Sethnos Delima

Sethnos sits in his room pondering on what he'll do next…

Sethnos:How could he have achieved that power?! What did he do in order to gain it? What was the training? What was his mental state? He couldn't have possibly gone through more brutal exercises than I, could he? No, that would be impossible… he's too kind hearted and calm, any training like that could have easily broken a man… so what was his secret to unlocking the unsealed gate??

Sethnos look into more books on the origins of the Gatekeepers…

In one section of the book, it mentions Isariah and how he was the first unsealed gate to ever exist… he was by far the strongest Gatekeeper in the universe but there was another who was just as strong and challenged him but he disappeared and was nowhere to be seen…

Sethnos:They're saying that but… where's the tips on how to achieve the unsealed Gate??

This Book Is Called The Ancient History Of The Gatekeepers, it's a book that told all of the past events the Gatekeepers has ever gone through, there's three of these books all in different parts because of how long the history is… but these books are extremely rare to find across the universe, it's nearly impossible… Kronos somehow managed to find the first one and gave it to Sethnos…

Sethnos found another section of the book but this time it was specifically about the unsealed Gate…

(In the text)

The path of becoming the unsealed gate is a hard one… you must go through vigorous training, have a good mental state, a sharp mind, a focused attitude, spiritual awareness, but also mental trauma, and the last thing you need is to die… if you were to completely die and I mean even beyond the point of the brink of death… then you as the gifted warrior will be reborn as the Unsealed Gate… picking fights and committing suicide will not help, to achieve the unsealed gate is like taking a huge task and risk in life where you don't know the outcome… if you have the will to live and keep fighting with a goal to accomplish, and die in a fight that's when you'll be able to unlock it… but for some others they were extremely gifted and reached the unsealed Gate by truly desiring its powers and having an extreme blood lust or they were one of the wise and woke warriors who knew how to unlock their limits using their mind as a key…

Sethnos read all of that and he was now on a path to unlock the unsealed gate for himself once and for all…

Sethnos:When I see that bastard again, next time I'm going to beat him into a bloody pulp and let the scavengers of the dark dimension eat the remains of his flesh…

Sethnos' aura sparked and he went into his training chamber to get stronger…

He spent the whole week in that rooming pushing himself further than he's ever did before… he was meditating, strength training, torturing his body to the extreme, and he didn't even eat or drink the whole time as a way of discipline… he truly took on the way of Kronos harsh teachings…

Sethnos finally exited the training chamber with a towel on his shoulder, and scars can be seen all over his body… Sethnos would go into the fridge and take out a bunch of food that was enough to feed 5 families… he would then eat it all and go for the shower…

While Sethnos was in the shower he was thinking something to himself…

Sethnos:Who could that mask person be that Kronos was so fond of? It was as if he found a replacement for me… I wouldn't be surprised… that bastard would do anything to find out of the secrets to the Gatekeeper race by using us… He stooped so low that now he's even kidnapping people and injecting Gatekeeper blood into them… he's a complete maniac… and one day when I achieve that power, I will get rid of him… but until then, I'll just keep training…

Sethnos would get out of the shower and dry off, he would put his clothes back on and go to bed, but as he layed in bed, something was keeping him up… there were thoughts still on his mind.

Sethnos:All I wanted to do was build an army of Gatekeepers, and grow stronger together and take over like we should've but that bastard… Habakkuk he declined and humiliated me more than I've ever felt before… that battle completely shattered my ego… he declined our only chance of beating Kronos and over throwing him, my one true dream, then he unlocked the power I've been seeking all my life… and after that he beat me and made me look weak with no effort and then left me there as if I was nothing to begin with… how could I have let that happen?! Why was I so weak?! Damn it! It just pains me thinking about it! But I'll stop… I'm not going to cry about it like some wimp… I'll just have to obviously do something about it but this time by my actions… I will finish him this time!


Kronos Is at his laboratory… he was talking to some of his scientists and running tests on the person under the white mask… it seemed to be a girl, about the age of 16, and she was probably 5'2 in height…

Kronos:Impressive… yes let's give her a little practice run…

Kronos would look at the person in the mask and begin to talk to her… she was also completely brainwashed by them and believed Kronos to be her father…

Kronos:Daughter… I want you to exit this realm and go to the planet called earth, there you will find another with the same familiar scent as you… I want you to attack that person and be as stealthy as you can… you can either bring him back dead or alive but, if you don't that will be fine because it's just a practice run… but you can be as lethal as you want, don't fail like your brother Kronos… he's going to get what's coming to him shortly…

???:Yes, father I'll go right away…

Kronos:That's my girl, now go and show them what you've got!

The girl behind the mask would teleport out of the dimension and travel to earth…

Kronos:Now we shall see how much we lacked on Sethnos… if she doesn't bring him back, we'll send Sethnos to do it… and if he fails, he's dead!

Narrator Sethnos:Looks like we explored some important details on the Gatekeepers, I'll be using that to my advantage… damn that bastard Kronos is replacing me with some girl… and he really plans on killing me, that's so much like him… but I'll be the one who'll kill him someday, wait and see!

Sethnos looks at Habakkuk who is still tied up but sleeping soundly…

Sethnos would slap Habakkuk across the face

Sethnos:Wake up idiot!

Habakkuk:Huh?! I'm up! I'm up! Wait a second, what was that for you jerk?!

Sethnos:Here take your spot back… I'm leaving!

Habakkuk:Finally, good riddance…

Sethnos:Shut up…

Habakkuk:Now untie me…

Sethnos:Fine, here look you're free…


Habakkuk punched Sethnos across the face sending him flying out of the office!

Habakkuk:Now get the fuck out of my office!!! The real narrator is back bitch!!

Sethnos:Why… you little shit?!

Sethnos goes dashing at Habakkuk, and Habakkuk goes dashing at Sethnos and they would get into a fist fight…

Narrator:Well since that's going on, I'll be narrating for now… Those two will probably fight for the whole day… and who can blame Habakkuk? That Sethnos guy is an extreme dick… but so much is happening in the upcoming episodes so find out what happens in the next exciting episode!!