Difference In Power!! Habakkuk’s Decision!

Back on the ship…

Habakkuk heard a mysterious but familiar voice inside his head.

Isariah:That Unsealed Gate form does have it's beginning stage flaws. I had forgot to tell you before I went off to Sethnos, I actually haven't been able to reach him just yet so I'll quickly explain some things for you real quick.


Gaylena:Maybe I could learn more about this new version of Habakkuk as well, back when he was human I could easily be able to grant him more power and reach him easier if he trained a bit and learned how to unlock his abilities. But Him being reborn as a Gatekeeper made things harder for me. There's these two figures in his mind that blocks my path from access everytime I get close.

Isariah:I think I know what you're talking about. There's something complicated with every Gatekeeper.. There's always some sort of trade off or obstacle we have to overcome. And for Habakkuk he had a personality disorder. Back when he was human it was minor very very minor and not noticeable not even for him but he did have instances of rage episodes at times that showed a bit of it as a kid. But now that he's been reborn and all of the things he's been through it's here at full effect.

Gaylena listened on.

Habakkuk:What do you mean? Those two beings I keep seeing.. I need answers!

Isariah:I've been observing quite a lot and what I've picked up from the two is.. one of those personalities is your berserk one. And the other is your darker half…

Habakkuk:My darker half??! As in evil?

Isariah:Yes… he's always been a part of you.. that berserk personality you have isn't the one who's been there since you were a child.. it was only present after you first transformed into that berserk form. For years it's always been that dark personality inside you that acted on your rage but it suppressed itself but now that you actually have the power to do things it's been acting as an observer while your berserk personality acts as your darker half.. meaning this whole time the berserker was pretending to be that personality the stuck with you your whole life.. while the dark personality sits back and enjoys it as entertainment until it's time for him to make his presence known.

Habakkuk:So this whole time I thought whenever I lashed out back then it was because of the berserk but what it really is.. I have an actual darker personality within me??

Isariah:Precisely… have you ever felt like you wanted to kill someone but didn't because you're against it but for some reason you had this urge.. this distasteful bloodlust!


Isariah:It's as I said, you're darker half has been wanting to be let free. You may have your berserk in control now that you managed to control the third state and awaken the unsealed gate but you have to keep yourself in check and watch out for that darker half because one day it will strike and it will make itself known.

Habakkuk:Okay but what could Gaylena do to be able to help me more and truly be able to live here without feeling threatened all the time?

Isariah:I'll seal away these personalities for the time being, but there's no guarantee that they'll be sealed away forever but for now it should at least do you some good. And as for Gaylena..


Isariah:I think you should train and grow more in power for now because one day you will have to be there for when he needs you the most but right I can sense that you cannot access your full power for some reason. You will have to have all of your goddess abilities in order to face any foe in the future to come. I know a lot about your kind and I've had my personal affairs but that is not the topic right now. I'll be sending you into a dimension where you'll be able to tap into your true self and grow even more stronger than you ever were before.

Gaylena:You can do that? How?

Isariah:I'm a very experienced and seasoned veteran warrior. I've been through a lot. And I can also tell you got your goddess title taken away but has access to only some of your powers. I will make it to where you gain full access to all of your powers and for you to become a goddess again. It may take some time but I can tell you can do it, and I know when you got your powers taken away and made into a human you weren't in the wrong, I can feel that your heart was in the right place so this is the least I can do.

Gaylena:Thank you so much Lord Isariah!

Isariah:No no you can keep out the lord part just call me Isariah.

Habakkuk:He's so cool I didn't know he could do all of that. Not only is he a power house but he's a reality warper as well! Not to mention he's been amongst goddesses and hell, maybe even gods and is able to make a human goddess into a true goddess again?!! Talk about OP! Seth the Programmer and any power scaler will have their hands full with this one!

Gaylena:It's so fun watching him nerd out.

Isariah:It is pretty entertaining, he is something.. that boy.

Habakkuk:So wait, will that mean Gaylena will be leaving?

Isariah:For the time being but it all depends on her progress.

Habakkuk:Aww that sucks, I'm going to miss using her powers and having someone to talk to or even having her presence there or all the times she quickly healed my wounds whenever I got injured.

Gaylena looked sad and she would tear up as she hugged Habakkuk.

Gaylena:I'm going to miss you, my dear pure hearted one.

Habakkuk:I'm not really good at goodbyes ya know? After losing Dana.. everything has been different. But please just promise me this.


Habakkuk:Please come back stronger than ever before and we'll be a true force to be reckoned with whenever you come back!

Gaylena:Of course!

Isariah:Alright I'll be sealing away those personalities for you and sending Gaylena to the realm of time and artifacts. Well at least my version of it.

Isariah would open out his arms as a green aura appeared around him, so immense and huge it blew Habakkuk and Gaylena away and even others outside of Habakkuk's head in reality felt something.

Habakkuk:He's amazing… he didn't even release that much power and he's even stronger than me in my unsealed gate form and he's only in his normal form! He was holding back heavily but I can tell that even while holding back in only just his normal form he at the bare minimum is at least over 50 times stronger than my unsealed gate form at full form and he's not even using 1\10 of his power… amazing.

Habakkuk would suddenly feel a bit more free as his personalities were now sealed away.

Isariah:There that's done, and as for you, Gaylena, come closer. I'll be sending you to my realm of time and artifacts. Time flows differently there. A lot of time will go by there for you but in the outside world not a lot of time will go by for Habakkuk. I believe in your abilities to make it back to him soon.

Gaylena would hug Habakkuk one final time.

Gaylena:Goodbye Habakkuk.

Habakkuk smiled

Habakkuk:No not goodbye, it means it's forever just say see you later because you're going to come back stronger than ever! So see ya later!

Gaylena smiled

Gaylena:See you later.

Isariah would send her into a room filled with purple, pink, and red voids of color and magical artifacts.

She looked around as she saw memories, different outcomes of her life, and what she could become and that was able to motivate her to train.

Isariah:Now about the question you asked earlier about the unsealed gate form… the first few times you wield it, it's fueled by rage or the will to survive or maybe even both. For you it took you dying but still not really willing to give up in order for you to unlock some of its power because you didn't experience enough trauma nor rage to truly unlock it or you didn't have too much will to survive because you let go and believed in your friends to defeat Enthra. It wasn't until after the death of Dana, that you were truly able to experience the rage and awaken into the unsealed gate. And since the form is only fueled by rage or the will to survive, without any of those it will take your life energy instead and burn away at your soul.

Habakkuk:So that's what's going on with me? I don't have rage or the will to survive?? But I wanna live?

Isariah:What I mean by the will to survive is.. you don't have that driving force you once felt when you were dying you don't feel vengeful and you lost your rage once you were able to fully control the form after that training Matt put you through when we had our first ever true conversation. So far right now, you don't have rage nor the will to survive to fuel the unsealed gate, so whenever you transform try not to use it for so long try to fight for a short period of time and make it quick or otherwise you won't be able to survive the battle due to losing stamina and losing your life slowly as a whole, you'll die before your opponent…

I've seen this happen many times before with other gatekeepers before I got to control my power fully. Your body will fail you if you aren't careful. You have to train that form and find out how to truly be able to maintain it and grasp its true power so you could wield it without any drawbacks. Meditation and acceptance is the only way to truly master this power, and also to do a lot of image training to try to use the power even when not in battle, it's the key. It may take a long period of time, maybe a year give or take but I know you'll be able to get it done, I believe in you.

Habakkuk:Thank you for everything Isariah, I appreciate it.

Isariah:Of course my son, now I'll be off so take care okay?

Habakkuk:You got it!

Isariah would smile as he disappeared.

Back on the ship Nakir went up to Habakkuk.

Nakir:So I see you got your power back huh? And it's better than ever, looks like you're at the top again when it comes to power but don't worry, with my blue Phoenix mode I'll find a way to surpass you and beat the crap out of your unsealed Gate.

Habakkuk:Heh I'd like to see you try!

Nakir:Oh it's on bro!

James:You truly are impressive Habakkuk, way better than anything I could ever muster. If you had that power back then I wouldn't have dreamed of standing a chance against you.

Luke:Hell not even if we all teamed up!

Anderson:Well he sort of kicked my ass..

Nickson:Let's hurry and get back home to the training room guys we gotta get stronger! I'm pumped and motivated!!

They all yelled "HELL YEAH!!!"

Matt:Looks like I'm going to have a lot of work cut out for me with these training chambers…

Miss Timmons:Hey Laci how about in a few days I'll come get you for a bit of training while Mrs Thayer is off training, how does that sound?

Laci:Yess that sounds good I'm down!

Miss Timmons:Glad to hear it.

Later on that Day…

They would arrive on Ateiria and Mrs Thayer would send them home to earth.

It was peaceful, the four brothers trained together, Matt worked on his projects in his lab, Laci/Nakir laid together and watched their shows together, and Habakkuk sat in the kitchen waiting for any news on Adron's recovery.

All of Habakkuk's other friends stopped by to train from time to time but they mainly went on to live their normal teenage lives in their sophomore years of high school.

A week later Habakkuk would get a call from Mrs Thayer.

Mrs Thayer:He's recovered… he made it!!


Adron:Yeah I'm coming back home bro.

Habakkuk:OH YEAHHH!!!!

Habakkuk kind of woke everyone up in the house but after he told them what was going on they all understood and were happy especially Nakir even though he had to throw his usual insult in there he was still glad.

When Adron came back home they all celebrated and told Adron about the recent events. And they all learned that even though they lost the tournament they still got a rank up in the hero class for doing a job well done, and even though they didn't get 500 units they still got to have 125 units all added into their accounts and they were now given their own personal hero cards with their ID and faces on it with their split units all having 25 units each. They were told to spend it wisely and to not share with anyone else if one were to do something rash or stupid with their money. They were all really happy and instantly went on a shopping spree on earth.

It was truly a time of peace but… another week later Habakkuk felt a familiar presence but this time he was ready.

Habakkuk put on his new and improved battle suit. This time wearing a long sleeved black bodysuit with green lines in them. And as for his pants he wore spandex that matched with battle shoes that were black and green. He may have hung up his gi in the closet but he still kept the traditional black and green theme going.

He would leave out the window jumping off into the skies as this mansion was a pretty big place and had a lot of floors and to top it all of it was on top of a huge hill. Habakkuk would land on the ground and use his super speed to instantly appear in the area where he sensed the power.

It was in a secluded place with no humans nor animals to get hurt. They were in an open field away from the rest of the world.

Habakkuk:So you're here again.. I knew you'd show up, my question is.. what took you so long?

Masked Girl:Things.. had a.. lot going on.

Habakkuk:Huh? Okay hmmm something's different.

Masked Girl:Y-you.. said.. you don't like to fight.. around people… or animals.

Habakkuk's eyes widened as he realized she remembered. But he wondered about her speech, she seemed to not know how to truly bring out the words she wanted to say like it's choppy, as if something was holding her back or as if she's been hit in the head or maybe even brain washed.

Habakkuk's thoughts:Maybe it has something to do with that mask.. last time I left a crack in her mask and she retreated.. Maybe if I can get it off something might happen!

Masked Girl:Are… y-you… ready?

Habakkuk gets into his fighting stance


Masked Girl:Okay!

She instantly powered up to her 4th berserk state as she charged at him and he would smirk and go into his controlled 3rd berserk form and dashed at her.

They would clash! Both of their fist colliding together, Habakkuk was testing her out since he got a lot stronger even in his normal form than the last time he fought her! They would then throw their hands back and forth at each other, hitting each other rapidly back to back. Habakkuk was enjoying himself as the fight was going on.

Then two would then lock fingers as they both grappled each other's hands. They both struggled to move each other as they both powered up, a huge swirl of green and pink aura can be seen going into the air as everything shaked. Then it would explode! They were now in the air battling it out, punches and kicks seemingly equal in battle.

They were both moving in perfect harmony with each other's movements.

She used her pink aura whips on him, he would instantly use his secret arts aura to make a shield and block them, following it up with a huge green gate wave out of his left hand but she would mimic him and use her dark arts to make a spiky shield as hit would smack away his gate wave, sending it far into the air causing a huge explosion in the sky.

Habakkuk looked up at it

Habakkuk:You're amazing!

Underneath the mask and all the growls she managed to laugh.

She would then try to claw at him with pink aura at the tip of her claws, the aura was to apply more force and to be more sharp for a precise cut. Habakkuk dodged and moved out of the way of her fierce blows. She would even trip and he would catch her so she didn't fall but he would then hop back away from her and charge up a fighting stance as he let out more power that he was holding back!

He would come at her with an axe kick that she barely managed to block and then he would kick her in the chin with his other leg, sending her stumbling back and then he would use the mantis fighting style to land blows on her, with insane speeds and precision. She was being overwhelmed by this amount of power and speed and mainly his skill.

She would then power up more, sending him flying off of her as she tapped into more power reaching the 5th state once again. She would then hit him with a punch in the gut and twist her punch to make it hurt even more and he went flying into a huge rock.

She then charged at him on all fours. He would get out of the rock but he was met with a clothesline and then she grabbed him by the face and slammed him into the ground. And then begined to bash him into the ground repeatedly not letting up anything at all. But she was then met with a gate wave sending her flying into the air and Habakkuk was inside of the blast and as he went through it he would hit her with a massive punch to the gut seeing her even further into the air.

But her power would skyrocket as she sent Habakkuk back down to the ground with a huge mouth blast.

Habakkuk would fall to the ground making a huge crater.

She would then crash to the ground on her feet in the middle of the battlefield, she would let out a huge roar shaking the whole entire area.

There were drones and spy cams watching nearby but they would get destroyed because of all the explosions.

A scientist who was watching it would then slam his hand on his table! His name was doctor Echo.

Doctor Echo:Damn it!! Those brutes destroyed my cameras! Now how the hell am I supposed to get more data on them!!

Human bodies can be seen on his resting tables in tubes as he said that. It was two boys and one girl. One boy being kind of short, the girl being a little bit taller and a huge athletic guy.

It was a bit concerning.

Now back to the battle.

The masked girl would grab her mask as it seemed like she was in pain and fighting for control. Habakkuk noticed this but her power would then reach even higher lengths as it seemed like she was closing in to reach the 6th state! A huge swirl of hot and violent pink aura would erupt in the air as everything shook.

Habakkuk:I don't think she's evil.. I can tell… and I'm going to help her!!! Somehow I'm going to bring her to her senses and stop whatever brainwashing that mask is doing to her!!

A huge breeze of wind would come as the ground around Habakkuk started to shake and rocks and boulders began to float in the air along with green electricity striking the ground!

Habakkuk's hair flowed into the air and then spiked up! His eyes would turn emerald green and he had the lime green diamond pupils. His new suit would also light up as the green lines turned very bright!

Habakkuk would let out a huge scream as if it was a roar and the whole area around him shook. The power was so immense that the whole world could feel it, it was as if everywhere had an earthquake.

And it also started to rain but not only did it rain but it poured hard with lots of wind.

The huge green aura could be seen thousands of miles away as the bright green shined in everyone's eyes.

As the dusk cleared there was Habakkuk in the unsealed gate form and all of its glory.

Habakkuk:It's over!

Habakkuk looked at The Masked Girl with a ferocious Glare and she was shocked by this overwhelming power and the intensity, the rage coming off this form!

Habakkuk levitated in the air and slowly floated towards her. She charged at him and threw punches and kicks but he easily evaded each of her attacks and flipped in the air backwards before landing a kick to the chin that sent her flying!

He would then stand on top of a tall rock as he erupted in power and had a huge aura surge with a ferocious look on his face.

Habakkuk screamed out as he let out more power with the ground shaking even more than last time and tornadoes would form around him.

Habakkuk:Give it up! You cannot compete with me anymore! This isn't a fight you can win. You don't stand a chance against what I am now!

She looked at Habakkuk in awe… all she could see was Habakkuk in his unsealed Gate form but around him was a huge gigantic green lion made out of his aura towering above the whole area.

She started shaking and her body began to move away on its own as she started to back up. She could sense that she was in danger!

She'd instantly flew in the air using the berserk aura and she charged up a huge ball of energy in her hand enough to destroy the planet and she would then fire it at him.

But as it went to the earth Habakkuk would stare at the ball and his diamond eyes glowed bright as the ball of energy stopped right in its tracks. Habakkuk would then levitate towards it and then he would put his diamond on his palm up against the blast and began to nullify it, the huge ball of energy disappeared and Habakkuk would then fire a small blast from his finger and as it hit her it caused a huge explosion and she would fall back down to the earth, causing a huge crater in the ground she fell in.

Habakkuk would then descend back down to the ground and stare at her.

She would then get back up kind of injured from that last attack and begin to back up even more.

Habakkuk would then leap into the air as he began to fly and then he would dash at her with a huge punch ready to end the battle right there but he would stop the punch right in front of her face. As he did, a huge wind would knock everything behind her back. She felt an immense force behind that punch and it sent her falling to the ground without it even hitting her, it even destroyed a nearby mountain.

He would then walk up to her and grab the mask off of her face and when he did he looked at it with hatred and he crushed it in his hands.

A shift in the air could be felt as voices would come from the mask, it sounded like the cries of demons being destroyed. And the evil aura would then disappear.

The girl was now in her normal form on the ground cut up and her long brown hair over her shoulders and face as she was looking to the ground. She seemed like she was crying.

Habakkuk:You're free now, no more masks to corrupt your mind. Are you okay?

She looked at Habakkuk with beautiful hazel eyes that sparkled into rose colored eyes revealing her goddess features. She had tears streaming down her eyes, at first they were black demonic tears but now they turned into regular tears with sparkles into it due to her goddess nature taking control without the influence of the mask.

Habakkuk:So that's what your face looks like.. woah..

She would instantly hug him!

He looked confused but more shocked that he was being hugged by some random beautiful girl.

She would then softly say "thank you" as she sort of struggled to talk but this time her speech wasn't as bad as before it was slowly coming back.

She would then say "My name's Alicia…" "What's yours?"

Habakkuk:Oh yeah that's right! My name is Habakkuk, it's nice to meet you Alicia. I had a great time fighting you, you're very strong! And I have to thank you for kicking my butt a few times. It kinda motivated me to train more and reach this form again.

Alicia smiled at him and then a memory would come to her.

Alicia:I'm… not from… here. I'm.. not supposed to be here. They took me.. and attacked me. Put that horrible mask on my face.. and did things to my mind! Injected things into me.. my body.. it feels different.. I'm not me anymore.. I'm something else.. a monster. So many screams in my head.. the voices.. telling me to do bad things.. I was being used.. like a toy.. demons and it was so dark.. I couldn't even.. cry for help.. I'm lost…

Habakkuk:We'll find out whoever did this to you and when we do.. mark my words i'm going to kick their ass!

Habakkuk's green hair would flow into the air as he had green electricity appear around him.

Alicia:You're… strong… dangerous.. but different.. you're warm.. I can feel.. your heart.. it's pure.. and so gentle. Thank you.

Alicia would then pass out in Habakkuk's arms.

Habakkuk:She's just a lost and afraid girl, those monsters what did they do to her? Whoever did this will pay! But for now all I can do is provide her a place to stay.. Maybe if I bring her to Matt maybe he could make something to help her or we could contact Mrs Thayer but she's off training and Miss Timmons took Laci to train.. alright I'll have to bring her to Matt but I can't allow him to do anything with her mind, she's already been through enough trauma with the brain washing, so I rather just leave her mind alone for right now until she regains her memory.

Habakkuk would then carry her as he flew back to Matt's HQ.

Habakkuk would come in through the door all wet from the rain, carrying a girl into the living room.

Matt and everyone looked at him shocked and bewildered!

Nakir:Oh so you think that just because you transformed into your new high and mighty "Unsealed Gate" form means that you can bring in random pretty girls?! You must think you're that guy huh?

Habakkuk looked at Nakir and seriously told him to shut up. Everyone was quiet because they could tell it was serious especially after all the power they felt and that Habakkuk was in his unsealed Gate form right now.

He would go and put her in the guest bed, tucking her in and making sure she was breathing. He'd then turn the lights off and crack the door just a little bit.

The four brothers were off somewhere enjoying their lives finally having the adult life they wanted without being corrupted by evil or hatred anymore. They truly were living their lives especially now since Habakkuk shared some of his money with them.

So it was only Matt, Adron, and Nakir in the house and they all asked him what the hell was going on.

Habakkuk:It's a long story but a lot is going on and I just really need to help this girl.

Matt:Wait, is that the girl that attacked you two weeks ago??

Habakkuk:Yeah, it is.

Matt:Are you crazy??!

Habakkuk:No, she really needs our help and that's what I'm going to do. I know I only really like the fighting and the cool powers along with going to different planets and all the cool stuff we get rather than all that other stuff but the part about being a hero is saving people and I'm going to save this girl. Whether or not I like being a hero it's still our responsibility to help people.

Matt:I guess you're right, what can I do?

Adron:Well I like being a hero.

Nakir:Heroes are lame I rather be an anti.

Habakkuk:Right now I'm going to check on her and make sure she's okay.

Matt:Well can you calm down you're still in your unsealed gate form right now you're scaring us.

Nakir:Yeah bro did you forget to turn it off? I can feel the pressure you're giving off and it's immense and something about the heat it gives off it's not right, feels like it's ready to burn up.

Adron:I think you should go back to normal, we're worried about you bro.

Habakkuk started to catch his breath as he was panting.

Habakkuk:You guys are right.. he… he… I'm… sorry.

Habakkuk went back into his normal form as he would get a glass of water for Alicia.

Adron:I think you should sit down.

Habakkuk:No! I have to bring this to her.

Habakkuk walked into the room with the glass of water putting it on the nightstand next to her and noticed she was waking up. He'd smile and then he suddenly collapsed.

Everyone heard the commotion and headed their way towards the room to see what happened.

Alicia would fully wake up and see this, she would then go to grab him and then she'd give him CPR, she would then instinctively heal him with her magical goddess powers glowing pink around his body.

They opened the door to see her holding Habakkuk's body and a pink glow around him. They all got into a tense stance not knowing what she was doing to him.

Habakkuk would then wake up and she'd then smile.

Alicia would hand him the water.

Alicia:Here… take.. this.

Habakkuk:But it's yours.

Alicia:Take it. You… need… it.. more… than me.

Habakkuk:Thank you.

He'd drink the water and he felt better

Habakkuk:What do you know? I tried to save you and you ended up saving me, I guess being a hero isn't really cut out for me hehe.


Habakkuk:Oh yeah it's a long story but I'll tell you all about it soon!

Alicia smiled


Everyone looked confused but then was satisfied seeing Habakkuk talking Alicia's ears off, he seemed happy and he needed that after everything he's been through. They would then leave the two alone to talk amongst themselves.

Meanwhile In The Dark Dimension…

Sethnos was being torn apart fighting all of those demons.

But he'd then get flashbacks of his past.

He had a team, people around his age.. two girls and two other guys. They seemed to be part of a demon race but they were his allies and helped him through several battles after he got stronger and got the title of prince of devastation.

His vision was fading away as he was losing consciousness.

What was to become of Sethnos? Will he survive? Or will he tragically meet his fate by the hands of the demon hordes and the ones responsible for his parent's deaths?

Narrator Habakkuk:This episode… It was a good one. Gaylena's off training somewhere. Isariah sealed my darker personalities away. He taught me more about the Unsealed Gate form. But yet now that Gaylena is gone and more other personalities are away… I can feel the burning sensation even more now than ever before whenever I transform… What's going on? No, that's not important right now! I have to help out Alicia… she needs me, I have to help her get home to her loved ones… they must be worried sick! I won't let her down!

Seth… my brother… What kind of trauma has he been through? I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you, I wish things were different… Seth whatever you're going through, you got this!