17]Sage lands (5)

Satoru POV.


"That's good that you did not continue to fight…. Now then Shakusan and Miko grab my hand" The Woman said and extended her hand.

One hand was Taken by the Gashadokuro and the other by me.

So his name was Shakusan...… what kind of name is that? Poor boy…Wait a minute what is a Miko-



A large amount of Chakra burst out of the Woman, Comparable to mine and Enough to put me on guard.


And then suddenly there was a huge flash of light, "Oh yes I never said this, did I? My name is Yukina, The leader of the Yukionna/Snow woman Tribe" I heard her say before my Vision was filled with White light.


I closed my eyes to shield it from the light and when I opened it again to find myself in the middle of a Room which should be called the Main room inside of a Palace because of how big it was. A Gashadokuro would have no problem fitting here.


"Ah! I see you have arrived" I heard an Aged voice call out.

I tracked my eyes to the Voice and found a man, A Tall man at least above Two meters or around it, he wore clothes that screamed, "Hey there I'm a Dragon…..or a Phoenix" he has Fire instead of hair on it Scalp, weird man.

"Hm you must be the Miko, I have never seen one in ages, and One this beautiful! "I'm a man" Ok-ay," The Man said.


"Also what is a Miko?"

"What is that power you used?" He asked at the same time as me.

I will kill this old Man.


"Answer my question first"

"Answer my question first"

Yup, Death.

"Hoho don't get such Dangerous thoughts, will you? Please?" The Old man said almost pleading with the last word.


"Well it's quite weird that you aren't a Miko because only Miko can come here," He said.

"No dude...…. Explain to me what a Miko is Supposed to be" I said.


He fell silent for a long time before opening his mouth and closing it again, "So it looks like Humans got Chakra...…. And this strong--"

"Don't worry only I'm that strong" I clarified interrupting him.

"Do you know what an Otsutsuki is?" he asked.


Now, THIS is interesting, None of the Sagelands knew the word 'Otsutsuki', The closest thing they knew was Kaguya.

"Yeah I know about them, not sure about the Other Humans though..... who have you met till now?" I asked him.

"I've only met once, I never got his name though. He tried to fight me when I fucked his Wife and Daughter, Oh by the way I destroyed him, I don't know what happened to him after that, His wife and daughter taught me how to use Chakra. In bed as well hehe" He said giggling.


"O-k-a-y kill joy, a Miko is a Human Sacrifice made by humans to Gods but I always steal them and bring them here and teach them Chakra and Justus. By now only a handful of REAL Miko was able to come here on their own.....they all died before reaching this place, Big Sad" He said.

"And why do you teach them Chakra for nothing?" I asked him.

"Killing time" He replied without much emotion.

I glanced at the Gashadokuro and he did the same, "Is this man for real" I asked, causing him to Shrug.

Cant, he speak?


"Oh yeah also Now comes the fun part, I'm going to ask you a single question to see if you are worthy of Summoning us Ok?" He asked causing me to nod.


"Tell me something you do in your past time?" The Old Dragon asked.

Ok, so this suddenly turned into an awkward marriage interview now.

Something I do in my Past time...

You know.

The thing is.




...…..I should say something after carefully thinking everything-----

"I step on Legos for fun," I said with a Straight face.


"YOU MONSTER" The old man screamed.



"I sometimes transform into an old Lady and go to an Orphanage and Sit there, When a couple comes to adopt a child I point at one of them and say 'How you have grown' and watch the Chaos and Confusion ensue" I continued.


I looked around and saw everyone had a Jaw dropped, *BOOOM* Shakusan lost his entire lower jaw which was lying on the ground. Yuki.... Yuki... Yuki was melting, she already had a Puddle of water under her feet


"Enough, Yuki j-just hand over the Summoning scroll to the Monster," The old man said.\



"V-very well then.... here Satoru-Dono," Yuki said as she put her hand between her breasts and took out a Gigantic scroll.

I... I feel like I shouldn't ask the Physics of that….

I took the Scroll and Opened it and found only a Measly 2 names written on it, the Blood on it was so old it was couldn't be deciphered, I sighed and Signed my name with Blood after cutting my finger with a kunai (no one is Monstrous enough to Bite their finger, Like wtf).

I looked at the Old man and he said, "This is our 20th Scroll"

Understood sir.


"Now that the scroll is Signed, Yuki go and Give him the knowledge of our land. I am sure he will be interested in it" The Old man said while Yuki nodded.

"Follow me Satoru dono," Yuki said beckoning me to Follow her, Not that I will say no, A hot hick is asking me to travel around her Town why would I say no.

But Unfortunately, It looks like my Body has other priorities like falling Unconcious, at least I fell ON Yuki's Breasts so I'm good.


[Words 1020]


[AN- Extra Chap at 200 Powerstones]