Gintoki held Satoru's sword in his left hand and dashed ahead again and started slashing each other fiercely, Satoru was the one getting hit by most of Gintoki's slashes, however, that does not mean he was not dealing damage himself he was dealing damage as well mainly on important parts of Gintoki's body that can slow him down slowly.


And with a crunch, Gintoki's wooden sword cracked making Gintoki's eyes widen as he

Grabbed his original sword and pulled it and trusted My sword at me which hit me between my ribs and sent me flying along with the sword with me.


'Shit this hurts' Satoru screamed in his head.

Satoru then numbed his Pain sensors and increased the flow of his blood even more and increased his Adrenaline Boost and built more of his Muscles and compressed them again and dashed at Gintoki again with even more speed before and then slashing at him once again.

He was then blocked and kicked however before getting kicked he was able to slash his sword at his foot canceling both of their attacks.


They clashed once more as Gintoki got a huge cut on his cheek as Satoru got the same as well after clashing a little Satoru was thrown into the forest they were in and Gintoki followed him into it as he started cutting down multiple trees and they started falling,

And then out of a small opening came out Satoru with his hand straight pointed at Gintoki which went unnoticed by Gintoki and from that small opening came out Satoru's cracked sword and the sword went straight at Gintoki's head.


At this moment Gintoki felt something bad he had participated in the 1st Shinobi war which had honed his instincts to abnormal degrees and feeling something bad Gintoki did as his Instincts instructed him and with his left hand holding his sword he slashed behind him,

Hitting Satoru straight in his head as he was sent back a few meters into the open area where they were fighting before.


Gintoki silently walked over to the beaten Satoru and turned his back to him and looked at the sky.

"Honestly, I was going to stop this spar long ago because you were already good enough to be my disciple…...you were the only disciple that pushed me this far,

I had only 2 disciples before unfortunately 1 Died and the others did not turn out to become monsters that you are going to become when you grow up.


You know my Sensei used to say that there are 2 kinds of people


The ones that give up after falling


The ones that rise after falling

I wonder which one are you" Gintoki said before grinning.


Suddenly Satoru stood up with a large and creepy smile with small pupils and slashed on Gintoki's head which was blocked by Gintoki's sword and then Kicked at him which Satoru Grabbed easily.

Suddenly then Satoru screamed "OBVIOUSLY 3- A MONSTER"

"WELL WHAT A COINCIDENCE ME TOO," Gintoki said as he thrust his sword at Satoru who deflected it easily.


And then Satoru traded multiple blows with Gintoki jumped up and slashed at Gintoki's head which was blocked and then Kicked him on his head and was grabbed By Gintoki,

However, Satoru then Grinned as he Gave a devastating Spinning Kick on Gintoki's chin making him fall down and then suddenly Satoru came behind Gintoki,

Gintoki's eyes widened in horror as he slashed at Satoru because of his instincts and accidentally used his full force (Still without chakra) yet that was blocked by Satoru. However, Gintoki's full power is not to be underestimated.


Satoru's sword was cut as easy as cutting butter and hit Satoru's head making him fall back about 20 meters and also cut about 30 meters in the direction he hit Satoru causing a big smoke cloud,

Gintoki then used a wind Jutsu and blew the smoke away as a wry smile came on his face seeing a lying down Satoru with too much blood coming out of it.


"What a monster" Muttered Gintoki.

Gintoki said this while looking at his left hand which was broken at the wrist and the elbow.

"Not only was he able to break my wrist by changing the direction of my slash at an awkward angle, but He was also able to kick my elbow breaking it successfully, and did all of this in 1 second," Gintoki said looking at his hand.


"Well it was good that I wasn't using my dominant hand," Gintoki said sighing.

"I guess being a Sensei is a pain In the ass, eh Sensei or should I call you the 2nd Hokage," Gintoki said smiling.


"Gee… Sensei you couldn't even beat a single child"???

"This voice is!!!" Gintoki said.

"Yo, Kazuma how you've been," Gintoki said awkwardly.


"Well, I have been fine, what about you though what made you so serious when dealing with Satoru," Kazuma asked.

"Well he is strong I have to say, and I think I finally found the Monster that I was looking for all along," Gintoki said.


"So, you finally found the monster that we couldn't be huh?

Now that I think of this why did the 'Shiroyasha' give up on being a shinobi and become a teacher, you are a person with a 400 million Ryo bounty on your head, The hero of the 1st Shinobi war, also a ghost who vanished from history" Kazuma asked.

"There…. Wasn't a reason, None at all" Gintoki said sighing causing Kazuma to give him a Look of displeasure.

[AN- Extra Chap at 100 Powerstones]