Chapter 30 Rushing My Biscuits For You

Amara's POV

With each contraction came a pain that dominated my entire being. In those moments, for those seconds that stretched into infinity, there was nothing else. I could hear screaming from other rooms, yet I made no sound at all. When the pain passed it was only for a minute or so and I breathed with closed eyes, unwilling to re-engage with life outside of her own body.

The room might as well have been empty for all the awareness I had, and when they did talk, touch, gain her attention I found it so hard. Matteo was there, every step of the way. His hands wrapped around my own.

To reply I had to find myself from the deepest recess of my own mind and drag myself forward, to use my voice, open my eyes. The midwife was telling me that it was time, time to push. With a guttural grunt I did so and was told to stop, one was enough. I felt the baby crowning, the hot stretching of flesh and held her breath. Without any further effort the baby slid into the hands of the midwife.