Chapter 4 [Hunter School]

We are now on our way on the capital, in the carriage that Paul rent for us.Fiona is just quiet and in awe.She is burning the scenery in her eyes.I swear I can see her eyes twinkling with excitement.Paul Said it will take time to reach the capital but assure us that we will be there by noon.

We depart at exactly 8:00 so we will reach the capital at 12:00 or 1:00pm.Its quite a long ride. The capital huh? I wonder what it will be like. The Adventurers Academy if I remember correctly, The Adventurer Academy was built to reduce the death of the young people who aspire to be adventurer by teaching them about swordsmanship and Magic. Paul also said something about teaching us about monsters where they will constantly appeared and there weaknesses

While I was thinking something like that.We arrive at the capital.

"Alright, Girls were here. Welcome to the Astaeseon Kingdom. This will be the environment you will be living from now on"

The Astaeseon Kingdom.It has a comfortable atmosphere.I wasn't expecting much but I was surprise with what I saw. The place was just like the earth back in the days. The pathway was made of a stone and not faraway from where I was standing there is a large space with circular form and a fountain in a middle.Their transportation instead of vehicles they were using carriage. It is also very lively and most people were dress like warriors, be it man or women. Some ordinary citizens though were dress in casual clothes.

To be honest, I am still uncertain about this whole thing. I dont know much about magic because I am not a fan of fantasy.I always prefer a Sci-Fi.Well, no use thinking about that all I can do is move forward.

Thats what I said but as I watch this kind town. It is just like back then.When I was living my normal life.When my talent hasn't yet budded.All people were kind but just as when I was showing great result.Even surpass adults and experts knowledge. Those kind eyes were turn to envy and hate.I cant help but think

If I were to stand out in this place.This kind people, will they turn into monsters? Will they look at me with the eyes of envy? Will my peers distance themselves from me? Will I be able to express my love for Science without judgement?.Probably the answer to my questions is no. People are the same anywhere, no matter where you are.


Well,whatever. Haaa...I release an exasperated sigh.I was snap back to reality when Fiona called me.

"Ru..Koharu? Are you okay?"

"Haa? Ahh yeah Im fine"

"Are you sure?" Fiona ask me worry is visible to her face

"Yes. I am" I acted like usual.

"Well, if you say so. Lets go, if you dont get moving you'll get left behind "


"Alright, girls for now lets get you two enrolled in the Academy.Once that was done you can look around the capital" Paul said



"Lets settle you two then, so you can keep your things at the students dorm and you are free to work around"

"Yes" I answered father enthusiastically.

However, when I turn to look toward Koharu.She's just standing there with complicated expression in her face.She seems to be thinking about something unpleasant .So I decided to ask.

"Koharu?" I called her out but to no avail.There is no response.I tried calling her out again and when I called her name for the third time. She finally answered.

"You okay?"

"Haa? Ahh yeah Im fine"

"Are you sure?" I ask her to be sure that she really was okay.

"Yes. I am" She acted like usual.

She was acting like usual like something never happen. So, I decided not to press the issue and let it slide.

"Well, if you say so. Lets go, if you dont get moving you'll get left behind "


Father then lead us to the Adventurers Academy named North High Adventurer's Academy.When we arrive there.The school is all wooden and it has two stories and also wide. The school also has an open field.When we arrive there Father lead us to the reception desk.When the reception desk notice us she smile and greet us.

"How may I help you?" The receptionist said

"Uhh, I'd like to register this two as an adventurer" Father said.


When we got to the adventurers school. The receptionist greeted us and Paul register us. The receptionist hair color was chocolate brown and tied in a bun, her eyes was auburn in color.

"Okay.Put your name in the students name please" I heard the receptionist replied

"Alright, you girls put your names"

Fiona write her name first and due to the goddess. Somehow I understand all the languages in this world and of course, she also can read and write.Fiona put her name first and when it was my turn. I notice that there are only 40 students in total in a North High Adventurers Academy.When we finish writing our name.The receptionist Alyssa spoke.

"Miss Koharu, and Miss Fiona.You will be in one room together okay? You also will meet your two roommates soon. Your room will be.." she prolong while she was checking the files of the students and when she found it she exclaimed. "Ahh there it is.You will be staying at room 2-B.Today was Saturday, your class will begin on Monday."

"Monday? Isnt that too early?" I muttered my thoughts out loud

"Ahh, thats because you and Miss Fiona enrolled late." The receptionist replied

"I see"

The receptionist then lead us into our dorm. The students dorm are on the second floor while the first floor was all the classrooms.When we got to our room there is one person sitting in there.Her hair was deep blue in color tied in a ponytail, she has a golden eyes and pale white skin.

"Ohh looks like one of your roommates arrive.Most Students will arrive tomorrow so make yourself at home,alright? If you need anything.You can ask me.I'll be in a reception desk "

I took a look at the blue haired girl for a second then took a look at the room.The room has two bunk bed in the opposite side and it seems like the one from the right in the lower part has been taken.Fiona then approach the blue haired girl.

"Uhmm. My name is Fiona Lorwee.Whats your name?"

"Fumiko" She answered. Displease was visible in her face.

Fiona smiled. It looks like she is quite happy to meet a girl in her age other than me.Then with a smile she said:

"Fumiko, lets get along till th—"

Flora stated but she was interrupted by the blue haired girl.The blue haired girl name Fumiko seems irritated.She sigh and said:

"Look.I am not her to play-friend-pretend so if it is not important.Please dont talk to me"

Fiona seems shock but said "Yes" meekly

After the blue haired girl said that she look at me I also look at her emotionlessly.When she look at me, she look stunned for a second and shake her head.

"I believe you havent introduce yourself, right?"

"Koharu" I just said

After that she leave the room, leaving me alone with Fiona.When we were alone I ask her:

"Which one do you want? The upper or lower part of the bed?"

"I'll take the upper part, take the lower part so that it will be easier for you since your taller"


This room and this school will be my home for six months, this environment is not bad I think—-I think I can get use to this.