
Orochimaru POV.


Well, this is bad.

Ay just smacked Satoru to a hill where he may or may not have died because of the Intensity of the attack and on top of that I can sense Blue Bee also arriving where Satoru landed so I can assume him dying.

After Satoru is Dead Blue Bee will come after me, Right now with my fight against Ay being a tie even getting one Injury may lead me to lose and I may even die if Blue Bee comes here- Oh there he goes into 2 tail mode, Meaning Satoru is still alive…. Good.


Wait for what why the hell is he turning on 4 tail mode.


Where did Blue bee's Chakra go?


Why can I only sense Satoru now- The kid defeated a Jinchuriki, amazing.


"How about it Ay, why don't you go home already, when my companion comes back along with me he will surely destroy you," I asked him.

"Never" He screamed, "If my father hears that I ran away from a fight then he'll disown me!"

"Fucking Papa's boy, suck his dick as well why don't you" A Familiar voice Rang out.


Satoru POV.


Fucking son of a Meat-brained Retard slapped me into a Hill, I HAVE to get an Arm or two to repair my pride, But that will cause a Political massacre... so I'll do that when the war starts.

Yeah, when the war starts...….. in 2 years... Fuck.

Anyway, I see the Son of the Meat-brained Retard approach me so I decide to give him some enlightenment, "Oi don't you come even one step closer to me...…. Or Someone will die here" I said.

"Oh? And who will that be?" he asked.

"Me" I curtly replied.

"YOU WILL?! WAIT THERE LET ME KILL YOU" The Future Raikage screamed and ran towards me with his Lightning mode in full force.


But suddenly.



Orochimaru appeared in front of the Approaching Ay and stopped him with his sword, "Don't forget that I AM here" Orochimaru said with a smirk which made Ay click his Tongue.

"Come one Guys.... Don't forget that I AM here too," Satoru said from behind Ay still slightly in the air and looking like he had just jumped.

"WHAT" Ay screamed and was slammed down by Satoru, or rather the Blue orb on Satoru's palm.




Ay was slammed into the ground as his Lightning Chakra mode was disabled.


Oh yeah!

Ay is still young meaning he still doesn't have the power he will have when he becomes the Raikage meaning that with only a Rasengan his Lightning Chakra mode can be destroyed.


I take a Kunai and prepare to stab it into Ay's brain because I don't care about that fucker and I doubt anyone in my village will make a sound after hearing that, Hell I bet Danzo will support me on this one.




"You have to be careful when you use this, kid"???


My eyes widen in an Instant knowing who the person in front of me is, Third Raikage.... The Strongest one that ever existed.

Immediately after Knowing his presence I took out a Wooden sword made from the Sagelands and prepared to use my Strongest attack while Orochimaru almost Instantaneously used his as well.

"Calm down you two kids, Forgive my son will you, He's a dumbass and rushes into things," The Raikage asked.



Just…. Wow.

I ignored what he said and just stared at the man,

My Electromagnetism can't do shit to this man… I just feel it, Right now I feel like I along with Orochimaru will certainly die if either of us said no.


"Very well then," Orochimaru said, "We'll let him--"

"He slammed me into a hill,

I don't think I can continue My ninja career anymore,

A deep mental scar has been engraved in my head,

I think only 10 Million Ryo can fix this Wound" I said interrupting Orochimaru and also Maybe killing us both off.

Orochimaru just facepalmed and started chuckling.






I guess this is the last chapter of this Fanfic.





Why is this man laughing?

Did something go wrong with his head?


"I can't give you 10 Million Ryo right now but-"


The Raikage was cut off from completing his sentence because before he could Sand was thrown in his eyes and mouth, which caused the Raikage extreme pain and disgust.

"COUGH COUGH, WAIT for YOU BRAT, IM KILLING YOU RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT," The Raikage said Gritting his teeth and opening his bloodshot eyes who had sand on them.

But after opening his eyes he saw nothing, "What? Where did they go?" He asked in confusion.






"Well that was easy," I said and Orochimaru nodded.

What I did was quite simple, I spouted bullshit and Made the Raikage keep his guard down after that I took a lot of sand in my hand and shoved it down his laughing throat and sprinkled some in his eyes, and then caused a small sandstorm to reduce Visibility and then make a Long hole in the earth which led us to a huge creepy room with the smell of Iron... blood which permeated through the huge room.

"Err so I guess I did a good thing, I mean we found the base," I said.

"True, but escaping will be hard the Raikage is outside" Orochimaru logically said.

"There's a near-war situation in the world and the Raikage is out fucking around in a Different village, How fast do you think he would return to his village if he Finds Konoha Ninja near his Country?" I asked Orochimaru who sighed and nodded agreeing at what I said.

"The Raikage should fuck off in a day or two, Perfect for us since we'll need to be here for that amount of time as well, For now, we hide," Orochimaru said calmly.


[Words 1037]


[AN- Extra Chap at 200 Powerstones]