16]Sage lands (4)

[AN- Bonus chap today]


Back in Konoha.


While Satoru was Fighting for his Life, the situation in Konoha had become serious as well. The Biggest Genius that Konoha had ever had summoned himself to an Unknown Sage Land and had possibly gotten himself killed.

If he did not come back in a Month Then he will be pronounced dead, He luckily still had 30 days left to come back.


"You know," Kushina said to the whole group.

The Whole group consisted of, Shikaku, Choza, Inoichi, Mikoto, Nawaki, Izaya (No one wanted him here though), Hanabi, And Kushina who was Talking.

"I...… kinda don't think Satoru is going to be dead," She said completing her sentence.

"I Know Right? No matter how you think about it you just can't think up a Situation of Him losing" Mikoto said.

"Oh? I can think up a Situation though, Against me that is!" Izaya said like the prick he is.

"He probably had 34% of the Female population already fall for him, I MEAN LOOK AT THE FUCKER'S FACE," Nawaki said adding his thought.

"Why such a Specific number?" Minato said but was drowned by Mikoto's voice.

"If a String in Satoru head breaks then he's going to become a Harem King," Mikoto said.

"I can already see that play out," Choza said chuckling.

"Eh, I'm sure he'll be fine. He gave me a Seal that tells me how he is Right now. I've been looking at it the whole day" Shikaku said sighing.

Everyone- '…'

"YOU HAVE A WHAT" Everyone screamed out.

"How is he doing now?" ???

Shikaku jumped away from the Voice and saw two men standing behind him.

"Oh, Kazuma! And Gin-Chan-Sensei? What the hell are you two doing here?" Mikoto asked.

"Don't talk to your Uncle like that" Kazuma said flicking her forehead.

"Be grateful I taught you brat" Gintoki said and flicked Mikoto.

"OUCH," Mikoto yelled and Held her head.

"Well, he..... RAN OUT OF CHAKRA- oh wait it's back, Yeah he's fine" Shikaku said sighing.

"That's good," The Two said sighing.

"Anyway, what's your two's Relationship with Satoru?" Hanabi asked excitedly.







Satoru stopped and stood on an empty flat ground as trees around him started to gather into his sword being fused with Gravity and Electromagnetism and Strong Interaction Force.

Weak Interaction force, usually used for healing will finally be used for its Main use...Decay.

Strong interaction force, started splitting atoms around it like no other day (Basically Overhauls quirk, or Scars alchemy).

Gravitational force started to increase and decrease the Gravity of the Sword as it started to warp the space around it.

Electromagnetism force started Changing the Physics of the sword.

([Friction Decrease]

[Inertia of Motion Increase]

[Inertia of Rest Decrease]

[Translational Motion Increase])


And then Satoru stared at the Falling Figure of the Gashadokuro, All of his Tattoos Vanished and,

He threw it.


Time seemed to stop and the World seemed to lose color, The sword completely Vanished and Turned the Greyness of the Color of the attack into Abyss Black.

And was about to hit the Gashadokuro but before it could, Satoru squinted his eyes to see the new arrivals, which were also Gashadokuro They numbered at least 20.

All of them Jumped and appeared before the attack and Let themselves get hit and got themselves killed,

By luck or by Unluck the Original Gashadokuro survived with little to no Injury, Looking at him closely one could see that the Crack that appeared on its head because of Wood Style was healed and left behind a scar that looked like an X.


Satoru POV.


So the fucker had family, huh?

No matter they are dead anyways now, Now that I know how to do use A Semi Version of Sage mode I should get more of those Wooden swords for myself.

I don't have any chakra, I guess I have to use my Lifeforce now.

How sad, This will chop off a Month or Two.


Before I could use any Lifeforce something unexpected happened, Something that will give me Nightmares IF I survive that is.

Hundreds NO Thousand of the Skeleton fuckers started to appear out of thin air, Almost as if they were Invisible Before.



I clicked my tongue again, I remember what these fuckers are.


Giants of at least a Height of 100m.

Invulnerable to everything, Maybe not Natural Energy.

And worst of all Invisibility, That no one can sense..... No wonder only My Instincts only worked on sensing the one I met before, And no wonder he kept on appearing out of nowhere.


10 years, no 20 years of Sacrificing my life should be enough to beat them all, Not that I can get my Lifeforce back.





Santa Claus?

Wait up Motherfucker I am going to make you pay for skipping me for 20 years in my previous life and 8 years here.



A beautiful woman landed on the ground, she was wearing a beautiful one-piece dress, No wait that's a Kimono, She also looked like she was melting.


"How about we stopped this here?" She said smiling.



Is this woman crazy?

"That Skeleton right there tried to kill me and almost succeeded, You expect me to brush it off?" I asked her.

"Yes," She replied.

"Hah?" I said dumbfounded.

"Look, you already killed 20 of their tribe already, That should be good enough no?" She said with a smile.

"The Fault for getting killed was in them not me, so let me go and kill it" I replied.

"That kid is nothing but a-"


"Ahem," the Woman cleared her throat.

"Gashadokuro children often go on rampages because of the Pain they experience when their Chakra Canals start to grow in their bodies and become bloodthirsty, the Boy who you almost killed is one of them, The Biggest Genius that appeared in Centuries.

He is Growing his Chakra canals in just 1 Year of Birth when it normally takes a decade or two" She said.

"I.... I don't see why I should care" I replied.

The woman took her Hand out of her Kimono and put on a Thinking posture before her Eyes flickered a Little and She adorned a beautiful smile.

"Because of that," The Woman said and pointed her finger behind me.


I simply turned my head and looked behind me and saw,


As if it was a Bone.


Choto Mate Kudasai.


I jumped into the sky to get a good look into what the 'White' was and soon realized what the 'White' was which completely blocked what I could see behind me.

They were feet.

Feet with width bigger than 1km.

"Umm, I already killed 20 of your people so I'll let the Kid go" I humbly said.

Fuck no am I going to fucking fight against the thing whose head is probably in the Exosphere.


[Words 1177]


[AN- Extra Chap at 200 Powerstones]