The Shattering Past Of Sethnos

On the night of Seth's birthday, January 11th 2008…

Seth just turned 6 that day and his family had taken him on a trip to their new super huge sanctuary on an island that the family owned, filled with different wildlife and huge areas for the animals to roam in and poachers couldn't hunt them down. This place was basically a zootopia. This Island was kind of big and the sanctuary itself seemed like an average one on the outside but on the inside it was as huge as a large continent, due to the technology supporting it.

There were all types of animals from different continents, every single last animal you can name, all of them had their own wildlife and setting, no cages or glass, everything was like the real deal. There were even new types of animals being studied and genetically engineered. There were even talks of bringing prehistoric creatures back to life…

On that island, it was heavily protected from intruders. If you didn't have the ID or DNA of the Nickens family you'd either be stopped or attacked by security drones, robots, turrets, and bio warrior like creatures that had the ability to either use super speed, energy beams, teleportation, telekinesis, super strength and, one with elemental powers. They were all basically just androids with different colors.

Super speed was an orange guy, Energy beams was a girl colored in purple, teleportation was a light blue girl, telekinesis was a blue guy, super strength was a muscular guy that was red, and elemental was a green guy.

The island was heavily protected just in case of attack.

But meanwhile…

Seth and his parents were wandering through a jungle. This jungle had all sorts of wild animals, this jungle composed of animals from South America, Africa, Australia, and Asia. So that means it was shared by different types of wild life you wouldn't usually see together, and trust me they were seen often.

Seth was happy that he finally got to explore here with his parents and he was at awe when he saw everything around him light up in different colors in the night.


It started to rain and the vibe started to feel weird.

The animals sensed what presence was in the air and they decided to go back into their homes and stay away.

Alex:Everything seems so quiet and off now every since it started to rain… what could be going on that's keeping the animals away?

Sophia:The vibe of the area does feel weird Alex, I think we should get ready and go back into shelter and then head out… I'm having a very bad feeling about this night…

Seth noticed it as well, he knew something was wrong…

Seth:Yeah we can celebrate my birthday back inside now, I'm happy we got to come out here and hang out. It was the best… mommy and daddy.

Alex:Seth what is it that you sense? I can see it on your face that something's wrong…

Seth:I don't know what it is but it makes me feel cold and wanna go home…

Sophia and Alex look at each other at the same time.

Alex:Activate the Security protocol!

Sophia:Secure The whole island, make sure anything doesn't get in or out!

The whole island went on lockdown and the security was out waiting for an intruder to let their presence be known.

Alex had a serious expression on his face as he and his family got in their advanced jeep and drove out of the huge jungle.

There was a huge ripple in the sky… it was a ripple of time and space, another dimension… one that shouldn't even belong in this space or timeline.

Two cloaked men were in the mountains watching everything go down. They both had glowing red eyes and a mask covering their face. They were at least over 6'5, and their muscles were bulky. They weren't human at all… they were demons sent by someone from an alternate reality for a purpose unknown…

As Seth's family got closer out of the jungle, they were hit hard by something, which almost sent the jeep hurling over.

Alex:Damn... whatever that was is here now!!

Sophia:We have to get Seth to safety!

Alex:I know…

Seth:What's happening?!

Alex:I don't know son, but whatever it is should be taken care of shortly.

The two demons started to walk towards the hero until they were fired at by drones, robots, androids, and turrets.

The two demons easily made short work of them.

Alex and his family were shocked by this but they had another plan up their sleeve.

The bio warriors came crashing down ready for battle.

The two demons were intrigued by this.

Demon#1:It looks like the cavalry has arrived…

Demon#2:Lets have some fun… oh and let's hold back, we don't wanna end things too quickly.

Demon#1:Right, it's never good to rush fun…

The speed, blaster, and telekinesis bio warriors attacked the first demon. And the teleporter, super strength, and elemental bio warriors attacked the second one.

The speedster tried using its speed to subdue the demon, while the blaster used her blast and the telekinesis used huge dangerous objects to hurl at the demon and tried anything he could to restrain him.

The demon easily out maneuvered them and grabbed the speedster by the head and forced him into the blaster's blasts then he would slam them both into the ground.

Demon#1:Even holding back they're pathetic… there's no point in fighting them!

The telekinesis warrior tried to lift the demon into the air but the demon smiled as his eyes glowed red.

Demon #1:Telekinesis eh? Let me show you how it is done, you artificial failure!

The demon would rise the warrior into the air with his mind and easily crush the warrior.

Demon#1:I'll go after the boy, you can keep playing over there!

The demon rushed after the family.

The teleporter tried to teleport the demon away but he was too powerful. The super strength punched the demon square in the jaw making the demon chuckle.

Demon#2:You call that a punch?! Here let me show you what a real punch is like weakling!

The demon punched the bio warrior into the sky, sending him miles away.

Demon#2:Now that's a real punch!

Back to the family…

Seth and his family got out of the keep and tried to run inside… but it was futile, the demon was already there!

Alex:What do you want?!

Demon#1:We want the boy, hand him over and no one will get hurt…



Alex tried to shoot the demon with a type of ray gun, but it was to no effect.

Alex:Damn it!

Demon#1:Hahaha! This realm is laughable!

The demon smacked Alex into a wall.

Sophia tried to shoot a grenade at the demon, meanwhile taking Seth and moving out of the way.

The demon just sat there and took it like nothing and then grabbed Seth.

Sophia:Give me back my child you bastard!!

Demon#1:He belongs to us now…

Alex fired a rocket launcher

Alex:I bet the fuck he don't!!

The demon would put Seth in front of the missile, let him get him in the blast.

Alex:What have I done?!!

Sophia:My baby!!!

Demon#1:Calm down he's fine!

Seth was damaged but not dead.

Seth:Let go of me!! Get away from me you creep!

Seth would blast the demon in the eyes causing the demon to put him down.

Seth ran back to his parents and activated his blue aura.

Alex:No Seth you can't!

Sophia:Please just run!!

Seth:No I'm going to protect you two the way y'all protected me! No one hurts my mommy and daddy then get away with it!!

Seth's eyes instantly went bright blue as his hair flowed in the air.


Seth dashed at the demon at full speed going for an all out assault! The demon just shrugs Seth's attacks aside and slammed him to the ground face first.



Alex and Sophia tried to attack the demon! Seth saw it and yelled to them to stay back but they didn't listen!

Alex:Look demon! I don't care who you are! Even if you're a million times stronger than me!! I'm going to protect my son!!

Sophia:Because that's what it means to be parents!!! Seth we will save you!!!

They fired so many rays at the demon with their guns, but it was still to no use.

Demon#1:If you want to protect him so much, let's see how you like it when he tears you limb from limb!!


The demon blasted both parents away causing Seth to be enraged. Then the demon fired a blast at Seth making him even more enraged, this blast was an orb of demonic energy, sending Seth into a berserker like rage.

Seth's aura turned dark blue, he grew fangs, claws, and his hair spiked up. He had a primal look on his face with drool coming from his mouth and his eyes glowing dark blue.

Seth was in the initial state of the berserk form.


Sophia:What did you do to him?!!

Seth started to growl at everyone who was in the area… he sharpened his claws against the ground beneath him, and he would then let out a beastial cry!

Seth tried to attack the demon, but he was way too fast for Seth and he easily evaded him… the demon would then send Seth back to the ground with a force push, aiming him towards his own parents…

Alex:Seth… please listen to me it's your father, I know you're in there Seth, come on you can get in control… you can do it son, me and your mom both believe in you…

Sophia:Seth please, listen to me it's mommy, you can fight this Seth! You are very strong! You can do anything you put your mind to, come on listen to mommy and daddy's voice, and please come back to us!

Seth hesitated as he started to grab his head and shake intensely!

The Demon notice the sudden refusal in Seth even after being influenced by his dark magic…

Demon:It's time for an even bigger dose!

The demon eyes would glow brighter as Seth became even more enraged and begin to charge at his parents…

Seth's mother and father hugged right as tears came from their eyes…

Alex:I'm sorry I couldn't live long enough to make it to your adult years, I wish we could've had more time son, but just know I'm proud of you and to never blame yourself because of what happened… no matter what, I will love you always…

Sophia:Seth If you can hear me… this is my final request… please live your life out with no regrets… please make as many friends as possible but never let anyone close enough to hurt you, always make sure you have good hygiene, make sure to never take advantage of people or hurt them, but be a good person who's kind and gentle, yet strong, continue to be the Seth that your father and I raised please live your life happy, please for me… now take care… I love you…

And after she said that Seth would then slash both of his parents to shreds, blood and gore splattered everywhere, and the only thing that was left was their torn clothes drenched in their blood…

Seth snapped out of it and he took a good look at his parents, he would only see their remains and limbs laying around all over the blood and gore… he instantly had tears in his eyes, he started to panic, his heart started to pound extra hard, his body was shaking, he was breathing extremely heavy, he even felt sick and started to throw up as he cried, so now he was choking and hyperventilating at the same time… his vision started to blur as well… he was even hallucinating and seeing different shapes and colors… Seth was losing his mind…

The Demon who made Seth do all of this watched and smirked…

The other Demon returned from defeating all of those bio warriors with pure ease…

Demon#2:It looks like you're part is done

Demon#1:Yeah, I can say the same for you… did you enjoy yourself?

Demon#2:Those weaklings, weren't even what I'd even consider to be a plaything… let's hurry up and leave this place…


Seth got on his knees and started to cry over his parents but he was soon kneed in the gut and slammed face first on the ground by the first demon…

Demon#1:Stop being weak, boy. Whining and crying is going to get you nowhere in this world… you wanna cry, go ahead and try but if you do I'll beat you within an inch of your life…

Seth couldn't believe what was going on, he was questioning all of reality…

The Demons would open a portal and they took Seth and went into a place that looked like it called be hell… this place was dark and red… there were billions of demons in different sections of the place… there were the creepy looking ones, the beautiful women, bug looking creatures, monstrous looking creatures, and randomly distorted looking things you couldn't even describe… this place was designed as a paradise… but a paradise for demons… this was the Demon's playground…

Seth was scared but he could only think about what happened to his parents… he didn't know what to do…

The demons threw Seth in front of a huge throne chair… there was a huge dark figure sitting in that chair, looking at Seth with a glare but at the same time it was a smirk… this man was the king of this place… he was Kronos himself…

Kronos:Any ideas why you're here?


Kronos:I sent them to bring you here, because you will be of great use for me… you have something that I want… but at the same time I can give you the power you need, the power necessary to fulfill my goals… you'll have the benefit of joining my army and you'll be one of the most powerful beings in the universe, doesn't that sound exciting to you?

Seth:You did this…


Seth:This Was All Your Fault!!! YOU KILLED MY PARENTS!!!

Seth leaped into the air and dashed at Kronos trying to throw a heavy punch… but Kronos glared at Sethnos and his body dropped to the ground instantly… it looked like Seth was paralyzed…

Kronos:No you killed your parents.

Kronos was making Seth relive the moments of him killing his parents, but over a thousand times… Seth has to watch himself kill his parents over and over again… it was traumatizing… the boy couldn't move at all, there was nothing he could do…

Kronos:Get him out of here… we'll try again tomorrow…

Demon#1:Yes sir!

The demon threw Seth into a cell, and that whole night… Seth was watching his parents die time and time again… and when he finally was freed from it, he began to cry and as soon as he did… he was beaten with several whips made out of steel… Seth wasn't allowed to cry or show any signs of mourning… he was now a prisoner who had to deal with hardships no one could ever imagine…

Every day Seth had to go meet Kronos… and Seth always tried to attack him… so he kept watching his parents die over and over, and each time he did, the longer it became… Eventually Seth stopped attacking Kronos… then it was time for the real hardships… he was put through hellish torture next… he was beaten every day within an inch of his life… being bloodied and everything broken every single day… he couldn't even cry… this boy was being torn apart from the inside…

He constantly got electrocuted, drowned, beaten, burned, sliced, and even stabbed… he had to deal with pain every single day and if he dropped any type of tear… they only made it worse on him and also made him see him killing his parents over and over… they constantly tested him and fought him every day as well… they brutally beat Seth so bad to where everything in him was broken… That innocent boy who's never did anything wrong was being ripped apart from the out and inside… he was constantly tied up and pulled from different parts as well… he was even hanged a few times… but then kill each time it seemed like he was about to die, they always revived him and started all over again…

He would then visit Kronos even more and more as he was becoming stronger… each time he did though, Kronos would speak a few words and then send him out with a beam of energy to the gut… Kronos was cruel… he assigned all of this training and torture for Sethnos… it was all his doing…

Every time Seth gotten use to a certain torture, he was always moved up to something even worse… next he had to survive a bunch of different demons attacking him and ripping off his flesh… then after that he had to survive being eaten alive… and each time he did… he was always eaten alive, the flesh was ripped off of his body and he was nothing but a rotten corpse… but he still was revived just to do it all over again… he went through several more tortures as well… they even tickled him, and if he laughed or even smiled just a little then he was to be beaten within an inch of his life and thrown into the pit with the vicious hellhounds… life for Seth was the worst like you can ever imagine…

As Seth got older he was beginning to train with Kronos himself… he truly hated Kronos, but there was nothing he could do about it… the food he ate was also terrible, it was slops and left overs, but even still he was barely even given food or water… he was left to starve for days before he was fed, and then soon after he was beaten into a bloody corpse… Seth would then start letting out his rage and transforming into his berserk states, whenever he did this it always lasted for a long time and he killed many of the demons that attacked him… he ripped them apart and sometimes ate them… he was uncontrollable and his power was growing the my he kept fighting in those forms… the highest state he ever reached was the 4th state and that was at a young age but soon Kronos would take notice and teach him how to control his rage and use the Berserk forms with tearing things apart...

Kronos would start teaching Seth about fighting styles, and how to properly use his powers more… he also started teaching Seth about who the gatekeepers were and what it meant to be a gatekeeper… Kronos was no Gatekeeper but he knew a lot about them due to his obsession with them… he would then send Seth on several missions to go battle different beings and fend for himself for days, weeks, and even months… Seth became a powerful warrior and eventually Kronos named him Sethnos The Prince Of Devastation…

Sethnos even learned about Habakkuk through research, he figured out that Habakkuk and him were basically the same person from a different dimension, and they both got their Gatekeeper powers from the same bloodline… The Man Who Fathered Them Both After They Were Reborn As GateKeepers… Isariah. Sethnos found out about this and he wanted to meet his so called brother and recruit him to his army to rebel against Kronos… but Sethnos and Habakkuk were supposed to gain enough power to go back and bring all of the Gatekeepers back and defeat Kronos once and for all and then Sethnos would be the king all of Gatekeepers and rule the universe… but that didn't get to happen as you can see...

Sethnos was truly a person to be feared… his name alone scared several demons and aliens throughout the universe… he was ruthless, heartless, cocky, cruel, and pure evil… he was truly the prince of devastation… Kronos even gave Sethnos his own army and territory within the Dark realm… Sethnos lived like a true demon lord now… no more torture and beatings, he was now everything Kronos wanted him to be… Kronos even taught Sethnos how to use this evil technique of martial arts called the dark arts… it was the evil counterpart to the secret arts technique that Habakkuk and Mrs Thayer use… Sethnos was also gifted with demon powers but he couldn't use them yet because he hasn't pushed himself to the absolute limits or requirements to achieve this power on his own, and that is why Sethnos never used any of his demon powers while fighting Habakkuk or even when he was introduced… Sethnos has a great deal of power within him that is untapped, one day it will be released and it won't be a good sight…

Even Though Kronos views Sethnos as a son of his, Sethnos pretends to like him… Sethnos truly hates Kronos and still wants to make him suffer for what he made Sethnos do to his parents and for giving him this horrible life… One day Sethnos will rise up to challenge Kronos but he will have to get a lot stronger first… that is why he wants to achieve the unsealed gate…

But Lately Kronos hasn't been too happy with Sethnos, due to the fact that he's been failing a lot of tasks Kronos has given him… and now he's beginning to be fed up with Sethnos…

Narrator Sethnos:You finally got my backstory… are you happy now or what? You guys kept asking and it was rather annoying… but looks like you finally got what you've wanted… Now stay tuned and stick around for the next episode!

Narrator Habakkuk:Hey untie me you asshole!

Narrator Sethnos:Ohh Shut Up!

Sethnos shot a bucket at Habakkuk's head and knocked him out…
