Awakened Once Again!! Habakkuk Unsealed!!

Later on that night Habakkuk would have a dream. He was in a dark forest fighting against the girl in the mask and two figures were in the sky watching it.. two figures that stayed in the back of Habakkuk's mind, the berserk one and the dark mysterious.

The mask girl dashed at Habakkuk with a fierce intent and Habakkuk had a smile on his face. They would clash in a battle, going at it hard and fiercely. She would then knee Habakkuk in the gut and slap him across the face, sending him flying into some trees.

Habakkuk got up with an even bigger smile.

Habakkuk:Ahh man that was a good one, you're really great at this ya know? Let's keep this going because I'm getting even more excited to fight you!

Habakkuk's aura surged as he powered up. He would then dash at her with full speed ready to hit her with a fierce combo but she would then duck as his eyes went wide, she would stab him in the gut with a pink aura spear, and then kick him across the forest.

Habakkuk struggled to get up as he was injured.

Habakkuk:I wanna fight you.. some more.

She would then walk up to him with a pink beam ready to finish him off but then the sudden arrival of Sethnos stopped her, they would then walk away from Habakkuk together and make their leave.

Habakkuk:No!! Sethnos why are you here?!! No come back!! I want to keep fighting!!

Habakkuk's eyes go lime green but this time in the full berserk style. His hair spiked up and wild and his body became bulky. He grew large claws and fangs, his body grew in size and his clothes started to rip off, his skin turned into hard armor like grey skin and he even had horns on his head.

Habakkuk transformed into the 5th state and he would then start to rampage, destroying everything in his path. Trees, mountains, wildlife, towns, and even cities. Habakkuk was going wild and he was on a killing spree out of pure rage.

The berserk figure started to laugh maniacally while the other figure just sat there and observed.

Habakkuk would grab his face as he started to move around all wild and had a huge lime green aura around his body but it was so big it could cover a whole town. Habakkuk would then charge up a huge green blast out of his mouth and fire it out, destroying the whole planet.

Habakkuk would then instantly wake up out of his dream with sweat coming down his face.

Habakkuk:What the hell was that?!! I thought I lost control and blew up the planet… that was too real, I felt the power and rage in me burning throughout my body and it was scary but what's even worse is that it felt good to just let it all out.

Habakkuk would then get up to get a glass of water and after he finished that he would look in the bathroom mirror and he saw himself with the demon like lime green eyes and fangs just smiling at him. Habakkuk would instantly put water on his face and as he looked at the mirror again, it was just his normal self.

Habakkuk:I thought I had this berserk stuff under control.. wait! Is this because of that girl? No it can't be.. but no, ever since we first battled I've been a little off and now it's getting even worse after the second time… I need to hurry up and finish my training fast so I can control all of my powers!

Habakkuk would then get back in bed and fall asleep, but this time not without praying to god.

Meanwhile In The Dark Dimension…

Sethnos was met with the arrival of some of Kronos's top demons.

Urav stood in the middle looking down at Sethnos while the other two demons smirked.

Sethnos:I should've known, he'd set me up one day. Kronos.. that bastard, first he replaces me, then sends me to die?! How dare that scum?! Even if I were to somehow get past these guys there's no way in hell I could even stand a chance against Kronos yet…

Urav:Prince Of Devastion.. your reckoning is near. This barren wasteland will be your place of death, it is time for your demise!

Sethnos thinking to himself again..

Sethnos:I stand no chance.. but I can't give up, I have to fight! I will fight.. even if I have to lose myself in order to win this battle then so be it!!

Sethnos:Why don't you stop being a suck up and tell Kronos to come get me himself, or is he afraid of my potential?!

Urav:Oh please… you two, take care of him.

The two looked at each other and then jumped down to the ground where Sethnos was. Urav would then casually leave.

Sethnos:A two on one huh?! Alright bring it on bitches!!!

Sethnos eyes lit up violet blue as his hair spiked and he grew in size becoming more bulky and monster like, his skin became grey like armor and he had long claws and fangs along with small horns on his head, he was now in the 5th state of Berserk.

They would charge Sethnos and he would let out a loud roar as he charged at them. They would also charge at Sethnos, jumping from the huge cliff and dashing at him.

They would then clash, making a huge shockwave nearby. Sethnos would then try to fight both of them off at the same time, fiercely throwing attacks at them. The first demon would block Sethnos assualt, being pushed back and the other would dodge Sethnos.

Sethnos would try to fire mouth blasts at them but they were easily dodged. Demon number 1 kicked Sethnos in the gut, sending him flying, Demon number 2 appeared above him with a flip kick to the head, sending Sethnos to the ground.

The two demons would then charge at Sethnos at the same time at super speeds, attacking him nonstop and not letting up at all. Sethnos was trying his best to fight them off but he couldn't handle them both at once fighting in this beast like state, his mind was completely out of it and corrupted. Demon number 1 grabbed Sethnos by the leg and slammed him in the ground, and then Demon number 2 would fire a massive energy blast at him, destroying their surroundings.

The two demons sat there and laughed at Sethnos.

Demon#1:You thought you were the mighty unbeatable prince, well you're nothing but Kronos's failed experiments. You're going to die here.

Demon #2:You always had your way, whatever you wanted after you were named the Prince Of Devastation, but now that you're disowned we're free to do whatever we want to you. Don't forget who you were when we first abducted you! You were a scared little boy when we first came to you and your family, the look on all your faces! You were pathetic! Watching kill your own family using our corruption was the closes thing we got to satisfaction! You are distasteful and your time has come!

Sethnos lay in the rubble hurt from the last attack and back into his normal form.

Sethnos:Damn it… in that monster form I can't even think straight or fight the right way… and I can't win like this either… there has to be something I could do… wait, that's it!

Sethnos closed his eyes and took deep breaths as he began to focus. His violet blue aura would go around him as he began to grow in size and his hair spiked up more. Sethnos entered the 3rd state of berserk but then he became slimmer and less monster-like. His eyes were now violet blue with regular black pupils instead of monster like ones and he had tiny fangs and claws, he was now in the controlled version of Berserk 3rd state.

A huge explosion would come from the rubble as Sethnos walked out.

Sethnos:Dark arts:Eruption!

Sethnos was now using the dark arts while in the third controlled state.

Sethnos got into a fighting stance and was ready to battle some more.


It was 5 in the morning and Habakkuk was sleeping in the bed, sleeping all wild with his hair all over the place and his feet all out of the bed.

The lights instantly turned on as Matt came into the room.

Matt:Alright Habakkuk, now get your ass up I told you that you're gonna have to be up really early for this so wake up!

Habakkuk still slept.

Matt would fire a small yellow blast at him. Habakkuk instantly jumped out of his sleep.

Habakkuk:Hey whats the big idea?!!

Matt:Get up, it's time for your training.

Habakkuk:Oh yeah I forgot… but you could've just shaken me out of my sleep instead of blasting me.

Matt:Should've woken up when I said so.

Habakkuk:What a dick.

Habakkuk would get into his fighting gi and they would make their way to the room where Matt's training chambers were held.

Habakkuk was amazed by the new upgrades Matt made around the room, Habakkuk would look at all the training chambers in the room until he saw his all the way at the very end of the room.

Habakkuk:You must've updated this thing like crazy, look at this woah.

Matt:Oh yeah it's definitely a huge upgrade, I tweaked things up so now you won't be fighting simulations of Murgo and Geyla anymore, you'll be fighting simulations of Enthra himself now.

Habakkuk had a tense look on his face with a slight sweat dripping off of him. Habakkuk would crack his knuckles as he silently nodded his head.

Habakkuk:Alright let's get this thing started up.

Matt:Alright head into the chamber and I'll start things up, and remember I'm only in control of adding and taking things out of the simulations besides turning it off and on, whatever these Enthras do is determined by the way you interpret them.


Matt:Now go on in.

Habakkuk walks into the chamber and shuts the door.

At first it starts off as an all black setting, but as Matt pressed a button, it would turn into the same setting Habakkuk fought Enthra in months back, reliving the moment.

Habakkuk:I know this place! Damn it Matt.

Enthra would then come descending down to the ground with his grace.

Enthra:Gatekeeper.. it is time for your demise!

Habakkuk:You- .. I'm going to take you down!

Enthra is in his normal Zygon form, his natural blue skin and his white long hair.

Enthra gets into a fancy battle stance and Habakkuk gets into his fighting stance as well.

Habakkuk:Oh you're in your normal form, looks like I won't need much to take you down this time around, I've been getting stronger! The controlled second state alone should be enough!

Habakkuk's eyes went lime green as his hair spiked up, and his muscles bulked up a bit as well. He was now in his controlled berserk second state form.

Enthra:You won't beat me Gatekeeper!!

Habakkuk:We'll just have to see about that!!

Habakkuk dashed at Enthra in an instant with a fierce right hook.

Enthra would block the punch but it also launched him far back, with Habakkuk still punching into his arm, it was sending them through a lot of rocks and mountains.

Enthra tried to blast Habakkuk away but he ducked and uppercutted Enthra into the air, Habakkuk then kicked Enthra in the gut and sent him flying with a small green energy bomb to the gut.

Enthra would crash into the ground but he'd soon stand up after that.

Enthra:What the?! His power it's immensely high… I can't even keep up with him at this point! Damn it…

Habakkuk would walk up towards Enthra with a smile on his face ready for more.

But suddenly 4 More Enthra's appeared around Habakkuk. It was Matt, he was adding in more Enthra's to spice it up.

Habakkuk:What the hell?!!

All of the Enthras began to laugh.

Enthras:Hahahaha, die Gatekeeper!

They all rushed at Habakkuk with a fierce intent to kill! Habakkuk tried to keep his ground as they came for him but it was too many to fight at once, they were easily breaking his defenses and overpowering him. They were all clashing in a heated battle but the army of Enthras seemed to be too much for Habakkuk. He was punched, kicked, smacked aside, and blasted at. He wasn't really able to do much against them at all.

They would then blast Habakkuk away with a huge red blast, sending him flying out into the open. Habakkuk got back up on his feet and decided to think smarter.

Habakkuk:I know I can't take them on like this on my own but I can find a way around that! Yeah I got it!

Habakkuk smiled as his eyes glowed even more lime green and a darker green aura would go around him.

Habakkuk:Secret Arts:Full Burst!!!

A huge burst of green aura appeared around Habakkuk's body as he powered up!

Habakkuk:Doppelgangers assemble!

4 other Habakkuk would then appear out of his body and then they would all charge at the Enthras.

Habakkuk and his clones were easily beating into the Enthras and making them look like nothing. They were easily knocking them around and trashing them. Gut punches, swift butterfly kicks, whirlwind fists, and even Habakkuk's new void fist technique!

The Enthras were easily defeated, and there was now only one Enthra.

Habakkuk's clones would also disappear as well.

Habakkuk:So are you gonna transform now?

Enthra:Heh, you made short work of me in my normal state, it's only right that I transform.

Enthra's eyes glowed red as his body started to change, he was growing horns and his skin was turning black, with red glowing energy lines on it and under his eyes as well. He would then grow a tail along with claws, he also bulked up a bit and grew taller. He was now kind of unrecognizable, even his hair was a bit different.

Habakkuk:It's this form… I remember it all too well.

Habakkuk clenched his fists tightly as he had a very tense look on his face.

Habakkuk:for some odd reason this Enthra is a bit stronger than he was originally… this can't be good.

Matt:I wonder if he figured out that I can crank up this power to at least 1.5 times his original strength. I just hope he can win this.

Enthra:You see Gatekeeper, it is now time for your demise! And after I kill you I'm going to wipe away everyone on this battlefield!!

Habakkuk's pupils went small while his rage began to kick in. Habakkuk let out a loud battle cry as he powered up, shaking the place around them.

Habakkuk's muscles bulked up as his eyes glowed even more lime green! He tapped into the controlled third state and combined it with secret arts and goddess arts!

The whole ground was shaking around him as it cracked, Habakkuk was very very angry.

Enthra watched on, impressed by this but he was more than ready to battle!

Habakkuk dashed at Enthra but while he did that he disappeared and appeared right behind Enthra with a right hook. Enthra blocked the attack but stumbled back. Habakkuk would then blast the ground, causing Enthra to jump and Habakkuk would then appear above him with a heavy axe kick. Enthra blocked the kick and grabbed Habakkuk with his tail and slammed him into the ground.

Enthra and Habakkuk swapt hands going at each other fiercely, Habakkuk didn't have the advantage in this battle, Enthra had more power and speed but Habakkuk had skill and technique.

Enthra punched Habakkuk in the face with a heavy jab, Habakkuk stumbled back and tried to grab him by the arm and slam him into the ground but Enthra kicked him in the gut and sent him flying into a huge rock.

Enthra:You can never beat me gatekeeper, my goal will be fulfilled!

Enthra activated his time lapse eyes making them go into the anticipation eyes where he can see into the future whenever his opponent goes to strike.

Habakkuk:Crap not good!

Enthra begins to levitate in the air with his hands out and a cocky smirk.

Enthra:I shall rain down on you true justice of the Zygon race! Perish Gatekeeper!!

Enthra would put his hands into the air and make the clouds turn black, and red rain begin to pour out of it rapidly.

Enthra:These are the tears of The Zygon King! Go on and purify this landscape and wipe away the sins of this Gatekeeper!

Habakkuk:Ahh crap! Not this again!!

Enthra:I pity you gatekeeper!! I truly feel sorrow for your upcoming demise! You shall have my tears because I truly feel this is a tragedy but this is the way it has to be!!!

Nonstop drops of red rain hit the ground, burning it away instantly. Habakkuk was dodging the rain but some were getting on him and burning his skin. The more the rain hit him, the more it came down on him.

Habakkuk:This isn't good.. now what am I supposed to do?!

Habakkuk tried to block it with his force field from the goddess arts but the red rain easily destroyed it.

The sky was turning more red and red as the ground began to crack and a red glow came from it, as lava shot into the air all around the area. Red lightning also struck the ground along with wild thunder, there were storms and earthquakes all over the place.

Enthra:Poor Gatekeeper, what ever shall you do now?

Habakkuk would then charge up a huge gigantic gate wave blast and fire it into the air, causing the sky to clear up and the rain to go away.


Habakkuk appeared in front of Enthra with a fierce right haymaker, Enthra easily dodged due to using the anticipation eye, and he would then kick Habakkuk in the gut and elbow him in the back, sending him back down to the ground.

Enthra would then give chase as he dashed at Habakkuk and landed a heavy punch to his chest and then kicked him into the air, Enthra would then appear above him with a smack from his tail sending him back into the ground and then Enthra fired out several slash blasts from his red aura blades, completely connecting with Habakkuk.

Habakkuk screamed out in pain as he was hit with all of these attacks. He tried to escape the onslaught but he was being hit with too many. Habakkuk would then make clones of himself to split apart and escape the blasts and draw confusion to Enthra. The clone would get hit with the full effects of the blasts while Habakkuk escaped.

Habakkuk:I'm sorry other me!!

Enthra watched on at Habakkuk with amusement!

Habakkuk began to run away and dodge the blasts coming at him, increasing his speed even more. Enthra would appear in front of him with a heavy kick across his face. Habakkuk fell to the ground and Enthra landed on his chest with his feet crushing him into the ground.

Habakkuk screamed out in agony but Enthra only laughed at his pain.

Enthra:Now what will you do little Gatekeeper?!!

Enthra would then stomp on Habakkuk's chest putting power into each of his stomps and crushing him even more, then he would kick Habakkuk across the battlefield to slowly and menacingly walk up towards him.

Habakkuk:I'm having serious battle flashbacks of last time… I have to think of something fast!

Enthra would then fly towards Habakkuk at amazing speeds, Habakkuk instantly charged at with a heavy assault. Enthra easily smacked away all of Habakkuk's attacks like nothing and would then blast Habakkuk his chest causing his heart to stop for a second and he then knew Habakkuk in the face followed by a kick to the gut and an elbow to the spine crushing it.

Habakkuk screamed out in pain but on the inside he was thinking to himself. "He was so fast I couldn't even use delusional devastation or my void fists in time!!"

Enthra would then kick Habakkuk in the face, sending him flying high into the air but Enthra didn't just stop here, he would then punch Habakkuk higher and higher into the air repeatedly, almost sending him out of earth's atmosphere but he would then appear above Habakkuk with a slap to the back with his red energy heating it up, sending Habakkuk straight down to the ground.

Habakkuk landed on the ground, back first causing a huge crater.

Enthra landed right beside him with a smirk on his face.

Enthra:Hehehe as you can see little Gatekeeper, I'm not playing around with you this time, you will not be having me toy with you.

Habakkuk:This time?? What do you mean?!

Enthra:Oh you don't know?

Habakkuk:Wait a second… he has memories from the last time we battled?? What kind of freakish simulator is this?!! Now I'm wondering who's the real villain, him or MATT?!!

Enthra:I will not be playing around with you nor show you any sympathy I did in the outside world. I'm here it's only going to be hell, I now have all the memories of what happened in our last battle and it truly disgusts me but I won't have to worry about it any longer because I'm going to put an end to you real soon.

Enthra stabbed his aura rods into Habakkuk's arms and legs, Habakkuk screamed in agony as he went back into his normal form.

Enthra:Even if you were to transform into the unsealed gate, I'm now strong enough to defeat you and this isn't even my strongest form according to the data. In fact, where is that unsealed Gate? Why aren't you using it?

Habakkuk:I can't…

Enthra would then look at Habakkuk and smirk.

Enthra:I know why…

Matt was sitting out of the chamber at his chair watching this all unfold while drinking a coffee.

Matt:Well it looks like it's time to let the simulation do its thing.

Habakkuk:Why?! How could you know all of this?

Enthra:It's all because of your cowardice.

Habakkuk:What?! My cowardice?

Enthra:Ever since your friend was killed by my hand all you felt was pain huh? In our battle you were able to awaken your unsealed gate power, but after that, you didn't take that pain in and use it to strengthen you, no you chose to run away from it. You didn't want to believe that he was dead, you told yourself that you'd bring him back but you haven't really been doing anything to really help in that goal have you? You're not using your pain for power, you're merely avoiding it and running away from your problems like a scared little boy. It reminds me of the time we first met, you were just a scared little boy who couldn't even hate me standing in front of you because of my power being too high, pathetic. You won't ever become stronger by running away from your past, Is that what you want?! To be a scared little boy forever?!! Your ancestors knew how to use this power because they were able to use their pain to make them stronger but you couldn't even hold on to it, and you chose to not even pursue it, what a sorry excuse for a gatekeeper and a pathetic excuse for a friend.

Habakkuk's eyes widened as a green aura burst around him. Habakkuk would free his right arm from the rod and fire off a huge one handed emerald cannon at Enthra's face!


Enthra would hurry and dodge the attack, still surprised about how strong it was.

Enthra:That attack… it could've caused some damage.

Habakkuk:Tch!! You don't get to say any of that to me!! You're the one who murdered him, you monster!!!

Enthra:Perhaps.. even that wasn't good enough to get you worked up. But how would you like to see your friend's death over and over again and multiple different ways?!!!

Habakkuk screamed at the top of his lungs.

Habakkuk:NOOO!!!! STOPP IT!!!

At least over 100 more Enthras appeared all laughing and they appeared to be holding something or someone.

Habakkuk's eyes widened as he saw what was going on. It was Enthra, he was holding Dana's broken body.

Habakkuk:You monster!!!

Enthra:It seems there's still time to save him, I'd be quick if I were you Gatekeeper!

All the Enthra's began to laugh as they each held Dana by the throat.

Enthra:It seems you'll have to watch him die all over again in multiple different ways!!

Habakkuk:STOPPP IT!!!

Habakkuk begged and pleaded for Enthra to stop as he cried out.

Enthra proceeded to stab one of the Dana's through the heart killing him. His lifeless body would drop to the ground as he looked at Habakkuk before his last moments.


Habakkuk charged at Enthra with a fierce rage!!!

But another Enthra would appear and kick Habakkuk across the face, sending him into another Enthra. Habakkuk tried to get up again to attack the nearest Enthra who had Dana but he was quickly bound to the ground by four Enthras using heavy pressure Aura to keep him to the ground and make sure he wouldn't be able to get up.

Habakkuk tried to get up but he couldn't even move his face off the ground. He was forced to watch Dana's death in multiple different ways, this was truly traumatizing and there was nothing Habakkuk could do about it.

Bodies of different Danas dropped to the ground one by one, there were only two left and Enthra was laughing.

Habakkuk cried out in pain and felt powerless to do anything. He cried because he was too weak, he was watching his best friend die all over again and again and again, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Enthra:If you weren't so weak you would've been able to save your dear friend, how pathetic. Looking at you is miserable and the more I see your distasteful expression on your face the more and more I start to feel depressed. You're nothing but a failure who couldn't even save his friend.

Habakkuk had tears streaming down his eyes.

Enthra would look at Dana in his arms and he squeezed his neck, snapping it instantly.

Habakkuk's expression went blank for a second and then he began to feel more power in his body as he tried to fight the pressure of the aura.

There was only one Dana left and Enthra smirked as he held him by the throat.

Enthra:When are you going to finally accept the fact that there's absolutely nothing you can do?

Habakkuk:Enthra stop this!!!

Enthra would make an energy blade in his other hand as he got ready to stab Dana.


Enthra:Hehe throwing your own life away? How pathetic. Now say goodbye to your friend!!!

Enthra started to strike down at Dana's heart, everything began to go in slow motion but as that happened… something else was taking place!


Habakkuk's eyes glowed bright green as he then had diamond shaped lime green pupils. A lime green diamond would also appear on his forehead as his hair began to spike up!

Habakkuk's huge aura blew away the Enthras that were around him and he instantly appeared in front of the main Enthra who was holding Dana and hit him so hard he punched his head off!!

Habakkuk would then hold Dana in his arms with tears in his eyes. He looked down at Dana realizing it was already too late to save him, Dana was already dead. Habakkuk's hair turned green as he sat Dana down on the ground gently.

The ground started shaking as rocks flew up into the air and soon the whole entire simulation was shaking, as green lightning struck the ground, tornadoes were being made, hurricanes, and earthquakes. The sky turned green as well.

Habakkuk's body bulked up as he had green lines coming down from his eyes and his neck and shoulders.

Habakkuk screamed into the air at the top of his lungs letting out a huge roar of emotion as a huge green aura exploded from out of his body, shocking all of the Enthras present.

A HUGE GREEN EXPLOSION WENT OFF COVERING THE WHOLE AREA. And as the dust settled there was a silhouette glowing green, aura, eyes, hair, and body marks.

Habakkuk was now back in the UNSEALED GATE FORM.

Habakkuk wiped his tears as he had the look of pure determination and silent rage.

The Enthras were speechless.

Habakkuk slowly walked up to one of the Enthras

Enthra started to go for an attack but Habakkuk punched his head off, with blood splattering everywhere.

The other Enthras watched in horror as that happened.

Habakkuk would then walk over to the four Enthras that held him captive but then he would instantly dash at them with his new speed.

He instantly killed all four of them, slicing off one of their heads with his hand, kicking another one in half, punching one through the chest and ripping his heart out and then blasting another one into bits.

The Enthras all begin to feel fear.

Habakkuk had their blood covered all over his face and arms.

Habakkuk would then let out another loud roar as he instantly appeared and started to rapidly kill all of the other Enthras in the most brutal ways. Ripping them in half, punching and kicking their heads off, crushing their hearts, punching through the gut, and completely blasting them into nothing.

This Habakkuk was ruthless and he was a pure killer, he wasn't holding anything back this time.

There was only one Enthra left and it was the main Enthra who started off first in the simulation.

Enthra:You're a monster!

Habakkuk slowly walked up to him with blood all over his face and arms. Habakkuk's eyes shined through the dark as green lightning struck the ground. He also had an evil smirk on his face as he began to get closer towards Enthra.

Enthra began to fly into the air but Habakkuk was already above him smiling.

Enthra would then fly to the ground to escape him but Habakkuk was already down there with an even bigger smirk.


Enthra tried to fly away but Habakkuk instantly appeared behind him and kicked him across the face, breaking his neck but Enthra used the elixir eye to heal himself. Habakkuk would then grab him by the arms and legs and knee him in the back, completely crushing his spine. Enthra screamed out in pain as blood gushed from his mouth, Habakkuk would then rip off one of Enthras arms and backhanded him into a wall.

Enthra healed himself but began to feel even more fear as Habakkuk started walking towards him again.

Enthra would then begin to transform as the red from his body turned gold and now he was in the black dragon form that Murgo gave him.

Enthra:Now this should be able to knock that cocky smirk off your face Gatekeeper!!!

Enthra dashed at Habakkuk with a heavy right hook, punching Habakkuk in the face. Habakkuk's head tilted back as blood came from his mouth.

Enthra:Looks like I managed to draw blood!

Habakkuk smirked.

Habakkuk:Perhaps that form did make you a bit more useful, at least in the durability department.

Enthra would then feel a sudden pain in his arm as he screamed.

Habakkuk:Looks like that punch didn't completely obliterate your arm but it seems like you're bleeding. Heh I got more of your blood on my face now, what a pathetic display you're showing me right now.

Habakkuk was referring to the blood that came from his mouth earlier, it was actually Enthra's blood, when he punched Habakkuk it actually hurt Enthra's knuckles and caused a delayed reaction to the pain.

Habakkuk would remove Enthra's hand off of his face and then snap his arm off.

Habakkuk would then kick Enthra in the chest, sending him flying in the air.

Enthra would catch himself in the air and notice that his chest was caved in, causing internal bleeding but Enthra was able to use the elixir eye to heal his wounds.

Enthra quickly grows in power as he gets angry, a huge gold aura bursted around him as he goes flying towards Habakkuk's direction.

Habakkuk looked at Enthra with an uninterested face.

Enthra threw a fierce right hook, followed by a left one and a kick across the face. Habakkuk smacked his hands away effortlessly as he blocked the kick and then glared at him.

Enthra would then jump into the air with a huge gold aura leaking out of his body and instantly there were thousands of planets and stars behind him as he got ready to fire them all down at Habakkuk.

The ground and the whole area started to instantly incernarate around them. The simulation version of earth begins to break apart from the intensity of the other planets and suns being in the atmosphere.

Habakkuk powered up with a green mystical aura around his body making his eyes glow more, the diamonds in his palms would also glow.

Habakkuk:I have to test out these powers more so here goes nothing.

Habakkuk made his eyes go real bright as he activated his powers to seal them inside of a huge green diamond that was at least the size of a huge galaxy inside its realm.

Enthra:What the hell?!! Where are we?! What did you do at the Unsealed Gate?!!

Habakkuk:Looks like I have more abilities than I thought with these diamond eyes.. cool.

Enthra:It doesn't matter if you die!!!

Enthra fired all of the planets and stars he had.

Habakkuk would then make small blasts come out of his diamond in the palms of his hands and as they went flying out they turned huge even rivaling the size of a huge planet. Habakkuk destroyed several planets and stars with this attack.

Habakkuk:We did this last time.. you really have no chance against me, especially now!!

Habakkuk would then power up as he made his aura into a huge manifestation of himself in the unsealed Gate form, and he started to rapidly punch the planets and stars using super speed, destroying each and every last one of them.

Habakkuk would then take all of that aura and put it into his hands as he would then fire out a huge emerald cannon.

Habakkuk:You're finished!! Die here and now Enthra!!!!

The huge blast would then overtake Enthra instantly, destroying him but in his way moments he healed himself with the elixir eye.

Habakkuk had blood on his face as he smirked.

Habakkuk:It's funny.. not too long ago I was just some dumb teen worried about girls and school, it was so bad that I was madly in love with the girl.. I was so caught up in it and I felt as though I desperately needed to have a girlfriend when it was merely just a want. I let it control my life and decisions, I was a stupid teen worrying about love at a young age and dealing with hormones. Heh I was pathetic and at that time.. definitely not able to even stand next to someone like you. But as time went by, I grew more into a warrior. Pushing myself to the utmost limits to defeat you! In fact.. this feeling, fist connecting to flesh, the bone crackling sounds, the bloodshed? I don't really like it at all, but right now.. heh right now.. I can hardly hold myself back.. I crave nothing more than a good and brutal bloody battle!!

Habakkuk cracked his knuckles and then his green aura would then make a huge spark as he exploded in power.

Habakkuk:I will never run away from my pain ever again, I will take it and make me even stronger than I ever was before!

Enthra picked himself up from the ground and began to realize Habakkuk's new found power and determination.

Habakkuk would then start to manipulate the diamond realm around them as he started to warp reality around them. Huge emerald mountains would begin to form, statues of Habakkuk's friends were being made, huge bodies of water, forest, deserts, all types of lands and cities were being formed, he was transforming this place into a world he can go to for peace. But Habakkuk's face went cold as he teleported them to a different location he made, a place out in a void where there wear meteorites all over the place, lava, glaciers, different planets, waters, and all other types of things, this place was distorted and unnatural but most of all the perfect place for battle.

Enthra:What is this?!

Habakkuk and Enthra would land on a huge meteorite.

Habakkuk:This is my world, the world of the Unsealed Gate!

Habakkuk:Look into that water over there for me and truly see who you really are, Zygon King Enthra…

Enthra would go to look in the water, but he would then see his reflection as a monster but it would then form into his purest self looking more pure hearted and his soul was set free, the same form he used at the end of his battle with Habakkuk in the real world. Enthra would look at his hands and he saw that his skin was blue again and that he wasn't a monster anymore, he had spiky but flowing white hair, glowing blue eyes, and he looked more holy and truly befitting of his title.

Enthra:I now see that my actions were wrong, Gatekeeper, I accused you and put all my anger towards you for crimes you didn't even have anything to do with, I let hatred control my life for eons only to realize that it was all truly pointless. I now only fight for one purpose, and it is not revenge. Come Gatekeeper! Let's have the battle of our lives and truly see who's the strongest out of the two of us!

Habakkuk smiled as he powered up


Enthra:You ready Habakkuk?

Habakkuk:More than you'll ever know.

Habakkuk also started to have conflict with himself as he was trying to control himself.

Habakkuk:I have to control this anger that the form causes, I cannot let it consume me, otherwise I'll be nothing but a killer. Habakkuk, come on focus, you got this. You can do this! Think about your friends, your family, your grandfather, and Dana! Don't let the rage take over! Be a warrior not a killer! I can do this!!!

Habakkuk would have a series of flashbacks of his loved ones and he would then close his eyes as he had a smile on his face. But suddenly he felt a hand touch his shoulder, a very powerful presence but warm and familiar. As he looked up to see who it was, it was none other than the legendary Gatekeeper himself, Isariah.

Habakkuk appeared to be in a green and black void. Isariah would then introduce himself to Habakkuk for the first time.

Habakkuk went back into his normal form, Enthra also seeing this on the outside rather confused but what he didn't know was Habakkuk was now in another realm of reality.

Isariah:Hello Habakkuk, I've been watching you battle for quite some time. I am the Gatekeeper you've come to gain your powers from, and no I am not some being living inside you that grants you powers, you have these abilities because you were granted my DNA, making you reborn as my son. Sethnos as well has my DNA and he is your brother as you know. I've come to finally introduce myself to you.

Habakkuk:How come you didn't come any earlier? Did you have to wait for me to gain more power first to be able to make yourself appear?

Isariah:I make sudden appearances throughout many times within your life, but it's only when you truly unlock more power when I can really come and guide you through it. Last time you unlocked the power of the unsealed gate, you barely had it within your grasp, it was your sudden death and your rage that were able to finally grant you that power. But now that you experienced it, you have come to terms on what you need to do in order to maintain it, and what would that be my child?

Habakkuk:To accept my losses and let go of the past, so I can move on and push myself further in my life, to achieve new goals.

Isariah:Exactly, you have what you need in order to truly become the Unsealed Gate now. You will never lose this power again.

Habakkuk:Thank you, father? Isariah? Uhh.

Isariah:Just call me Israriah for now.

Habakkuk:Thank you.

Isariah:Feel free to give me a call whenever you need me, I'm always here to guide you and listen to you.

Isariah's eyes widened a little.

Isariah:Oh it seems that your brother may need me right now, I have to get going soon.

Habakkuk:Sethnos?? But why?

Isariah:It seems he's in a bit of trouble, and he desperately needs guidance, and it also seems like he might be having an awakening…

Habakkuk:Alright before you go, how can I get in contact with you whenever I need to talk to you?

Isariah:Just come back to this diamond void you created, and I can further go into details about why I'm here and what you truly are and who I am. But for now take care, my son.

Habakkuk:Alright, I'll do my best.

Isariah smiled as he disappeared.

Habakkuk saw images of all his friends and he saw Dana's smile on his face.

Habakkuk:I can do this.

Outside in the open, Habakkuk's eyes were closed as he was focusing, and then suddenly!

Habakkuk's eyes burst open with the green eyes and the lime green pupils. A huge green aura surrounded his body as green lines would then form under his eyes, going down his chest. Like green diamonds would fill the center of his palm and on his forehead. The ground started to shake in all of his power as the whole atmosphere shifted. Habakkuk's hair went green and the sky began to swirl in different colors of green. All that could be seen was a huge green lion made out of an aura the size of a huge mountain, it was Habakkuk's aura.

Enthra almost went flying back from all of this pressure, Habakkuk was even stronger than before now, he couldn't even believe it.

As the green lights cleared Habakkuk would be standing there with a new found power and confidence.

Habakkuk:I can now wield the form even better than before.

Habakkuk looked at his hands as he smiled. He would see the glow of the green diamond in his right palm, and as that happened his smile went even bigger as he got excited, his aura would burst.

Habakkuk:I was finally able to do it!! Alright wait till the others find out about this! I'm top dog once again!! The leader of team Prophecy is back!!!

Enthra smiled as sweat dripped from his face but he would then power up as he got into a fighting stance, still kind of confused as to what just happened.

Habakkuk:Alright Enthra, I'm ready now!

Enthra:Alright Habakkuk that sounds good to me!!

They both got into their stances and prepared to charge at each other.

They would then explode as they went flying at each other in the air. Their fist would collide with a powerful punch, sending Enthra back. Habakkuk would then duck down and uppercut him into the air and then followed that up with a headbutt to the chin.

Enthra would then try to smack Habakkuk away with a huge blue aura hand. Habakkuk dodged it and kicked Enthra across the face, sending through several clouds in the air, then Habakkuk instantly came out of knower with a double hammer fist, knocking Enthra all the way out into orbit.

Enthra would go flying past even the moon, getting sent flying to Mars.

Habakkuk would then sit there waiting for Enthra to come back.

Habakkuk would then charge a huge ball of energy into his hand, getting ready to fire it at Enthra but he would then make it dissipate.

Habakkuk:I'll wait.

Enthra came back flying down at Habakkuk with immense speeds, Habakkuk would smirk and he would then touch the ground with the palm of his hand. A huge green diamond would erupt from the ground hitting Enthra, and Habakkuk would then appear above Enthra with an aura kick to the back, completely shattering his spine.

Enthra fell to the ground, barely able to get up. Habakkuk was way too strong for him this time around.

Habakkuk looked at Enthra intensely, struggling with the inner conflict in his mind.

Habakkuk overcame the rage he had but it seems he still had some regret, some resentment, and hatred towards Enthra deep down inside. Habakkuk struggled to form words as he had anger slowly rising inside of him along with sorrow.

Habakkuk:I made this power my own.. Isariah, he believed in me. My friends, my family, the people of this planet, and Dana.. I can't throw that all away by letting my hatred get to me, if I kill this simulation version of Enthra right now, what's going to stop me from killing the real one? What's going to stop me from killing more villains, or perhaps even criminals? What's going to stop me from losing my humanity as a whole?! I can't let this happen, I am better than that. I am Habakkuk!

Habakkuk would close his eyes as he focused all of his energy in his body. The whole area begins to glow green as he lets off a huge explosion, causing any damage that has been done in the simulation to disappear. A huge green light could be seen even leaving earth, going all the way out to mars. Enthra would suddenly find himself healed and he looked at Habakkuk with shock.

Habakkuk would go back into his normal form and fall to the ground.

Enthra:You healed me?

Habakkuk:You're welcome.

Enthra:Thank you, Habakkuk.

Enthra would then disappear along with the simulation and everything was complete.

Matt would open the chamber door, as a tired Habakkuk would walk out.

Matt:I knew you could do it.

Habakkuk:I'm gonna go hit the shower.

As Habakkuk was in the showers the whole place would glow blue as Gaylena's voice could be heard.

Gaylena:I sense a change in you. Before when I first met you, you had the purest of hearts. Later on I'd notice that you weren't that pure when you started talking about perverted nonsense but you were still a good person. Then whenever you turn berserk you are the complete opposite of pure, and now with this New Unsealed Gate form.. it seems as though it's powered by pure rage so I definitely can't link to you like I am right now. But today was different, you had the rage at first but then you lost it.. You gained a pure heart again, and this isn't even the only time. It's as if you're able to switch your soul whenever you want. Just what are you? I wonder..

Habakkuk:I don't really know, but I'm happy knowing I can finally use this power again!

Gaylena smiled satisfyingly.

Gaylena:And that's all that matters.

After Habakkuk got dressed and headed into the living room quarters, the 4 brothers, Nakir, Laci, and Matt were all out there hanging out.

Luke and Nickson walked up to Habakkuk eagerly.

Luke:Just how strong did you get? It feel like your power has doubled since that little bit of training.

Nickson:I'll say… looks like we gotta see what you can do in the training room!

Habakkuk:Oh you guys are challenging me? Do you think you guys can handle me?

Nickson:Don't underestimate us, over these past few months we've been improving.

Anderson and James also walked in the room with Anderson's yellow aura glowing and James red aura glaring.

Habakkuk:I can tell you guys got a lot stronger… I do wanna go into the training room with you but there's something I need to do. There's a fight I lost and I truly wanted to prove myself but I couldn't but now I'm fully confident that I can handle it.

The scene would then change to planet Ateiria, as Mrs Thayer had gotten a call on her phone from Habakkuk.

Mrs Thayer:Yes what is it? Is your training complete?

Habakkuk:Mrs Thayer… bring me to planet Zulah!

Mrs Thayer:What? Why would you wanna go there?

Habakkuk hangs up the phone as he started stretching and cracking his knuckles with a determined face.

Everyone looked at Habakkuk with shock and amazement he hasn't been this focused and determined about something in a long time.

Habakkuk got into a new battle atire, wearing his usual black and green gi. Mrs Thayer and Miss Timmons arrived from their portal ship.

Mrs Thayer:Are you guys ready?

Habakkuk's green aura would burst out as he looked at Mrs Thayer and replied "Beyond ready."

They would all leave and they would arrive on planet Zulah. Mrs Thayer already contacted Zote and Monk. As they arrived on the grounds of planet Zulah Trinis was already standing in the middle of the plains ready.

It was silent and only the wind could be heard as everyone stood there and began to watch the show.

Habakkuk and Trinis stared each other down. Trinis would notice that something was different about Habakkuk somehow, within just a few days his aura became significantly bigger.

Habakkuk didn't say anything, he just got into a fighting stance and Trinis would do the same.

Habakkuk was focused and he studied his opponent very well. Trinis looked confident as ever but was intrigued about Habakkuk's sudden power jump.

Habakkuk dashed at him in that instant and came at him with a power swipe kick aiming it towards Trinis face, Trinis would block the kick but would go on to notice that Happened in his normal form is twice as strong as he was last time in this state.

Trinis would then knock Habakkuk back with the same arm he used to block Habakkuk's kick. Habakkuk went flying to the ground but landed on his feet. He would then jump back into the air charging at Trinis with fury, he would have a green orb in his right hand and would try to smack Trinis with it but Trinis easily kicked it away. Habakkuk would then run at Trinis and then faked it out by vanishing and appearing behind him with a powerful kick.

Trinis blocked the kick but Habakkuk would power it up with the aura of the secret arts technique, sending Trinis flying back.

Habakkuk would then fully power himself up with the secret arts and he would punch the air, creating a green shockwave fist that would hit Trinis in the chest and he would then stumble as spit would come out of his mouth followed by a sudden smirk.

Trinis would dust himself off and Habakkuk would relax a bit.

Habakkuk:Hey Trinis, you have that form… transform into it!

Trinis:You've gotten a lot stronger, yeah but there's still no way in hell you could ever match up to me in that state.

Habakkuk:Oh you poor soul, you don't know anything about my recent events.

Habakkuk's hair flowed up and his eyes turned green for a split second as a huge power could be sensed all throughout the area, shocking all those around him. Trinis' eyes widened and then he understood that this was a fight he was going to have to take seriously.

Trinis' aura would burst as he transformed into his assault form!

The ground shook immensely but Habakkuk stood there tall.

Trinis:Are you ready?

Habakkuk:Yeah I'm more than ready!

Trinis charged at Habakkuk and Habakkuk charged at him. Trinis would hit Habakkuk with a left hook in the jaw, sending him flying into the air and he would go flying at Habakkuk with red glowing energy balls in his hands.

Habakkuk saw this and decided it was time to finish this.

Habakkuk:Alright… it's time to turn it up on him!

Habakkuk was falling in the air but he suddenly began to levitate as a deep green aura wrapped around his body. Usually Habakkuk cannot fly in his normal form.. but the thing is, this is not just his normal form.

A sudden shift would hit the air as everything began to stop. Trinis was frozen in his assault as he suddenly saw a giant green aura titan in the sky above him.

Trinis:What is this?? This manifestation of power!! It's unfathomable!! But I can't let that stop me!!!

Trinis flew up faster at Habakkuk!!

Habakkuk's giant aura transformed into a huge lion. Trinis dashed at it in an insane amount of speed! Habakkuk moved his hand out in a motion to fire a blast. Habakkuk would then glare at Trinis with his diamond eyes and sent Trinis crashing into the ground, going underneath almost into the planets core but Trinis would then erupt and fly up to Habakkuk! Habakkuk instantly created a huge green aura ball with his aura lions paws and he would aim it at Trinis.

Trinis was stunned and there was nothing he could do to stand a chance against Habakkuk. Habakkuk was still sort of in his normal form but he would then make everything disappear around him as it was nothing but him floating in the air surrounded by a cloak of green aura.

Habakkuk would descend back down to the ground and Trinis followed.

Habakkuk slowly walked over to Trinis but in an instant he was already in front of Trinis with a fist to the gut. Trinis eyes went blank as he fell to his normal form on the ground unconscious.

Habakkuk would then make his aura disappear as he was now in his normal form.

They were all shocked by this display but Mrs Thayer saw everything.

Mrs Thayer:The others may not have noticed but he quickly transformed into that unsealed gate form in less than an instant right when attacked, it was already over.

Habakkuk had sweat on his faces and he seemed to be catching his breath.

Habakkuk's Thoughts:What the? Why do I feel like this? Any other time I transform I never really had any drawbacks and fatigue but this time.. I can feel a burning sensation in my body, it feels like I'm being burnt alive from the inside along with losing a lot of stamina. What is this?! Usually I could hold the form for hours but this time I don't even think I could hold it for even a half of one probably not even 15 minutes! And if I use big attacks it hurts me even more and shorten how long I can wield it!

Gaylena would chime in.

Gaylena:It seems like whenever you enter that form it feels like you're tearing your body apart and burning out your soul as well as slowly dying. That form it's a powerful asset but it seems like it's a liability.

Habakkuk:Damn it! It's always something! If I go berserk I rampage! I control it, it's not strong enough! I go unsealed gate I can't even maintain it without worrying about dying! I'm so sick of this!!

Habakkuk punched the ground in the mindscape.

Habakkuk:It's just all so frustrating! It's like I can't ever have anything that truly defines who I am as a warrior without some type of drawback!

Gaylena:I'm sorry, dear child.

Habakkuk:It's okay, I'm a man so I'll bear.

Everyone were already back on the ship and Trinis was now up again.

Trinis:That power… was that what you used against Enthra?? It was amazing… I couldn't even grasp it. Thank you for this battle it was educational!

Habakkuk:Of course.

The two shook hands and Habakkuk would get back on the ship to go back home.

On the ship…

Habakkuk would hear a familiar warm voice in his head.. it was Isariah!!

Meanwhile In The Dark Dimension!

Sethnos and the two demons who were responsible for killing his family were in a all out battle going head to head with each other! It was brutal and bloody. Sethnos managed to get in good hits on the two but he was most definitely on the back foot of this battle. He couldn't take the two of them on all at once but he was trying!

Sethnos punched one in the chest while another one kicked him across the face and sent him flying far into a huge scarred battle field. The two demons smirked as they looked at each other, they would raise their hands in the air as a huge sound frequency would go off.

The ground started to shake as creatures were coming from under ground, out of forest, from the dark waters, and coming in from portals. They were all sent after Sethnos. Thousands of power demonic creatures charged after Sethnos and began to attack him but as he fought back he realized he was being covered in demons and there were way too much to fight off all at once. They were beginning to overwhelm him and beat him down. These creatures were all different species and different types. Some who stood on two legs, some that had wings, and even some who either walked on 4 legs or even 8.

Sethnos wasn't even able to throw punches anymore he was being taken down by beasts above his army's class.

The two demons laughed.

Demon#1:Its funny because after all this time you don't even know our names!

Demon#2:Imagine not getting the names of the two were responsible for your parents death! Hahaha! That's so pathetic!!

Demon#1:Well now that was Trotis and I'm Tritos!

Trotis:You know this whole time Kronos sabotaged all of your missions, everything that ever went wrong on your missions were already planned. Anything that made you suffer, planned! Any of your teammates deaths were also planned! You thought you could have happiness?! Well you thought wrong! You're more like the Prince Of Misery than devastation, because you'll always be miserable right up until you die!!

Tritos:It's funny because Kronos did all of that to see if you could have enough pain and rage to achieve that unsealed Gate form you love to study so much. But it seems like you're a failure. It seems as though that Alicia girl might have some promise though. Too bad for you Seth! Good riddance piece of garbage!!


All of the demons piled onto Sethnos brutally!


Urav was talking to Kronos.

Urav:Lord Kronos my men are on it, they'll easily dispose of Sethnos.

Kronos:Tritos and Trotis, the two I sent to kidnap him all those years back and two responsible for his parents death, that's rather ironic that it is also them to kill him off. How funny.

Urav:I wanted to ask something…

Kronos:And that is?

Urav:We already know there's another Gatekeeper on earth with the unsealed gate why don't we just go after him and bring him here instead of going through all this trouble with Sethnos steals DNA for Alicia??

Kronos:It's because I'm not allowed to go that realm, the goddesses have a troublesome amount of warriors and even I can't take down a whole army of goddesses. So if I were to go to earth and grab that boy they might detect something, especially after kidnapping that goddess brat Alicia, it's way too risky they'll be able to sense my huge amount of power even if I hide it.. it will still leave off a faint signature. Those damned goddesses hate our kind.. after that war we were forbidden to show our faces in other realms.. well at least after father disappeared due to that stupid Gatekeeper Isariah now we are powerless and bound here. But if I can just get those unsealed gate diamond eyes and tweak myself up I could achieve even greater power than ever before!

Urav:Why not send one of us down to grab that Gatekeeper.

Kronos:Because it would be far too dangerous.. I don't know the limits to the unsealed Gate's power, it wouldn't be wise to send you or anyone else there not knowing the outcome, so for now Alicia is our best bet.

Urav:You're wise as ever my humble lord.

Kronos smirked

Kronos:Heh, you as well my loyal bounty Hunter.

Narrator Habakkuk:I was finally able to manage going into that unsealed gate form at will now! But something is different about it.. it's like I can't maintain it for long anymore with my insides feeling a burning sensation as if I was being burnt alive from inside my body and the huge loss of stamina! This is complete bullshit!

Gaylena:Calm down Habakkuk..

Narrator Habakkuk:Right I'm sorry. Now back to what I was saying.. that power it isn't stable and I don't know what to do! Damn it Isariah where are you when I need you?!

Isariah:I'm right here.

Narrator Habakkuk:Aghh!! You scared the crap out of me!

Isariah:Hehe I'm sorry about that.

Narrator Habakkuk :It looks like something is going on with Seth!


Narrator Habakkuk:And we'll find out soon enough!

Narrator Habakkuk:Wait a second.. where did you two come from?!!

Both Isariah and Gaylena looked at each other kinda awkwardly.

Isariah:Well this is embarrassing, hehe.

Gaylena:Yeah, tehe.