Fated Reunion! Brothers Clash!!

The two clashed with each other in fierce hand to hand combat. Sethnos threw a haymaker, Habakkuk ducked and tried to uppercut Sethnos, but he quickly hopped out of the way. Habakkuk took off after him, trying to butterfly kick him. Sethnos would put his hand on the ground and used his aura to rush him into the air to dodge that kick. Habakkuk would then kick the ground, making a huge crater in it as he went speeding through the air with a big jump. Sethnos would then go dashing towards Habakkuk with a sledgehammer fist, sending him flying to the ground. Habakkuk would catch himself on the ground and then stand back up and Sethnos would also land on the ground.

Sethnos:You've definitely gotten stronger brother, I'll give you that.

Habakkuk:Oh this? This is nothing compared to what I got in store.

Sethnos:Oh? Why don't you just skip the rehearsal and show me!

Habakkuk:Ohh we'll get to that real soon…

Sethnos:Hmph, alright brother prepare yourself!!

Habakkuk:Alright let's go then!!

The two ran at each other at super speeds and clashed. Sethnos punched Habakkuk in the face and Habakkuk punched him in the gut. They would both jump backwards to get distance.

Sethnos:Ready for more, brother?

Habakkuk:Yeah, you know that I am… "brother!"

The two dashed at each other again, Habakkuk tried to hit Sethnos with a heavy right hook. Sethnos would easily swipe his hand away and back handed Habakkuk. Habakkuk would stumble back but he caught himself and came back with several swift punches and kicks. Sethnos easily anticipated them and was countering all of them, each time sending Habakkuk back with either a punch to the gut, a kick to the ribs, a backhand to the face, or a knee to the chin.

Sethnos:Hehe… is that the best you can do brother?!

Sethnos would then pick Habakkuk up by this throat and throw him down to the ground, only to charge at him with intense fury!! Habakkuk would then dodge the heavy punch that was coming at him right on time as sweat dropped from his face and quickly vanished when he smiled.

Sethnos:Enjoying yourself eh?

Habakkuk:Maybe just a little.

Sethnos:You must be implying that you have more power hidden within you, if so then let me see what you can do!

Habakkuk:Alright, here goes nothing!

Habakkuk would get into a shoot like stance where he reaches out with his right arm clenching his fist and he crosses his left arm above it. Habakkuk's aura would start to emerge as the ground started to shake and rocks flew into the air.

Sethnos looked on in amazement.

Habakkuk:Secret Arts:Full Burst!!!

A huge aura exploded from Habakkuk and he instantly dashed at Sethnos, appearing behind him and kicking him in the back, sending Sethnos tumbling to the ground.

Habakkuk would then instantly dash left to right as he was getting even closer to Sethnos. Habakkuk appeared under Sethnos and struck him with an uppercut. Sethnos went flying into the air and Habakkuk appeared above him with a sledgehammer but he used his Secret Arts aura to make big aura arms and fist that would knock Sethnos to the ground.

A crater was made but Sethnos got back up with a smile on his face, but Habakkuk appeared on the right of him, pulling him close with an aura rope and he would then kick Sethnos in the gut and he would cock his right hand back and punch Sethnos in the face and then bring him back close again to double kick him in the chest, sending him flying into a huge rock.

Sethnos caused a big crater in the rock, as his body was stuck to it. Sethnos would then destroy the huge rock with his aura and wiped the blood off of his face and he would then smirk.

Sethnos would get a flashback of him fighting Mrs Thayer days ago.

Sethnos's Thoughts:It's the same Technique that woman used against me when she took his place to fight me! Hmmm interesting...

Sethnos:That was good brother, I wasn't expecting you to learn such a technique, but hey new surprises come everyday. You used to be a weakling but now your fighting skills are quite adept if you ask me. That technique reminds me of…

Habakkuk's eyes widened before Sethnos finished the sentence.

Habakkuk:Of what?

Sethnos:My own…

Habakkuk:It can't be!

A purple aura would erupt around Sethnos as the ground started to shake even more with rocks and boulders flying into the air. He then got into a fighting stance where he made his fingers look sharp like claws and made his left leg stand out and kept his right one in the back but it looked as though it was an unapproachable stance that had no openings.

Habakkuk:Don't tell him what I think he's doing! There's no way he knows it!

Sethnos:Dark Arts:Explosion!!!

Sethnos power fully erupted and he appeared by the side of Habakkuk with a slice of his aura. Luckily Habakkuk blocked with a secret arts energy shield, Sethnos would then kick the shield, both breaking the shield and sending Habakkuk flying into a wall.

Habakkuk:Damn he always has to have some type of surprise or trick up his sleeve.

Habakkuk would pick himself back up, as he jumped into the air with a cobra style attack with his secret arts aura but as he did that, multiple long aura arms came at Sethnos at beyond light speeds.

Sethnos easily dodged them and used his black mamba strikes to swipe the attacks away from him with ease.

Habakkuk:Damn he's way better than I thought!

Sethnos was right behind Habakkuk and he would then hit him with a back kick and combined with delayed kicks to the back, and as Habakkuk went flying in the air it felt as though he was being kicked multiple times.

Habakkuk coughed out spit and right before Habakkuk could even hit the ground Sethnos would appear right under him and would punch the air rapidly, launching multiple snake strikes with his aura. Habakkuk was getting hit by each of these attacks, he would try to put a force field around himself but Sethnos would then create a cyphe with his Dark arts aura and completely shatter it. Sethnos would then combine black mamba strikes and dark tigers strikes into a power combo that left Habakkuk's body stunned after he was hit by the fierce wave of attacks.

Habakkuk went flying into the air and Sethnos would then smack the ground and as he did, two serpents made of dark arts aura came out of it and wrapped themselves around Habakkuk and came crashing down to the ground. It was a huge explosion on impact and Habakkuk was nowhere to be seen.

Sethnos was looking for Habakkuk as he was levitating in the air.

Sethnos:Don't tell me a move like that killed you little brother… you couldn't have made it this far just to die by something so basic!

Suddenly Habakkuk was surrounded in green and blue aura as he dashed into the air at Sethnos with blue aura wings.

Habakkuk:Goddess Wrath!!!

Habakkuk would punch Sethnos in the gut multiple times and as he did, blue aura doves came flying out of his back and they would then turn into gigantic eagles as they grabbed Sethnos and slammed him into the ground with an explosion.

Sethnos got back up with a smirk.

Sethnos:Now that's more like it! Keep coming at me with everything you got brother!!


Habakkuk landed back on the ground in a martial arts fighting stance and Sethnos did the same.

They both were silent and they both looked focused as they were watching each other's movements. Sweat dropped from each other's faces, and they would both tilt they're right foot to the side and this was all in slow motion. As they felt the breeze of the air, the two leaped into battle in slow motion.

Sethnos went for a swift right hook, Habakkuk tilted his body out of the way and struck with a right kick. Sethnos would then duck and go for an uppercut, Habakkuk would then backflip away and come back with a haymaker, which Sethnos dodged. Then the two got back into their fighting stances, ready to go again.

They both smiled at each other as the ground started to crack and rocks started to float in the air as they flared intensely at each other. Then all of the rocks came crashing down to the ground and they both leaped at each other in an instant.

They were both using advanced martial arts as they battled. Sethnos used black mamba style attacks to pierce Habakkuk's body, Habakkuk's used the cobra style to counter his attacks. Sethnos would then kick Habakkuk's legs, causing him to slide to the ground but Habakkuk would then kick Sethnos in the face with both legs, sending him into the air but quickly catching himself.

Sethnos:Dark Arts:Multi Spears!!

Sethnos shot out a bunch of aura spears at Habakkuk.

Habakkuk:Secret Arts:Attack Reflexion!!

Habakkuk would make an aura mirror that reflects all of Sethnos' attacks and send them right back to him.

Sethnos:Damn it! He's really skilled with that technique, I expect nothing less from my brother…

Habakkuk had a clone appear behind Sethnos with a secret arts styled combo combined with Gaylenas aura.

Sethnos instantly kicked him in the chin with his back turned and then turned around and uppercutted him out of existence.


Sethnos got into a fighting stance as more clones appeared out of Habakkuk's body and charged at him. There were at least 6 clones of Habakkuk, 3 using secret arts and the other 3 using the Goddess techniques.

Sethnos accesses the situation and welcomes the challenge.

One of the Habakkuk clones came at Sethnos with a fierce green aura crane kick, but Sethnos dodged and then kicked him in the gut and sledgehammered him to the ground.

Sethnos:Come on!

The rest charged at him at full speed!

One clone used the green secret arts aura arms to try and grab Sethnos. Another one used Air thrust attacks enhanced by the secret arts Gorilla style. Another would come behind Sethnos using the goddess pistol, firing out a narrow like blue blast and the other two charged at Sethnos with a goddess hurricane combo, making a huge tornado shaped like a blue attack.

Sethnos easily dodged the aura arms, countered the air thrust with air thrust kicks, instantly moved his head to dodge the goddess pistol, and fired a two headed aura serpent from his dark arts to stop the hurricane attack.

The 5 remaining clones were shocked by this but without much time Sethnos then appeared by the first one and stabbed him in the gut with an aura blade, kicked the second one in the neck, knees the third one in the face and followed it up with a purple blast, vaporizing him. He would then set his sights on the other two as they tried to take him on at once using the tiger and cobra style martial arts but Sethnos was easily able to keep up with them so they used Gaylena's aura mixed in and then sent him to the ground with a punch to the gut, kick to the face, and a sledgehammer. Sethnos would then instantly appear over one of the Habakkuk's and kicks him across the face and would then slice him up with aura blades and he would then appear in front of the next Habakkuk and punched him in the chest and would then grab him by the throat, and would then make a blast explode on it and then all of the clones were dead.

Sethnos:Is that all you have to off-

Sethnos was then interrupted by Habakkuk appearing above him with an axe kick, which Sethnos blocked but he still got sent hurling to the ground but he landed on both feet.

Sethnos smirked

Sethnos:Impressive, that was a 10/10 well done strategy but since it didn't get the job nearly done I'll give it more of an 7/10, still good though I'm impressed.

Habakkuk smirked as well but it would then turn into a serious glare as he landed on the ground and got into his fighting stance.

Sethnos would also do the same but with a smirk on his face.

Then the two ran at each other at intense speeds. As Habakkuk runs at Sethnos, he slides under him and punches him in the gut. Habakkuk would then follow that up by multiple furious punches to Sethnos gut while keeping him held in the air, using a certain martial arts style. Habakkuk would then aims both of his hands like guns and pointed to Sethnos gut.

Habakkuk:Double Goddess Pistol!!

A blue blast sends Sethnos in the air flying but Sethnos wrapped his dark arts aura around his right hand as a glove and grabbed the blast and threw it off of him. Sethnos was now free.

Sethnos:That was a good one I'll admit brother…

Habakkuk came out of nowhere kicking Sethnos across the face and sent him to the ground. Habakkuk would then come down with a fury of punches, Sethnos could only try to block and dodge these attacks because they were way too fast and strong for him to counter.

Sethnos:I just have to try and read his movements! Left, right, down, up, twist, side step!

Sethnos tried to dodge all of the attacks but Habakkuk uppercutted him and kicked him in the gut. Sethnos goes tumbling on the ground, Habakkuk would then smack his hand to the ground and a huge green aura hand would send him into the air and another one would come down at him trying to crush him with a punch, that hand was the aura from Gaylena.

Sethnos hurried and escaped using the Dark Arts aura to latch on to a nearby mountain. Habakkuk's eyes would then glow blue for a split second.

Habakkuk:Goddess Burst!!!

Habakkuk's had a huge blue aura erupt around him as he seemed to had vanished, he appeared right in front of Sethnos with a heavy right hook to the jaw, Sethnos went flying into several rocks and then Habakkuk kept punching the air making huge shock waves, and mountains were being destroyed. Sethnos was forced to dodge all of these attacks.

Habakkuk appears over Sethnos.

Habakkuk:Goddess Missiles!!

Habakkuk fires out dozens of blue aura missiles at Sethnos. Sethnos used his dark arts aura to catch the missiles and throw them back. Habakkuk easily did the same and they were now playing catch with the missiles. Habakkuk would then do a quadruple kick in the air, making green aura slashed strike Sethnos all at once.

Sethnos coughs out spit and Habakkuk appears right in front of him and punches him in the gut making him cough out blood. He would then head butt Sethnos and then throw him into a mountain. Habakkuk then would fire multiple green aura lion blasts from his Secret Arts aura and there were blue aura warriors riding them with swords and shields in their hands.

As soon as the attacks hit Sethnos, they exploded on impact. Sethnos would then go falling to the ground as he was coughing up blood and his clothes were a little torn up but he had a crazy look of excitement on his face.

Habakkuk:How was that one Seth? You can't really call me a weakling anymore can you?

Sethnos goes charging at Habakkuk.

Sethnos:No I definitely cannot!! You'll make a great addition to my army!!

Habakkuk:Keep dreaming!

Sethnos goes to hit Habakkuk with a right hook, but Habakkuk would duck and punch Sethnos in the gut, causing blood to splatter. Sethnos stumbles and takes 2 steps back.

Sethnos:You've actually managed to hurt me and draw blood to my face… well that's fucking wild!! Alright little shit brother, want to see something cool?!!

Habakkuk:Huh?! Wait no… he couldn't have it right? Maybe I've made a mistake by coming here alone, because if Sethnos has the same Unsealed Gate form that I have then I'm fully outclassed because the difference in our power in our normal forms is pretty big so imagine how it would be if he transformed. Even if I could find some way to transform I wouldn't even be nowhere near a match for him and I don't even know how to do it at will… I never saw the full extent of his power so this could be the day he shows it… I hope it's not what I fear… if that's the case he'd probably be able to take me and Enthra out even if we worked together!

Sethnos:You look puzzled brother, is something the matter?

Habakkuk:No, let's just get this over with!

Sethnos smirked

A purple aura surrounds Sethnos body as his long hair flowed into the air then spiked up.

Habakkuk:Here it comes, this could be it...

The rocks and boulders began to float in the air and the ground was starting to shake around them. The pressure in the air would shift as well.

Habakkuk:No this feels familiar…

Sethnos would then grow fangs and claws and looked monstrous as his eyes turned violet blue. Sethnos was in the second state of berserk.

Habakkuk started to grab his head.

Habakkuk:No this power it's affecting my own…

Sethnos:Hehehe… now little brother, let's get down to business!!

Habakkuk got into a fighting stance and Sethnos got into his.

Habakkuk:Maybe, he's saving that for when he actually needs it because he isn't too pressured just yet, who knows…

Sethnos:Take this!!

Sethnos dashes Habakkuk, instantly elbowing him to the face. Habakkuk stumbles backwards and Sethnos would then uppercut him, Habakkuk would try to catch himself but Sethnos would then knee him in the gut and then he would kick Habakkuk to the air and would then appear above him and struck him with a sledgehammer.

Habakkuk crashed to the ground, making a huge crater but he got back up with blood on his face.

Sethnos smirked.

Habakkuk:Damn I might be at a disadvantage, but we won't know until I find out!

Habakkuk made at least 10 clones charge at Sethnos, 5 using different secret arts Techniques and another five using the Goddess techniques.

Sethnos easily slaughtered all of them and appeared in front of the real Habakkuk and punched him in the gut. Habakkuk would fall to the ground and roll over, holding his stomach because of the pain he's in. Sethnos would then come down with a heavy right punch, but Habakkuk used the secret arts to move out the way quickly. Habakkuk would then flee by some rocks but Sethnos would quickly kick him into a bunch of ruins.

Sethnos shot a barrage of purple energy blasts at Habakkuk, who was fleeing away. Sethnos would then appear in front of Habakkuk and kick him to the ground and then stood over him.

Sethnos:So do you continue to keep going against me? This is pointless!

Habakkuk smirked...

Sethnos:Oh? Is death funny?

Habakkuk:You won't kill your own brother will you?

Sethnos:If you continue to not Cooperate...then I will not hesitate!

Habakkuk:Why so much rush, you're not in a hurry to leave are you? Besides while keeping this fight going it could give me time to think whether I'll join you or not.

Sethnos:You're actually going to think about it? It won't do you any good if you're getting your ass kicked, you might get brain damaged so just decide now.

Habakkuk:Seth, look on the bright side.

Sethnos:What bright side?

Habakkuk:This one!!

Habakkuk shot a green energy blast out of his right hand, hitting Sethnos right in the face.

Sethnos:Ack!! You bastard! I'm never looking at the bright side again!!

Sethnos couldn't see so he shot blasts out of his hand, not knowing where they went. Habakkuk managed to get away and he fell to the ground trying to hold his head and keep his composure as his eyes started to turn lime green and he started to grow claws and fangs.

Habakkuk:Now Damn it not now!!

Habakkuk started to punch the ground to gain control, and it was working a little.

Sethnos flew in the air and he was starting to get his vision back.

Sethnos:Where is that little shit?!

Sethnos:There he is!!

Sethnos rushed down at Habakkuk with a fierce fury of punches and kicks. Habakkuk tried his best to keep up but he was outmatched and Sethnos would then make an aura needle and stabbed it into Habakkuk, collected some of his blood and he would then blast Habakkuk into a wall.

Habakkuk was stuck to the wall and his eyes were going from normal to lime green and then back to normal again.

Sethnos:I got the damn DNA, now I have to carry the task out by capturing him. He's not making this very easy on me though which is very annoying… if only he just joined me, I wouldn't have to capture him and we could go somewhere where he will never find us until we are strong enough to take him down…

Habakkuk falls out of the wall but quickly lands on his feet.

Habakkuk:Why am I even entertaining this fight knowing I can get even stronger… I'm not about to waste anymore time, I'm going to use the controlled berserk date combined with secret arts and Gaylena's power!

Habakkuk stretched his legs out and he started to build up his energy, as his hair flowed up a little, but suddenly appeared and knees him in the gut. Sethnos would then uppercut Habakkuk and punch him in the gut over and over again, moving Habakkuk across the ground. Sethnos would then elbow Habakkuk, and Habakkuk still stood but he got sent back, with his shoes scraping across the ground, making holes and craters. Sethnos would then charge at Habakkuk with a fierce right hook that looked stronger than the others. Habakkuk's face was looking towards the ground and his arms were down, and as Sethnos punch landed, it was in Habakkuk's right hand, as he caught the punch.

Habakkuk looked up and his eyes was glowing lime green but not monster like, his hair was a little more spikier and it was light brown instead of black, he had tiny fangs and no claws but he also had the aura of both the secret arts and Gaylena's power.

Sethnos was taken aback by all of this.

Sethnos:What the-

Habakkuk punched Sethnos in the face sending him flying several yards, but Habakkuk leaped into the air and followed after. Habakkuk would then kick Sethnos to the ground and he would then appear behind him with a cobra and tiger style combo to Sethnos back. Sethnos had a hole ripped in the back of his shirt. Blood splattered from Sethnos mouth as his eyes went wide, and his pupils disappeared. Habakkuk would then kick Sethnos far into the air.

Habakkuk:Sethnos unbeatable? Nah I just have to play my cards right and I got this!!

Habakkuk would then jump past Sethnos body and then used a double goddess pistol to send him to the ground.

Sethnos goes flying into a crater and he has the look of shock on his face.

Sethnos laid in the crater just stuck mentally.

Sethnos:When the hell did he get this type of power?!

Habakkuk:This is the highest my power can reach by my own will, so that means I can't let Sethnos go any higher at all cost! If I keep rushing and attacking it will stop him from having another power up or transformation. This form is basically my trump card because I can't activate that Unsealed Gate form so I'm screwed!!

Sethnos leaped out of the crater but Habakkuk dashed at him in a burst of Gaylena's blue aura.

Habakkuk would punch Sethnos in the face and he would then elbow him in the neck and knee him in the back. Habakkuk would rotate his hands and a green aura warrior with over 100 hands would then fiercely punch Sethnos rapidly, not letting him get the chance to move. Sethnos was of course blocking the attacks, but they were starting to become too much for him to handle.

Habakkuk's left eye glowed green and his right eye glowed blue. The aura warrior disappeared and Habakkuk moved his hands in slow motion, and it looked like he had multiple shadows arms moving but the area around them turned into galaxy like colors. His hands would then glow a turquoise like color as well.

Sethnos:This technique… what the hell is this?!!

Habakkuk:Secret Arts:Fists Of Void!!!

Then Habakkuk struck Sethnos furiously with his new technique, it felt like Sethnos was being hit by over a thousand fists at once. Habakkuk was going at him non stop, not holding anything back. Sethnos tried his best to block but that was broken a while ago. All of Habakkuk's attacks were connected clearly. Habakkuk would then kick Sethnos into several mountains and charge after him with a new explosive attack.

Habakkuk would spin in the air while holding his arms in the air, charging up something massive.

Habakkuk:Secret Goddess Arts:Double Serpent Pistol!!!

A huge green and blue swirling blast would go crashing into the area Sethnos was at and a huge explosion went off blowing everything back.

Habakkuk landed on the ground and the wind would blow, and everything was quiet, too quiet.

Habakkuk:That move should've at least immobilized him, I can take him in to the Ateiran authorities and see what his further motives are.

Habakkuk closed his eyes and tried to search for Sethnos aura signature.

Habakkuk:Hmmm where the hell is he? Surely I didn't go overboard… wait he's hiding!!

Habakkuk would jump into the air and fire out several green aura wolves with his secret arts to go and search for Sethnos.

Then a huge purple explosion would then send all flying back towards Habakkuk.

Habakkuk:Damn it! Are you kidding me?! I was too late!! Why do situations like this have to always be some kind of anime cliche?!!

Dark clouds would cover the sky and rocks began to float in the air, as lightning struck the ground.

Large chunks of the ground began to break apart and go flying into the air. Sethnos eyes shined a bright violet blue and his hair turned even spikier, as he grew in size becoming at least 7 ft and his skin turned hard and a pale brown color. He was becoming more monster-like. The ground started to rise up and they looked like many mountains all over the area.

Habakkuk:No… he reached the damn third state!!

Sethnos had a smirk on his face as he was finally done transforming.

Sethnos:I never would've imagined you pushing me to use this state, hell I never imagined you pushing me to the second state but this is the last you'll push me and I'll make sure of that brother!!

Habakkuk got into his fighting stance

Habakkuk:I won't be joining your side, Sethnos. Brother or not, there's no way in hell I'll ever join someone like you!

Sethnos:Looks like I'm just going to have to force you, just like I stated earlier!!

Sethnos instantly appeared in front of Habakkuk with a heavy punch. Habakkuk instantly jumped out of the way using his goddess burst, and the punch left a huge crater in the ground.

Habakkuk:He's way too strong and fast, I have got to keep my distance!!

Habakkuk used the goddess aura wings to fly into the air. Sethnos appeared right behind him with a flip kick, sending him back to the ground very hard.

Sethnos landed on the ground as well, making a gigantic crater. Habakkuk coughed out blood and stood right back up.

Habakkuk:I can't give up now, he isn't as strong as Enthra so maybe I can tip the scales in my favor…

Sethnos:Hmph try as you like but you'll still fail!

Habakkuk charged at Sethnos with the aura of both Gaylena and Secret arts at full burst. Sethnos easily sidestepped him and knees Habakkuk in the gut, while grabbing his head to further the impact. Sethnos would then take Habakkuk by the head and run with him, crashing him into several ruins.

Sethnos would then throw Habakkuk into a mountain, which Habakkuk would then use the secret arts aura to push himself into the air.

Sethnos then looked at his hand, as it glowed purple. He would then squeeze his hand and the ground started to shake. A huge purple wave of energy would then erupt from where Habakkuk was at. Habakkuk would then make a force field to avoid the attack. Sethnos then appeared behind him and slashed the force field with his claws, shattering it and he would then punch Habakkuk in the gut and blast him back to the ground.

Habakkuk crashes into the ground, making a huge crater. Habakkuk had blood coming from his face and mouth and uttered out a few words.

Habakkuk:Secret Arts:Delusional Devastation!!


Sethnos would feel something hit him in the gut and blast him to the ground.

Sethnos:What the hell was that?!

Sethnos fell into a huge rock, destroying it in the process.

Habakkuk would then make his aura erupt as he charged the goddess aura to its maximum.

Habakkuk:Goddess Bind!!

Habakkuk shot out a huge blue aura bind that wrapped around Sethnos body and brought him close to Habakkuk.

Habakkuk made his aura change into the secret arts aura and got into a familiar stance where everything went in slow motion. Sethnos was starting to see different colors around the area, as if it was galaxy colors. Sethnos recognized this posture and energy. It was Habakkuk's fists of void.

Habakkuk would then punch Sethnos with his extremely fast and mysterious fist of void. This technique was so fast that it was so mysterious that the user could hit an opponent at least 15 times in under a second.

Sethnos:I remember this technique, and I have to say… it needs more work!!!

Sethnos easily countered the punches while being stuck in the goddess bind. He would then smack Habakkuk's hands away, punched him in the chest, and then grabbed on to the binds, turning them purple and made it into a cocoon like shape and put Habakkuk into it.

Sethnos would then go him into the air and spin it around, and then came back to the ground, slamming it at full speed. A huge explosion went off as it happened. Sethnos was nowhere near done yet at all. Sethnos would then tie the cocoon to a nearby tree and started to rapidly punch it as if it was a punching back.

Habakkuk felt all of the pain as he was trapped inside. Sethnos would then put the palm of his hands on the cocoon and overloaded it with aura causing a huge energy serge. The cocoon would explode and Habakkuk's body went flying out of it. Sethnos would then grab Habakkuk by the face and slammed him into the ground and he would then make a huge aura spike and stabbed it into Habakkuk's chest.

Habakkuk gasped and coughed up a lot of blood.

Sethnos:Hehehe!! You can avoid all of this now brother!! You can join me and end this all now!!

Habakkuk had a green energy blast forming out of his hand.

Habakkuk fires it at Sethnos

Habakkuk:Never!! One handed Gate Wave!!

The blast knocked Sethnos back a little but he wasn't too concerned about it.

Sethnos would then uppercut Habakkuk and then grab him by the face and repeatedly punched him in the gut, making huge puddles of blood splatter out.

Habakkuk tried to grab onto Sethnos hands to set himself free but it was no use. Sethnos would then knee Habakkuk in the gut and pinned him to the ground with his boot on his head.

Habakkuk couldn't do anything to get up or move, he was stuck.

Adron, Nakir, Laci, and Kayla felt the battle going on for sometime and now they sensed Habakkuk endangered so they rushed to go help in a private jet, since none of them can fly.

Sethnos laughed and mocked Habakkuk as if he was nothing.

Sethnos:Join me brother, or else you and everyone on this planet will die…

Habakkuk:F-fuck you!!

Sethnos:Nice language!

Sethnos would then make his boot heavier on Habakkuk's head, crushing him into the ground.

Suddenly a blue flame blast went hurling at Sethnos, along with a crimson electricity blast, a black heart, and a magical purple energy sphere.

It was Habakkuk's friends.

Sethnos easily smacked aside the attacks like they were nothing!

Laci:He looks almost the same as Habakkuk when he turned into that monster…

Nakir:Who is he?!

Adron:Could he be another Gatekeeper just like Habakkuk?

Kayla:Well whoever gets is we have to stop him now!!

Sethnos smirked:Ahh so you're the friends of my little shit brother I presume?

Everyone:Brother?!! Since when?!

Sethnos:Well you see…

Nakir:That's not important, let's take him out now!!!

They all went into their ultimate forms and charged at Sethnos.

Sethnos:This is futile really, but I do enjoy the effort!

Sethnos crushes Habakkuk into the ground even more as he gets into a fighting stance. Nakir and Adron attacked him first, Adron used his super speed and electricity fists. Sethnos, while on Habakkuk's body, easily dodged him like it was nothing.

Adron:What the hell?! He's not even moving from that spot and he still manages to dodge me?!

Sethnos:Is that all you got?

Nakir had a blue flame aura scythe in his hand, and in the other hand he had a huge blue flame energy blast charged up with the chains of flame coming out of his body.

Adron would try to land his punches and kicks on Sethnos, but that was like Sethnos said earlier "futile." Sethnos would then backhand Adron and then grabbed him by the face and sent him to the ground.

Nakir charged Sethnos with what he had. Sethnos caught the scythe and blocked the energy blast, but he was soon wrapped up in chains.

Nakir would use the 50,000 chains of flame, burning Sethnos body and throwing him towards the girls.

Laci and Kayla both charged up a golden huge heart and pink energy sphere. The blast was huge, and Sethnos was heading its way.

Laci:Ready Kayla?!

Kayla:Yeah lets go!!

Both:Rose Gold Heart Sphere!!!

The huge heart blast went flying towards Sethnos. He instantly caught himself in the air and blew the blast back with a purple blast from his mouth. Laci and Kayla instantly moved out of the way and a huge explosion was caused. Sethnos appeared above Kayla and punched her in the face, kicked her in the ribs, and double axed fist her to the ground. He would then grab Laci by the face and punch her in the gut, causing her to spit out blood and he would then throw her to the ground and follow it up with a mouth blast.

Nakir slashes the mouth blast away with his scythe and he would then put Laci on the ground to safety.

Adron and Nakir charged their auras up to the max and rushed at Sethnos. Their attacks were coordinated and some were catching him off guard. Adron was using the speed of his crimson shock form to gain the advantage, Nakir used his advanced fighting style. Sethnos was fighting the two of them at once, blocking and dodging their attacks. Adron went charging at Sethnos, he would then try to throw a haymaker at Adron, which Adron dodged and Nakir would uppercut Sethnos and then sent him flying with a huge ball of blue flames to the gut. Sethnos started to push it back but then, Adron started to punch the blast at super speeda, making the blast stronger and further sending Sethnos into the air.

Habakkuk got up with his face bloody and he had a green aura coming from his right arm, as the ground began to shake. Habakkuk would then make the other hand have a green aura coming from it. Habakkuk's eyes glowed like green and the whole area around him began to shake even more.

Habakkuk:Thanks guys, I can always count on you!

Habakkuk's aura exploded as he mixed the secret arts and Gaylena's power all into this one attack.

Habakkuk:Take this!!!

Sethnos eyes turned towards Habakkuk who was back, up and on the ground while Adron had him trapped in midair.


Habakkuk:Emerald Cannon!!!

A huge emerald green blast emerged from Habakkuk's two hands and went straight towards Sethnos. Adron would then drop kick Sethnos into the blast and fired his own electricity blast along with Nakir and Habakkuk's blast.

Adron instantly moved out of the way and the huge blast sent Sethnos all the way into orbit.

Nakir, Adron, and Habakkuk would then sit there on the ground thinking of a next plan in case Sethnos was still able to fight.

Nakir:I'll set up the 50,000 chains of purple flame!

Habakkuk:Good, what about you Adron?

Adron:I'll use a gigantic electricity tornado like attack to keep him trapped. Are you able to fire another one of those huge emerald cannons?

Habakkuk:Probably but just to be safe I'll just use the super goddess pistol so I don't run out of all my energy.

Nakir:Yeah, that makes sense. Can I ask you a question though?

Habakkuk:Yeah what's up Nakir?

Nakir:How come you don't just use that transformation you used against Enthra and call it a day?

Habakkuk:You mean the Unsealed Gate? I can't access it on my own will, it seems like it only comes out when I've suffered deep emotional trauma. So yeah I can't tap in to it at will, I'll just have to use whatever I have on me right now.

Nakir:Oh that sucks...

Adron:I think I can sense him, I don't know...

Habakkuk:Alright let's all get into our spots!

Everyone begins to get into separate spots all seemingly hiding. Adron was in an area by water, Nakir was in a forest area, and Habakkuk was hiding behind huge rocks. They were all charging their attacks in secret so if Sethnos were to come back for another round he wouldn't be able to suspect a thing.

Meanwhile In Space…

Sethnos was unconscious after he got sent flying by all three blasts exploding on him at once. Sethnos was back in his normal form, going flying towards the moon.

Back On Earth…

It was starting to get dark, it was around 6 pm in the winter, so it got dark pretty early.

Nakir:Damn how long are we gonna be waiting for him to show up?

Adron is sitting by the water getting bored of waiting around.

Adron:It's getting late, I think we won this battle already so we mindswell go home…

Habakkuk:Did we kill him? I hope that wasn't the case…

Back In Space…

Sethnos body would hit the moon and his eyes opened back up glowing purple and he looked pissed. He instantly transformed back into the third berserk state and went dashing towards earth, at insanes speeds.

Habakkuk face went tense as he was the first person to pick up Sethnos energy, he was also the best at doing it out of all his friends since he's a Gatekeeper.

Habakkuk's aura instantly sparked as he was ready to unleash his attack. Nakir and Adron saw Habakkuk's energy and they both powered up to the max as well.

A huge purple light would be coming from the sky, and it was coming down fast!

Adron made the huge electricity tornado using his crimson shocks and the water around him. Nakir gathers out his purple flame chains, burning the trees around him so he can have extra flame. Sethnos would be caught by the chains of flame and Habakkuk would fire a huge super god pistol into the direction of Sethnos.

Nakir slammed his chains into Adron's Tornado and Habakkuk's blast. But this time Sethnos burst out of the chains and powered up his aura to a higher degree than before. He would then over power all of the attacks. Sethnos would grab Nakir's chains to get a closer range. Sethnos would then punch Nakir in the gut, extremely hard, causing his eyes to go all white and he would then axe kick him to the ground.

Adron went charging at Sethnos with his crimson shocks all around him. He tried to use his speed to catch Sethnos. Sethnos dodged Adron and would hit him with the black mamba strike combo to his chest and then used the one inch punch to send Adron flying towards Nakir. Adron reverted back into his normal form as he went to the ground.

Nakir:Alright I had enough of this!!!

Nakir released all of the flames out of his body and went flying at Sethnos with everything he had. Sethnos got hit by the first punch but he would then catch the next hit, Nakir would then kick Sethnos across the face but , Sethnos dodged that and sent Nakir back to the ground with a devastating mouth blast, causing Nakir to go back into his normal form and fall unconscious.

Sethnos landed on the ground looking at Habakkuk.

Sethnos:It's only you left… it's a pity your friends are weak!

Habakkuk:Damn you Seth! I'll just take you out myself!

Sethnos smirked as he slowly walked up to Habakkuk.

Sethnos:Good luck with that!

Sethnos instantly appeared in front of Habakkuk with a heavy gut punch, causing him to cough out blood. Sethnos would then uppercut Habakkuk into a rock and then stepped over him.

Sethnos would then beat into Habakkuk, punching him but each time it was harder.

Sethnos:You're too weak! Way too soft!! These earthlings are in the way of your full potential!! Earth cannot give you what you want!! But if you join me, you'll have it all brother!!! Just join me or suffer the same fate as your friends!!

Habakkuk:What did you say?!

Habakkuk would then grab Sethnos hands and headbutted him, sending him stumbling back.

A little bit of blood came from Sethnos mouth but it was nothing to him. Sethnos smirked and punched Habakkuk back to the ground.

Sethnos:That headbutt was weak! Your punches are weak!! Your energy is weak!!! Your resolve is weak!!! Everything you stand for is weak!!!! You're a weakling who can't even save their own friends!!! You can't do anything with that type of power!!! Just join me and my cause and you will gain the power you need!!

Sethnos eyes glowed purple as he was really beating Habakkuk within an inch of his life.

Sethnos:You cannot save your friends from me!!! So just join me!!!

Habakkuk:Never!!! Just shut up!!!

Habakkuk tried to punch Sethnos, but Sethnos easily caught the punch and rocked Habakkuk hard in the face.

Sethnos:I won't stop until I've killed every single last person on this planet including the ones you love!! You thought I forgot about your friend who attacked me all those months ago? Dana was it? He's dead as well! And I'll make sure his death will be the most painful one!!!

Sethnos would then cock his hand back and unleash it at Habakkuk. Habakkuk's eyes glowed green with the diamond pupils, he instantly caught Sethnos hand and threw him into the air.

Habakkuk would then rise to his feet furiously.

Habakkuk:My friend Dana was recently killed in battle… so don't you dare talk about him!!!

Sethnos:Ahh then that's one less person for me to kil!

Habakkuk's eyes widened as blood ran from his face.


Habakkuk's aura spiked up as the ground began to shake extremely. Lightning struck the ground and the water was starting to go crazy, as huge boulders were floating in the air and tornadoes were being caused.

Habakkuk:I wasn't able to save his life, as he died in my arms and told me the dreams he could never accomplish! What am I supposed to say?!! What am I even supposed to tell his mother?!! But You're right I was too weak to do anything!! But you have no right having Dana's name in your mouth!!! And for that…SETHNOS I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!





Sethnos was speechless, and he couldn't believe his eyes right now. Sethnos couldn't even force himself to say anything, he was now witnessing the form he so long to achieve right before his very eyes!!

Sethnos fell back to the ground and Habakkuk seemed like a giant compared to an ant with the size of the energy he was giving off. Sethnos was about to know what it's like to go up against the Legendary Unsealed Gate!!!