Chapter 31 A Baby Is Born And Ready

Amara's POV

Brushing my fingers through Matteo's hair as my hand was raised, this ring was no longer for a fake purpose. Instead, it was very much real. The ring was so real. My eyes couldn't leave it, not for a second. I groaned as I kissed Matteo's head. The engagement ring helped me to feel that he was there, that his love was with him, even when we were apart.

I hear a Dante crying and I slowly shuffle knowing it was my turn, I slipped on my slippers as my bra was itching me. I walked down the hallways, slowly pushing the door open. I thought I saw a shadow for a slight second but it turns out I was tired. I walk to Dantes crib and picked him up slightly. "It's okay, mummy is here... I'm here..." Nearly a few months has passed, we were trying to see if Dante was capable to be alone for the night but I don't feel so well with him being far.