No Rest For The Strong!! Season Finale!!!

Habakkuk stood there in silence looking at a shocked Sethnos who was on the ground, barely being able to take in what he's witnessing.

Habakkuk reaches his hand into the air and a massive amount of aura would erupt from all over the grounds beneath them. Sethnos quickly flew into the air to get away from that dangerous attack, Habakkuk was already above him and delivered a power kick to Sethnos jaw, sending him back down to the ground. Sethnos held his face in pain as a lot of blood poured out from his mouth.

Sethnos:Just one kick did this?! I don't get it… how could he obtain that power?! The power I've so longed for!! The power I was going to achieve to make a difference and reign supreme as the king of all Gatekeepers!!! Me and me alone!! He was just a weakling less than a year ago! He was nothing to me!! I could've easily crushed him!!!

Habakkuk stood there kinda puzzled…

Sethnos:My hopes and my dreams shattered just because of him… what does that make of me?!! Everything I tried to achieve on my own, he did it right before my very eyes!! I cannot stand for this I won't!!!

Sethnos would punch the ground, causing a huge crater in it as mountains came crumbling down.

Sethnos had tears in his eyes.

Sethnos:Damn it!! I worked so hard for this!! And I can't even achieve my dreams! I have to watch someone else do it right before my eyes… everything I went through to get here was all for nothing… all the pain, the torture, and the suffering, locking my emotions away!! Was that all for nothing?!!!

Sethnos aura exploded as he would hit the ground again, making an even bigger crater.

Sethnos:Damn it! Damn it!! Damn it!!! DAMN IT!!!!

Sethnos eyes shined purple all the way, no pupils everything just glowing purple. His hair became even more spikey, he became even more ripped than before, his claws and fangs grew even longer and he had veins popping out everywhere. His face looked monstrous as he almost grew a snout. His skin turned into a pale grey color and it was rough and hard comparable to a Rhino or Crocodile. He had violet acid like drool dripping from his mouth and melting the ground beneath him. His energy made huge towers of rock come from the ground all over the whole area. Sethnos was now in the 4th state of Berserk!!!!

Sethnos:If you think you're gonna defeat me just because you reached that state first, then you're sadly mistaken brother!!!

Sethnos lunges at Habakkuk at full speed. Habakkuk easily side stepped him and dodge his next attack with pure ease. Sethnos would then go charging some more, running on all fours like a wild beast. Sethnos tried to claw at Habakkuk rapidly, Habakkuk easily dodged and jumped out of the way and sent him back with an energy wave push. Sethnos goes flying through a bunch of rocks but would then quickly recover.

Sethnos:I've had it up to here with you!!!

Sethnos dug his claws into the ground and began to lift up 1,000 acres which is 4,350,000 tons with pure ease. Sethnos would then throw it into the air and slam it into the ground like a carpet, causing the ground to break apart around Habakkuk.

Sethnos smirked.

Sethnos:Collision Spheres Of Chaos!!!

Sethnos' energy was embedded into the broken pieces around Habakkuk, turning into purple energy spheres. The spheres went hurling at Habakkuk at extreme speeds.

Habakkuk looked at the energy spheres coming at him with no amazement what so ever. Habakkuk easily lifted his hand into the air and the spheres turned green and went hurling at Sethnos. Sethnos tried to quickly dodged but he was hit by two of them and fell to the ground.

Habakkuk stood there in silence just looking at his hand amazed by the progress of his power.

Sethnos got out of the rubble extremely pissed off by what just happened to him. Sethnos would then smack the ground repeatedly and gigantic eruptions of purple aura went flying at Habakkuk who easily dodged all of them. Suddenly Sethnos appeared over Habakkuk's head with a purple blast coming out of his mouth. Habakkuk blocked the blast with his hand, which exploded on Sethnos face. Sethnos went flying into orbit.

Habakkuk looked up at the sky and Sethnos was floating in space trying to keep his composure.

In Sethnos Head:Calm down… keep your composure you're better than this! You're not a wild beast! You're no berserker! You're Sethnos Prince Of Devastation!! The Son Of The Greatest Gatekeeper In Existence Isariah!!! You will not be beaten by anyone lower than you!! And you will not let yourself be consumed by the primitive rage of the berserker!!! You are not weak!! You are superior!!! And he's inferior to you in every way!!! Now go show that scum who's on top!!!

Sethnos eyes opened up glowing purple and he went dashing back to earth in less than a second!!

As he crashed down, he tried to punch Habakkuk, but Habakkuk moved out of the way and it caused a huge crater of at least 1,000,000 acres of land, blowing everything back.

Once again, the public was involved and these explosions were all over the news, the people feared the thought of aliens invading the planet even more than before and scientists were now heavily involved. Researchers all around the earth wanted to get insight on what's happening. Very distinct and peculier researchers had data collecting bots all over the area, but they weren't noticeable what so ever.

Sethnos tried his best to land a hit on Habakkuk who easily dodged everything he threw at him. Sethnos would try to smack Habakkuk with an energy wave, but Habakkuk slapped Sethnos hand away and the blast went flying into space causing a huge explosion. Habakkuk would then backhand Sethnos in the face and send him yards away. Sethnos would then try to make huge aura blades come raining from the sky, Habakkuk easily blocked them with his energy. Sethnos would then appear from under Habakkuk and grab his leg.

Habakkuk would then fly into the air and kick Sethnos into a huge mountain, crushing most of it and forcing Sethnos to lose grip.

Sethnos would then make his aura rise into the air creating a huge explosion. Habakkuk was unfazed by it but he would then notice that this was only a distraction. He then saw several thousands of demons circling him and ready to attack at any given moment. The demons would then go charging at Habakkuk.

Habakkuk instantly made his aura erupt and vanished. He would then appear in the middle of the demon hordes and he would easily begin to rip them apart. Slicing them up with energy blades, ripping their body apart, snapping their necks, punching holes through their hearts, and either blasting them to smithereens or pounding their faces into the pudding.

Sethnos:That intensity… the aggression… the ferocity and power… I have to achieve it!!!

Habakkuk's eyes then glowed green and a huge eruption of green aura left his body, covering the whole area and eviscerating all of the demons at once. Sethnos tried to hold his ground but he would soon then go flying as well.

And as the explosion stopped, Habakkuk stood there in the center of the huge crater looking at the green glowing signs on his arms.

Sethnos came back dashing at Habakkuk with everything he had!! Sethnos swung ferociously at Habakkuk using his very sharp claws to try to tear him apart. Habakkuk easily blocked and dodged Sethnos attacks and he would then punch Sethnos in the gut, causing him to spit out. Habakkuk would then swing a haymaker, knocking Sethnos back with pure ease. Habakkuk would then put his palm on Sethnos chest and sent him flying back with a small diamond shaped blast.

Sethnos went flying into several huge rocks. Sethnos got up and he was furious, his energy exploded and he would then make a huge purple energy ball into the sky. The ball of energy was sucking up the rocks, trees, ground, and water. The ball started to grow bigger and bigger with each absorption. The huge ball would then take in the huge mountains as well and the energy shined extremely bright, and anyone who was in that country only saw a huge flash of purple throughout the sky.

Sethnos:Take this brother!!! Sphere Of Devastation!!!

Sethnos would appear above Habakkuk and he sent the huge ball of energy hurling at him. This blast weighed well over trillions of tons of force. The blast would seemingly engulf Habakkuk.

Sethnos would then get back and the huge blast exploded. As a huge shine of purple went off all that could be seen after the dust was a green aura surrounding a being in the middle of the chaos.

Habakkuk was there and he looked like he was ready for battle.

Sethnos:I don't get it!! How are you not dead?!!! Why are you so frustrating?!! Why is it that you are like this?!! Why are you better than me?!! Why are you so strong?!! How did you get that power?!! What the hell did you do?!!

Habakkuk:That's simple… I just became even better than you that's all.

Sethnos:You… how dare you… HOW DARE YOU?!!!

Sethnos goes charging at Habakkuk rapidly and Habakkuk easily smacks him away.


Habakkuk's eyes shined bright in the night sky and his aura enveloped his body ferociously.


Habakkuk goes dashes at Sethnos at impossible speeds!! Sethnos tried to attack Habakkuk but then he vanished.

Sethnos:Huh? Where did he?

Habakkuk was above Sethnos and he would then flip and kick Sethnos across the face, sending him flying. Habakkuk would then dash into the air and come under Sethnos and knees him in the spine. Habakkuk would then grab Sethnos by the ankle and slammed him into the ground and threw him into the air. Habakkuk would then appear above Sethnos and hit him with an axe kick sending him into the ground. Habakkuk was right beneath Sethnos and blasted him back into the air with a small green diamond shaped blast. Habakkuk then appeared on the right side of Sethnos moving at a crazy space and his footwork was insane, it was as if he was dancing around Sethnos. Habakkuk would then punch repeatedly ethnos in the chest at insane speeds. You can see the energy from Habakkuk's punches coming from Sethnos back.

Sethnos would then spit out a lot of blood and Habakkuk would then use the tiger style combat to hit Sethnos in multiple different places on his body and he would then use the one inch punch on Sethnos. It was so powerful that it knocked Sethnos soul out of his body. The Habakkuk would then use the delay fist attack at insane speeds and knocked Sethnos body back into his soul.

Habakkuk would then bitch slap Sethnos to the ground like he was nothing.

Habakkuk stood over him with a dark menacing glare.

Sethnos had fear in his eyes but he was having flashbacks of him as a frightened little boy being attacked by a fierce demon.

Habakkuk would then punch Sethnos into the face, knocking him into the ground. Sethnos had another flashback of being smacked away like he was nothing by huge monsters.

Habakkuk would then grab Sethnos by the face and he would then slam him into the ground. Sethnos had another flashback of him as a kid being tormented by demons. Habakkuk would then begin to beat on Sethnos' body brutally with no mercy.

Sethnos had more flashbacks of him being tossed out like nothing, demons clawing his body up, being told he was nothing and that he was weak, being beaten within an inch of his life every single day, not being aloud to sleep, being almost eaten alive on the daily basis, being underestimated, enslaved, beaten and bruised, choked, and being a vulnerable scared little boy.

Habakkuk was beating on Sethnos as if he was just a lifeless doll. Sethnos was being tormented.

In the deepest darkest depths of Sethnos mind, he was being called weak, nothing, useless, scum, good for nothing, and it was only a matter of time before he'd die and he'll never achieve his goals.

Habakkuk would then knock Sethnos away.

Sethnos grabbed his head and tried to keep his composure and not lose his cool as best he can, Habakkuk noticed. Sethnos started to punch the ground and yell things out like "no fight it!" "Not now!"

Sethnos' eyes were glowing brighter.

Sethnos:I'm not a monster!! I can't let myself be consumed by it! I have to fight it!! I must!! I just have to!! But I can't do it!! I can't hold on!! I can't fight it!! I… I… Aaaaghh!!! I have to...

A huge purple aura explosion went off


Sethnos roared ferociously, shaking the whole entire country and causing shockwaves around them. Sethnos looked even more feral than before and he was fully consumed by the Berserker state.

Sethnos started to uncontrollably fire blasts out of his mouth everywhere, destroying several mountains, areas, forest, lakes, and other places. He also went on a rampage attacking everything in sight like an angry wild beast, the Sethnos Habakkuk knew and hated was gone.

Habakkuk:He can be a threat to the earth going all berserk like that, he can destroy everything without even realizing it. I'm going to end this right now!!

Sethnos rapidly fired mouth blast everywhere, causing a lot of damage and explosions that sent things flying. Adron and Kayla woke up and got Laci to a safe distance and Nakir's body went flying in the air. Nakir would then wake up in midair.

Nakir:What the?! Wait a second why the hell I have to wake up at a time like this?!! Oh shit!!!

Adron instantly caught Nakir with his super speed.

Nakir:Oh shit, thanks Adron.

Adron:It looks like it's the climax of the fight, and this time we're here to witness it all.

Nakir:He went back into that form again…

Adron:That means things have gotten serious…

Habakkuk stood there in the middle of a crater looking up towards the sky watching Sethnos continue his rampage.

Habakkuk clenched his fist and gritted his teeth, as a deep green aura appeared around him.

Sethnos to himself:I'm not some primal beast!! I can control myself!! I can't let this power take over me!! I will not stand for it!! I am Sethnos The Prince Of Devastation!!! Not some slobbering beast!!! I have to get control… I won't… I must… I have to…

Sethnos was struggling in the air to control himself as tears came from his eyes.


A huge amount of purple blasts came raining from the sky. As that all happened Habakkuk appeared and made a green aura staff, easily knocking away the blasts.

Sethnos would then charge up an earth shattering purple mouth blast getting to blow everything up as he was going out of control and full on berserk against his own will.

Habakkuk flew into the air at insane speeds, he created a diamond shaped energy blast from his eyes. He held the blast in his right hand as he went dashing at Sethnos. Sethnos would fire the huge energy blast at full force. Habakkuk's eyes glowed bright and he would instantly throw the diamond shaped blast, completely eviscerating the purple blast. Habakkuk would then punch Sethnos in the gut with a fierce left hook. Sethnos spit out blood and then Habakkuk sent him into the air with a huge green aura lion, making a huge explosion. Sethnos came out of that even angrier and tried to hit Habakkuk with everything he had, Habakkuk dodged the punches and he would then cock his hand back very far creating a devastating green aura punch to Sethnos's jaw.

The punch was so heavy that it shook the whole area and fractured Sethnos jaw. Sethnos would fall to the ground broken and beaten.

Habakkuk would then land back on the ground walking up to Sethnos.

Adron and the others watched.

Sethnos was now in his normal form struggling to get up. Habakkuk had an intimidating expression on his face as he walked up to Sethnos.

Habakkuk looked at Sethnos with pity. Habakkuk would then lift Sethnos up by his throat getting ready to kill him.

Adron, Laci, and Kayla's faces all had the look of shock. Nakir was interested in seeing this new side of Habakkuk.

Habakkuk looked at Sethnos as he squeezed his throat and lifted him in the air.

Sethnos was bloody and had tears coming down from his eyes, but not from being beaten by Habakkuk, more so from losing control and becoming a wild beast after his dreams were shattered right before his eyes.

Habakkuk looked at Sethnos with sorrow in his eyes and then dropped him and walked away but turned around and looked at Sethnos feeling bad.

Nakir:I knew it…

Adron and the others were relieved to see that their friend was still the same old Habakkuk.

Habakkuk went back into his normal form and then was quiet for the rest of the time.

Hours Later…

Everyone was on Planet Atieria

They were celebrating Habakkuk and his team's first time saving the world. They also were mourning the loss of Dana and others who've fallen in battle.

Adron and Nakir were competing with each other on who could eat the most burgers. Laci and Kayla were just hanging out with each other and vibing. Matt was being shown around the planet and he was learning about the technology they had which gave him a few ideas. Chris, Izaya, and Juvier were just getting a few drinks.

Mrs Thayer took a break from training to spend time with her student. Miss Timmons was attending to everyone else.

Habakkuk was sitting by himself and he was quiet, just thinking about all the memories he and Dana shared when he was alive.

Mrs Thayer walks up to him and puts her hand on his shoulder.

Habakkuk looked at Mrs Thayer with sadness in his eyes.

Mrs Thayer:You know, Dana wouldn't want you to be feeling sad. He would want to see you enjoying yourself wouldn't he?

Habakkuk looked at Mrs Thayer with a shocked expression but then it went back to sadness.

Habakkuk:But what am I supposed to say to his family? What am I supposed to say to his mother?!

Habakkuk clenched his fist and punched the ground as his eyes began to water.

Mrs Thayer:Well for one let me deal with that and for two you said were going to bring him back, and as his best friend you will never give up on him so pick yourself back up and pull yourself together because if you don't stay strong then you won't ever be able to bring him back do you hear me?

Habakkuk's eyes widened as Mrs Thayer said that.

Mrs Thayer:I'll help you in any way I can to bring him back, after all you are my pupil and I'll do what's necessary to see you happy and back to your training.

Habakkuk:Thank you…

Mrs Thayer looked at him with a comforting smile

Mrs Thayer:You can let it all out now, it's okay.

Habakkuk:Thank You!! Mrs Thayer!!!

Habakkuk's tears began to almost burst out of his eyes and he would then hug Mrs Thayer and as he did he cried…

After that touching moment, everyone enjoyed themselves at the party. Even Mrs Thayer's Master Mathuuro came to praise Habakkuk.

Mathuuro:You did a good job out there boy, keep up the good work, you'll make a fine addition to the roster of the top heroes.

Habakkuk's eyes lit up as they shook hands and he was happy.

Tataro even smirked as he was satisfied with the work Habakkuk accomplished and his team seemed to be a little surprised by it.

Tataro:Keep on going and one day you might just be a worthy opponent for me.

Habakkuk:Oh yeah? Then I'll just have to keep grinding until I'm more than enough for you!

Tataro:That's a nice dream to have, kid… but try not to dream too big.

Tataro walked away with a smile on his face and Habakkuk had a smile on his as well.

Habakkuk would then go back to hang out with everyone and as they celebrated, they all knew it was time to get ready for a new chapter in their lives to begin. This may have been a long and bumpy roller coaster but Enthra was only the first and definitely not the last threat. There are many more to come, until then…


A very injured Sethnos was in a dark world and he walked up to a throne kneeling down.

Sethnos:I got the blood sample like you wanted… but I couldn't bring him in. He was too strong for me to handle…

???:You came here half assed? You've failed me again Prince Of Devastation… you come to my throne all bloodied and beaten as if you're some type of weakling, and then tell me you weren't strong enough?! You're useless!!! Give me the blood sample and get out of my sight before I do something I might not regret!!

Sethnos would then grit his teeth visibly angry and then calmed down.

Sethnos threw him the blood sample and limped away.

The man who was in the throne had a crown on his head and two long curved up horns, his eyes were dark purple and he was at least 7 feet tall. The man would walk over to a figure strapped on in a chair and had wires connected to their head. He would then inject the blood into the person and a green light would go off in the room.

The man walked out of the room and looked at a big brute like figure.

???:Watch Sethnos carefully, the next time he fails me I want you to bring him to me and then I'll have you execute him on the spot.

The brute nodded his head and disappeared.

???:My preparations are already complete, I've finally created a perfect being in my image where Sethnos lacked most of. Soon he will be replaced by my beautiful creation and we'll finally go into phase 3 of my plan into attaining the true power of the Gatekeeper!!! Then after that I'll attain the Time Lapse Eyes!!!

The figure would then be seen in the shadows with a white mask on and a black cloak. The eyes of this mysterious person would shine a bright pink color lighting up in the darkness…

Narrator Habakkuk:We finally made it to the last episode of season 3 and the end of an era. We've gone through so much to get to where we are now and I've got to say it's both a blessing and a curse. I had a lot of fun getting here but there were hardships that sure took its toll on me. Now I have to work even harder if I want to bring Dana bring and trust me I will. Now that I brought those four brothers back and gained 2 new allies Team Prophecy will be stronger than ever before! No more romance to get in my way, no more being weak, and no more fighting alone, we're all in this together and I vow to never let any of my friends die again!!! See you guys in season 4!!!