Happy Birthday Adron And Habakkuk!

10:33 Pm January 14th

As rain, lightning, and thunder struck the dried up battlefield, the wind was going crazy and the atmosphere felt the sorrow in the air. Habakkuk was in his Unsealed Gate Form, punching the ground over and over again shouting, screaming, and asking why. Everytime he punched the ground a huge crater would be created and green lightning would hit the ground. After lashing out and yelling into the sky, Habakkuk's finally fell asleep by Dana's grave.

Meanwhile In Space…

A male and a female were off on some random planet, wearing cloaks to hide their identities. The male was Enthra and the female was Geyla.

Geyla:That boy really is something out of this world. Enthra, do you really have faith in him?

Enthra:That boy has the power of the unsealed along with the help of all his friends and he has extreme determination. He reminds me of the legendary Gatekeeper my father used to tell me about in the past, his name was Isariah…

Geyla:You mean the first ever Unsealed Gate? The one who was said to have a pure heart and changed the way the universe used to be in the past?

Enthra:Yes… I didn't believe there were still more like him after he disappeared. I only viewed Gatekeepers as enemies because of what some of them did instead of looking at the bigger picture and realizing that not every Gatekeeper is the same.

Geyla:It took over thousands of years to realize that…

Enthra:I know Habakkuk might not ever forgive me for what I did, but I'll fight for his cause no matter what! I feel as though he's the one who can truly bring peace to the universe so I'll stop doing things with my own hands and allow him to show us all what he's made of… I have a feeling he'll only keep getting stronger and stronger, just like in our battle.

Geyla:I have faith in him as well…

Meanwhile in another realm…

???:You've failed me multiple times within these few months Sethnos! You couldn't capture those worms on planet fulteiran without them escaping, you couldn't gain more information on the remaining Gatekeepers, you couldn't even contain a sleeping Beezlebub, and you still have yet to capture that boy or at least get blood samples! It's as if you're hesitating or even plotting something… so what are you plotting Sethnos?!

Sethnos:I'm not plotting anything… excuse me for my mistakes, I promise I'll get that blood sampling taken care of.

???:No… bring him in alive actually… I need another Gatekeeper within my grasp, so go out there and capture that boy or I'll show you a fear beyond hell…

Sethnos:Understood… I'll go now!

???:Good, now go on and make me proud, Prince Of Devastation Sethnos…

Sethnos would leave that realm and head to earth.

Sethnos:One day… I promise it won't be like this anymore, once I raise this army and become the unsealed Gate, you will die by my hands!!

Back On Earth…

The next day in the afternoon…

All of the warriors in Enthra's army went back to their own home worlds except for Furbles and that female warrior Laci was fighting.

The four brothers were all rested in a room where they wouldn't be disturbed and the book was then put up in Matt's laboratory.

Everyone was at headquarters celebrating Adron's birthday and mourning the loss of Dana.

Ronin:Why did he have to go?!

Nuke:It was so early… he could've been something crazy…

Juvier:I don't get it, why do it always have to be the ones with the most potential?

Nakir sat there in silence, thinking about all the training and fighting they did together.

Adron was sad but he was trying to keep everyone cheered up on his birthday.

Laci walked over to Nakir and hugged him, she also tears in her eyes as she did.

Laci:I'm sorry Nakir, I know he meant a lot to you guys and he was also a friend of mine, I'm truly sorry that he had to go at such a young age…

Nakir:It's okay…

Laci:What do you mean?

Nakir:Dana's a strong guy, after everything he showed us and how hard he fought against Enthra… I know he wouldn't want to see us crying over him, he would want us all to be happy and grateful that we got to live to see another day…

Laci wipes her tears

Laci:I guess you're right, Dana never really seemed like the type of guy who's ever really been sad.

Nakir:I just wonder why Habakkuk let that monster go after what he did to Dana. I don't think that was the right call and I fully disagree with Habakkuk's reasoning. That guy killed millions of people including our friend, he is an extremely huge threat to the universe and I think he should be killed off.

Laci:You do have a point but I guess we're just going to have to trust in Habakkuk.

Nakir:He already did enough to break my trust, his judgement sucks in my opinion…

Laci:Nakir, don't be like that! Remember there was a time in that fight when Habakkuk was ripping Enthra apart and actually fighting to kill, and he was going to go for the finishing blow but something strange happened to him, so you cannot just sit there and blame that all on him! He lost one of his closest friends on his birthday! Don't you think he feels the most pain out of all of us?! You'll never be able to understand what he feels inside right now, so do not ever question Habakkuk's decisions!!

Nakir looked at Laci in shock and he would then shake his head and smile.

Nakir:You're right… I guess it cannot be helped, after all he's the team's leader anyway so I can't question his decision unless it's pretty stupid… but let's be real here, the only one who really make stupid decisions here is me and we all know that. Which is why it can't be helped, maybe Habakkuk did have a really good reasoning for letting him go, maybe there's some potential to whatever he's plotting… just maybe.

Laci looked at Nakir and smiled, she would then hug him even tighter and he looked at her and kissed her.

Laci:I love you Nakir…

Nakir:I love you too…

Laci:Now let's go out there and try to cheer everyone up, come on, this is Adron's birthday we can't have them all sad on his birthday.

Nakir:You're right let's go.

They both held each other's hands and walked into the living room, where everyone was at.

Matt:Damn we really grew up with him and did everything with him… just to watch him die in front of us… why did this have to happen?!

Adron sat on a couch, just looking through his phone kinda bored. He did look kind of sad and he was still wondering when Habakkuk would show up.

A knock would come from the door, and Adron would go to answer it.

Adron:Who is it?

Habakkuk:It's me, happy birthday Adron.

Adron opened the door and they both shook hands and walked inside. Everyone was happy to see Habakkuk and they all wished him a happy birthday along with Adron.

Kayla walks up to Habakkuk with a small smile on her face.

Kayla:So Habakkuk, how did you spend your birthday?

Habakkuk:I spent my birthday burying my best friend… how'd you spend your day?

Kayla:I'm so sorry…

Habakkuk:It's fine, I'm alright for right now. It's Adron's birthday. I can't ruin that by being sad you know?

Kayla smiled

Kayla:Yeah you're right, let's go have some fun.

Habakkuk smiled

Habakkuk:Yeah, lets have some fun!

Everyone was smiling, they all played games, danced, laughed, told stories, and all together just had fun. Everyone was happy and they felt so relieved that they didn't have to deal with any more threats. Everything was at peace finally.

They all sang happy birthday to Habakkuk and Adron at the table. Habakkuk was now 16 and Adron was 17. There was a really huge cake so that everyone could have some and by the end of the night there was no more.

Most people went home and the only people who stayed were Habakkuk, Adron, Nakir, Laci, Kayla, and Matt.

Matt:I gotta go soon, I have a lot of androids and support robots to fix and improve, you know how that is.

Everyone said their goodbyes to Matt and he went home.

Nakir and Laci cuddled on the couch watching a romantic/comedy movie. Adron was playing a game on his phone, and Habakkuk was just hanging out in the kitchen with Kayla.

Kayla:I can't believe how much I watched you grow physically and mentally. And your strength truly grows as well, it's almost as if you're a completely different person.

Habakkuk:Nah, I can say that for you though. I used to think you were an ordinary girl until that day I found out you were a witch.

Kayla:Oh yeah, and you were so creeped out hahaha!

Habakkuk:Hey! Was not!

Kayla:Yeah yeah yeah…

Habakkuk:But when you stood up for me out there in battle… I really appreciated that a lot thank you… it really did mean a lot to me and it made me gather the strength to keep fighting.

Kayla smiled as her eyes watered up.

Kayla:Of course I'd do that for you, because I know you'd only do the same and besides you're one of my closest friends ever there's no way in hell I'd ever let someone take you away!

Habakkuk smiled.

Kayla:But there is something I've been meaning to say to you for a while…

Habakkuk:Yeah what is it?

Kayla:I'm sorry for being so harsh to you when you confessed your love to me! I didn't mean to come out so bluntly I didn't mean to be so rude while saying that! I know I was going through a huge transition in my position as the leader of my race and I also just got out of a relationship so I just had a lot going on and I didn't mean to take it out on you. I am sorry for making you feel bad about yourself really… I just want you to know that I only want what's best for you, ya know? You're a really great guy and I just think you deserve the best especially after what you've just done. You're a hero and soon you will be known to all for your greatness.

Habakkuk:It's okay… I forgave you a long time ago and I came to accept the fact that it'll probably never happen, having you as my friend is way better than having you out of my life. I'll always have this bond with you forever.


They would then both hug and then drink their juices. Habakkuk had apple juice and Kayla had orange juice, a drink which Habakkuk wholeheartedly hated most, it's so known that it even became a running joke with him and Kayla.

Team Apple Vs Team Orange For Life!!!

Laci and Nakir would end up falling asleep on each other and Adron would also end up falling asleep after watching the movie.

Kayla would also fall asleep on a couch but Habakkuk was still up feeling an eerie presence that was extremely familiar to him.

Habakkuk would then sneak out of the house around 4 AM. He would head to the direction the eerie energy was taking place at. The setting was a wasteland with only a river and some trees.

???:So you finally arrived after sensing my presence?

Habakkuk:Yeah, it's been a while Seth…

Sethnos:Yeah it indeed has been… now on quick question.

Habakkuk:Yeah what is it?

Sethnos:Where have you been for these 8 months? I couldn't find you at all, were you hiding from me?

Habakkuk:Oh trust me I wasn't hiding, but what I was doing isn't any of your business now is it Seth?

Sethnos:I guess you're right… but I guess it's about time I finally force you to join me, I've now learned that I've been giving you too many chances to get away. Now this time I will be taking you by force!

Habakkuk:Right… as if I let you. No offense Seth but there's no way in hell that you'll even be able to knock me unconscious, let alone kidnap me.

Sethnos:My my, such confidence… allow me to strip away that look off your face and show you that you won't be able to escape this time.

Habakkuk:Yeah, just come and find out for yourself, you'll see how much your baby brother has changed.

Sethnos:Fine by me, don't say I didn't warn you brother!

They would both get into their fighting stance, on the ground in a place surrounded by ruins. Then as the wind blew the leaves in the air, they both leaped into the air getting ready to clash!!

Narrator Habakkuk:Enthra is finally defeated, but at the cost of having the worst birthday ever and making Adron's birthday kinda sad. But at the same time we all had fun, Nakir and Laci finally getting the chance to be together, Adron had fun, and Kayla finally told me what she's been meaning to tell me for a long while. I guess I finally know what the unsealed Gate is and now I have to face off against Seth, just like the old days but this time it will be different!!!