Chapter 5 [The Capital]

When Fiona and I settle our things.We decided to head out to see the capital of Astaeseon Kingdom. When we got down we saw Paul standing outside waiting for us.

"Ahh, Are you girls going to the capital now?"

Paul ask

"Yes" Fiona enthusiastically replied

"Alright, I'll show you guys to the Adventurer Guild before I take a quest"

After that conversation.Paul show us the way to the capital. He show us first the Adventurer's Guild. When we walk in the guild, eyes were on us.Some stared with curiosity and some paid no mind and get back to whatever they were doing. The Adventurer's Guild consist the reception desk and there are also a counter that offer you alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks in the far left corner. Then not too far was the request board.

"This is the Adventurer's Guild" Paul said then walk to the receptionist desk.She approach the girl and introduce us.

"Akina?" Paul called out

"Yes, How may I help you?"

"Let me introduce you this is my daughter Fiona" he said while pointing at Fiona and then he then point to me "And that is Koharu.This girls will be attending in the Adventurer's Academy. When they finish the school and become an Adventurer.Please dont make them do a hard quest."

Akina just nodded her head and said:

"Nice to meet you Fiona and Koharu. Im Akina, The receptionist. If you have any question. Please don't hesitate to ask me. You'll be in my care when you finish school after all" she said while smiling.

"Alright " Fiona response with a smile while I just nod.

When Paul finish introducing us to his colleagues.He said that he was going to take a quest. Fiona and I have nothing better to so we leave the Adventurer's Guild and take a troll in a capital.Fiona drag me along with her. We go sightseeing, shopping and even watch a street performance. It was quite tiring but I didn't voice it out because it looks like Fiona is having fun.When we saw a cafe I suggested that we stop by because we havent eaten anything yet.

When we enter the cafe, we were greeted by a homey and comfortable atmosphere. We saw an open sit near the window and we choose to sit there. When we finally got to sit, the cafe's waiter approach us and take our order. After a minute, I finally decided on an order, I go with the chocolate shortcake with a tea. Fiona go with a strawberry shortcake with a tea. When the waiter take our order, she bow before leaving.

"Ahh, today sure was fun right? The capital is so nice and lively" Fiona stated, excitement was shown in her voice.

"Yeah, though in my opinion It is lacked in entertainment." I stated without any emotion

"Did you not have fun? Sorry I just drag you along anywhere that I want." She sadly stated I was about to deny her words but before I could deny she exclaimed " I know!, it is still 3:30. We still have 1 hour and 30 minutes. Lets go anywhere you wanted next" she stated

"No, its fine"

"But, you didn't look like you were not having fun.We should do something you like" she insisted

"No, its fine there is nothing in particular that interest me and besides I'd be lying if I said I didn't have fun"

"Really?" She ask me to confirm

"Yes, just seeing you having fun is enough" I said with a straight and no emotion face.

This cause Fiona to blush but before she could retort, our order arrive.

"Here's your order 1 strawberry shortcake, 1 chocolate shortcake and 2 tea. Enjoy your stay" the waiter said before leaving

I look at my food but Im kind of disappointed. It so plain I'd say.There are no icing or garnishes its just a cake a plain one. I look at Fiona who is red and I got worried so I ask:

"Fiona, you okay? Your face is red"

"Ahh, yeah Im fine"

I look at her for 3 second but shrugged it off though I am still worried.

"If you say so"

Fiona then have a taste at the food in front of her "Wow, This taste good, it really is just like the rumors. I can understand why people give this place a high rate. It is affordable even to us commoners and delicious too."

"Really?" I ask

"Yeah, some nobles even order there sweet here" Fiona said

The taste must be delicious right? Even if it looks plain.If she says that this restaurant is as delicious then it must be right?. After that I gave it a taste just to be disappointed , it isnt as delicious as Fiona says.Its just average.But it is true though I see nobles order some sweets here. I look at Fiona and she stare at me with excitement.

"It's delicious right?" She ask me

I look at her for a second and said "Its alright, I guess"

"Is it not to your liking?"

"Ahh, no, for me its average? I guess.Do you know how to make cake? " I ask her.

"No, only professional chef know how to make them and people also say it is not easy to make them."

"Hmmm" I just replied

"Why do you ask though?"

"I want to eat your homemade sweets if you can make them because your homemade cooking is so delicious but thats too bad"

Fiona blushes but Koharu didn't notice because she focus on what she was eating "I-I see and Thank you for your praise" Fiona just said.

When we finish eating. I ask Fiona to stop by at the store. I think the reason why only a few people can make cake and it is hard is simply because they dont have an oven. Therefore, My first re-creation invention in this world will be oven. Of course, I'll teach Fiona how to bake. I remember all the recipe that I have read in my past life anyway.In my past life, I kind of master any kind of field whether it is academics, sports or cooking, thats the reason why I know how to cook/bake.

"Why the blacksmith workshop?"

Yes I ask her to take me to a blacksmith workshop

"Hmm, I want to make an oven. So, you can make me sweets" I replied

"Ehh? Oven whats that?" Fiona ask me confused.

Of course, the term oven doesn't exists in this world. They only make the cake using fire like they were cooking but unlike cooking they use metal plate and put the cake in there then they need to keep watch so it wont failed or overcook.

"You'll see when its done.Dont worry I'll teach you how to make sweets "

"Okay. Hm? Ehhhh...Wait Koharu you know how to make sweets?" She exclaimed

"Hm, yeah"

She was about to retort when we arrive at our destination "ohh were here. This is Ryo's Blacksmith Shop"

When Fiona said that a tall, has a wide frame man with beard came out and approach us

"Ohh, Young ladys, Do you want to buy swords, Or armor?"

"No, Uncle Ryo were here because Koharu said she wants to ask you something.If its alright?"

"Hm? Ohh if it isn't Fiona...You have grown big huh and your polite too. Your completely different from your old man.Hahaha" The Man whos name Ryo said.

He is quite energetic and loud I thought.

When Ryo and Koharu seems to be finish with their loud reunion.He look at me and said

"So, Missy what is it you want to ask me?"

"Can I come here tomorrow and borrow the tools and equipment for blacksmithing? Of course, I'll pay"

Ryo and Fiona didn't expect my question so they were dumbfounded. When Ryo got recover he said:

"Ohh, you know how to blacksmith? Thats amazing not many woman know how and you are so young. Do you want to forge a sword?Armor?Spear? "

"No, none of the above" I said with no emotion and added "You'll see tomorrow if you allow me"

"Hmm" He said, it seems like I intrigued him and he added "Alright, I am quite curious of what you will make"

" How much?"

"How much what?" He replied confused

"The pay" I answered

"Ahh no need to worry about that. Your Fionas friend so I'll let you borrow the things you needed for free"

"Is that so?. Then I'll take you in that offer" You guys thought I was gonna refuse such a good offer? Im not one of those people who'll say "No I'll pay, I dont want to trouble you" .Those who refused the kindness thats being shown will not get anywhere in life,for me at least.

After that conversation, we said our goodbyes and go back to the Academy. I guess I'll be busy tomorrow huh? I thought while we were walking back to the Academy.