7]Academy for sure this time

The next day.


"So, it's finally the day," Minato said as he tied his shoe.

"Yeah, it is…." I said.

"Finally, we will know who will…." We both said but stopped.


"Wait we leaving the orphanage how Is the bet going to be fulfilled?" I asked.

:( - Minato

:( - Satoru


"Oh well now that the bet is off of we go," said Teruhashi-san coming out of nowhere.

"Ouf, Teruhashi-san" Minato said bashfully.

"Teruhashi-san," I said as I nodded and walked away from her.

'Damn it there wasn't a single reaction from him what the hell is he?' Screamed Teruhashi-san in her head.


We talked for a while about nothing special and by we I meant Minato and me Teruhashi-san just walked behind us receiving 'Oufs' from people.

"Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell," I said.

"Wow!!!" Minato said amazed.

Heh, looks like I did need to learn that in school


And then we reached the Academy and saw the board about our marks in front of us.


Gojo Satoru


Uchiha Mikoto


Nara Shikaku


Hyuga Hiashi


Hyuga Hisashi







30- Namikaze Minato


[AN-Minato had no training other than the Shurikenjutsu so he this low]


And seeing the results the Murmurs began.

"Gojo Satoru did Konoha have a Clan named Gojo"

"He scored above the Uchiha heiress"

"He achieved full marks no one ever did that"

"I heard of that guy before he's a civilian isn't he"

"Yeah on top of that he's an orphan he lives in my Orphanage!!!"

"An orphan AND a civilian?!?!? How did he get to the top then"?

"Marks are determined by chakra as well right how does he have so much to surpass even the people from a clan"


Murmurs broke out between parents and children and the Clan heads that saw this started searching around for the child's name and it did not take too long since he was sticking out like a sore thumb.

Not because of his Hair or eyes or him being taller than every child around...…. Well also because of his Facial features but we not gonna talk about that but because of the massive chakra he had in him.

The shinobi's started wondering how did such a massive chakra got missed by them.


And Clan heads were thinking about who taught him and who were his parents wanted to leave early to find out about him even the proud Clan heads of Uchiha and Hyuga wondered who he was sole because he beat their child.

And left only to find about nothing about his parents…. or the place of his birth (Hospital) or any kind of relatives the only thing they found was he was left alone in front of an orphanage when he was just born.


Gojo Satoru POV.


I grinned and looked teasingly at Minato who looked annoyed to a different level.

"Man, the exams sure were hard...… if I got this much then I must be a genius, Minato?" I asked.

"Yeah you are," Minato said as he turned to look somewhere sharply.


As expected he was able to detect enemies just by touching the ground it feels like a 6th sense to him by now well that 6th sense will get cleared up after he meets Jiraiya and its impressive that he was capable enough to find a small chakra as a Genin

But still just how weak are these instructors their chakra level is equal to a Genin's or the average I made from reading different Genin's chakra

Shouldn't a retired or crippled Jonin teach us because they have much more experience…. ok whatever people from this world are dumb and I'm leaving it at that. Hm, this place with the pedestal and all that stuff it's going to be the Hokage's speech, isn't it?


"This shit is going to be as boring as hell" I muttered.

Minato raised an eyebrow hearing me mutter but forgot about it soon after because he saw his idol the f*cking Hokage walking on the pedestal.


How does this man talk so much and he isn't even reading a script did he memorize this, hell I even remember some of these lines the last time I was here to 'Hear the legendary boring speech of the Hokage' (Left after 3 Minutes in) this dude reuses this speech, again and again, every single year doesn't he?

And the others OH MY GOD


These children…..how can they listen to him without being lowkey annoyed I just want to go and rip out his throat right now.

The only people I find who are a little annoyed are…. the parents of the main cast of Naruto....and Half of them aren't even supposed to be here…. Shibi Aburame is like 3 years older than me, Fugaku should be 5 years older and the Ino-Shika-Cho trio a year older


"Only if the Hokage gave his speech in the war there wouldn't have been so many causalities, the enemies would have fallen asleep," I said out loud instead of thinking…one of my bad habits.

And thus, began the Laughter....


As the Laughter subsided of basically everyone who was listening, the Hokage finished his speech shortly after.

Minato looked at me and said, "Did you have to say that?"

"Hm, well I do have a bad habit of saying stuff outright which may hurt a person or count as sexual harassment," I said deadpanned.

Minato just silently stared at me and silently started to walk back to our orphanage to pick up our stuff and head off to the dorms and I did the same.

[AN- Extra Chap at 100 Powerstones]