
Danzo POV.

However, that doesn't matter, why?

Because I just got the perfect child for my root organization and maybe he could also become the new leader after I pass away after uniting the shinobi nations that is,

That brat was able to unlock his chakra on his own, his name was Gojo Satoru was it not?


Hm, the only thing there is remaining is getting that Uchiha to stay away from him and get Hiruzen's eyes off him, I'm not arrogant enough to believe that Hiruzen already does not have his eyes on him before me


"But still if he willingly came to me Hiruzen should allow it" I muttered out loud.


Said something Danzo?" Asked Hiruzen.

"Nothing…" I said as I walked away leaving Hiruzen to his child watching.


Hmm, I guess I should try to corrupt Orochimaru now, he's the Second best option after Gojo Satoru. I need to have many fail-safes as I can if Gojo Satoru ended up being a kid with only a huge chakra and good chakra control.


Maybe he can be the container for the Kyuubi when I become the Hokage, I don't believe in the Uzumaki Clan those f*ckers follow Mito, that B*tch is my worst enemy,


Oh well, I guess I should start to increase the slaughter of the Senju and give them to that strange organization what was it called again?

Oh yeah, it was 'Kara'' I thought as I walked out.


Sarutobi Kazuya POV.

I hummed as I walked through the streets of Konoha with people Respectfully bowing and greeting me sometimes as my servant followed carrying my backpack.


Heh, seeing these people bow and greet me feels very nice after all I am the son of Sarutobi Hiruzen the Third Hokage, and also the person who will become the 4th Hokage after dad.

For now, I will move one step at a time and reach the top, I am already proficient enough in the Sarutobi clan Taijutsu and know a lot of ninjutsu, this world I just like a playground for me hehe.


Of course, it is since I'm a reincarnated person I was originally…. well I don't want to talk about my past for now, but oh well, sadly I wasn't reborn with a golden finger but being the son of the Hokage does have its perks


Now I just have to go through Academy being at the top and research about the Byakugan and the Sharingan wait for Naruto and Sasuke to be born and get the Rinnegan

Nah I'll just bang Kushina and Mikoto myself they both are beauties so why not' I think as I skipped through Konoha's streets.


"But for now, I should save her from her being bullied right? That way my chance with her increases by a whole lot hehe" I muttered as I walked.


[AN-Don't worry nothing like that is going to happen Mc will kill him someday]


And then suddenly I see something approach me quickly and tackle me and hits me sharply on my head....rather tackled my whole body.

A building fell on me.....but I survived right?


Yeah, so what if I can't join the academy at the same time as others I'll still become the strongest.

[AN-No he won't]






Gojo Satoru POV.

"*Sigh* Say Minato when is the test going to begin?" I asked.

"It should have begun half an hour ago but some Clan heir still hasn't arrived so we can't begin yet," Minato said.

"Really? Good job your present is this" I tell him as I reveal something from my hand.


"A 1 yen coin…. really? 1 yen" Minato questioned sadly.

"It's fine if you don't want it," I said.

"Not like I want it but *mutters*," Minato said as he looked down.


Right now I have started training with Shadow clones which tires one out quite fast, especially when someone is practicing [Hachimon Tonko + Hamon] altogether.


[AN-Find a good name for it because I sure in hell cant]


"Alright everyone we are going to begin the Academy tests now goes to one of the rooms," The announcer said.


A few minutes later.


"Yo Satoru how are you?

The test was hard wasn't it?" He said tiredly.

*Narrator has Entered the chat*

USO DE ARU (He is lying), he practiced all day and night for this test and has scored Good marks.


"It was pretty hard for me as well," I said.

USO DE ARU, This test was so easy for him that he would have finished the exams in 10 Seconds but decided to bully the person sitting beside him in the exam hall.


"Let's go back there's nothing here to do," I told him.

"Yeah sure," He said as we started walking on the streets of Konoha.

Also leaving behind a very worried caretaker not being able to find the two of them.

And earned an earful when they got to the orphanage after wandering for 4 HOURS.


At night.

"So we'll finally leave the orphanage huh?" Said Minato.

"What why?" I asked from under the Bunk bed.

"Eh, we are going to stay in dorms don't you remember? I doubt that we are failing,

All children from the orphanage will go to the Dorms, the caretaker said the same thing...don't tell me you didn't pay any attention" Minato asked.

"…..I did pay attention…." I said calmly.

Minato just sighed hearing that and went back to sleep and I followed him and fell asleep as well.

[AN- Extra Chap at 100 Powerstones]