Adron’s Hyper Speed!!

Clashes were everywhere in the air at Speeds Piter not Habakkuk could keep up with if they were in battle! Adron and Trinis were going at it in an all out battle! There was red electricity and water aura splashes everywhere!

The two would appear again clashing in the air! And engaging in another high speed showdown.

They seemed a bit even but Trinis had more of the advantage when it came to speed.

Adron would jump back away from Trinis

Adron:Habakkuk wasn't kidding… This guy is fast! Not only that but he's strong… alright I'll just have to kick things up a notch!!

Adron would then allow more electricity to expel out of his body as he dashed at Trinis and he would do a swift kick, Trinis blocked the kick but Adron's electricity burst would send Trinis back a bit.

Adron would then appear and reappear with his speed trying to catch Trinis off guard. Trinis easily predicted Adron's movements and would knock Adron away every time he changed spots.

Adron:He's easily keeping up with my speed even while I'm using the Crimson Shock form… damn it I have no choice… I'm not fully used to it yet but I'm going to have to use it.

Adron would then do a backflip and land in the middle of the ring and as he did red electricity would erupt from his body!

Trinis:What are you doing now?

Adron:I'll show you what real speed looks like!

Matt:Is he about to do what I think he is? But it's unstable.. is he really going to risk it?

A huge aura would go around Adron as the air started shifting… tornadoes were being formed around the ring and red electricity was everywhere.

Adron's eyes glowed red with lighting crackling from them. Adron's whole body started to glow extremely bright red, as his hair stopped being spiked up and the red color turned back into dark brown.

Adron seemed to be back in his normal form but something was different… he was glowing more than usual and it seemed like he almost became electricity itself.

Matt:He's converted all the strength from the Crimson Shock form, and he's turning into pure speed… this is Adron's Hyper Speed mode!

Adron would then instantly disappear and Trinis couldn't find him but he felt himself instantly get punched in the face, throwing him to the other side of the ring.

Trinis:What the?!!

Adron would then appear to the side of him with a kick in the rib, then appear on the other side kicking him there too, then he would appear in front of him, punching him in the gut at hyper speeds, Trinis was feeling all the blows from Adron, it made not have all the strength he normally would have in the crimson shock form but it definitely had the speed.

Adron would then grab Trinis arm and swing him into the air, instantly appearing and punching Trinis in the face and then using super speed to hit him in all different angles, it looked like Trinis was being knocked around by a super fast red blur. But then Adron would charge his aura and electricity even higher than before causing the place to almost short circuit and be destroyed.

Adron:I may not have all the strength in my punches as I did earlier but.. with the speed I'm about to go at right now, you're most definitely going to feel this punch!!!

Adron's Flashback.

Adron was in his mindscape talking to a huge red unknown entity.

Adron:Guardian, I know we've made a few changes over these years, and it may seem like I was just an indecisive whiny brat. I know I wanted to look cool and have a demonic-like form but it didn't really do much for me when I really needed it.. that reason was because it wasn't my true nature… my Nature has always been speed, I was always known for being fast and quick adapting skills, which is why I want to choose the path of unfathomable speed!

Guardian:I always knew you'd come and truly find out what you truly wanted… We guardians are whatever you want us to be but we are at our best when it's aligned with your true nature, mind, body, and soul. We aren't just in your body but our souls are intertwined.


Guardian:Remember the day I was first put inside of your body?

Another flashback.

Months before Enthra's minions attacked Corcoran.

Mrs Thayer:I trained you kids enough for this day. It's not time that you come here and get your potential unlocked in this ritual that I am going to do on you. Whatever power you've attained after this ritual is what truly resonates with your soul.

Nakir:So whatever power we get is the power we want?

Laci:No I think she means whatever power we get is whatever is connected to our inner souls.

Mrs Thayer:Yes that is correct Laci, now let the ritual begin.

Mrs Thayer would draw a circle and another smaller one in the middle. Mrs Thayer sat in the middle while the others sat on the edge of the circle. She meditated with a pink glowing aura around her and her eyes glowing pink, she was unlocking their hidden latent abilities that all humans have, but they needed the proper training which is why she trained them up first.

Matt would end up attaining super intelligence, Laci learned how to use her powers out of love, Izaya/Juvier became hyper skilled boxers, Dana became extremely powerful but his abilities seemed simple, then Nakir and Adron attained the same power.. The Guardian. They both played video games with guardian creatures and always talked about how cool it would be to have a pet guardian, now they have it inside of their bodies.

The guardians are a wise entity entirely based on the soul of the host, sure they can be whatever power the host wants but it's only at its highest power when the power truly resonates with their intertwined souls.

Adron:What is this feeling inside of me?!

Nakir:Yeah I feel something strange going on inside of my stomach all of a sudden!

Guardian to both:I am an entity which now lives in your body and will grant you great power, you may call me your guardian. I will protect you and help you out in your struggles, the more we bond the stronger we will become, do you accept?

Nakir:Hell yeahhh!!!

Adron:Of course!

And ever since that day the two of them had Guardians living within their bodies.

Back To The Main flashback…

Guardian:We need to bond and figure out who we are in order to be our true selves.

Adron:So that's how that works…

Guardian:Yes… If we spent more time together here you'd know more about this, not saying it's your fault but you don't explore my power and our bond enough, I can say the same thing with your brother, Nakir. I can't sense that he still hasn't found his true identity yet with his guardian as well.

Adron:Aww man.. I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking. All this time I never truly wondered what we could do if we had more bonding time and more of an idea of who each other are. And I feel bad asking this, but what is your name?

Guardian:Us guardians have no names, we are only but a being that live in your body and help you with your ideals.

Adron:Would you like a name?

Guardian:A name.. it would give me an identity.. but have you truly found yours?

Adron:Yes! Actually I want you to be a guardian focused on Speed and electricity, a being who has power and a savage force like a demon!

Guardian:Very well, as you wish.

The guardian would glow in a crimson color and turn into a being of pure speed and electricity. It had red glowing eyes, very spiky red hair, claws, and it wore a long black attire fit for a godly being such as itself.

Adron:From here on out your name will be Crimson! And you are my guardian! No, you are my partner!!

Crimson through his fist into the air as a huge surge of electricity hit the ground.


And ever since that day, Adron and Crimson grew an even closer bond, growing stronger and stronger as the time went by.

Back In Reality.

Adron charged up his electricity to a very extreme level of powering, shocking everyone in the audience.

Habakkuk:Woahh… this is going to be a lot of speed!

Trinis was shocked by it as well and he knew couldn't do anything to escape it.

Adron:Get ready! Because here I come!!!

Adron would then erupt in electricity as he would burst into basically a blur of red. No one was able to see his speed besides the teachers. All that could be seen was Trinis being sent flying after a ferocious hit to the face. Then Adron would kick him in the back then he would spin around and smack him to the ground.

Adron would then fire multiple electricity blasts down at Trinis. These beams caused destruction in the ring. Adron kept firing more blasts down at Trinis but then he would start to notice a grey aura.

Trinis stood back up with a barrier around him. His eyes glowed red, and his veins turned red as well shining through his skin.

Trinis smirked.

Trinis:Do you wanna know why my ears are longer than my brothers, do you want to know why I am so much stronger than the rest?

Adron stopped his attacks.


Habakkuk:No… he couldn't..

Trinis's body grew in size as his muscles bulked up and grew even taller, reaching 7 ft.

Trinis:I am one of the few among my species to have unlocked a special assault form meant for battle and destruction. Bare witness to the greatness of my power… with this power I could have easily defeated Enthra!!!

Trinis Aura would explode around the whole area.

He was now taller, muscular, with dark grey skin, glowing red veins, sharp claws, huge fangs, spiky white hair, and his ears were even pointier and longer than before.

Trinis's eyes glowed a deep red as well with his grey aura.

Monk and Zote smiled.

Piter:He's really doing it… he's letting out his true power!

Mrs Thayer:What's going on?!

Monk:He is transforming into his true form, the power he's been saving this whole battle to defeat your star pupil but it looks like he's using it against Adron, your students are formidable.

Zote:This form is an ancient form passed down through generations but only few have the potential to reach it. Trinis was able to tap into it just recently and now he's been growing stronger and stronger. Those with unusually longer ears than normal are ones with the blood of the ancient.

Mrs Thayer:Interesting.

Habakkuk:He was saving this form for me? Damn it! I'm starting to have a bad feeling about this.. if only I was able to do something.. if only I could tap into the Unsealed Gate!

Matt:This is getting really intense but… Speaking of that, Habakkuk I finally upgraded the AI training room to a higher level, now we can train you up even higher than before.. Hopefully we can get you into that form, but for now we have to route for Adron!

Habakkuk:You're right, thanks Matt.

Adron would jump back to the ground but kept his distance from Trinis, as his power was extremely high at this point.

Trinis:Alright, this will be the final round! Get ready because I'm not holding back!

Trinis charged at Adron with a fast punched, Adron dodged with his super speed, dashing out of the way but this time Trinis was able to see Adron, their eyes would make contact as Adron was using his insane speed, Adron's eyes widened because he was shocked that Trinis was able to keep up with his speed. Trinis would then spin and throw a kick, Adron couldn't dodge that one in time so he blocked the kick… but it hurt his arms.

Adron slid back, but Trinis ran at Adron like a monster, swinging at him with his claws. Adron ducked and tried to punch Trinis in the face. Trinis would catch Adron's hand and slam him down on the ring floor. Trinis would then kick Adron in the ribs, sending him into the air. Then Trinis would come behind him with an elbow to the chest, sending him to the ground.

Trinis:You're formidable, but I doubt you can keep up now!

Trinis would then make water come from out of the ring, and he made multiple water weapons go flying at Adron, and as Adron dodged them Trinis would then dash at him, heabutting him in the gut, then he would grab Adron by the arms and slammed him into the ring, causing a crater.

Trinis would then put a water bubble around Adron's head and he would then lift his hand in the air, controlling the water and lifting Adron high in the air as well. He would then slam Adron back down to the ring really hard, causing another crater and Adron's body skidded all the way to the other side of the ring.

Adron would slowly pick himself back up and his aura would glow bright, as electricity erupted from his body again.

Trinis:The guys got heart, even while he has this huge disadvantage he still wanna get back up and fight.

Adron:He's way too strong and fast… I'm going to have to increase my speed even more!

Adron started to glow even more red than before as his speed started to increase even more than it was before.

Matt:No Adron.. if you keep going at the rate you're going your body could give out on you, and if you increase even more you could possibly die!!

Team Prophecy:Die?!!

Matt:I'm afraid so.. we tried experimenting with this form… the more strength he sacrifices, the more speed and energy he has, where he's at right now in his training he's not ready to go beyond 100 times his normal speed. If he goes even higher, he could be at great risk.

Nakir:Oh no.. Adron!!! Don't do it, don't go over your limit you idiot!!!

Habakkuk:Oh no.. what have I done? This was supposed to be my fight, not his! Now he's out there sacrificing his body while I'm sitting here in the bleachers helpless because I wasn't strong enough!

Adron would dash at Trinis! Trinis fired many red blasts from out of his mouth at Adron, who easily dodged and ran past them all, as he made his way towards Trinis. Trinis would make walls of water rise up in the air and Adron easily ran through them without getting wet. Trinis would then use one of his natural abilities to freeze water and turn it into ice, but Adron just phased through it and kept coming.

Trinis:He's really good! Let's see how he likes this!

Trinis would then send a huge tidal wave at Adron from the south, a huge tornado north, a blizzard east, and an eruption of lava on the west, all coming towards Adron at very fast speeds!

Adron would run around in circles turning it all into one huge tornado aiming it back at Trinis, but Trinis would easily snap his fingers and it disappeared.

Trinis would then fire multiple ice spears at Adron, but he quickly dodged them Trinis would appear at the other side of Adron and fired multiple red energy blasts at him as well.

Adron would leap into the air with his super speed and Trinis would then control the ground beneath them making huge rock tendrils go flying at Adron, which he would then use speed kicks to easily destroy. Trinis would then cuff his hands together as the whole area started to shake.

Trinis:You won't escape this Adron!!! Elemental Cannon!!!

A huge red blast came bursting out of Trinis's hands and Straight at Adron. Adron tried to dodge but the blast followed him.

Adron:Can it track me?!! Ahh crap!

Adron tried running around the ring but the blast kept chasing, Adron jumped into the air and the blast went right after him, he dashed to the ground and the blast did as well, matching Adron's speed.

Adron:These things won't stop following me!! Wait a second I know!

Adron dashed at Trinis and he would then phase onto him with a lot of electricity all over the place, he would then move away and go back into his normal form. Trinis now had Adron's heat signature and Trinis's own blast went back at him and exploded right on him.

Adron:Yeah it worked!!

Trinis quickly blocked but he was stunned by this.

Trinis:How did you do that?

Adron:Simple… I just gave you my heat signature.

Trinis:You're very clever, but this ends here!

Trinis would put his hands into the air and the whole planet started to shake as all of its water rose into the air.

Trinis:I control all of the water on this planet, every last drop of it, I can manipulate it into whatever I will. I can easily crush you right here with all of this water or I can make it so that this whole place is covered and it would really give me the advantage especially in this form, I'd go into predator mode.. but I don't need that to beat you. I'm going to show you your downfall of using that hyper speed mode you love so much. Such a risky, unprepared, flawed technique like that sickens me!

Trinis would make all of the water go back but he would then charge up his aura, growing even more stronger and faster than before.

Everyone in the bleachers were extremely shocked by what they just witnessed.. This was power they never imagined Trinis would have. They could only hope that Adron would pull through this.

Adron would begin to huff and puff as his body was starting to feel the effects of all that speed he was using. The drawbacks were finally hitting him. But Adron would power up even more, making himself even faster than before!

Matt:Adron, no!! Don't!!!

Adron:It's okay.. I can win this!!

Habakkuk:Adron, just listen to him! Don't use speed anymore, don't increase anymore! Winning isn't worth it if you're going to throw your life away! Forget the 500 units and the hero rank up! We can always get that some other time, but I rather you not be dead Adron! That's an order!

Adron:No I'm fine.. I got this! Don't worry about me! I'll win!

Adron looked at Habakkuk and smiled with his thumbs up.

Nakir:You know how he is.. I don't know why you're surprised. He's stubborn, once he's determined to do something there's no stopping him.

Mrs Thayer:He needs to stop this.. Matt and the others are right, he's sacrificing his body in order to win… that's far too risky. Habakkuk even gave him an order as leader which he's never done before and Adron still didn't listen. What could this possibly mean?

Trinis:This ignorance will be your undoing!

Trinis dashed at Adron, and Adron dashed at him. They would then clash in battle, as their fists collided and their attacks were being countered and evaded by the other. They were having an extremely fast battle, still that could be seen as red electricity!

Adron would punch Trinis in the face and and then in the gut rapidly, going back to back. Trinis barely felt the effects of Adron's punches and he would then headbutt Adron sending him flying, but Adron caught himself and dashed at Trinis with a heavy punch, but Trinis barely dodged it and he would punch Adron in the jaw, causing him to spit out a lot of blood. Adron would then try to speed blitz him dashing around him and getting hits in but the hits weren't too affected because Adron sacrificed his strength for speed, he didn't have the power necessary to compete with Trinis.

Trinis would then blow Adron back with his power and he would then punch him in the gut very hard, causing his eyes to go all white and for him to cough up a lot of spit.

Adron would hit the ground and hold his stomach… He would cough up even more blood as the drawbacks were really now in full affect and he was now straining himself to the absolute limit. Adron would struggle to his feet but he would then erupt in electricity again.

Habakkuk:No! Adron! Stop it! I can feel your power fading! I can sense the pain that your body is in! If this keeps up.. your life force is going to start fading as well!!!

Adron:I'm not stopping, until.. until I win this!!! I won't give up!! Never!!!

Adron dashed at Trinis with more punches, Trinis would try to dodge them but Adron was too fast. But his hits didn't have effects any more, Adron was way too weak to combat with Trinis now. Trinis would charge up the red aura in his hand and hit Adron extremely hard, causing a huge aura explosion and a shockwave.

Adron was seen feet away from Trinis on the ground laying there. He was on the floor not getting up and not moving at all.


Habakkuk:He couldn't have…

Laci:Come on, wake up…

Miss Timmons:He's still alive, I can sense it.

Nakir:You think Adron would be out down that easily? You are all ignorant.

The announcer started the countdown, going all the way up until 7.

Adron wasn't moving at all.

And once the announcer got to 9 Adron's body was gone, and a heavy pressure could be felt across the ring.

The announcer and the others would turn to see Adron erupted in way more red aura and electricity than before. He had steam coming out of his mouth, sharp fangs, claws, his hair was even more red than it was in his usual Crimson shock state, and even more spikier and staticky, his eyes were also really glowing bright red, lighting up the whole area with electricity crackling from out of them. Adron just tapped into something he's never tapped into before. This was more animalistic, more unpredictable, and even more unstable than before. Adron also had a crazed look in his eyes, he was ready to end it all. His aura would then shape into a red monster with horns, it looked ferocious and it even roared, shaking the whole place, Adron was causing storms through the whole planet, red elects was everywhere, the ground shook, rocks and boulders floating into the air, tornadoes all around the planet, thunder, lightning, rain, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and even explosions. Adron's new found power was going crazy and everyone started to worry.

Monk and Zote were speechless, Piter looked on in amazement, Laci and the others feared it, Habakkuk looked on in shock, and Mrs Thayer was about to get up and stop this but Adron already dashed at a surprised Trinis.

Trinis' eyes widened as he looked on in shock, all he could see was a demonic being coming at him at insane speeds cloaked with a huge red monster around his body. He couldn't move or react in time… it was over!

The red aura and electricity dispersed into the air and Adron collapsed back into his normal form, right before he got to hit Trinis in the face with his famous haymaker. Everyone looked on in shock and disbelief. Trinis was relieved because if Adron actually landed that attack he could've probably died.

Announcer:Trinis Wins!!!

Trinis' body was shaking, Piter would celebrate, Monk and Zote had slight relief and the others were in complete shock.

Piter would go help up Adron and take him to Mrs Thayer and the others.

Mrs Thayer:He's in critical condition… we have to hurry and get him on the ship fast!

Piter:Right! Please tell him that I enjoyed battling him and watching him fight, this was truly the learning experience!

Mrs Thayer:I will.

Mrs Thayer rushed Adron to the ship and Miss Timmons stayed back with the others to discuss the rewards.

Announcer:Due to Habakkuk forfeiting his match, and Nakir being in a draw there is no one left to face Trinis. So Trio Of Crushers Win!!!

The crowd started clapping and cheering.

Habakkuk walked over to Trinis.

Habakkuk:Just what the hell was that?

Trinis:I don't know… it was something I bet he didn't even know he could pull off.

Habakkuk:I'm sorry we couldn't have our proper match, it was never supposed to be Adron's battle.

Trinis:I understand that you couldn't pull out the power necessary to compete with me… it's something you cannot contain on your own unless you have a trigger for it. Grow stronger and in a year from now let's do this again.

Habakkuk:Right! I'm game.

Habakkuk would begin to walk away but Trinis stopped him.

Trinis:Answer me this… in my full power, did I really have enough power to defeat Enthra?

Habakkuk:To be absolutely honest with you, you may 've been able to defeat his first two forms, I don't know about his third but in his last form he definitely still had more power than you. But you were close.

Trinis:I see… so that means this power of yours that you have yet to tap back into must be something crazy…


Trinis:I look forward to our next fight, see you then.

Habakkuk:Alright, you take care.

Everyone would wrap up and get ready to depart.

Monk:We'll give you guys a call once you get to your planet and update you on the rewards system. Due to one of your teammates being in critical condition we had to postpone it and cancel our original plans but that's okay, hurry and get back safely he needs the treatment fast!

Miss Timmons:Right!

Zote:You guys did well, see y'all next time!

Team Prophecy would all get on their ship and they would take off heading back to planet Ateiria and fast!

Hours went by and the team finally made it back to planet Ateiria. They would rush Adron to the nearest medical center, this condition was even way too much for Mrs Thayer to heal him on her own.

Everyone was waiting in the hospital's hallway and Mrs Thayer would walk out of the room.

Mrs Thayer:He's in critical condition, but he's starting to become stable, he should be good again within a few days.

Habakkuk:That's a relief.

Nakir:What about the tournament?

Miss Timmons:They should be letting us know shortly, they'll keep us updated but for now I'll be taking you back to earth, you need to rest up and relax.

Mrs Thayer:Habakkuk, I want you to start your training again. You need to work on gaining that Unsealed Gate form again. If you were able to use it in the tournament it would've never led to this, so to make sure no more mistakes like this happen, you are to be training for the rest of the week.

Habakkuk:Right… I understand.

Matt:It's a good thing I updated the machine some more, now we can do advanced training. This time you will get it!

Habakkuk:Alright let's do this!!

Laci:Alright Bestie!!!

Habakkuk:Mrs Thayer, tell Adron I said he did a really great job and that I am sorry.

Mrs Thayer:No.

Habakkuk:Huh? Why not?

Mrs Thayer:You will tell him that yourself once you complete your training.


Habakkuk ran to the ship excitedly and they all went straight to earth.

Hours went by and everyone was home where they belonged.

Matt went downstairs to the chamber rooms and he had a door that led into something else as if it was a different realm, he would put his hand on it and he smiled, then he would look into another room with a suit being made on a table, with different color tubes going inside it, colors from every member of team Prophecy. Matt would smile and he then turned the lights and went upstairs.

Habakkuk was at his house when he just got out of the shower and he had the towel around his head while he was in shorts. Habakkuk would finish drying his hair off and he would then go into the kitchen and start drinking some root beer from out of the fridge.

Habakkuk:Soon… very very soon, I will unlock this power just you wait!

Suddenly a weird sensation hit the air.

Habakkuk:I'm sensing something familiar but sinister… What is this?

Gaylena:Your hormones they're all over the place! What's going on with you? I can sense a deep disturbance within your body, like when you were at the tournament something was wrong.

Habakkuk:It's a weird feeling, but it's like something is drawing me towards it.

Suddenly a huge crash went off in Habakkuk's backyard. There was a pink glow and as Habakkuk looked out there, he saw the girl in the mask.

Habakkuk ran out his back door to where she was at.

Habakkuk:It's you again! What are you doing at my house?!

The girl would create an aura spear and get into a fighting stance.

Habakkuk:Oh you're looking for another fight? Good I've been waiting for a rematch with you. But we can't do this here, follow me!

Habakkuk jumped into the air and he would dash seemingly disappearing and he was now in a forest.

The girl was already in the forest in her fighting stance.

Habakkuk:Alright, looks like you won't be talking anytime soon, let's do this!

Habakkuk smiled and got into his fighting stance, he was very excited for this fight.

The girl would charge at him with her aura spear, Habakkuk ducked and threw a kick, she slapped his leg away and kicked him in the gut. Habakkuk went flying back towards but he caught himself with his feet.

She would then make two aura whips and try to hit him with it, he was barely even able to dodge her so he activated Gaylena's power and blasted them away with a Goddess pistol.

The girl in the mask dodged so she wouldn't get hit. Habakkuk would then fire blue aura doves out of his hands, The masked girl ran from them, using the trees as cover.

Habakkuk would appear in front of her with a goddess kick, his aura bursting into a blue flame. He would kick her across several yards.

Habakkuk gave chase as he would then make himself blue aura wings and he would follow her. Habakkuk charged up a blue blast in his hands and fired it down on her.

Habakkuk:Goddess Showers!!!

Rain like blue blasts would go pouring down to the ground where the mask girl was, she would then use a pink forcefield to stop herself from being hit by the attacks.

Habakkuk would then appear behind her holding both his hands out like guns.

Habakkuk:Double Goddess Pistol!!!

A huge blast fired out of his two fingers and completely destroyed the forcefield. But the Masked girl quickly powered up into the 2nd state of berserk and tanked the blast.

Habakkuk:Now that's what I remember!! Let's rumble!

She quickly ran at him with her aura claws like a wild animal.

Habakkuk's hair spiked up and turned light brown as his eyes went lime green, he was in the controlled berserk 3rd state.

She dashed at him aiming to claw him into pieces but Habakkuk would do movement with his hands and he made a rectangle like energy shield with his arms and repelled her into the air.

Habakkuk would fire a gate wave into the ground, boosting him into the air to land a punch into her, but She would easily catch the punch with her aura whip and she would then slam him into the forest with it.

Habakkuk would hit the ground in pain and she would then come down at him with full force, she would start to shoot aura darts into Habakkuk's direction and then she would give chase with her two aura whips. Habakkuk tried to escape the exploding traps set after him. She would then blast a section right in front of him, causing an explosion from both the front and back of him.

Habakkuk had blood leaking from his arms and an expression of shock on his face.

Habakkuk:You're really good! I still don't know why you're attacking me but I'm really excited to fight you! Now I'm pumped up!

Habakkuk's aura would grow huge as he would then activate the secret arts and Gaylena's power on top of the controlled third state!

Habakkuk:Now get ready!!

Habakkuk charged at her with a fierce intent!

He instantly got in front of her and fired a double goddess pistol and then got behind her and performed a void fist, a fury of galaxy aura like punches can be seen going out her stomach mixed in with the blue goddess pistol blasts.

Habakkuk smirked.

The masked girl went crashing through the trees. Habakkuk would go to see where she was at but suddenly a huge explosion of blue aura went off, pushing him back. She was now in her 4th state of Berserk!

She was already right in front of Habakkuk with a heavy punch to the chest and twisting it, stopping his heart.. his eyes went from lime green color to dark brown again, then it went all white. Habakkuk's hair also went down and wasn't spiky anymore, he went back into his normal form and began to fall to his knees as he was losing consciousness.

She would then backhand him to the ground, then kick his body across the forest, sending him crashing through several trees and he would stop once he hit a huge rock. He got back up to his feet now injured.

Habakkuk:Woah… I wasn't expecting her to be this strong… What kind of power is that? She's even stronger than Sethnos and what's even worse is she's stronger than Enthra was at his most powerful form… I'm scared but yet I'm excited and happy and I don't know why.. it's like I want to see more of her power, it's like I want her to do it! Damn it, what's wrong with me?!

The Masked girl fired a huge pink blast into Habakkuk's direction, but the way it fired at him was as if it was a whip, it destroyed everything in its path and it was so powerful that if it hit Habakkuk right now he'd be vaporized.

Habakkuk's eyes widened as he saw the pink light heading his way but it was so fast and he couldn't move at all. He was stuck there and a little too injured to really do anything.

Suddenly a fast blur of red came out of nowhere.

Habakkuk was shocked as a figure stood in front of him, and Habakkuk was also shocked about his speed.


As Habakkuk's vision came to a clear view he saw that this person was wearing this highly advanced tech like suit, it was dark silver and it had red glowing lines on it, purple and blue glowing orbs in the middle of it, and an orange glowing core in the center.

This person was Matt and it looked like he was wearing a suit with every member of the team's colors on it… but why? What was this suit supposed to be?

Matt held his hand out and absorbed the huge pink blast with the suit. He had an intense look on his face as well. When the blast finally was gonna he would help Habakkuk up.


Matt:What the hell is going on? My scanners detected you getting your ass kicked all the way from home. I had to hurry up and suit up and come save your ass. Just who is that person you're fighting anyways?

Habakkuk:That's a new suit? It was fast.. I thought you were Adron for a second..

Matt:That's besides the point.

Habakkuk:I don't know who she is but this is my second time fighting her, before she retreated but this time it seems like she's fully into the battle and honestly I've never been more excited in my life it scares me…

Matt:That's kind of strange man but alright come on let's finish this.

The Mask girl would appear ready to take Habakkuk on but then she would see Matt.

Matt:Alright, I've been itching to take this suit for a test drive let's go!

The whole suit lit up in all of the team's colors, lighting up the whole forest as a huge wave of aura went off and sent everything flying.

The girl would then look at Habakkuk and quietly say in a soft but very beautiful voice.. "you're.. interesting, I'll be back soon."

She would then teleport away.

Matt:That's what I fucking thought.

Matt powered the suit down and picked Habakkuk up.

Matt:Yeah, you're coming with me. You are going to be staying the night so that first thing in the morning you can achieve that unsealed gate form of yours, got it?

Habakkuk:Yeah, alright I'm down.


Matt flew them out of there and shortly they arrived at his house.

Matt would put the suit back into the dark secret room and put it on his machine, it was unfinished.

Habakkuk would go and sleep in one of the rooms, a room made for him. Whenever the team stays there, they have their own rooms.

Matt walks by

Matt:Remember, first thing in the morning alright?


Narrator Habakkuk:This was indeed a long episode but a lot went on in it. Adron finally was able to tap into a high power and show everyone what he was made of but he sacrificed his own body to do so, we still ended up losing the tournament, that Trinis guy was pretty strong. If I just had the unsealed gate, Adron would've never gotten hurt nor would we have lost. Going back home just to fight the girl in the mask again was surprising, I wasn't expecting it but I was really happy to fight her again, I was waiting. I don't know man whenever I get a chance to fight her, I'm just really pumped! Tomorrow Matt will be helping me with my training to once again Awaken The Unsealed Gate!! Wish me luck!