4]Teaching Bandits Pt.1

After that, we went all around asking about the Princess and found out no one likes her except the old man that is the head butler.

"Sigh aren't fucked this time around the princess is way too much of a pain in the ass," Kushina said sighing.

"Now now she cants be that bad…" Minato said calmly.

"I think I might even hit her," I told them.

"Me too," Nawaki said.

"Oh you guy's the Princess is here meet her" Jiraiya or well Sensei…said.

I groaned and walked up to Sensei….. "Where is she?"

"EH?!?!" Jiraiya-sensei exclaimed.


"Gwahahahaha" ????


"Who the hell is that laughing like an idiot" I muttered and looked at the source of the voice.

The Girl was at least a head smaller than me and was wearing a Red Mini-Kimono with Golden Accents on it and was standing on a…The carriage was exposing everything she was wearing underneath….she had black hair and had Green eyes…She kinda looked like Carla Yaegar but smaller and without the hair of death.


"Oi, little Kid you're exposing everything to the world, jump down I'll catch you, if you're aiming to make a cool entrance then forget about it" I yelled at her.

"Gwej" She made a sound? And held her Kimono down to cover herself.

"You're an airhead," Nawaki told her.

"I am not, why you," She said from the top of the carriage and jumped down....


I flickered away from my spot and grabbed her like a child (By the armpits) and put her down on the ground.

"You….are an idiot," Nawaki said looking at her and started poking her cheeks.

"I am not!!!" The Idio—Princess said and bit the finger that was poking her.


"Also a Rabid dog apparently" I muttered.


"Alright then break up the fight, this Idio—Princess is Princess Hana of the Land of Birds our Mission is to Guard her until she reaches the Land of Birds," Jiraiya said seriously.

"Oi, you just called me an Idiot right now didn't you?" Hana said.

"Jiraiya sensei did not say that Princess Idiot," I said reassuring her.

"He's correct Idiot-Sama," Kushina said nodding.

"Oi…" Hana said with a popped vein.


"Alright, then Konoha Ninja's an Idiot Princess let's go" The Head Butler came from god knows where and told us.

"Not you too," Hana said depressed.




Everyone started to move departed from Konoha...and everything became awkward, there were quite a lot of Samurai's...…..well rather than Samurai calling them guards would be better because almost none of them carried a Katana.

Satoru went up and sat on top of the First Carriage for a higher view, Jiraiya was behind the last Carriage since most of the Soldiers were concentrated in the front and the side, Kushina sat on top of the second Carriage while Nawaki sat on the Third and Minato sat with the Driver, On the First carriage overall it was slow and easy like taking a vacation…..


Only if the Idiot Princess didn't shut up and the Samurai's (Yeah right) Kept on Gossiping about Ninjas serving no master and selling themselves to others for a price and being a whore….and something like that…while forgetting that they do the same.

"Are these Kids really strong or is Konoha underestimating the Land of Birds?" One soldier asked the other.


I doubt anyone will take you seriously with such a stupid name for a country


"These kids look like they are wet behind their ears," Another Soldier said.

'Isn't wet something to touch how do these idiots see that' Kushina thought annoyed.>

"Oi guys some people are preparing to ambush us in about 2 Kilometer," Satoru told them.

"WHAT???" The soldiers asked surprised.

"Eh? Your range increased AGAIN?" Nawaki asked.

"Yupppp" I confirmed.

"Oi kid untasteful jokes like those are pissing everyone off," One soldier said with a Samurai get up.

"Shut the f*ck up I'm a sensor ninja fake samurai," Satoru said rudely.

"F-fake Samurai!!" The soldier exclaimed.

"SHUT IT IF THE NINJA SAYS THAT THERE ARE ENEMIES THEN THERE ARE ENEMIES," Said a man who looked like the leader of the Soldiers…and the only one who looked like a Samurais, also most likely experienced in fighting with or against shinobi.

So I'm going to kill for the first time in my life.... let's see how will my mind react...most likely it won't be anything






The Princess carriages were carefully and slowly dragged along by horses while Soldiers were on alert hearing Satoru's warning about Ambushers after some time they reached the supposed site of the Ambush.

Suddenly everyone heard the clangs of Weapon clashing together and bushes and Trees shaking as almost 50 Bandits came out of them and all of them had weapons in their hands and all of them came from the front...…

Satoru looking at this had a devastating face, With a dark face, he jumped down from the carriage and went to the 'leader' or well 'The dude that was talking' and stood in front of him.


"So if you want to live then, eh?" The 'Leader' said.

"W-what the hell are you doing kid?" The 'leader' asked.

"*Mumbles*" Satoru mumbled.

"HUH?!?! STOP MUMBLING AND SP--" The 'Leader' was unable to complete his sentence as he was punched in his face.

All the Bandits went on Guard.


"WHAT'S UP WITH THE WEAK SETUP!??!?!" Satoru screamed.

[AN- Extra Chap at 100 Powerstones]