthra:I'm growing impatient waiting on Esstarienia and that Gatekeeper! The battles down there are interesting and others are too boring to even watch. The weaker warriors are all falling, on both sides. The stronger warriors have their own personal battles, and get to work out their emotions by dueling with one another… but me, I'm not fighting the warriors I have personal issues with, I'm not having the fun I wanted, and I am certainly not even close to having my revenge or even achieving my goal… at this rate I'll be stuck where I am at now, and I won't allow that!

Enthra's Aura flared red as he started to walk into the battlefield. The whole ground was shaking and the atmosphere changed from foggy, to clear but the sky slowly started to turn dark as clouds formed into the sky. Everyone on the battlefield and on this planet could feel Enthra's power, he was bloodlusted.

People in Helicopters were already in the air filming the whole thing, this supernatural battle was already all over the news. First there were strange people with weird abilities fighting in the city, next were reports of a werewolf and demonic creatures in a nearby forest, after that there were sightings of demonic creatures attacking cities and killing people, then there were missing people and destruction in some cities, after that there were sightings of a monstrous creature that looked like a teenage boy along with destroyed forests, and now there's a huge war of aliens and super powered humans in some wastelands that used to be a beautiful snowy area, but now is destroyed. The media has been going crazy every since the attack of the shadow demons, now people were in fear for their lives or they were trying to find more sightings and clues and others were conducting research on these demons and the teenage boy and girl who were seen fighting them. (Aka Habakkuk and Laci)

Several Scientists already started to invent weapons made to kill these super powered beings.

Matt:You're the one who did that to my Androids!

Furbles:And so what if Furbles is? Whatchu gonna do?

Matt pulled his katanas out and powered up his battle suit, glowing yellow.

Matt:I won't go down like my creations did.

Furbles:I don't know man, we'll just have to find out, Kay?!!

Matt:What a weirdo, there's no need to scream

Furbles:Furbles Ready!!!

The two would charge at each other.

Kayla's mother and father turned several warriors into ashes, or random small creatures. They were now about to make their way towards Zeltious.

Zeltious:Who the hell are you girl?!!

Laci:My name is Laci, and I'm a friend of Kayla's and I'm pretty sure I'm going to kick your ass!

Zeltious:Oh I highly doubt that girl...

Laci:Well we're just going to have to see and try!!!

Laci's aura flared and she attacked Zeltious with a swift kick, Zeltious dodged it and blasted her from behind. Laci fell to the ground, tumbling over. Zeltious runs at her with his arms shaped like blades, Zeltious tried to slice her head off. Laci jumped out of the way and shot a white heart blast at his blade arms. Zeltious smacked the blast away.

Zeltious:I'm sure you can do better than that.

Laci:Way better!!

Kayla gets up with her aura covering her body.

Kayla:Alright let's take him on together!

Kayla jumps back into the fight, Zeltious is now fighting both girls at once. Laci attacked from the left side and Kayla attacked from the right. Zeltious tried dodging most of their attacks but their hits caught him each time. Laci would then kick Zeltious into the air, Kayla would then appear right in front of him with her wand, shooting out a huge white blast, sending Zeltious back to the ground.

Adron and Geyla were in the air fighting each other, full on hand to hand combat. Adron and Geyla seemed to be even. Nakir and Murgo clashed, but each time they clashed, Nakir got knocked back.

Nakir:What the hell? How did you get so strong?!

Murgo's eyes were bright yellow.

Murgo:I recently acquired a new power, now feast your eyes on this! Dragon's Roar!!!

Murgo threw his hand into the air, and then a huge yellow slash like blast came from the ground and hit Nakir, pushing him really far into the air.

Nakir:Damn it I can't move away from this blast, it's too strong!

Nakir tried to push the blast back or cancel it out but he just went further into the air. Adron Geyla went back and forth, dodging and countering each other's moves.

Adron threw a haymaker, Geyla blocked it with her left arm and then knees him in the gut and kicked him in the rib. Adron fell to the ground and then he saw Nakir being pushed into the air by a blast.

Adron:Damn that doesn't look good at all! Here goes nothing!

A red electricity came around Adron and he would then disappear. Nakir would then disappear and the blast went flying into the sky.

Adron and Nakir appeared on the ground.

Nakir:Thanks Adron, I didn't know if I'd survive that one or not.

Adron:Well it's a good thing I saw you, because if I didn't I wouldn't have known to use my crimson shock powers to save you.

Nakir:Right, now let's get back to battle!


Geyla and Murgo landed back on the battlefield ready for round 2.

Geyla:You're fast… so fast in fact you were able to move away from me and save your friend from Murgo at the same time.

Adron:Well I try.

Murgo:Enough talk, let's fight!

Nakir:Alright, round 2!


Hyberal comes back crashing into earth's atmosphere, but right before he hit the ground, Dana caught him and set him down on the ground.

Hyberal laid there looking at the sky with a sad expression on his face.

Hyberal:I lost…

Dana:I'm sorry that the battle had to end like this, if only we weren't enemies, this would've never happened.


Dana:So why did you work for a guy like Enthra? What are you gaining from wasting away your whole life like that?

Hyberal:I was… forced!

Dana:What? What do you mean?

Hyberal:Enthra went around scouting for men, some agreed automatically on their own will and others were forced. Enthra came to my planet and requested some men, and he happened to stop by where I was, with his men. I was with my family enjoying my time with them, so I turned him down. I wasn't gonna just leave my family to go do harm to the innocent, I knew from the look on his face and the vibe that I got from him, that his intentions weren't good ones at all, so I refused. Then he would try to get his men to force me, but I easily defeated them, so one of his top men, Murgo tried to force me into coming, but he'd have to work for it. We had a long and fierce battle, both seemingly equal until, Enthra got tired of it and attacked me. He had me underneath his feet in front of my family!

Hyberal started to cry as he continued to tell Dana more.

Hyberal:I tried my best…I tried my best to beat that bastard with everything I had, but it wasn't enough! He laughed at me and only toyed with me as if I was a helpless little ant. He told me that if I didn't join his army, he'd kill my family, everyone on my planet right, and even make me watch it all unfold. So I did it… I joined his empire and fought for him, I worked as hard as I could in order to see my family again… it's been a year since I've even got the chance to hear their voices! I'd do anything to go back to them and tell them how much I love them, they don't deserve this! They don't deserve to be fatherless or to be widowed, they did nothing wrong but me I have the sins of doing this Evildoers bidding. If I am to be killed, kill me by your hands not by that bastard's...

Dana:But I can't… I won't kill you! My friends and I do not kill anyone, it goes against my best friend's honor and self rule and mine as well. We let our enemies get a second chance at life because everyone deserves a second chance. If I were to kill you, I'd feel guilty for the rest of my life and my best friend Habakkuk would be disappointed in me for killing, especially a good man like you.

Hyberal:I have to accept the fact that you have a code of Honor… I will not force you to kill me. You and your friend are both good young men, and always stay that way, you'll get anywhere in this world with a pure heart like that, just never let it be tainted. If I am to die, I will go down fighting harder than before, but this time I'll be fighting with you not against you!

Enthra:That loudmouth won't shut up, I guess I'll have to go over there and shut him up. He wants to betray me, then I'll go kill him myself. Besides I was getting bored anyway.

Hyberal struggled to get up, with blood hitting the floor. Dana was about to help him up, but Hyberal stood up tall and proud, he may be bloodied and injured but he is not yet beaten!

Dana:Hyberal… you're fighting with me?

Hyberal:That friend of yours… tell me about him.

Dana:Well I know he's training to beat Enthra and he should be here any minute now.

Hyberal:Wait, your friend is fighting Enthra?!

Dana:Yeah he's something called a Gatekeeper and Enthra doesn't really like that too well.

Hyberal:He's a Gatekeeper?!! I thought they were killed off a long time ago…

Dana:I don't know about that, but I guess Habakkuk was reborn as one.

Hyberal:No wonder why he wants your friend dead, Gatekeepers killed his family and he wants revenge.

Dana:So that's what this is all about?

Hyberal:Yeah, but I think I heard enough about your friend, it's time to get back to battle.

Dana:Alright, let's do this!


Izaya and Juvier took down several warriors using their boxing moves. Izaya used his brute force to knock the enemies out while Juvier used his speed to bring them in. Chris, Robin, and Nuke took down a few warriors as well. Kayla's family were struggling in battle as the numbers of both sides of the army kept dropping.

Enthra was walking through the battlefield, killing anyone who was near him. His aura shined brighter than anything there and everyone there felt how amazingly terrifying his power was.

Dana and Hyberal took down a bunch of enemies together. Hyberal had two swords in his hands and one in his mouth, he was taking enemies down with a bunch of combo attack moves with his swords, and Dana simply blasted them away.

Adron and Geyla were back into the battle fighting each other at an almost equal level. Nakir was still having a hard time trying to get a hit off of Murgo. Zeltious struggles fighting both Kayla, Laci, and the support robots at once.

Dana:At this rate, we can win the war!

Hyberal:Yeah, but we still have to worry about the other strong warriors!

Dana:You're right, but I'm pretty sure my friends are handling that just fine.

Hyberal:I sure as hell hope so!

Matt and Furbles were engaged in a fierce battle. Matt tried to hit Furbles with his katanas, Furbles used his claws and the claws on his feet to counter the attacks. Matt would then kick Furbles in the gut and elbowed him in the mouth. Matt would then shoot blast missiles from out of his hands, all firing at Furbles. Furbles used an energy field to block the attacks.

Furbles:That was close, but Furbles won't fall for that next time.

Matt:You damn dog monkey!


Furbles has the image of dogs going around smelling people and other dogs' butts.

Furbles:You called me one of those things?! I don't sniff butts!!!

Furbles powered up and he seemed more serious now than before.

Matt:Damn I just had to go and get him worked up huh, oh well I'll just have to be serious too!

A yellow aura appeared around Matt as his suit went to full power.

Matt:Alright Furball, how about we end this.


The two went clashing at each other again.

Back To Dana And Hyberal...

Hyberal:We have to stop this bastard from getting what he wants! He won't keep reigning supreme and hurting others!

Dana:Right, when Habakkuk gets here we can all work together and stop him!

Hyberal:I'm looking forward to that.

Enthra appeared right in front of them.

Enthra:Well look no further ahead… Hyberal!

Dana and Hyberal froze right where they were.

Enthra:You two look surprised, I wonder… why is that?

Dana was speechless.

Hyberal:Enthra your reign of terror is going to end today!

Enthra:Oh... is it now?

Hyberal:Infact, it's going to end right now!!!

Hyberal leaped into the air to attack Enthra.

Dana:Hyberal Wait!! Stop it!!!

Hyberal's eyes glowed red and his whole body did as well. Hyberal strikes Enthra with his blades, but Enthra didn't move, he just stood there. The blades broke on Enthra's skin.

Hyberal:What the hell?!

Enthra:Is that all you got? What a weakling.

Enthra backhanded Hyberal to the ground.

Hyberal coughed up a lot of blood, and he was more injured than before.

Dana:I want to help him, but Enthra is too strong and I'm scared… Damn it this bad, I need to do something!

Hyberal tried to shoot multiple energy blasts at Enthra.


Enthra stood there taking those blast head on.

Hyberal appeared above Enthra with a red blast in his hand.


Hyberal would dive in with the blast going straight for Enthra's face. Enthra caught Hyberal's hand and crushed it.


Enthra would then slam Hyberal on to the ground, shattering his backbones.

Dana:I can't watch this! He's killing him, and I'm not doing anything about it… what a coward I am!

Enthra aimed a red blast at Hyberal.


Suddenly Dana's power erupted and he would then try to kick Enthra in the face. Enthra grabbed Dana by his leg and slammed him to the ground.

Enthra:Nice try kid!

Hyberal got back up and attacked Enthra with everything he had left. Enthra caught all of his punches and kicks and just elbowed him in the chin and blasted him in the stomach, sending him flying away.

Enthra:Just give up, you're both going to die right here!

Dana tried to blast Enthra with everything he got, a huge white blast came from Dana's hands and erupted on Enthra. Enthra easily kicked the blast into the air, causing a huge explosion above the earth's surface, causing the whole area to shake.

Dana:Damn it! That was everything I had!

Enthra charged up an energy blade in his hand and aimed it at Dana.

Enthra:Next time you'll learn not to get in my way! Wait there won't even be a next time!

Enthra launches the blade at Dana, but suddenly Hyberal was right in front of Dana, with his arms out as if he was a shield for him.

Dana:Hyberal, you saved me…

Dana would then see that Hyberal was stabbed in the chest, and he had a lot of blood running down this body.

Dana's smile's would suddenly transform into a face of sorrow and regret.


Hyberal turned around to look at Dana with blood coming from his mouth and smiled at him as he fell.

Dana caught Hyberal and tried to keep him alive.

Dana:Hyberal listen to me, we can do this. You gotta stay alive Hyberal, you have a family waiting for you back on your planet. Hyberal please wake up, don't go…

Hyberal coughed up blood as he got ready to say something to Dana.

Dana had tears in his eyes.

Hyberal:I'm sorry but this is just one fight I can't win… I gave it everything I had and I still lost without him even breaking a sweat. I'm not even worthy of going back home to see my family again, I've failed as a warrior, I've failed as a husband, and I've failed as a father…

Dana:That's not true, you can be healed, you can get stronger and keep fighting! You're a very powerful warrior and I know you can keep fighting!

Hyberal:No it's too late for me now… I can't be healed, I can slowly feel my consciousness fading away…

Dana:I promise you!!

Dana grabbed Hyberal's arm as tears came from his eyes.

Dana:I'll bring you back! Somehow I'll bring you back to life and you'll be able to see your family again!!

Hyberal smiled at Dana.

Hyberal:You're so naive…

Dana:I promise, I will bring you back!!

Hyberal:Tell your friend I said thank you, because I believe in him… and you too. Thank you for having me fight at your side in battle. It was truly worth it, please grow up to live another day, don't grow up like me, fight to live and to keep your loved ones protected at all cost. Never give up, and never back down Dana, I believe in you…

Hyberal died in Dana's arms.


Everyone looked in Dana's direction.

Murgo:So Enthra killed Hyberal huh?

Geyla:Enthra, why...

Dana sat there and cried for the moment.

Dana wipes his tears away.

Dana:Hyberal wouldn't want me to cry over him, he'd want me to keep fighting, so that's exactly what I'm going to do!

Dana's white aura spiked as he had an angry look on his face.

Dana:Hyberal, I will avenge you, and I will bring you back no matter what!!

Enthra:And how will you be able to achieve that?

Dana leaped at Enthra.

Dana:By taking you down!!!

Enthra:I'd love to see that boy!

Dana attacked Enthra with everything he had, Enthra easily caught the attacks, and he would then kick Dana into the air. Dana flew into the air, and Enthra followed after him. Enthra would then try to grab Dana, but he ducked and punched Enthra in the face. Enthra stumbled back and Dana landed on the ground.

Enthra:That boy...

Enthra landed back on the ground as well.

Enthra:Tell me why your friend isn't here!

Dana:I don't know why he's not here, but I'm going to stop you!!

Enthra appeared in front of Dana, and punched him in the gut so hard, that Dana went back into his normal form and coughed up a lot of blood.

Enthra grabbed Dana by the throat and squeezed tightly.

Enthra:Now tell me what's taking him so long!

Dana didn't say anything…

Enthra:Tell me why he isn't here right now!!

Enthra squeezes tighter.

Adron and Nakir senses Dana's power getting weaker.

Adron:That's Dana!

Nakir and Adron both blasted Murgo and Geyla to the ground and dashed into Dana's direction.

Adron:I guess I have to use this for real this time!

Nakir:Damn it, just hurry up!


Adron transformed into his crimson shock form and appeared by Enthra, kicking him in the face.

Enthra slid back, as he dropped Dana.

Adron would then hurry and grab Dana and sat him somewhere else. Nakir and Adron were both on the battlefield with Enthra.

Enthra:You two again? I was just about to squeeze out some answers, and you both got in the way!!!

Adron:We won't let you kill him!

Nakir:We're going to kick your ass this time Enthra!

Adron went into the full power of crimson shock as a huge red aura and red electricity came around him. Nakir's hair turned into a whitish blue flame look, and his eyes were icy blue. He also had blue flaming chains on his body as well.

Enthra:So you two are at your full power? Interesting…

They both rushed at Enthra, Nakir facing him head on and Adron using his insane super speed to get a hit in from the side. Enthra caught Nakir's punch and slammed him into Adron.

Nakir and Adron's bodies crashed onto the ground.

Adron:How was he able to catch me moving at that speed?!

Nakir:He easily caught my punch like it was nothing!

Enthra would then pick the two up by their heads and he threw them around like ragdolls.

Izaya, Juvier, Chris, and the others arrived to fight Enthra.

Enthra:My… my, the attention is all on me today huh?

John and Kaywahn ran at Enthra with a fierce combo of strikes. Nuke dashes at Enthra with his nuclear hands, Ronin and Chris turned giant and threw heavy punches at him.


Enthra kicked Kaywahn away, and poked John in the throat, knocking both of them out. Enthra would then crush Nuke's hands and knees him in the gut. Enthra caught both of Chris and Ronin's punches and he would then throw them into the air, and followed that with two blasts aimed at them.

Izaya:You're going down!!!

Izaya turned into his monster like form and charged at him. Juvier and some androids also assisted him. Witches and Warlocks, along with some support robots also helped.

Enthra dodged Izaya's fist and knees him in the face. He would then blast everyone else away with ease.

Dana went back into his angel form and charged up his energy.

Nakir and Adron did the same, now the whole area was shaking as if there was an earthquake.

Support robots and Androids fire multiple blasts at Enthra. The witches and Warlocks that were left on the battlefield also did the same. Kayla's mother and Father also fired their own signature energy spheres.


Adron:Let's Do This!!!


They all fired a massive energy blast in Enthra's direction.

Murgo:That blast it's too strong!!

Geyla:Are they trying to destroy the planet?!!

Kayla and Laci fought Zeltious together in sync with one another. Laci kicked Zeltious into the air, Kayla punched him in the face. Zeltious would then go flying into Laci, but Laci was charging a huge white heart blast. Kayla would then fire a white energy sphere at Zeltious, Laci would then fire her blast as well.

Zeltious tried to push the two blast back with everything he had, leaking all of his purple aura out but the girls kept pushing harder.

Kayla:Laci, don't let up, keep firing!!

Laci:Right we got this!!

The two blasts grew in size as Zeltious seen in shock.

Zeltious:DAMN IT!!! NOOOO!!! AAUGHH!!!

Zeltious was in between both blast with no way to escape. The two huge blast would then explode on him and the two girls were already gone.

Zeltious fell to the ground injured.

Zeltious:Damn those two!

Laci and Kayla fires everything they got at Enthra as well.

Enthra:So you all want to come at me at once?!! Fine go ahead then!!

Everyone gave it all they had!

Enthra's energy erupted as he charged up a huge red ball of energy the size of that whole area in the air. The whole continent shaked as this huge power was felt everywhere.

Murgo:Both of those blasts are enough to kill us all!

Geyla:What is Enthra thinking?!

Enthra:If that Gatekeeper brat doesn't want to come out and fight, then I'll force him to by killing all of his friends!!! There won't be a trace of them left when he gets here!! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

Geyla:He's getting out of control! Murgo he's trying to kill us all!!!

Murgo:Just stand strong and be thankful to be helping out with the cause! Be a proud Zygon!

Geyla:Do you even hear yourself right now?! Are you actually okay with dying?! You and Enthra both have lost your minds!!

Murgo told himself it was for the cause over and over in his head so he wouldn't be afraid.

Enthra's eyes glowed red as he shot the blast.


The huge ball of energy pushed back everyone's blasts and easily started to engulf them.

Nakir:This is bad!! He's going to destroy us!!

Adron:Damn it!! At this rate we'll all die!!

Dana:I promised to bring Hyberal back, so I will!!!

Kayla:I never got the chance to tell Habakkuk that I was sorry!!

Laci:I got to stand strong. I can't let this blast destroy us!!

Everyone was scared and they were all panicking because Enthra's blast had completely engulfed theirs. They were all scared that this was the end, and there was no way for them to win.

Zeltious got back up

Zeltious:It's about time I leave, I'm going to need to escape if I want to live to fight another day, but I'll keep tabs on this planet just in case that little witch survives.

Zeltious opened a portal and went back to the shadow demon realm.

Dana:Damn it, are we really going to die?!

Adron:No, I can't accept it!

Nakir:No not like this!!!

Kayla:I've failed…

Laci:We're all going to die…

Chris:Damn it!!!

Matt and Furbles stopped fighting.

Matt:Is this really how we're all going to die?!

Dana:Damn it!! I have to bring him back!!!

Laci:Habakkuk where are you?!!!

They all had tears in their eyes, because they knew that the end was coming. New reporters everywhere had the whole thing filmed and everyone saw what was going on. It was at the top of the media. The gigantic red blast was about to hit everyone in that battlefield and possibly even destroy that whole planet, Enthra was going to kill them all.

Dana's arms gave out as he fell to the ground.

Adron:Damn it, Dana fell!!

Dana had tears in his eyes…

Dana:Habakkuk… where were you?

Laci:Habakkuk please get here!!!

Enthra:Struggle all you want!! In the end you'll all die!! Hahahahahahaha!!!

Enthra fires another blast to make his gigantic sphere even bigger and stronger, it was the end of everyone.



Enthra:What the hell is that?!!

Everyone looked in that direction with a face of complete shock.

Habakkuk appears in the air riding on a gigantic green lion made of aura with a green aura cloak around him and he had a battle suit on under it, with longer hair than before.

Enthra tried to push to blast back, but it exploded right on impact.


Dana:You're here!!

Adron:Good timing!

Nakir:Took you late enough!

They all ran up to Habakkuk, either giving him hugs or shakes. Kayla's parents were also happy to see him.

Laci:Habakkuk, what took you so long?

Kayla:You saved us all from death!

Chris:Alright, he's here!

Matt smiled.

Furbles:Human smile? Furbles smile too see!!


Habakkuk:Sorry to keep you waiting guys, but I'm going to take it from here. Just leave it all to me.

Dana:Habakkuk when did you get back to earth?

Habakkuk:A few minutes ago… I was confronted by Sethnos but I left Mrs Thayer to deal with that.

Dana:Oh wow, if you would've come seconds later we would've died.

Habakkuk:Well I'm here now.

Nakir:Are you sure you have what it takes to beat him? I'll do it for you if you want me to.

Adron:Right because we're all here by your side whenever you need us!

Laci:Yeah bestie, you can always count on us!

Matt:Do you need any of my support robots?

Habakkuk:I'm fine guys.

Dana:Alright, Habakkuk I believe in you.

Habakkuk:Hey Dana, after this let's all hang out and maybe throw a celebration party or we can all watch a movie and go out to eat.

Dana and Habakkuk shook hands

Dana:I'm down.

Nakir:Shit, it's been a minute anyway.

Adron:Alright bro, let's do it.

Habakkuk:Alright now, let me take it from here!

Enthra landed back on the ground with a visible look of anger and shock.

Habakkuk walked up to Enthra with a confident look on his face.

Murgo:So he's finally here, and stronger than ever it seems…

Geyla:Wait something doesn't seem right.

Habakkuk:Hey Enthra, long time no see huh?

Enthra:So you finally arrived, and the first thing you say is "long time no see"? You're an arrogant one aren't you?

Habakkuk:Arrogant? No, I'm just happy that I was able to get here on time.

Enthra:If you arrived just seconds later, they would've all been dead!

Habakkuk:Enthra!! Your reign of terror is over! You won't ever hurt my friends again!!

Enthra smiled.

Enthra:Oh is that so?!! Hahahaha!! We'll see about that boy!!!

Habakkuk:Yeah we'll see right now!

Narrator Habakkuk:Enthra's army is pretty tough! That Hyberal guy was really a good man in the end. Dana made him a promise to bring him back and I know Dana, he'll try his best to never go back on his word! Murgo and Geyla are different from when they fought Adron and Nakir the first time, it's like they just adapted some new powers. It looks like Zeltious has been stopped by both Laci and Kayla, but he escaped, so it looks like he will show up again one day. It's a good thing I got there on time, everyone would've been dead if I hadn't shown up, and for everyone to die the day before my birthday would've been really sad.

Alright Enthra!!! You're going down!!!