5]Teaching bandits Pt. 2

He then walked to the 'Leader' and grabbed his collar.

"Look at that what are those?" Satoru asked.

"B-bows" 'Leader' replied.

"Then SHOOT THEM," Satoru told him.

"Huh w-what" 'Leader' puzzled.


"You see normally Bandits are supposed to laugh madly and shoot their arrows at the carriages and at least kill quarter of the guards here and take out the Kid sitting on the THIRD carriage and gather all around us and NOT IN FRONT OF US and WHY are you negotiating you idiot"

"He just killed me off" Nawaki bitterly said.

"After that, you say your lines 'Hand over your money and Women and none of you will be harmed' and you *SPITS* nothing if your mother sees this she will cry looking at how pathetic you are"

"Erm, she's d-dead," The 'Leader' said with tears in his eyes.

"THEN SHE MUST BE ROLLING IN HER GRAVE," Satoru said menacingly.


"And look at that what's that," Satoru asked to point at a female soldier.

"Erm a girl?" 'Leader said.

"Exactly you have to look at her and lick your lips like a perv and you? *SPITS* nothing…. you know what go away don't even try to ambush us again if you come back I'll point out your mistakes even more than your mother will start backflipping in her grave, GO" Satoru said and pointed to the Forest.

"Y-yes" The 'Leader' weakly said.


Satoru nodded and turned around and saw everyone looking at him with horror written all over their face.

"What?" Satoru asked confused.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO YOU IDIOT," The leader of the soldier said.

"Defeated some bandits," Satoru said with a straight face.

"You gave them pointers," Minato said aghast.

"It was a beautiful performance to me," The idiot princess said.

"Good grief what I did was destroy their pride, did you see their fear-stricken faces with tears all over them? I doubt they will go back to being Bandits again and become proper people with good jobs" Satoru said nodding and praising himself.


"Well for now let's move on I wouldn't want to camp in the forest when there is a town after a few kilometers," Jiraiya said pointing at the sun that started to go away as everything started to become orange.

'A few hours already passed by huh?' Satoru thought surprised.

As everyone quickened up the pace and started moving faster than they were everyone naturally became tired and decided to rest and just as they started to stop multiple arrows were shot from bushes which killed many soldiers,

One even hit Nawaki, lol.

People soon came out of trees and encircled us, a person came from the front and cleared his throat making everyone focus on him.

The man licked his lips and looked at the Female servant peeking out of the Carriage another one smiled in a perverted way looking at Kushina.

"Kill everyone except the women," The leader said.


"YES, like that a bandit must be like that, good job Dude you killed many people no negotiation and straight going to the kill and there's even a Pedophile here *Claps* extremely good you get an A+ way better than the ones we faced before," Satoru said, while everyone looked at him with a wtf face.

"I'm going to have to kill you now" 'Leader' said.

Satoru silently took out something from his pocket a 'UNO reverse card'

"I can say the same about you," Satoru said seriously.




Satoru throws the reverse card to the 'Leader' and the card explodes in his face as he is unable to react to it and blows away his head from his neck.

[AN- Almost wrote Bandit king instead of Leader :/]

Jiraiya also started to move at this as he starts to fight the bandits at the back and the soldiers all get into a formation and 50% of them start protecting the carriages and the other 50% start killing bandits.


Kushina uses the devastating technique to which Satoru gave an Idea about, It is not too hard as she coats the tip of her and which connects with her opponent but keeps it uneven making chakra explode, luckily she only faces a small shockwave.

This idea came into Satoru's head when he saw Kushina exploding trees with Chakra when she was climbing trees for Chakra control and Kushina with her Gigantic chakra was easily able to replicate this.


Nawaki was mostly using Water and Earth moves in Hopes of polishing them to high extents that he will be able to use wood release, and Minato was using Body flicker that was on par with a Chunin.


[AN- Minato was the was the fastest shinobi ever this also means Both using Flying Raijin and using Body flicker and also in bed, he was then taken over by his son, Naruto in Raw speed (Naruto reached more than the Speed of Light, somehow :/)]


And Satoru he…..used some moves he created from One piece that was, [TEKKAI] on his body along with [KAMI-E] on his joints, alongside using [SORU] to move fast, [GEPPO] to move in the air and using [SHINGAN] In his punches and using [RANGYAKU] to make wind blast from his punches and kicks,

Making him invincible in Taijutsu (Excluding Eight Gates and that weird Breathing technique developed in Sunagakure by some dude).


Slowly all of the bandits were killed by everyone, this made the whole muddy road soggy with blood, after that they burned off all the dead bodies and kept one for interrogation that Satoru wanted to do.

[AN- Extra Chap at 100 Powerstones]