25]Black Tentacle Monster [END]

[AN- Going to be a long Chapter, Wrapping the whole arc now]


Satoru POV.

After 'Sneaking' inside of the Base of the Unknown cult or well...… the 'Moon Lord Cult' which I have heard originates from the Game Terraria which was called a Rival of Minecraft because Both of them are the same game except Terraria Is 2D and can make you shit your pants while Minecraft can only be called cute in Comparison.


That was from my previous world.

In this world Moon lord is a Resident of My Summoning realm called the Prison Realm it managed to escape out of the Prison realm and Then died somewhere and is planning on reviving through his Mother, Shub-Niggurath.

Something which I learned from Yukina which I remembered now, After seeing the Real Shub-Niggurath in person,

To feed Shub-Niggurath many people are hung on Ropes on the Ceiling and after a Certain interval comes out Shub-Niggurath, A Black colored Monster with Hundreds of Eyes and Thousands of mouths, It doesn't have a Concrete face but has Faced all over its….. her body.


Moon lord, Just as I expected is Cthulhu.

A long time back when the Old Man became the King of the Sagelands there used to be Two more kings in total they were.

Ninigi, Lord of Earth (the Old man).

Fujin, Lord of Sky.

Watatsumi, Lord of Sea.

(The Lord of [Name] part is just the place where they govern their Territory, not their powers)

And Fujin the lord of Sky...…. Was kinda murdered by Cthulhu better known as Moon lord, after this he became the Lord of Sky because no one gave a fuck about it.

After killing Fujin, Cthulhu made a new moon and started living on it with his servants and was given the title Moon lord.

After a long time, Moon lord tried escaping the Prison Realm because he got bored but was unable to do so and then was killed by a Purple Haired Loli...… wonder who that was.


But after hearing all of this.

I had one thing in mind.








[AN- Yeah I'm sorry about that...…..read my whole rant on the last page]


Anyway, I am currently done with killing almost all the Cult people who were surprisingly not many and the Huge number were just Hypnotized people, after wiping their memories which took no time because I just used My Byakugan seal and put all of them in a Genjutsu that gives them amnesia and Now all that is remaining is telling the Hokage that there is A god-like being here.






Or I could Call the Old Dragon (Old Man's new name) and make him clean all of this up and give Orochimaru amnesia and make him forget some part.

Damn it a Genius.


"Hey Orochimaru Senpai"

Oh yeah, he was also Gin-Chan-Sensei's disciple-making him my Senpai.... So yeah.

"Look in my eyes"

"This isn't the type for Making Jokes Satoru-" Orochimaru said with a Sigh but was cut short because a Huge Macropenis smashed him Into a wall.

"Oh no!"

Never mind it was a Tentacle.

Wait what was that anyway.


3RD POV. (Meaning shit is about to go down)




Satoru just like Orochimaru was flung away into a wall.

"Ok the Situation got infinitely worse" Satoru muttered holding the right side of his face.

"I just lost an eye...…fuck" Satoru muttered and glared at Shub-Niggurath that had come out of its nest.

'From now on no playing around during missions despite everything looking safe, also Six-Eyes has been getting too much disrespect Nowadays, The thing can't even be used for sensing because everything is too fast' Satoru thought in his mind barely dodging the Tentacles aiming at him.

"But well, Losing a Six-Eye forever and almost dying.... Calls for a Power-up doesn't it? My precious little Stone of Gelel?" Satoru asked, Staring at the Beautiful Green Colored Stone in his hands.


Jumping into the air and starting to fly using Gravity manipulation, Satoru stared at the Black Colored creature that was preparing to pounce at him. Raising an arm Satoru whispered, "Torri Gates"




Ten simultaneous Thud's Rang out as Ten Torri Gates fell on a different part of Shub-Niggurath, "Now then" Satoru muttered, Raising one of his Hands that had the Stone of Gelel and raising it above his lost eye and shoving it inside.


Satoru muttered.

Not long after realizing he was just imagining the pain because he turned off his pain sensors.

Satoru closed his eyes for a few seconds and then opened them both Revealing A beautiful Blue Left eye and A Greenish Blue Right eye which was slowly turning into a Blue eye much like the one on the left.

"I don't understand the Biology behind this, nor do I want to" Satoru muttered.

He stared at his left hand and ripped it off leaving behind only an arm and in just a few seconds a new Hand grew to replace the old one.

"The Healing Abilities are off the Charts... onto the Strength boost"


Satoru clenched his fist and dropped down releasing the Gravity that was keeping him Afloat, Quickly Satoru descended on Shub-Niggurath, Hand first.


Satoru smashed Shub-Niggurath on its head? And sent it digging inside of the ground.

"Okay…. My strength is off the charts as well, what the fuck is this Stone of Gelel.... This much power wasn't given to any Canonical characters.... Wait, am I just that strong that It boosted by strength by so much?"


"My Six-Eyes increased to 30% as well," Satoru said through his chuckles.


Satoru moved his eye and glanced at Shub-Niggurath and began cackling, "This is going to be sooooooooooooo fun"





Satoru punched Shub-Niggurath at a fast pace faster than before clearly showing off his increased strength.




Shub-Niggurath tried resisting the Overpowering hits of Satoru but couldn't manage to land even one hit on him due to Its own large body being crushed from many sides all at once keeping it in misery.











Satoru soon grew tired of punching Shub-Niggurath so he...….. pulled out a gun and began shooting at it not forgetting to add the Decay of Weak Interaction force and the Disintegration of Strong Interaction force.














In a desperate burst of power the Black Tentacle monster used all of its power and shot one single tentacle, the tentacle was Incredibly fast and thin as a String and....



Satoru was split in half from his waist and fell on the ground.

"Pfft-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA" Satoru burst out in laughter and stared at Shub-Niggurath who did not realize that Satoru had joined his legs with his torso.


Satoru clapped his hands immediately showing the activation of a Jutsu, Satoru stopped acting like a kid and became serious in a Split second because he saw Shub-Niggurath become white... any anime fan could guess that Shub-Niggurath wasn't dying.


It was sacrificing his life for a last final attack,

But Sadly she was fighting against Satoru.

Satoru used Weak Interaction force to envelope his body, Not to heal….. no.

It was to use it for its actual purpose.







The Decay caused no sound, Satoru simply went through the Shub-Niggurath killing her completely,








[AN- Yeah I'm sorry about that.... Read the whole rant here, I was going to be making something different and then somehow ended up with this and got depressed,

So I said "Fuck this no one pays me to write this shit" and went with this..... and now I officially ruined the Ending I had in mind and have to make another one and add more shit in the middle...…..fuck


I also have like...2 more fanfics to complete and have 1….2…..3 fanfic ideas in which I completely theorized what the ending is and MY HAND IS ITCHING TO WRITE THEM ALL... and ALL of them are so fucking long, all three are One piece Novels for fuck's sake.

Also, that fucker that is making a Karma Fanfic ...….. fuck off]





Like Dust, Shub-Niggurath crumbled into Nothingness and left only an Egg like Object behind.

"What the hell is that?" Satoru asked himself.

Satoru moved his head grabbed the cloth around his heart and showed a pain full expression, "I used too much power fighting Shub-Niggurath and didn't realize that my power output exceeded my maximum"


Satoru fell on the ground still Panting, "Fuck I need to take care of the Egg and not lie on the ground like an old man"

Satoru used Hamon to boost the Healing Powers of the Stone of Gelel which has fused with them and gave him a Huge power up.

After a few minutes Satoru got up still with a Painful expression, He looked around and found nothing.... "Where the hell is the egg?" Satoru muttered.



A loud swish rang through the Huge Base which looked as it would fall apart in a few seconds, And a 3-meter tall being appeared behind Satoru.

Satoru's eyes immediately widened in Panic as he Used his Byakugan vision to see what the being was, It was naked and a Little greenish, It had a Body that looked like a Human with eyes on both of its palms, What was more terrifying than his head which Looked like a whole Squid, what's worse is that It was Making a T-pose.


Satoru dropped down to the floor and immediately started making Hand signs like a madman, "Summoning Jutsu" Satoru muttered.

The being, Moon lord twisted its torso and tried to slap Satoru Who said this but was stopped by a hand….. hand of the old Dragon, Ninigi.

"I'm leaving Old man" Satoru muttered picking Orochimaru up, who was dangerously close to him.

"Deal with it or something" He muttered with half-opened eye, "And it'd help if you make this whole place Vanish...… anyway I'm out"

"Leave it to me Satoru kun" Old Dragon...…. No, currently he wasn't an Old Man, He was Ninigi, the Strongest god in the Prison realm.


"If I Remember Correctly, What Yuki said before was that the Lords are unlikable as long as they stay in their dimensions, Meaning Moon lord won't ever die If he fought in the air and Ninigi won't ever die if he fought on Earth..... who the Fuck is Watatsumi again?" Satoru muttered.


"I'll leave the rest to him now I guess" Satoru muttered turning his head looking at where he left Ninigi and seeing a huge Sun-like Figure appear destroying the whole base and making a landslide clearing the whole place.

"He does his job properly I guess".


[WORDS 1899]


[AN- Extra Chap at 200 Powerstones]